Adventures in and Out of Uniform

By Jacrod Paine

Published on Dec 19, 2006


It was a hot, humid Saturday afternoon in August, I was 16, in three months I would be 17 and I knew all the shit that was worth knowing - I was one cocky kid! I was a farm boy, working with my father, grandfather, and assorted other relatives on the family farm.

As I said, I was a farm boy, and had the shoulders to prove it, I was short 5'4", 140 lbs, but as my grandfather use to say; "That boy can do the work of any grown man I know." I had light brown hair, and under the summer sun, usually turn lighter, with green eyes, and a great upper body tan. My grandfather would not let me wear my cutoffs around the farm, said it was to dangerous!

On that Saturday afternoon, I was dressed in my "good jeans", nicely washed, and ironed - my grandmother starched and iron everything, except underclothes - T-shirt and sneakers (does anyone call them that any more?) I was standing along side the road with my thumb out. I was hitching a ride to my cousin's, he was six months older, and his parents let him have the family car on Saturday night. So I would join him and we would go tooling around and if we were luck, pick up some girls, and every once in a while, we would get real lucky - if you know what I mean?

I had my first sexual experience at 14 with a girl in our neighbors barnloft with the neighbor's 18 year old granddaughter. It would be my first with her and others along the way. But that's another story and not what this is about - this is about the men.

So with my thumb pointing south, I was hitchhiking a ride; the sun was beating down, it was a humid day, and the heat generating off the asphalt highway was radianting heat waves up onto my body and into my face, making it all the more hotter. However, in a little while, I was to find out that things could and would get a lot "Hotter". I had just got been dropped off by a car that was turning right, and I was going straight south. A car drove by me and I waved my thumb at it, it slowed and stopped; after a few minutes, it shifted gears and started backing up. I started to run to it, just as it was backing to meet me. Three guys were in the car, two in the front seat and one in the backseat; they ask where I was going and I told them. They said they could get me there, but first they had to take a side trip, and did I want to join them for the ride, and they all lauged.

I said sure, and open the back door and slide into the seat, the driver put the car into gear and we started off. They were three good looking guys, the driver seemed to be the oldest, perhaps 24 or 25, the other two were in their late teens or maybe 20. They told me they were marines from Camp Lejeune, down on the coast, and they certainly looked the part; all of them were around 6 foot tall, well-muscled, slender, darkly tanned bodies. Good-looking guys, especially since they were wearing white T-shirts and jeans, with those short buzz haircuts with white sidewalls, which the marines are known for. The driver was a buck sergeant (I was to learn later, his name was Brian, and he would become my first and greatest lover - everybody else in my life has been measured by Brian); the other two marines, one was a lance corporal and the other a private (don't remember their names or anything else about them, sorry 'bout that!) They told me they were in the area to visit the sarge's girlfriend and again they all laughed.

As soon as I got in the car I had smelled liquor, and they were passing a bottle around; they offered me a drink, and since my grandmother had taught me good manners - I took a drink and passed it along. It was whiskey, I was a southern boy and knew about shine, this was store bought, you know! Hell, I was more than familiar with shine, alot of people throughout the South had made a lot of money on it, especially, during the Depression, it was about the only thing that people had money to buy around here, and it was still easy to find.

However, I had been raised in a good southern baptist home, my grandmother didn't approve of shine, and she was very religious and was in the church everytime the doors opened. She had a good reputation in the community as a good God fearing women; however, my grandfather was another story, he like his shine and a good time, especially as it pertained to the ladies, which my grandmother tolerated as her special cross to bear. However, this is not a family history - I tend to go a field, at times, when I am telling a story!

I took the bottle and took a swig, that a swaller for you good old boys, and the bottle continued to make its way around to everyone. The marines were already three sheets to the wind, when I got in the car and it appeared that the bottle was coming around to me more often and the whiskey in the bottle didn't seem to be going down much, or pehaps, they had more than one bottle - knowing the marines I've fucked, probably the latter. The conversation quickly turned to sex, don't the subject always come up with a bunch of guys, the made reference to me as a good looking stud still in high school, I was probably getting it all the time, which did wonders for my ego. Here three older guys, marine no ess, was talking to me about sex just like I was one of them. We talked about my girlfriend, which I explained, I seldom got a good night kiss, much less a romlp in the hay. However, speaking of hay, I did tell them about the neighbor's granddaughter, they hooted and hollered, slapping me on the back and offered the bottle again.

