Advanced Therapy

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Mar 27, 2023


Advanced Therapy Part 2 by Chaim

This is fiction. This story contains a relationship between and his young patients.

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  1. The Therapy

And now six months later it happened to me. Just like I hoped. Just like I feared, I didn't know it anymore.

We talked about my progress and the doctor's eyes pierced mine and he smiled,

"You have made some progress, I'll grant you," the doctor said, "but you haven't given up on your urges. Each patient is different, of course, but by this point, I would suggest we take a very alternative route."

I nodded. What else could I do? No matter how hard I tried, I still found myself craving that almost forbidden pleasure, and at the most opportune times, in the least appropriate places imaginable.

"Our time is almost up for today," he continued, "but I would like you to stay for a while."

"Doctor," I began, blinking, "I'm not sure I can stay."

The doctor laughed. "That is true, you are not sure, but you will eventually do as I say."

The doctor shrugged and his face grew more serious. "You stay!"

I sighted and answered, "All right, but what shall we discuss after this hour?"

The doctor replied, "We are not going to talk. I have another patient coming in in a few minutes."

The doctor pointed to a door on the other side of the office.

"You want me stay in there?" I stared, uncomprehending. Doctor's smile grew and he said,

"No boy, you will take a shower and only your clothing will stay there. All of it, you will remain here in my office naked."

My heart skipped a beat. "Doctor, please listen, I can't do that."

The doctor shook his head, "Do as you are told. Now, go in there and remove all clothing," and he curtly demanded, "There isn't much time, so hurry up. My next patient must not know you are here."

I accepted my fate and I knew I had to remove my clothes, and my dick was stirring at the thought being naked in front of the doctor. Thoughts about sex, even about serving unknown cocks.

"Take your clothes off here, and go for a shower,"

the doctor said, pointing to a door. "How can I do that, if I have to be here?" I was growing more confused. "Strip naked!"

It wasn't a request, it was an order. I began to disrobe, feeling as nervous and foolish as I did. First, my sneakers came off, seconds later my socks. I pulled my shirt and sweater over my head, and undid my belt and slid my jeans and black Nike boxershorts down to my ankles, stepping out of them. I felt very strange and as it felt a little humiliating standing there naked in front of my doctor. Strange enough, it never once occurred to me to disobey him, to do anything other than exactly what he told me to do. Perhaps progress had been achieved in different ways over the past half-year. I was surprised at how easy it was for me to obey him. I realized it was the doctor's way, with his quiet, deep voice and his intense gaze. The doctor seemed to command in a gentle way. I didn't feel like I had to obey, I simply wanted to obey him.

The doctor did, after all, know me pretty well by this time. The doctor had done more rooting around in my subconscious than anyone else I had known. Something about this unashamed, lewd exposure and the cool, conditioned air upon my bare skin made the blood rush to my groin, and I felt myself start to harden. All I could do was blush and try half-heartedly to cover my dick with my hands.

I walked over to the door, the doctor ordered, "Wait." I stopped.

"Turn around." I turned, presenting him my backside. "Turn, again." I turned again as ordered, facing the doctor.

"Boy, your ass is just fucking amazing. Round, firm, smooth, fucking perfect." I flushed, awkward with the compliment. "Do you shave your body?" I was surprised, "No, I do not shave my body. I felt a bit ashamed, because my legs and ass were almost hairless.

"You are so cute when you blush, boy," I frowned just a bit. "I'm not a boy anymore." I pouted softly. "I can see that," the doctor grabbed my half-hard dick between his fingers and wiggled it. "Well, teens aren't cute. Little boy's and puppies are cute."

I protested weakly.

"Good point." He stroked me idly. "Well, then what are you?" I shrugged, and hesitated and stuttered, "I don't know, a cool teen?"

The doctor smiled wide with a twinkle in his eye.

"Cool boy, you're so fucking hot and amazing. Frankly, most men like pretty smooth blond teens, so don't worry. Look at the bright side, you are a teen and your asshole will still be as tight as a little boy's. Let's examine that first. Turn around and bend over, cool boy."

The doctor took a small-sized butt plug from a drawer, and a bottle of lube, which he applied. Slicking his little finger, he eased it into my exposed sphincter. I shivered, but took it without moving. The doctor started to stretch my sphincter. I moaned softly, it always excited me to have something up there. Finally, the doctor pulled his little finger out. He held the butt plug in front of my face. It glistened from lube, a drop of which ran down the side. "I assume you know what this is."

I stared at it for a moment. It was obvious, it looked like a little boy's penis, is it a dildo?"

The doctor shook his head and explained, "This butt plug is designed to stretch your sphincter. This one will certainly do that, but this one is very small, it's just the beginning."

The doctor began to insert the small butt plug in an in-and-out motion. I whimpered but the butt plug was soon lodged firmly inside my teen ass.

