Admire Me

By creamdeli333

Published on Mar 15, 2010


Omg I have to thank all of my supporters. For encouraging me to continue this series. I'm loving the feedback I receive from you all. It keeps me writing, so please keep the comments flying my way.

Back to the story, when we left off Jade massages Braylon to sleep. I hope you guys are really ready for this chapter. If you think you are prepared please don't mind me continue to read.


Admire Me

Chapter 6: Traitors

I slept so well the other night I almost forgot I was at Jade's. I was surprised when I woke up to his warm body sleeping on top of me! I wanted to stay there under him while he warmed me. As I got up our skins sliding against one another's made it even harder for me to get up, but I managed to make it home.

The weekend blew by me. The only thing that was trapped in my head was Jade. He was what mattered all weekend. My brother's band of thugs came over all weekend whooping and hollering. They always have a good time in Jason's room.

To be honest I didn't think I would get a wink of sleep not only because the rambunctiousness, but the reoccurrence of Jade's touch. Sunday, I think Jason had invited a party load of his friends. The loudness was getting worse.

I decided to crack my room door, and peek. To see who all was going in his room. I can't explain why I had a curious itch to see. More guys were entering his room. I saw a line of saggy pants, baggy clothes, and they all looked like rappers.

I was caught of guard when I saw a familiar face. Not anybody I socialize with or anything, but I knew him from school. It was C.J.! I wonder how long has he been coming in my house? I didn't know he was friends with my brother.

C.J. is a few inches taller than me. Dark skinned, and a slender body frame. One thing I knew about the urban group at my school was they all loved to smoke.

When C.J. walked in my brothers room. Mitch came into view. Mitch is the only white urban guy I know. He has that thuggish style to him. I wouldn't have ever believed he would hang with Jason either.

Mitch has almond brown flipped hair, indigo eyes. He is always wearing hoodies, and He drives a red jaguar. Jade once told me Mitch's parents divorced. So he lives with his mom who spoils him.

After he went in I laid on my bed trying to figure out how did Jason meet those two?' it didn't sit on my mind to long before I wandered back to Jade. I fell asleep thinking about what if Jade was in my room at this moment.'...

Next day*

I was sitting in class while the teacher went over the review with us for our test. I kept tuning in and out of the lesson. I couldn't piece together how C.J. and Mitch knew my brother? I was interrupted by my phone vibrating. BZZZ. It was Keylan texting me.

(Keylan: Bored in class...what about you?) at least somebody is thinking about me.

I texted, (Braylon: just as bored as you.) as Keylan and I began to text. Ryan interfered with things and started texting me too.

(Ryan: Did you enjoy the game Friday?) I did enjoy the game. He was there to see me. He knows I had fun. I believe he wanted to know what happened between Jade and I. something he didn't get to see.

I texted him back a simple `yes' I truly didn't want to go into to detail. I'm placing Ryan under the microscope, because he seems a bit jealous at the moment.

Right then Jade texted me. I couldn't help, but smile at his name being displayed. I was stunned to see, *(Jade: when is the next time you are coming over?)

I glanced around me to make sure nobody was trying to read my messages. Luckily they weren't. I texted him back. (Braylon: I don't know.) he continued to ask a series of questions like did the massage work?' andwhen can we do that again?'

He also apologized for going to sleep on top of me. I guess he thinks he did something to offend me, but it was actually pretty hott!

I was so busy texting all three of them at the same time. I didn't hear what all the teacher was saying about the review. As I texted, I thought: which one is it going to be?


When lunch time came around I couldn't wait to sit down. I wanted to look these guys in the eyes when I spoke to them. I was prepared to read eye movement, posture, body language, and the tone of voice they used while they talked to me.

I arrived later than usual. I sat down and the whole clique was already there. I heard Korbyn talking to Keylan about something, but Keylan was looking ecstatic, and he wasn't listening to what ever It was that Korbyn was saying.

"What's going on?" I asked Jade, opening my powerade.