They told me they were going to a party and the Sergeant invited me along, and the two other marines readily agreed. I told them that I was to supposed to meet my cousin and If I didn't show up, he would call my house and everyone would be worried. They told me that when I got to the party, to call my cousin and tell him I would be late, and they promised me that they would have me at my cousin's house later that day. Then they promised me - if I would party with them, I would get fucked and they all laughed!

After a couple more rounds of the bottle and now there seemed to be more bottles; I agreed to party with them - Hell, let's go! A couple of miles down the road, by this time I had lost track of where I was, we turned off the highway onto a dirt road and travled down that road into a wooded area and pulled up into the frontyard of a farmhouse.

There was a man leaning against the wall of the front porch, wearing jeans that hung low on his hips, no shirt and no shoes. He looked old - at sixteen everybody looked old, but he was probably in his late 30's or early 40's and had a chest and shoulders that evidently came from work and not from a gym. We got out of the car and Brian came around to the front and the two marines were assisting me, getting out of the car. None of us were capable of moving very well on our own; and the two marines were on either side of me, as I was having trouble standing erect - weren't we all. However, the marines were trying to hold me erect and they were as drunk, if not drunker than I was, and were having their own difficulties standing upright.

The farmer spoke to Brian, "Hell boy, where you been, I expected you over an hour ago? Brian told him he was late leaving his girlfriend's house, something had come up, they all laughed and I joined in; however, I had no idea what the joke was. Brian introduced me and told him they had picked me up on the road, and had invited me to the party. Then the sergeant said something funny, he said, "He's going to be our party favor!" and they all cracked up laughing at that statement and I joined them, still not knowing what the joke was. The farmer was not amused, he looked me up and down and licked his lips, and waving his arm at the front door and told us, "Get your asses in there and 'Let's Party'!"

Within 5 minutes of getting into the house, I was led to a back bedroom and they quickly stripped me of my jeans and Tshirt - like I was in any condition to stop them? And a few minutes later, I was tied naked spreadeagle facedown to an old metal bed with just a mattress on the springs; and everytime someone moved on it that thing squeaked, groaned, and moaned in protest - its amazing what sticks in your mind when u are in the middle of a crises. And in the next few hours that old bed did a lot of protesting.

My head was starting to clear and I was now getting nervous - what had started out as a joke had gone too far. I was now beginning to wonder what was going on - I said, "Come on Guys, let me up - the fun's over!" However, they all seem to disagree and said that the fun was just getting started. Over my shoulder I looked and the farmer was dropping his jeans, he wore nothing underneath - no shorts (After that day I never wore undershorts with my jeans.) He was standing there holding the only other man hardon I had ever seen, up to that time, besides mine. I have a 7 incher but this guy's cock looked massive - it had to be 9 or 10 inches and very thick.

In the meantime, the marines had dropped their clothes; they were wearing briefs (I guess only the Army issued those damn big boxers, which hides all the best parts of a man). They stood around the bed playing with their hard cocks leaking precum juice by the stream. With the farmers 9 inches, the sergeant sported a mean 7 inches of man meat, and the two young marines were between 6 and 7 inches with a good thickness. They were all standing there looking at me like I was an "all u can eat buffet". But I was to find out that I was more the dessert than anything else to these guys.

One of the privates got up on the bed between my legs and started fingering around my ass; he picked up a jar and got some greasy stuff and started inserting it into my ass. He was soon running two fingers in and out my ass and slowly stretching it from side to side. Not long after that he had a third finger and was pushing a fourth up my ass. He continued to talk about how tight my ass was and how he was "loosing the goose" as he called it and everyone laughed. He told everyone, "It a real tight ass, a cherry ass, and a marine's gonna bust his cherry"! That got a real laught out of everyone but me; as for me I still didn't know what the hell was going on. I was a dumb farm boy I didn't know that a guy could fuck another guy!

The sergeant told him to stop, that was loose enough - he said, "I want some drag left in that boy's ass for my dick, so I can really enjoy it!" I looked back and the sergeant was playing with big cock and it looked as if it was growing bigger and bigger before my eyes.