"Now get a shower, you have to be clean, I don't want you to smell," the doctor told me, "When you're done, towel off, dry your hair. Make sure the butt plug doesn't come out, but don't touch it with your hands and when you're done, come back out here for further instructions."

I stood, awkwardly, and walked into the small bathroom, closing the door behind me. Privacy, I longed for it, but it was the last thing I would have around here. About ten minutes later, I came out with a white towel wrapped around my waist. "Is so hard to carry out my orders strictly, boy? Take the towel back and hang it where you found it."

I returned to the bathroom, and emerged perhaps some seconds later naked and embarrassed, covering my crotch again with my hands.

"Hands at your side," the doctor ordered, and of course, I obeyed him.

"Don't try to cover yourself while you're here. I want you completely naked. I want you to feel completely exposed and vulnerable, you have nothing to hide, you look adorable."

I looked to the floor, blushed as the doctor checked my exposed body with knowing eyes. "Good boy. We'll have to explore your true desire, and that implies a great deal of vulnerability. Do as you're told and you'll thank me for it. You will be safe with me. I promise you that."

Suddenly a tear formed in my left eye and rolled down my cheek. It surprised me to how emotional I was getting at that very moment. The doctor's words and soothing voice were helped me to relax. I was grateful and no longer had to feel embarrassed. I felt like a little boy at the thought of the doctor's power over me. It felt good, but I knew he could make or break me. All my self-consciousness as a cool teenager vanished like snow in the sun.

Strange enough I wanted to kneel before him. When we first met, I found the therapy was not scary at all. Intense, sure yes. The doctor could look at me and send a shiver down my spine when I fucked up or he could make you feel safe with a warm smile. He was strict and demanding, but also loving and almost fatherly. He had everything I wanted to submit to, and he accepted my struggles and guided me. Deep down, I wanted to serve him and I was determined to please him. I was progressing in my therapy and the doctor was taking notice of that. I was happier in life than ever, but

temptations outside of therapy were great. Now I looked up into his eyes, "Are you ready, boy?" I heard him say, "Yes, doctor!"

I eagerly announced. My excitement caused him to smirk, but my eagerness always pleased him because it meant he could push my limits. I knew the doctor enjoyed his mental domination and my worship, and in a strange way he owned my mind and body, and he wamted own my soul.

I wanted him, his cock, to honor him with his touch; and I was ready for it. I looked up at the doctor, I had no idea what the doctor was planning for me.

"What's wrong?" the doctor asked gentle. I swallowed,

"I don't know, maybe I am afraid you will hurt me."

The doctor nodded, he showed such intelligence and kindness. I felt his words entering my mind and giving me peace as he said,

"I will be honest with you. Don't think this alternative route of your therapy will be easy. There will be some pain, no doubt about it. I will cause you pain, but, as sexually ambivalent as you are, I will also give you a great deal of pleasure, a great deal of sexual gratification."

I nodded, "Is the pain necessary? I don't like pain, doctor."

The doctor smiled, "Oh boy, I understand that, but pain is indeed sometimes necessary in this kind of therapy. Just wait and see, and isn't that part of the thrill? Isn't not knowing what's going to happen to you part of your excitement?"

I stared at the doctor for a long moment. The doctor smiled,

"Relax, pleasure and pain go hand in hand boy, you will learn this over time. Me giving you pain gives me pleasure, you taking the pain might give you

pleasure if you welcome it. I assure you, there will also be so much pleasure that I think the pain won't matter. Now close the door!"

I closed the door and walked back naked toward his desk. The doctor pushed his wheeled seat back from the wide desk and motioned for me to join him behind it. "Kneel here," he said, pointing to the floor next to him.

I hesitated, but only for a brief moment. I lowered myself to one knee just to the right of his chair. The doctor reached up and laid a warm hand upon my shoulder. He pushed me gently but firmly downward, guiding me toward the large empty space under his desk. The side of this space facing the chair in which I had been sitting was solid wood from the desk's surface to the thick carpeting.

My heart beginning to pound, I settled in under the huge piece of furniture. For a teenager, if not a large one, the space was adequate, surprisingly roomy for what should have been only legroom.

"My boy, all you need to do is feel," the doctor said. "Just relax and let me do everything."

I mumbled, "I feel weird, doctor."

The doctor patted my head and said, "Calm down and accept it, just think of it as therapy."

He rolled forward, reaching across the desk, his legs spread, extending to either side of me and affording me a view of what appeared to be an impressive bulge beneath his jeans. He was already unzipped, absurd that I had not noticed that before.

"To tell you the truth, I hope we can enjoy this both."