Jade rolled his eyes at them and sighed, "Keylan is back with Kimmie again." what, again? I thought he learned his lesson at the party. Why is he so happy about falling for the same trap twice? I don't like this at all.

I feel like I stood up for him at the party for no reason. This is betrayal! How dare him. I'm not having this. I'm about to say something!

"Key..." splash! " oh my gosh!" when I turned to face Keylan. I knocked my uncapped powerade over. It spilled on my clothes, the table, and under my seat. I was drenched in powerade!

Heat from embarrassment rushed to me. I felt hot because the entire cafeteria had stopped talking to see me soaked. In the midst of this, a lunch lady came up to me.

She inspected the mess then she said, " you have to clean this up!" handing me a mop. What the- what is happening? This is janitor work! She added more humiliation to me as I mopped up the powerade. I noticed that no one from my clique tried to help me. They just let me struggle through this horrible moment.

Korbyn was bright red in the face from laughing. He was eating this up. He was having his best laugh of the year, but I was shocked that they didn't help me. They didn't even offer me a napkin! Another knife In my back.

I continued cleaning while all the students watched me. I don't remember why I was so happy to sit here today. I'm building up these negative thoughts as I clean. Anger, humiliation, betrayal all played apart in my thinking process.

I mopped the remainder of the spill up. When I sat down lunch was almost over, I forgot I came a little late.

This was the worst day ever. I lost my appetite during my solo cleaning session. I made up my mind not to sit at this table ever again. The only thing I see here is scummy backstabbers! I gave them all a malicious glare. These are the traitors who let me suffer alone. Some friends they are!

Ryan noticed I wasn't talking or eating. He got concerned and had the nerve to say," Are you okay?" hearing the voice of that traitor piled another load on my anger.

Anger was ready to speak for me. " Leave me alone! don't talk to me, don't look at me!" I snapped. He should have asked me that when I was in the humiliating situation cleaning up. I still haven't forgot about Keylan and that slut he went back to.

When they all heard my comment to Ryan. They all knew I meant business. They froze in motion looking at me. I now had the floor. With this anger keeping me sane I wanted to say much more!

"What's wrong with you? You're-" Keylan tried to say before I cut in.

"umm, maybe it's because some of the things I do for you isn't appreciated, Keylan!" his face twisted into a confused look. Like `what are you saying?' he knew what I was talking about.

"You probably need to cool off." Ryan added trying to mediate.

"Cool off, Cool off! Are you freaking serious! How am I suppose to cool off when my `friends' didn't help me when I needed them?" I shouted, standing up out of my seat. I don't care anymore. Everybody already saw me spill powerade all over myself.

My so called friends stared blankly at me. As I unleashed the fire that anger had fueled me with.

"If any of you were real friends," I said pointing at them. "you would have helped me. Like I have always helped you!" by this time the students had stop to watch yet another show by me.

I let them know how I feel. Every time they tried to say something in defense. I cut them off. "And another thing... since everybody turned their backs on me, I'm doing the same to you guys!" I was on fire I could feel the steam slowly leaving the more I talked. " Don't ask me for anything. I'm not sitting here anymore either! I hope you can hold up without me!"

Just when I was grabbing my tray to dump it and storm off. Korbyn had to say something to me. He wanted to set another missile off. He wanted round two. Fine by me.

"Good," Korbyn said with a smile. " we don't care if you move to another planet." silent stares of the students antagonized me. I won' t be embarrassed twice in one day. I'm alpha no matter what!

I glared at Korbyn with viciousness, and prepared for a verbal war.

"Korbyn...shut up! Get a life. You have been mad at the world ever since your mom was locked away in rehab!" I retorted. The cafeteria oooed' and ahhh' at my comeback.

"I see why nobody likes you. You are such a Queer!" Korbyn spat out. More sounds from the audience rumbled in the background.

