Adventures in and Out of Uniform

By Jacrod Paine

Published on Mar 10, 2007




After my cuming out party, Brian and I continued to see each other. He came in one weekend a month or so to visit his girlfriend who lived about 10 miles to the north of me. Each Friday he would drive in from Camp Lejuene for a weekend with his girlfriend, sometimes bringing buddies, sometime not. But he would fuck his girlfriend on Friday night, on Saturday morning he would drive her to work, therefore, she couldn't come home without him going to pick her up. He then would come down and pick me up, I would be waiting in front of the Post Office to be picked up and we would spend the day in her apartment fucking and sucking.

Sometimes we would go visit the farmhouse, and the long dicked farmer, where I was brought out. Sometimes Brian would bring some fuck buddies; either way with just the two of us and the farmer he loved to get fucked, but with his marine buddies he only played top. He refused to let anyone fuck him with the other marines around; to him and his marine buddies, he was straight as long as the marines never knew he loved getting dicked.

Brian and I spent the next 18 months doing this, he taught me many interesting things. And he kept encouraging me to bring my school buddies to a fuckfest; however, I never learned to approach anyone of my friends. Or perhaps it was the fact that it was a small southern town and something like that getting out would have cause a great deal of difficulty in that atmosphere. Finally, Brian got orders going to Taiwan or Okinawa, I don't recall which. But a few months after he left I graduated from high school and joined the army.

A few weeks after graduation I got on the bus and went to Fort Jackson, SC for Basic Training. A fun time for all! Actually, I didn't think basic training was as bad as everyone said, I guess being raised on a farm, getting up at 4 in the morning and milking cows and feeding the animals, etc., to me it wasn't bad. At least, I got to sleep til 5:30 in the morning, I was in a company with guys from New York City, New Jersey and Philadelphia; myself and one other guy were the only ones from the South. And seems the boys from up North were still fighting the Civil War, they kept reminding us that we lost the Civil War.

After basic training, I was sent to Advanced Infantry Training at Fort Benning, Georgia, again I enjoyed myself - I enjoyed being out of doors and the physical training; other than a couple of jerks called Buck Sergeants, I enjoyed the whole atmosphere. But after AIT the Army for no inherent reason sent me to Fort Dix, New Jersey, as an assistant Drill Sergeant, I was then a PFC and they made me an Acting Buck Sergeant - called an Acting Jack. I was paid as a PFC but had the authority and responsibilities of a Buck Sergeant.

Actually back then they were called Hard Hats. We wore the liner of the steel helmet or the steel pot as it was called, which was painted, stickers were put onto it to identify the wearer and your rank was on the front. I now had the lives of fifty guys in my hands, had to turn them from civilians into soldiers in a few short weeks. And when they got off that bus or truck, they couldn't walk and carry their duffel bags at the same time. But 2 months later, they marched across the parade ground, impressing the hell out of everyone, and amazed the hell out of me.

Every where I went I made friends, but no sex buddies; but then I was bi, still fucking women as much as possible. I made 4 close friends at Ft Dix, primarily we went drinking, eating pizza, movies, and once in a while bar hopping and whoring. But then the Army in its infinite wisdom decided to break us up. One of the guys was on orders going to Korea. So a couple of weeks before he was to depart we planned a long weekend in NYC; Time Square area actually. We made arrangements with our units for all of us to be off for a three-day weekend and we met at the bus station on Ft Dix, on Friday morning, for the bus ride to Port Authority New York and walked to a flea bag hotel just off Times Square. We all had hit the Six Store, which on an Army Base was what they called the liquor store on base, and we stocked up with our individual choice of booze. We got to the hotel on Friday morning about 10 o'clock in the morning and got settle and started to drink, it was after all our buddy's going away party. About 2 PM someone mention he was hungry, hell we all were; so we decided to go out and find some food, no matter, that we were not the steadiest soldiers on the block.