I had to admit, the prospect of feeling his cock seemed to dissipate the confusion I felt. I hoped to impressed him as I reach for his hard shaft and balls. They were calling me for release. I placed my hand on the doctor's crotch and felt the outline of his cock in his boxershorts which showed the size of his package very well. The doctor's hard cock was pressed tight against the white light fabric and looked huge. I felt his balls and hesitated a moment, before I reached out and ran my fingers over the pouch in his boxershorts, tracing the outline of his semi-hard dick through the cotton, feeling his cock-head, running my fingertips up and down his shaft and gently cradling and squeezing his balls. I felt a little pre- cum ooze from his cock, and a small, sticky damp spot appeared on the front of his boxershorts.

Slowly I took the upper edge of the shaft of his cock into my mouth though his underwear. Teasing his cock with my tongue, I felt the heat build after a few short seconds. I switched to his balls and I knew it was time as he reached down and hauling out his impressive man cock with a very large mushroom head at its end. I hooked my thumbs around the waistband of his white boxershorts and pulled them down at the front. The doctor sat up a little and I pulled his waistband down under his shaved balls. I stared at his erection, poking straight out at me. I almost drooled over it, it was a masterpiece of masculinity.

The doctor's cock was so fucking huge in my eyes, long and fat, with a big mushroom head.

Immediately the full reality of the situation dawned on me. I was on my knees under my doctor's desk, eagerly waiting for his permission to suck his beautiful cock. The doctor's hard cock was throbbing with pre-cum dripping out in thick strings, it looked like his manly inches were ready to spray his entire office down like a firehose. My breathing became frantic and I was on the verge to go down on him, but before I could do so the doctor spoke, "Send Mitchel in, David."

I sat there, as if I was frozen on the spot and I heard the faint sound of the office door opening and the doctor leaned further forward, resting his arms in front of him and thrusting his bare manhood closer to my face.

I had started to sweat and my cock hardened as I heard the patient flop down in his seat and talk with the doctor. They just small talked, it seemed. I couldn't make out everything being said, but the doctor's voice was unmistakable. I stared, open-mouthed, at his beautiful cock. It had grown significantly in length and thickness and it ticked upwards with each beat of the doctor's heart, his cock was still hard and dripping. I watched as the doctor's hand came down and he rubbed some of his dripping pre-cum on his finger. He put it to my lips. I opened my mouth wide and licked it eagerly, just like the little slut I was.

I was thought to myself. Oh yeah I was a slut. Did I like that? I would like to have that big cock in my tight little boy hole. I was really a little slut. I was a nasty dirty little bitch, in need to take that cock in my mouth as a little whore. After a couple of awkward moments, the conversation above me seemed to settle into a more traditional, a young patient consulting with his therapist.

I remember thinking briefly about what a serious consequences this could have, but wherever this was leading, he had me willingly.

The doctor reached down and cupped his shaved balls, lifting the leaden weight of his shaft and aiming it squarely at my face. The invitation was very clear!

I felt strange, our relationship had always been strictly professional. The doctor was an attractive man, but with a muscular body obvious through his shirts. Naturally, I had noticed, but I had never attempted, or even thought of attempting to cross the boundary between us. Such things simple weren't done between doctors and patients.

Now, the doctor was crossing the line, and he clearly had no expectation that I would refuse him. He was, unsurprisingly, quite correct.

I opened my mouth wider and leaned forward, suddenly feeling playful, even in a strange way powerful. I really didn't want to decline his offer, but I could say no, just to tease him.

My throbbing dick was definitely thinking for me, and I ran my tongue once across the broad underside of his cock-head, tasting there a clear, sweet droplet of pre-cum that had just formed. More and more of his pre-cum dripped on my tongue and I loved it.

The doctor's hand holding his cock and balls shook slightly and the organ thickened even more, but the speed of his words changed not at all. My lips closed around the exposed cock-head, enveloping it in the silken warmth of my mouth.

The doctor's legs tensed up, he lowered his pants to his knees and released his cock from his boxershorts. The doctor's hand disappeared back up above the desk's surface and his balls were now swinging low between his thighs. I enjoyed the sensation of his cock in my mouth, upon my tongue, letting the heat soak into the soft smooth skin, and the iron underneath it.

I moved forward, allowing more of his cock into my mouth. When I felt the head pushing at the entrance to my throat. I started a slow, easy back and forth motion, bobbing on my doctor's shaft. Th doctor hardened completely, still talking to his oblivious patient, still dispensing help and comfort to another troubled teen soul, as if he wasn't aware at that at the same moment he was blown by a naked boy under his desk. I heard them discuss the sexual problems by this teen, incest, childhood issues and memories, and wild dreams of forcing a smaller boy to have sex with him. Thoughts of being powerful, of a teen who was humiliated himself by his father.

Secretly I glanced up at him and noticed that the teen was just staring at the doctor. I felt his desire to be dominant. A teen who wanted to force his superior dick deep inside a warm hole. I could tell the teen's desire was strong. He just wanted to unleash his primal need to completely dominate and use a boy's pussy. I listened to their serious conversation, the doctor warned him, fearing his alpha male hormones would get this teen in a lot of trouble. The doctor suggested him,

"This is the time to find a cock sucker to use. You must approach it slow and easy and soon enough the boy will give you his boy pussy to fuck. Once you have him craving your cock in his throat, you own his ass as well."