" oh my, is that a sensitive topic for you?" I added with sarcasm. before hitting him with a verbal blow. " it isn't your fault you were brought into this world as a crack baby."

" Braylon, sorry to tell you, but this whole `clique' is better with you out anyway. Understand this, we don't want you around. I have prayed for something like this to happen, and look my prayers were answered." he sniggled.

" what you say never matters. Who ever listens to someone as sad as you should be in rehab." I attacked, waiting for something else to come out of his mouth. Evidently he was out of gas. I stormed away from the table. I left them with that.

While I dumped my tray I heard Korbyn saying, " I hate him.." I didn't go back over there. Because once I left the table behind, I left them behind. The expressions on Jade, Ryan, and Keylan's faces were priceless.

This day had to come. It had to happen, I had to lash out. I wouldn't have been able to sleep with a load that heavy. On top of that, Korbyn said It for them all when he mentioned, `everything is better without me.'

My final decision is to never associate with them again.

All day at school my emotions were changing and being unstable. I kept feeling this nagging in my chest. When it came to me. I don't have any friends anymore. I have a cell phone for no reason. I have nobody to talk to. nobody to visit, nobody to talk about, nobody to fantasize about.

These things nagged at me through the rest of my classes. Some of the students who knew what happen in the cafeteria gave me an odd look when I passed by in the hallway. I walked through the halls trying to let my new reality sink in.

It bothered me that everything I shared with them meant nothing. All the signs of flirting, gone. Keylan's massage, Ryan's coat, Jade's massage, gone out the window. I walked alone, while my ex- friends had each other.

My life continued to move forward around me. My internal being felt like it wasn't with me any longer. I was just a body! I was amazed that it only took a few seconds to mutilate years of friendship. One spill just to know who your friends really are.

"Briiiiiiing!" the last bell of the day rang. I had a twinge of relief when I heard it. Maybe I can deal with this incident better at home. Considering it's only Monday this is going to be a long week.

I went where all the car riders get picked up. When a reality check hit me. I Don't have a way home! I forgot to tell my mom that Ryan wasn't bringing me home. She probably is off doing something else by now.

What am I going to do?...what am I going to do? I can't walk home, that's out of the question. My house is to far from here. The bus doesn't go near my house, and I don't know any of these students. So I can't just walk up and ask them for a ride.

Within minutes, my life had evolved from bad to worse. I was living a nightmare. In my darkest moment I had watched the students around me talk, and enjoy their day. as they got in their cars to go home.

My brain had tons of things weighting down on it. And I found it I couldn't focus clearly, to come up with a plan. I wasted more time standing there pondering on my stressed out mind.

I felt a finger tap my shoulder lightly. As I turned around I was met with a pair of unique indigo eyes.

"Are you Braylon?" I was caught in the moment of surprise. The deep voice of a smoker had asked.

"yes that would be me." if I'm not mistaking this had to be-

"well your brother, told me to bring you home." he calmly stated. His voice was deep enough to send vibrations through my chest.

Who would have guessed, Mitch would be bringing me home. Despite what I had been through I wanted to play stupid.

"who are you?' I asked trying to hold back my little light of happiness that came from not being stranded at school.

"I'm Mitch." he greeted me holding out his hand.

I shook his hand and asked " why did Jason tell you to pick me up?" anticipating his response.

" he heard you got into it with them dudes you hang with." what I want to know is: how did my brother find out? My brother knows what happened? He graduated...wait a minute, this could only mean. Jason has his friends watching me at school. Now that he isn't there to do it himself.

"just wondering." I added glancing at his red jaguar. He followed my eyes to his car.

Slightly pulling up his shorts, just to let them fall back to sag again. " You ready?" he asked.

"Yes." with that being said. He lead me to the illustrious Jaguar.


Oooo Braylon had a nasty reality check. I'm empathizing for him. It was an unexpected twist, but I told you guys to prepare yourselves. I love the feedback, and I hope you guys give me tons more. email me. Thank all of you again for reading.



Next: Chapter 7

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