Adrian and Harry

By Joey Romero

Published on May 29, 2007


Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Chapter 2> A night of endless dreams

Harry walked to his bedroom widow to see who was calling his name at this time of the night it was about 10:30 when Harry go home he just made it in the nick of time before his Aunt and Uncle came in the house . Harry when he go to the widow to see who was out side there was no one there but he still can hear some one calling his name "Harry Potter " the voice said once more . Harry goes an grabs his wand a little on edge now Harry looks around his room still hearing the voice even closer now he walked to his closet and could hear the voice calling his name. He slowly started to open it to see who was inside Dobby the house elf comes rolling out of the closet as soon as he opened it . "Dobby "! what where you doing in there? Harry looking shocked . Dobby got up from the floor of Harry's room and sat on his bed " Dobby here sir to give you this , it a letters from your friends ". Dobby have you've been talking my letters again ? Harry asked a little mad . The poor house elf just looked at Harry with a sad face " no sir Dobby has not been talking your letters again but some one else has ". Dobby was only sent to find and worn Harry Potter to leave this place that he is in great danger and would be safer back with his friends. Harry just looked at Dobby and asked him if he knows who's been talking his letters and hiding them from him ."No sir Dobby does not know ", but may Dobby leave back to Hogwarts sir . Harry just looked at Dobby and with a nod Dobby left , Harry now was alone with a hole lot of letters from his friends . Harry walked over to his bed and started to read every one of the letters before he started to get tired until finally he crash out before reading his last letter from them .


There was Harry in the same old dream he's been having of his mate Adrian for the last past week . There was Adrian by his closet door getting undress like he did before but there was some thing different this time because the fact that Harry had always woken up when it came down Adrian removing his underwear . Some thing had change in the dream it got all dark and there was Harry standing alone hearing cries for help. Harry started to run in this darkness " help me Harry ", please help me the voice was crying out to him once more . Harry knew who the voice was , it was Adrian's cries so Harry started run even faster when he got there he was in shock . There was Adrian naked on the floor with marks all over his body " Adrian said Harry as he got closer to his mate but some thing stopped him three ghost like things had got in his way surrounding Adrian. "foolish boy there's no one coming for you ,your all alone know one wants you so why don't you let us end it all for you . "Your body is ours now boy and nothing can change that " all three ghost where now shocking Adrian's body and there was nothing Harry could do for him . He tried calling out to him but nothing , but there was Adrian holding out his hand for Harry but he couldn't reach him. Adrian's hand slowly started to fall as his body became lifeless the last words from his mouth where " sorry Harry " with one single tear drop falling from his face as he laid there dead.

"Adrian"! Harry awoke screaming the next morning in a sweat he got up as fast as he could leaving the last letter from Ron and Hermonie on his night stand . He got dress and ran down the stairs and out the front door not paying any attention to his Aunt and Uncle who where in the kitchen call out his name . He ran as fast as he could to Adrian's house all Harry could think about was Adrian he didn't know how to take the dream of for real or not because in the past some dreams always meant some thing bad was going to happen. For Harry this one dream he did not want to come true at all . As soon as he reached Adrian's front door he started to bang on it yelling out Adrian name "Adrian "! Harry yelled once more but no answer this made Harry even more worried. He was about to give up when the front door unlock and opened there was Adrian in his bath robe wiping his eyes ."Harry" Adrian looking at him "what's wrong your pounding on my door like a mad man ". Harry just bust into tears in Adrian's arms "why are you crying "? I was worried some thing bad happen to you said Harry now looking into Adrian's eyes . Nothing wrong Harry I'm fine you don't have to worry so much ok. As the broke from there hug Harry notice some thing on his shoulder that wasn't there before it was like some type of wound . "what's that wound Adrian", oh this its nothing Harry I fell last night when I was coming down the stairs . Harry knew Adrian was lying to him just by the way his eyes where looking at him. "Well Harry you know that I'm fine now I've got to go and take a shower so I'll see you later ".Adrian kiss Harry and shut the door behind him thinking to him self that's a close one if Harry saw all the marks on my body he'd flip out and I can't bring him in to my fathers mess if I did I could never live with my self . Best that he be left in the dark not knowing my family 's deep dark secret . Harry started to walk back to his home just thinking of that mark he saw on Adrian's shoulder he knew that was the same type of mark that he saw in his dream . But why would Adrian lie to him what was he not telling him that's all Harry could think about on his way home . Harry reached the front door when he heard his Aunt and Uncle calling for him his cousin Dudley was waiting in the hall way ." Your really going to get it now " he said with a evil type of smirk on his face , Harry just walked to the living room where his Aunt and Uncle where waiting for him as he walked in there was his fat Uncle sitting in his chair " come here boy"! he shouted . Harry walked up to Uncle "yes" he said "why did you run out the door like that boy "? . Harry now looking at his Uncle angrily now "well that's really none of your concern now is it "!said Harry "well since you've been doing things on your own now I guess you've get to stay home well we go out tonight and don't think about leaving any were I've got eyes every where and they will tell me if you didn't do what I say. " Oh one more thing you got double of choirs duties to day and you've better get it done tonight or else ."Now go to your room and don't want to see your face until where gone got it now go" . Harry walked up to his room wishing that he could you use magic on his Uncle turning him into some thing . But knowing that he can't do magic out side of school made him even more mad . Harry got to his bedroom throwing him self onto his bed remembering that he had one more letter from his friends to read he went to his night stand pulled out the letter and opened it .