My only thought was, would he like to use my boy pussy or my mouth for his pleasure? Maybe I was just the type of boy this alpha jock fantasized about dominating. I kept stealing glances at his legs and the scent of his teen sweat what was emanating from this teen was intoxicating to me, but it really didn't matter in all honesty, I had simply to satisfy the doctor needs and to obey his wish to cure me.

The teen spoke of being awoken each night by dreams fucking a boy that seemed so real but, in fact, were not. He reluctantly admitted that he had never fucked anyone in his life.

"So what's it like to fuck a boy in your dream?"

The doctor wanted details, all details.

"It's hard to explain because it's a dream," the teen tried, "I was naked and there was always a cute boy there. Couldn't see him, just a shape, but I knew it was a cute boy, longing for me. I told him to get on his back and get his knees to his head because I want to get at his boy pussy. He did, and I said I would fuck him, and went for it. I lubed up my inches, grabbed the boy by his hips, lined up my steel hard dick and slid it right up his tight pink boy pussy in one thrust. Soon as I was balls deep his boy's boy pussy clinched around the base of my dick, The boy held on to me tight while I felt the fleshy walls wrapped around my teen meat. He started to milk my dick as his ass muscles spasmed violently from my intrusion and the pleasure I gave him. I pulled almost all the way out and slowly long dicked my way back in his boy pussy. It only took me four more long dicked thrusts to send the boy over the edge. The boy screamed for more. Even in my dream I could hear him begging for my fuck. I let his knees slide further apart and arched his quivering ass up at my invading dick and held him in place as I slammed my dick into him with long powerful thrusts. The boy cried out with teary half closed eyes as I fucked him deep and hard. I has to fight to hold back my orgasm. I screamed, Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum in your sweet boy pussy and breed you making you my fuck boy!

I locked the boy's legs over my shoulders which caused the boy's ass to lift up even more, he gave me full deep thrusting access to his tight hot boy pussy. I was relentless on his spasming boy pussy.

The boy screamed as his eyes rolled back and his head was thrashing side to side swinging his sweat damped curly locks all over. I redoubled my efforts as sensed my orgasm looming. I growl as my dick expanded even bigger letting loose a powerful river of cum into the boy's pussy. I screamed out in ecstasy as I came all over myself in my own bed. I woke up with a still dripping great hard on," the teen trembled. "I have those dreams sometimes three times in a row."

The doctor listened, sympathized, methodically drawing forth the issues at play in his patient's mind as, underneath it all, I sucked the doctor's throbbing cock.

The doctor cleared his throat and leaned forward again, perhaps to reach for something upon his desk. As he did, his right hand returned to the space I occupied and, twining his fingers in the hair upon the back of my head, he pulled me forward. The bloated head of his cock entered my throat and I swallowed. The instant I did, the organ slide in and down, filling my throat with his swollen flesh and pushing out my cheeks. My lips came to rest against his balls, and he held me there, impaled upon his twitching meat, with my lips kissing the wide base of his cock. It seemed so strange, sitting there beneath the shining surface of his desk, my own cock dripping clear fluid onto the carpet, to listen to the conversation taking place above me, the doctor's cock down my throat and his two shaved balls wedge against my chin, with my therapist's strong fingers tangled in my hair. I wondered how long he might try to keep me like this.

Eventually, my air supply would run out and I would have to pull myself off his cock. But, before I reached the point where I would have to choose, the doctor's grip loosened. I withdrew until only the cock-head was in my mouth, and I took in a great lungful of sweet air around its girth.

Once I was satisfied I would not asphyxiate, I sucked his cock back into my throat, this time milking him slowly, running the flat of my tongue along the bottom of his cock as I began a slow, steady in and out motion. I reached up, then, to feel the doctor's bloated balls in my right hand, squeezing them in time with his inward plunges past my spit-slick lips. I wondered how would be able to maintain any sort of composure during all of this, but amazingly, his voice never seemed to waver.

In fact, after a couple of minutes of this treatment, the doctor's cock swelled to an even more impressive thickness and, holding just the head of his throbbing, bucking cock in my mouth, I felt him unload a torrent of soft, salty-sweet cum across my swirling tongue. I gulped and swallowed nearly everything, missing only a drop or two of his man cum that escaped the corners of my mouth, feeling the rivulets run down my chin as the warm cream coated my throat and belly. I felt a great sense of gratitude and joy in my stomach. When the flow of potent liquid from the doctor's cock finally slowed, I continued using my tongue and lips to milk the cum from his softening flesh.

The doctor's hand massaged the back of my head, petting it as one might a puppy that has pleased his master, or as a father might stroke his son's hair at night before kissing him good night. This continued for some time, as the doctor's legs gradually relaxed and his balls grew once more loose and warm in my fingers. Suddenly, something happened I did not expect at all.