We found a restaurant that would serve us, and we laughed, horsed around, and made a general jackass of ourselves to the other customers and especially to the cute waitress. We finally left and they were probably glad to see us go. As we walked back to our hotel we passed a gay movie house - and back then they were on just about every block around Time Square. Someone in the group, don't know who, suggested we go in and watch the action. I remembered it cost $5.00 to get in, I was shocked, damn $5.00 for a movie, hell that's a lot of money for a PFC who was only an Acting Jack. But we paid our money and went into the movie and sat down - I remember the first time I saw that screen - I sobered up immediately, some blond guy was lying on his back on a bar with his legs over the shoulders of a much older black haired man with very hairy chest who was ramming his big cock up his ass and the both were very loud and vocal in their appreciation of the action. I sobered up immediately and sprang a massive hard-on - damn I hadn't been so turned on since my last fuck with Brian. We had barely set down, when one of the guys said, "This is bullshit, lets go!" and we got up and walked out the side door into the blinding sunshine. Its a good thing they were blinded, since I had a roaring hard-on in my 501's, and was trying hard to adjust it so no one would notice. I was too busy adjusting my own hard cock to notice whether anyone else was having that problem. I finally just pulled my shirt tail out and let it hang over the bulge.

We went to a couple of regular movies and stayed drunk that weekend, but all I could think about was that blond guy on his back getting fucked by the older man. In fact, even after returning to Dix and my regular duties, that's all I thought about, that and suddenly visualizing each recruit and man in uniform naked and with a hard cock ready for action. I ended up jacking off 2 or 3 times a day, just thinking of that blond and the guy with the hairy chest. The week after our return I had CQ (Charge of Quarters) duties on Thursday night, so I decided, rather than doing the regular thing of sleeping on Friday, I would spent it at that gay movie house.

That Friday morning I was relieved from CQ and went to my quarters and showered and shaved. Good thing everyone else was at their duty station, since most of the time I had a hard-on just anticipating watching those movies of fucking and sucking. I dressed in my 501 jeans and t-shirt, no army issue boxers or briefs.

Brian had told me that if a guy was anticipating sex or wearing jeans, one does not wear underwear. So I didn't worry about wearing underwear, a guy can always hope, can't they? I took a cab to the bus station and arrived at the NYC Port Authority around mid-morning. Going from my barracks, the cab ride, the bus ride and the walk to the theater, I had a hard-on that was hard to hide; I finally pulled my t-shirt out to cover the bulge in my jeans.

I paid my money and walked into the theater, stopping inside the entrance to give my eyes time to adjust to the dark, and get the lay of the place, to figure out where I wanted to set. There were only a few men in the place, most were sitting and watching the film, some were obviously jacking off, some were sitting together - one sucking the others cock, making out, or feeling each other up. One man was bent over the sit in front of him and a man was behind him fucking him up the ass and both were still watching the action on the screen, and making suitable noises of pleasure. I found a seat and started watching the action on the screen, one guy after another sat down beside me, some wanted to suck my cock, some wanted me to suck them, some groped me in the dark, hoping for a little action. I, however, just wanted to watch the film, perhaps later to get some action.

I had watched the films and coming attractions once, and then got interested in the action going on around me. Most of the men who earlier had been interested in me had drifted away since they were interested in the skin to skin action not so much the film. I had been sitting alone for a while when someone sat down beside me. By the light from the screen he seem to be closer to my age - in his middle to late twenties - his hand went to my knee and squeezed and I didn't move, his hand moved up to rub my inner thigh, and another squeeze. We sat there, glancing at each other and his hand moved to my crotch and he ran his hand up and down my cock, which by this time was hard.

He leaned over and said into my ear, "You want me to take care of that?"

I whispered in his ear, "Not here."

He put his arm around my shoulders and drew me closer, and said, "I have an apartment about 3 blocks from here. Want to go get comfortable?"

I only nodded my agreement, and he got up and started walking out and I followed him. We went to the side door and walked out into the sun light. When we got outside, he stopped till I had gotten through the door, then he turned and shut the door, so as not to bother the viewing patrons inside.

He extented his right hand and said, "My name's Gary."

I took his hand and said, "I am Jack." We started off to walking down the block and talking. We were both farm boys, Gary was from mid western state and had gotten into dance since his mother was a dance teacher. So after high school he had come to New York to study dance, and was now a member of ballet company in New York City. Gary was almost 6 feet tall and thin; but not skinny, he was well muscled and had legs that were beautifully tampered. And he had a shit-eating grin that I was to learn stayed on his freckled face - I don't think Gary every met anyone he didn't like, and everyone liked Gary. But by far, the most shocking thing was, Gary was a redhead, not just any color redhead; more like a dark copper color, more like a penny with a little age. I had never been with a guy that had red hair, never even thought about it. Wonder did he have the same color pubic hair? Later I was to find out he had "Buns of Steel", he had buns that were so tight you could bounce a quarter off them. Much like a Drill Sergeant bouncing a quarter off your bed, to make sure it was tight.