Dear Harry

We've been kind of worried about you there's been a lot of bad things going down here with the order and all. My Mum and Dad seem to think that you are in great danger we'd been sending you letters hoping this one would reach you . The order thinks that there is a new power rising to take over our world as well as the muggle world .So every is worried about this so the order is going to pick you up in about two weeks from now . It would be save for you to be here with us . I just only hope that this letter reaches you in time before some thing or some one gets you so please Harry be on your guard and don't trust anyone for the time being ok well I've got to go hope to see you really soon .

Your best mate


Harry looked stun at what he just read there's a new power coming to take both worlds how was he going to handle this one . Harry looked at the letter date thinking to him self they said that they are coming to get me in about two weeks . So the letter was send about a week ago so that only leaves me with one more week what am I going to tell Adrian that I have to go away for a while. Harry spent all day thinking on what he was going to tell Adrian until he heard his Uncle call for him to tell him that they where leaving . Harry poked his head out of his bedroom door "ok what ever " yelled to his Uncle and they were off . Harry still in his room on his bed thinking on what he was going to tell his mate Adrian . How was he going to go about this with out telling him every thing about magic that's all Harry could think about until he feel fast asleep .


There he was once more there was Adrian by his closet door getting undress like he did before. There he was once again standing alone hearing cries for help. Harry started to run in this darkness " help me Harry ", please help me the voice was crying out to him once more . Harry knew who the voice was , it was Adrian's cries so Harry started run even faster when he got there he was in shock . There was Adrian naked on the floor with marks all over his body " Adrian said Harry as he got closer to his mate but some thing stopped him three ghost like things had got in his way surrounding Adrian. "foolish boy there's no one coming for you ,your all alone know one wants you so why don't you let us end it all for you . "Your body is ours now boy and nothing can change that " all three ghost where now shocking Adrian's body and there was nothing Harry could do for him . He tried calling out to him but nothing , but there was Adrian holding out his hand for Harry but he couldn't reach him. Adrian's hand slowly started to fall as his body became lifeless the last words from his mouth where " sorry Harry " with one single tear drop falling from his face as he laid there dead.

Harry awoke again in a sweat now he's getting really worried about his mate Adrian . He's been having the same dream of him for about three days now and there still has not been any word from Adrian either . Every time Harry stops by Adrian's house his Dad always answers the door telling Harry that Adrian off with some friend and he won't be back until really late. Harry got a every bad feeling from Adrian's Dad but there was really nothing he could do about it but Harry had a plan to see if Adrian's Dad was telling the truth or not . The day before he leave Harry made a pack to see if Adrian was all right he had to be sure . Later that night Harry got his things ready to be off but before that he had some thing to do this night he waited until the Dursley fell asleep . Harry opened his bed room widow and jump out of it he made his way to Adrian's house . As soon as Harry got there it looked like there was no one home but Harry saw some light coming out of one of the rooms in the back it looked like candle light . Harry made his way to the back yard when he heard cries for help Harry ran as fast as he could to the back of widow but what he saw would change every thing . Like in his dream there was Adrian naked on the floor with marks all over his body " Adrian" said Harry as he was starring at his mate through the window he could see three ghost like things surrounding Adrian just like in his dream ."foolish boy there's no one coming for you ,your all alone know one wants you so why don't you let us end it all for you . "Your body is ours now boy and nothing can change that " all three ghost where now shocking Adrian's body and there was nothing Harry could do for him . He tried calling out to him but nothing , Adrian could see Harry at the widow there he was holding out his hand for Harry but he couldn't reach him. Adrian's hand slowly started to fall as his body became lifeless Harry couldn't take it anymore he grab a rock and through at the window shattering it into pieces the ghost heard the sound and disappeared . Harry jump through the window and ran to Adrian's side .Harry held Adrian in his arms bursting into tears Adrian just looked up into Harry's eyes and said the last words from his mouth where " sorry Harry " with one single tear drop falling from his face as he laid there dead "Adrian " ! Harry screamed .