As the two spoke above me, my mouth was suddenly filled with hot saltiness. For a second or two, I actually panicked. I had never tasted another man's piss before, though I had always wondered what such a thing might taste like from another. The flow stopped, but only long enough for me to gag once and swallow reflexively. My senses were overwhelmed with the strong taste and aroma of his piss. In seconds the doctor let loose a flood of steaming of hot piss. I clamped my lips around the ridge of the big mushroom head and began swallowing as fast as I could. At about the seventh full gulp of piss, I felt both humiliated and in ecstasy.

I felt totally powerless. That feeling of complete submissiveness certainly was one of the best I ever had. Despite the humiliation and the discomfort, I didn't want to be anywhere else and was hornier than ever. Overwhelmed by horniness and slowly spacing out, I felt my dick leaking. Without touching it my dick throbbed and I thought I was gonna shoot my load any minute, but he must have known this because he stopped and moved his hands over my smooth chest down to my balls, pulling them firm, but not too hard. With the tips of his large strong hands he massaged my balls, a sensation I had never experienced before. My balls felt heavy and full of cum and were arching for release. He cupped my balls and said something gentle to his patient, distracting him from his awkward movements under the desk. I thought to myself "What a talent". The doctor grabbed my dick tightly and he didn't stop. It was like he was working me over. My body was on fire. I shivered in delight as I had the most intense orgasm, and suddenly erupted, showering the carpet below my bare thighs with my teen cum. It was so intense I nearly collapsed, due to the insanity of the stimulation. I reached down with my hands; instinctively. The doctor grabbed them, and held them, as he made me to ride it all out. I tied to concentrate on swallowing his piss, it was all I could do not to make a noise as my orgasm overwhelmed me. It was harder than it might seem. My belly was growing full, I was afraid I might not be able to hold it all, but the doctor was nearly empty. To my relief soon the flow of urine slowed down to a dribble. I tried to gasp for air as quietly as possible, the taste of the doctor's piss heavy on my breath.

The doctor reached down, wrapping a fist around his own cock and pulling it back and up, exposing his low-hanging balls again. Another invitation. Actually, it was more like an order than an invitation and I wasn't about to turn him down. My doctor was evidently not finished with me yet.

I leaned forward, taking first one, then the other shaved plum-sized ball in my mouth, licking each with my piss-wet tongue. The doctor shuddered as I took both at once into my mouth, my lips locking them inside as I nursed on them. All the while, he stroked my head, and his therapy session with the other teen above me continued, unabated.

I lost track of time as the session went on, and I dutifully sucked my doctor's balls as it did. I had just lulled myself into an odd sort of trance when the conversation above me changed again. The doctor stirred in his chair and I peeked up carefully up, the teen was wearing jeans and a skin-tight wrestling singlet. "Damn, I need to get off again!" I thought to myself. I breathed in and smelled that strong, sweet musk coming off of him in waves, the same smell that so many guys my age seemed to give off. Something about that smell went straight to his crotch and made me even hornier. I looked down at Mitchel's crotch and my eyes went wide as I took in the bulge growing in his jeans.

The doctor reached into one of the drawers in his desk. He opened a drawer and I could see he got out a black blindfold.

"What about this," he said. "What is that?" Mitchel asked.

"It's for you, to make you humble and ready for the next step," Mitchel went silent.

"Stand up", the doctor said firmly.

The teen stood up and the outline of his erection was obvious in his jeans and the doctor ordered,

"Turn around, Mitchel,"

He faced the wall and offered his hands behind his back. I heard the loud clicks of the cuffs so they could be locked around his wrists. The doctor grabbed his right wrist, and I heard the clicks as the cuff is tightened around his wrist so it couldn't escape. The doctor grabbed his left wrist and repeated the procedure. Mitchel was cuffed, his hands were cuffed behind his back! He tried to pull his hands apart and felt the metal rings abruptly stop his movements.

"Okay, boy, turn around," the doctor said and Mitchel complied.

Mitchel's breathing became deeper and he began to tremble. "You see Mitchel, there is so much more for us to discover about your true nature."

The doctor shared with him as he took hold of his impressive teen balls and pulled down hard on them while simultaneously squeezing them tightly. Mitchel moaned as quietly as was possible, but felt it throughout his whole body, and his dick responded by dripping almost a stream of pre-cum as his body fought not to orgasm. The doctor slowly took the black blindfold and covered his frightened eyes, and plunged him into total darkness. The doctor was leaning forward and whispered into his ear.

"Mitchel, I know you so well. I know you better than you know yourself, and because I know you so well, I have arranged for you today a special treat. With the your hands behind your back and this blindfold you will be not able to move and to see a single thing. At first, it will feel strange, but you will start to understand the true meaning of it all very soon."