We walked the 3 blocks and got to know each other, we came to an apartment building and Gary said, "Here we are, this is my place; at least the small apartment on the third floor is." We walked up the steps and entered and then walked up the stairs to his third floor apartment. He opened the door and he had a 3 room apartment, small sitting room, kitchen, and small bedroom. But having been in an 50-man army barracks, with no privacy, it was a palace to me.

We went in and he ask me to sit on the sofa, considering that the only other place to sit was a small wooden chair. I sat on the sofa and we continue to talk comparing lives and notes concerning our respected lives. He went into the kitchen and came back with two cokes and said, "Sorry, its the only thing I got in the house to drink."

"That's okay." I said, not really being thirsty until he mentioned it. Now I realized I was thirsty or at least my mouth was dry, nerves I guess.

"You ever did this before?", Gary said. I had my coke in my mouth and was just about to choke.

And I said, "Did what?" Gary said, "Been with a man?"

I said, "Sure, why do you ask?" He said, "You act nervous, like this is your first time."

"No", I said, "I have had sex with men before, well with one man really. You are my first since him and that was two years ago. So it may take some time for me to get back into the swing of it."

Gary laughed, "Its like riding a bike, you don't forget how, and it will be easy to get into the swing of IT!", and his hand went to my crotch and he started rubbing my cock, and I started getting a hard-on.

He looked at me and said, "See how easy you get back into the swing of IT." And he leaned into me and kissed me on the lips. I turned and put my coke down, and placed my hand on the back of his head and started deep frenching him.

We were locked into that kiss, seems like forever, before we broke it off, and he drew a breath in and said, "Damn yeah, you are eager and we will be riding high real soon."

My other hand had moved to his chest and the polo shirt he wore, playing with his tits. But my hand moved down and pulled his shirt tail out of his pants as we continued to make out, nuzzle, and suck on each others neck. He pulled back and pull his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor, and I did the same with my t-shirt. We went back to kissing, and our hands roaming over each other chest, pinching tits, pulling tits, and kissing down the neck onto chewing on the tits. Gary's hand moved to my 501's and started unbuttoning them. He reached in and fondled my cock, and pulled back and said,

"Damn boy you got a big cock for such a small guy!", and I said in reply, "It seems to serve its purpose when called upon."

Gary looked at me and said, "Damn a southern boy with wit, you really going to be unique here."

And we went back to making out and chewing tits and moaning when we hit hot spots. In the meantime, Gary was attempting to pull my cock out of my jeans, but had failed to unbutton the top button and it was holding my cock in place, and Gary was getting frustrated, and said, "Damn boy, that cocks so big we going to need a bigger door!" I laughed and stretching out and leaning back against the sofa, unbuttoned the top of my jeans.

Gary said, "Hell, we came here to get comfortable, so lets go to the bedroom." and he pulled me up and my jeans slipped down to my ankles and there I stood with all 7 inches hard and in all its glory. Gary chuckled and reached out and took my cock in his hand and proceeded to go to the bedroom pulling me shuffling along with my jeans down around my ankles and me stuttering trying to get him to stop so I could pull up my jeans.

We got to the bedroom and Gary turned me around and pushed me on my back onto the bed; and proceeded to pull my shoes and jeans off and tossed them on the floor. Then he reached down and pulled off the sneakers he was wearing and unbuckled and unzipped his pants and they dropped to the floor and with his foot he tossed them on top of mine. He was standing there in his briefs and I was enjoying the show, and jacking my hard cock up and down and he looked at me as if he could eat me.

He hooked his thumbs into the sides of his briefs and bending over pulled them to his feet and kicked them over to lie beside his pants. And standing up I saw his pubic area, yeah he had a nice 6 inch cock, but most amazing to me he had a beautiful copper-red bush around his cock. I guess I was staring, for he said, "You never seen a cock before?"

"Oh ... sure .... uh ... uh, I never thought about a redhead having red pubic hairs!" I stammered.

And Gary almost dropped to his knees laughing. It was a while before he got control of himself, and joined me on the bed and deep frenched me, and said, "Damn I hope you as much fun in bed as you have been so far!" "Me too!", I said and kissed him back and rolled him onto his back and I was on top of him.

Being on top I started kissing and chewing down his body - from his neck, to this arm pits, to his tits, to his belly button, and then taking his cock in my hand, to licking his hard cock; listening to moan and groan as I administered to his body in different locations. Looking up to his face his eyes were closed and his mouth hung open and he was enjoying the things I was doing to his body. I went back to licking his cock stem and then licking his cock head, and then taking his cock head into my mouth and running my tongue around the head, and he moaned, signaling that he enjoyed it. In a very few minutes I was taking his cock in my mouth down to the bush and it tickled my nose, and I pulled off.