There was Harry with Adrian's lifeless body in his arms crying " I didn't get to tell you how I feel about you Adrian and I know you can't hear me but I love you Adrian don't leave me please " you hear me I love you "! . All of a sudden there was this bright light shinning in front of Harry and Adrian . It was Adrian's Mother who had appeared in front of him. " Harry Potter " she said my son is not really dead you can bring him back it not his time to leave this world. "How can I do that "? Harry asked the bracelet that my son gave you will work if you truly love my son with all your heart kiss him and he will come back to you. Harry just looked at Adrian's lifeless body and slowly press his lip against Adrian's Harry had tears running down his face praying that this would bring his lover back to him. Adrian's body started to glow from the kiss Harry was giving him his eyes slowly opened as his arms raped around Harry shoulders . They broke there kiss "Harry " Adrian said how did come back he turned his head and was shock of what he saw . "Mum is that really you "? , "yes my son its me I'm so proud of you that you found love and I know there many question you have but this is not the time . Son I want you to get your things and go with Harry before they come back for you . I've got to go but know this my son I will always love you and I will always be with you in your heart so don't cry for me anymore , farewell my son before Adrian could tell her that he loved her she was gone . Harry helped Adrian to his feet " come on lets got get your stuff before they come back ". Harry and Adrian made there way to Adrian's bed room , he started to help him to get his things together while Adrian was getting some cloths on . He could see the wounds on all over Adrian's body but said nothing . Adrian turned to Harry with a blank stare " are you ok Adrian "? Harry asked a little worried "yeah I'm fine thanks to you Harry " . Adrian went to Harry and kissed him "thank you ", " well it looks like we have every thing " your coming to stay with me until tomorrow then we will be off some where great ok Adrian. They both grab his stuff and went down the stairs and out the front door , on the way Harry was hoping that his Aunt and Uncle where asleep still so he could sneak Adrian in his room until tomorrow where he and him will be going to the Weasly's home. As soon as they got there Adrian stop all of sudden " what's wrong Harry asked " , what about your Aunt and Uncle I'm pretty sure the wont want me staying with them . Harry just looked at Adrian " don't worry were leaving tomorrow night anyways ok. Adrian just looked at Harry a little puzzled but didn't ask where they where going . Harry quietly opened the front door to so they could get in the house , Harry was the first one in to make sure know one was up when it was all cleared he let Adrian in and they both went up the stairs to Harry 's room . He opened his room door and they both went in . Harry shut the door behind them " we made it " Adrian went to go sit on Harry's bed and started to cry . Harry put Adrian's things down and went to his side, he put is arms around Adrian " I'm sorry Harry " that's all he could say "don't worry about it ok" Adrian just looked in Harry's and said thank you . Harry saw that Adrian's wounds where bleeding through his shirt "Adrian take off your shirt I've got to treat your wounds " Adrian did what Harry told him and laid on his stomach . Harry left the room for a min than came back with some bandages and some warm water , he went to Adrian who was laying on his bed now . He dip the towel into the warm water and started to clean Adrian's wounds . After that was done Harry started to bandage Adrian's wounds " Harry " Adrian said softly , "yes Adrian " Harry said . Adrian sat up and put hand on Harry's face and went in for a sweet kiss . They slowly started to lay on Harry's bed still kiss each other now Adrian's hand started to roam up Harry's shirt flee every inch of Harry's chest . Harry moaned softly to his touch , Adrian took off Harry's shirt now kiss his chest like one of Harry's nipples and twisting the other with his hand . Harry loved when Adrian did this it drove him mad every time . Adrian slowly started to move down Harry stomach kissing ever so sweet . He made his way down to Harry's pant and took them off there was Harry's boyhood right in front of Adrian's face , Adrian started to lick the tip of Harry' cock head slowly taking every inch in his mouth until it his the back of his throat . Harry took