Slowly the doctor walked around him. "Good, boy," he said. Mitchel moaned, his dick was getting bigger ad throbbing badly as he stood there shaking. The doctor took hold of his belt and removed it, Mitchel's jeans were only being held up by his dick.

"Are you a naughty boy?" the doctor asked. "Yeah, I'm naughty," the teen moaned.

"Still a bad boy, or are you a good boy now?" the doctor asked. "Still bad, very bad, I want to fuck a boy," Mitchel panted.

The doctor slipped his hand around the front and opened Mitchel's jeans, stroking his spunk covered dick through his white jockstrap as his jeans fell to the floor. The doctor stroked the teen's ass as the teen stepped out of his jeans.

The doctor's balls popped out of my mouth and I watched, now able to hear and see more of what was being done and said. I listened as the doctor explained to me very softly,

"Mitchel is cuffed cannot see and can only focus my voice, guided meditation is part of the therapy regime."

The doctor grinned, "Come out from under there, boy, the coast is clear, he can't see you."

I froze, for me it was one thing to hide under a desk while someone sat on the other side, but it was quite another thing to stand, to be fully exposed in the doctor's office just a feet from another patient, a handsome teen, who was a total stranger to me.

"Your issue," the doctor continued, "is with danger, with the lure of braking a taboo."

The doctor motioned again for me to emerge from under the desk. "I will help you to solve that. Stand up."

I did as he ordered, reluctantly, turning to peek over the edge of the desk at the other teen standing there in his soaked white jockstrap. Standing fully now, I turned to the doctor, instinctively looking to him for direction. The doctor's hand touched my chest, my left arm, and he turned me around to face the desk, and Mitchel. As the doctor did, he brought a finger to his lips to warn me to remain silent, and he began to speak in low, soothing tone to his patient. Mitchel relaxed visibly, settling back into his seat, listening intently to the doctor's hypnotic voice. While he spoke to Mitchel, the doctor pushed at the small of my back, using one foot to kick my legs further apart. My eyes widened, he couldn't be serious about this! The doctor's hand pushed harder, and I leaned forward, sprawled across his desk now, my face just a few feet from Mitchel.

Mitchel could almost touch me, naked, spread-legged upon his doctor's desk, or David, the doctor's assistant might decide to interrupt and walk through the door. I did not remember being as turned-on as I was in that moment. The doctor was right. I has an issue with danger. Caught between pleasure and fear, I concealed what seemed to me socially unacceptable, my true gay identity. I behaved like a little sneaky horny sex maniac who needed the power of others to do the things I longed for.

Behind me, the doctor spoke in slow, measured tones, whispering directly into Mitchel's ear and mind. Mitchel occasionally nodded, sometimes answering his doctor's in a quiet and sometimes in a bit excited voice. He would soon discover of the doctor had planned.

The doctor's hands rested on my exposed ass. Michel tried not to get excited, but to no avail, as the doctor talked to him about fucking a tight boy ass, his teen dick started to get hard! Not full but semi hard, I watched it grow and grow in his white jockstrap and he had a horny smile on his face as it did. The doctor softly asked Mitchel,

"Mitchel," the doctor said. tell what you need, alpha stud."

Mitchel closed his eyes and whispered,

"I need to fuck a boy, doctor.

Really I want to fuck a boy like a real man. I want to know what I can do. I want to fuck a boy rough and hard, the boy must feel the power behind it. I want to smell of his sweat and horniness. The feeling of my hot hard throbbing cock as I fuck his tight young ass deep, hard and passionately, as I stretch his boy pussy to the max."

Mitchel groaned deeply as his fantasy began to get earnest.

"I push as my dick finds its way deeper and deeper inside his tight heaven. I thrust hard the last inch or so and feel my balls gently crash into his crack. Fully buried inside him, his ass is literally trying to milk the cum from my dick."

"Go on, Mitchel. Come on, you need to be honest, tell me every detail from the very start."

Mitchel panted and was silent for a bit, until the doctor brought him to his senses. "Tell me how an alpha like you, breeds a boy."

Mitchel sighed and said smiled, he accepted the challenge. From the tone of his voice alone, I already knew what was coming.

The doctor asked, "You need to fuck his boy pussy?"

Mitchel groaned,

"Yes doctor, yes! A boy pussy is so fucking beautiful. It's pink and smooth. It's so fucking hot to see an boy pussy that it ready to be opened and fucked. It starts out so puckered and small, but it opens up for me as I shove my dick inside. I boy needs that, and I'm the one to do it. Really doctor, I want fucking the most perfect boy ass you have ever seen. I plunge my rock hard dick into him. I push deep and hold it there. I'm rewarded with a desperate groan, the boy growls and whimpers for more. Without needing to be asked I start fucking his tight ass with long deep, very hard powerful thrusts. I use every ounce of my strength to ram my dick deep into his boy pussy, ramming my entire teen dick ball deep into his ass. My shaft stretches his boy pussy like it had never been stretched before. The boy is moaning and groaning like a bitch on heat as I fuck him. The air is full of the smell of my sweat and rampant hormones and I suddenly have this overwhelming urge to breed him.