The sergeant climed up on that bed, and the bed set up a squeaking and groaning, he lower his body to his knees positioning his cock over my ass. Someone handed him a jar and he took some goo out of it and started rubbing in over his dick and with the finger of his other hand he was poking me in the ass. I still had no clue what was happening, but I was watching all this and taking it all in. The sergeant leaned over and kissed one of my ass cheeks and said, "Relax kid, you're really going to enjoy this." He placed the head of his cock at the entrance to my asshole and slowly pushed forward, it hurt, I tensed up, and again he told me to relax, he waited a few moments and then he pushed again. This time he succeeded in getting the head in - I stiffened up from the pain and surprise - I suddenly became very sober and suddenly, I understood what was happening - I was getting FUCKED LIKE A BITCH!

He stopped, and told me to relax and catch my breath - I hadn't realized it till then I wasn't breathing. He told me he wanted me enjoy this moment - Hell, what did that mean? - He waited a few minutes till my asshole relaxed around the head of his cock and then he pushed more of his cock into me. With a slow pushing and then relaxing and letting me get use to it he pushed his whole cock up my ass.

We relaxed and I caught my breath again, it wasn't so bad this time - I was getting use to it - he put his hands underneath my armpits and lean over and lay atop me, he whispered into my ear - louding enough for all to hear him - "It's all in, I busted your cherry; today my boy, u are a man, courtesy of the United States Marine Corp - Semper fi - Hoooorah!"

Then he started pulling that cock out and ramming in back to the hilt. Now the pain really began - and I am screaming my head off, I am yelling bloody murder - The Sergeant told the farmer to put something into my mouth to keep me quite

  • don't know what they were worried about nothing was around for miles. The sergeant big hard cock was ramming my tender ass; he was fucking my ass bigtime and now the feeling of pain gave way and I was starting to warm up to that cock in my ass.

In the meantime, the farmer had kneeled in front of me and was trying to get me to suck his cock. With one hand on his cock he guided to my mouth and his other hand was on the back of my head trying to force it down to his cock. He told me to suck it - I said NO!; he said "Boy, you might as well, your ass is ours already and so is the rest of you!" One of the privates was standing beside the bed trying to pry open my mouth - with no results. About that time, the sergeant who was still sawing in and out my ass, grunting, groaning, and yelling all kinds of nasty things - "Oh fuck, this is a great ass, tight ass bitch," or words to that effect everytime he bottom - stopped fucking me and with his open hand smacked me hard on my ass cheek - I was so surprised that my mouth flew open and the farmer rammed his cock into my mouth.

The sergeant was very loud and vocal in his appreciation of my ass his hard cock ramming it - in a few more strokes he started tensing up and shortly shot a full load of hot marine cum up my ass. As the sergeant relaxed and got off my ass the farmer pulled his cock out of my mouth and moved around to my ass. One of the other marines replaced the farmer and his cock was a lot smaller and wasn't streching my mouth so much - but he did face fuck me harder and was holding my head in a vise lock.

The sergeant told the marine to take his cock out of my mouth while the farmer put his cock up my ass. He said the kid will bite your dick off when that thing hits. Everyone but me thought this was very funny; after all they were having the party and I was the "party favor" and the sergeant had been right about one thing I had got fucked! The farmer settled between my legs and put his cock against my asshole, even after the ride the sergeant had given me had not loosen me up enough to take that monster. So it was an instant replay of the actions of the sergeant's cock, only much worse.

By the time the farmer had his cock up my ass and started to hit his stride; I was getting into this action, I was enjoying getting fucked and sucking cock. By the time the last marine was fucking my ass, they had discovered I was enjoying myself and had untied me. I was up on my hands and knees getting it from both ends and the farmer slide underneath me and as soon as his mouth touched my cock - it exploded! I have never cum so hard before or since that time with the marines. I fell exhausted on top of the farmer and he just continued to suck on my cock and a few minutes later I came again - this time down his throat. I gave him loads and loads of pearly white cum down his throat - he got a weeks worth of protein that day.

I spent the weekend with them naked, sucking, fucking, learning all kinds of new skills and great things that I have used all thru life. I did call my cousin - didn't tell what happen told him to cover for me and I would explain later. Never did explain - he would never have understood, me running around naked with 4 other guys, having sex, by hand, mouth and ass.

I saw the sergeant for the next 18 months - every time he came in to visit his girlfriend, we spent the day together; until he was reassigned to Okinawa and I graduate from high school and went into the army. Which gives rise to other stories. Perhaps, if u very good, I may tell you about them one day. If u are verry, verrrrry ggooood!

Topsgtbb (Jake)

Next: Chapter 2: Gary Ballet Dancer

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