one hand and brush it through Adrian's hair making him move up and down his cock Harry was now in haven he loved when Adrian did this . After about five minutes Adrian made his way back up to Harry's lip locking them on to his . Now Harry slowly started to move Adrian on to his back made sure that Adrian was not hurting him self . Harry did the same thing that Adrian did to him , lick on one nipple while he twisted the other Harry slowly made his way down to Adrian's shorts and slowly pulled them down . Adrian's cock flew out , Harry took hold of Adrian's cock and slowly started to pump it up and down making Adrian moan a little . Harry stuck out his tongue and lick the top of Adrian's cock , first at the tip then slowly down the shaft . Harry made his way back up to the tip and took Adrian's cock inside his mouth , Harry took every inch of Adrian's cock in his mouth moving every slow he could tell that Adrian loved every minute he would slow move his hips up and down so his cock would move in and out . Harry took Adrian's cock out of his mouth and made his way back up to his lips , now both boys where on there sides kissing and there hands roaming each others body . Both there cocks where now press against each rubbing up and down like they were dancing both boys where shaking when there cocks were rubbing against each other . " Harry , I want you inside me " Adrian whispered in his ear Harry looked at Adrian " are you sure "? Harry asked " more than anything in my life " Make love to me Harry Potter said Adrian. Harry took the lotion from his night stand and opened it , he put some on the tip of his finger and made his way down to Adrian's tight hole . He rub some on the out side of his hole then took some more and slowly pushed on finger in now Adrian was in a little pain at first but nothing he could handle . Harry pushed in and out of Adrian's hole making its lose then he took another finger and pushed inside of Adrian . He did this for about five minutes until Adrian gave him a look to let him know that he was ready . He put Adrian's legs over his shoulders and put the tip of his cock at entrance of Adrian's hole , he'd push in slowly . Adrian's was in a lot of pain Harry could tell and wanted to stop but Adrian told him to keep on going so he did until every inch of Harry's cock was inside of Adrian. They waited for about ten minutes until Adrian's pain went away . Harry went in for a kiss from Adrian then slowly started to move in and out of him both boys where in haven . Harry continued to push in and out of Adrian now Harry started to move faster. Harry was close and so was Adrian " Harry I'm going to cum " me to Adrian " lets cum at the same time" Awwwwwww ohhhhh Harry I'm cuming I'm cuming awwwww both boys shot there loads . Harry laid his head on Adrian's chest he really didn't want this night to end . He let him self out of Adrian and gave him a long kiss , both boys where now in each others arms looking up at the sealing until Harry notice that Adrian had fell fast a sleep . Harry moved slowly out of Adrian's arms so he would not wake him . Harry went to his desk and pulled out a parchment and wrote Ron a letter .

Dear Ron

I can wait to see you and Hermonie when I get there but some thing change in my plans . You see I'm going to have to bring a friend because his life is in danger if he stays here . I really can't get into any detail right now but I will tell every one when I get there. So please tell your Mum and Dad this so they don't have to worry ok and when you get this please write me back as soon as possible ok

Sincerely your best mate

Harry J Potter

Harry folded the parchment and put it in a envelope and took Hedwig out of her cage and sent off out the window with the letter . Harry got back into bed and fell fast a sleep , the next morning Harry awoke and didn't see Adrian in bed he turned . There was Adrian looking out the widow while sun raised Harry got out of bed went behind him kissing his shoulder . He put his arms around his waist " hey you what wrong " Adrian just turned and said I've got to tell you some thing that I've haven't told anyone for five years and I don't think your going to like it at all. >>>>>>> _______________________________________________________________________________

I hope you like this chapter sorry it took me so long to write it. So if you if you have any ideas that would help me out just write me

Coming Soon Chapter 3 >>> A Family's Deep Dark Past

Next: Chapter 4

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