I need to fill up his fucking ass! The boy wants it. He wants me to breed him, to knock him up. I thrust harder and harder. There is no way to stop me. I'm going to cum in his boy pussy and there is nothing he can do about it even if he wants me to stop. I slam harder and harder and he moans softly for more. This turns me on even more and I thrust my powerful teen dick deeper than ever into his hot boy hole.

I bottom out and fear that I might blow my load too soon. I let my knees slip back so I can lay on top of the boy and let him feel my strength. It feels so good to work my hips as I lick and bite around his neck."

Michel was lost in lust, he had forgotten who and where he was. He didn't care where he was. Mitchel was his dick, he was the orgasm that was building up. The doctor only nodded and Mitchel continued without shame or restraint,

"Oh doctor, the boy looks so fucking sexy beneath me. There is something

so vulnerable about a boy spreading his legs wide and presenting his ass to be fucked by a alpha jock. A boy just needs my dick and I possess his ass. Up till now, my fucking was only determined and passionate. I pull all the way out and plunge back in. The boy grunts and nods at me. I start to fuck him faster, harder. I can lean down now and with his legs pushed back over his head, I slam my dick into his tight boy ass. I dick him silly. Crawling up in the boy's back as I fucking him hard and rough. I thrust into him and gradually increase my pace and I can't stop myself from cumming. One second later my dick erupts, filling him with my cum, just as an alpha should."

The doctor laughed softly,

"That's right when an alpha breeds he feels his sexual energy swell and erupt into the boy he's breeding."

Mitchel was super hard and dripping, his jock was soaked with pre-cum. the doctor hefted his balls. They looked heavy and full.

"Good boy, it's good to be honest with yourself."

The doctor stepped back. Now Mitchel stood up straight, he breathed deep and flexed every muscle in his body, feeling his strength and energy rush through him and spread to every part of his body. Mitchel turned around to face the doctor, a big smile spread across his face.

The doctor asked,

"Why are you not sexually active?" and "Sometimes fantasies are wonderful but the reality is even better and suddenly closer than you think." Mitchel trembled.

"Would you like to fuck a real boy?" Mitchel gasped, "Oh yes, Doctor, that would be wonderful!"

The doctor told Mitchel to follow him, and they stood behind me.

"Come on, it's okay, my patients get excited here all the time, and no one is here except you and me, so no need to be embarrassed."

The doctor stroked his erection in his jockstrap and asked,

"Would you like to fuck a boy, Mitchel, open him up with your hard cock and to force your cock inside his ass?"

The doctor, winked at me as he said,

"Mitchel imagine it, his butt dances around invitingly, it was almost like he invites you to fuck him. Imagine sticking your cock between his buttocks and penetrating his tight hole. You can just imagine it, how you fuck him long and hard. Your cock slides in and out of his sphincter and you take possession of him. Oh yeah, Mitchel you really want to experience what that's like to fuck a real boy, because you dreamed about this moment. You have always wanted to be a top stud, an alpha jock, a real fucker who fucks and uses a boy and turns him into your fuck toy. Here you are, this is the moment to do it, hard and ready to take a boy's ass."

Mitchel trembled and mumbled, "That would be fucking amazing..."

The doctor pushed him forward, and he moved in closer and though he couldn't see anything, he was trying to capture the sexual tension of the moment.

The doctor began gently massaging my ass, spreading my cheeks, and I felt him pull my ass apart with his thumbs. With both his hands were pulling my ass cheeks wide. I felt his fingers touching my boy hole next to the butt plug. I was so close to shooting as the doctor took hold of the plug and started fucking my hole with it. The doctor described my smooth boy-hole for Mitchel and I knew I was going to shoot but there was nothing I could do. Suddenly he stopped. I almost shot. I was so close, but the doctor pulled the plug out of my hole really fast and loads of pre-cum was dripping from my dick.

"Fuck..." moaned Mitchel lost in his own fantasy, unsure how much more of this he was going to be able to take.

"What do you think, Mitchel? Maybe I should watch you working your magic on this boy? Would you like that?" Mitchel couldn't think clearly anymore,

"Fuck yes, I would love that," nodded Mitchel, he couldn't wait any longer. The doctor grinned as he watched me, continuing to knead my exposed ass cheeks, knowing that Mitchel was ready.

"Fuck, that would be awesome. I want to fuck a real boy,"

grunted Mitchel, feeling the cum beginning to build up inside him.

"Are you going to cum in the boy's ass?"

growled the doctor, urging Mitchel on, spreading my ass and displaying and describing my smooth puckered boy hole for him. I knew I was about to be fucked, I had no say about this. I was not a virgin, I was a determent cock sucker and I was force fucked before. To be honest I did not enjoy it the first time, but after some men fucked me a few more times, I started to enjoy it, but was not sure if this handsome teen would be gentle fucking me. I was excited yet nervous about this new development, but being the doctor's whore, cock sucking slut I was, I was willing to try. After all I had already developed a strong need to be used. I needed for someone to force me to accept what and who I was. Someone who could make me, force me, to accept that what I wanted most. The teen was handsome, so sexy, so virile and the doctor could let him use me. Now it happened to me. Just like I hoped. Just like I feared. Now this was my chance to show the doctor my appreciation for using me as his cum dump. Mouth or ass, I was his boy now.

I sensed what was coming. I obediently exposed myself, naked, spread-legged upon the doctor's desk. The doctor spit on his hand and rubbed my ass crack. He slowly took the butt plug from my ass and pushed one finger inside. My hole tightened but he proceeded to put more spit on my hole. At the same time the doctor talked to Mitchel. "Go for it boy, make it happen!"

I suddenly felt the blunt slick head of Mitchel's teen cock press against my tight hole. It made my ass twitch, desiring his dick inside. I reached around and guided Mitchel's teen cock to my moist hole. I reached back and guided his cock to my tight sphincter.

"You will fuck him, don't hold back. Nod your head if you understand",

said the doctor. Mitchel nodded vigorously.

"Good boy, so continue, fuck him."

Mitchel grabbed my hips and slowly moved into my ass hole. I felt the first poke. He was entering my ass with his teen dick. He made several more pokes, until his cock-head was fully inside me. The teen was a wizard!

Slowly I felt my smooth sphincter widen as he pushed a good portion of his teen dick inside of me. I focused on the dick invading me, feeling its shaft stimulate my sphincter, its head graze my prostate as he fucked me. Mitchel pulled right out, a rush of cooler air went over my sphincter, and he plunged back in, burying himself in one swift movement. Mitchel did this a few times, he slapped me hard on my ass cheeks, making me clench my sphincter, gripping his teen dick tightly.

I heard a moaning sound, rhythmic with the fucking, thick with lust, muffled but nearby. I realized it was me, responding to the fucking I was getting. Mitchel didn't appear to notice. He fucked me for about ten minutes while the doctor watched us. I knew right then more men were going to use me for their pleasure, but I was ready, I loved it and I bit my lip to keep from letting out a cry. The sensations were almost too much. The slow slide of him entering me seemed to go on, he went deeper and deeper, until I felt the trimmed hair of his flat groin against my ass and his belly against the small of my back. I felt so full, spread widely, lewdly under him like a mare being mounted by a young teen stud. Mitchel withdrew his dick but he have been longing to do this for years and in one swift move, he placed his rock hard cock head against my, now sloppy open hole. Pushing slowly and steadily his cock-head spread my hole wider than ever before. Mitchel's dick popped in, gradually inch by inch his member disappeared deeper and deeper inside me, until his balls slapped, against my butt cheeks. I was totally lost in the fucking I was receiving, oblivious of my surroundings, of my status as the doctor's patient, the therapy, desiring only the rich sensations filling me, my body shaking and was almost flying.

Mitchel stood still savoring a moment, his throbbing teen dick was throbbing inside me. Mitchel slowly withdrew again until just his cock-head was inside before thrusting deep again. The next time he pulled out completely and rammed back in. I grunted and the doctor coached him,

"Fuck him, boy, fuck him hard. Plough that boy ass, fill him with your dick, reward him with your cum!"

Mitchel was impaling me on his dick, his breathing changed pitch, his thrusts got faster, his fingers digging into to my ass cheeks as he built towards his climax. Mitchel was getting close and I was sure he would pumping jet after jet of his ball juice into the my ass soon. Michel got close to his climax and roared, "Oh, fuck!" as his teen dick squirted out his creamy ropes of cum before his climax overtook him. It was a big load! I could feel it, sense it. A good part pf his were inches inside me, and the bloated head continued pumping out a flow of white-hot sperm, breeding my insides with his teen cum.

Enjoying the last of his climax, Mitchel kept fucking me, stirring my guts and pushing his load deeper. I could feel his cum filling me up, flooding my bowels. Michel kept his dick there for a few minutes, letting the tremors of his orgasm subside, he slowed and finally his dick twitched and slowly softened within me, and he gradually withdrew.

Mitchel released his teen dick from my tight hole and nearly collapsed. I had to clench my ass to keep his massive load from leaking out and down my bare thighs. The doctor smiled,

"Looks like you did a good job, boy."

A new hunger rose within me, growing in a filthy, snarling heat. I had to admit I had strong sexual desires to be dominated by men. I was a willing piece of ass, slutty hole for cocks and hot cum. I honestly don't know where those thoughts came from. Something in me in that moment had just switched and I whispered,

"Yes doctor, he fucked me so good."

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