Gary looked down at me and with his hands under my arms, he pulled me up and kissed me and we lay there deep frenching and fondling each others tits, dick and balls for a while, until he rolled me onto my back and he was on top. He then scooted down my body and started licking my cock head, running his tongue around and under the foreskin. He withdrew his tongue and moved his lips and with his tongue starting at the base of my cock, he started licking up and down my cock. His actions were driving me up the wall, and he said, "You like that, don't you?" I said, "oh yeah, love your tongue on my cock!" He chuckled and turned back to licking up and down my cock, and taking the head into his mouth and swiping his tongue around the head, then moving back down my cock to the pubic hairs.

He started shifting position and I open my eyes and looked and he was moving his body around so that his knees were on either side of my head and his cock was just above my mouth; and my cock never left his mouth and tongue. I reached up and pulled his cock into sucking distance; and then proceeded to tongue and lick his cock head. He then moved down and started licking my balls, and I followed suit with him on his balls. The then started taking one ball into his mouth and tonguing it, and I followed his lead. I could feel the saliva running from my balls to between my legs and he lifted my hips up with the pressure under my buttocks, and inserted one finger into my asshole.

With the saliva running into my asshole, his fingering was use it to lube my asshole. Within a few minutes, a second finger was inserted and he was shoving those fingers into my asshole, twisting them around spreading the lube around the inside of my asshole. I am enjoying his fingering so much; I had forgotten his cock. He raised up off my cock and said, "You want to get that hard cock in your mouth and slick it up? I want to make sure that you get it slick so it will find this hole of yours when I have your legs over my shoulders." "Sounds like a plan to me," I said, and went back to sucking his cock.

A few minutes later he put a third finger in that hole and with the friction generated by his fingers, my hole was getting lubed and hot for something a little bigger. No more than the thought crystallized in my mind than Gary was moving to get between my legs. I spread my legs to accommodate his body and he scooted forward between my legs and with his hands under my knees he lifted my legs so that the calfs rested on his shoulders. He leaned down and kissed me and ran his tongue into my mouth and my tongue joined his in a dance. He leaned back on his heels and said, "Reach into the bedside table drawer and get the bottle of lube and a cleaning rag." I followed his instructions and handed him the bottle, and reached back into the drawer for the rag. He proceeded to lube my hole and his cock; as I started to hand him the rag, I got a whiff of an odor. I placed the rag near my nose and breathed in, "Ah, your cum rag!" He laughed, "Well, I can see you been around cum rags; you know one when you smell one!" We both laughed, and he said, "I won't need that cum rag today, I got something else to drop my load in."

I said, "Well, kind sir, will you get on with dropping your load." Gary said, "Sounds like the little man's eager to get fucked!" "Oh yeah, especially when you are crouched over my ass with a hard cock." He placed his hands under my ass and lifted my legs up further on his shoulders; thereby, moving my ass into position to take his cock. Guiding his cock with one hand he moved the tip of the cock head against my hole and looked at me and smiled.

I took a deep breath and relaxed and he gently pushed the head between the muscles of my rosy hole. He relaxed a moment and told him, "Go ahead, I want all that cock up my asshole." And he shoved his cock into the pits of my ass, a quick intake of air for me, I was shocked, not expecting it quite so quickly. But I soon adjusted, and when he saw in my eyes and my face relaxing, he smiled and said, "The little man can take a cock; you ready now for a fucking?" I looked up in a daze and said, "Give it your best shot, Range Rider, you in the saddle!"

Gary laughed and proceeded to pull his cock out of my ass and shove it back to the hilt. He closed his eyes and started to get into his fucking rhythm - in and out, in and out, and all the time I am enjoying getting my boy buzzer caressed from the inside. Gary has gone into a sexual daze - a look of blissfulness on that freckled face as he was shoving his hard cock up my ass. I was panting and grunting, " Oh fuck me man, fuck me harder." And Gary complied. He swung his hips back and pulled roughly backwards on his cock till just the head was inside the entrance to my shit chute and grunting he rammed it back to the hilt and started into a faster and faster rhythm; harder and faster moving his cock within my asshole, rubbing the walls and my ass and creating friction for his joy stick and hitting my boy buzzer in the depths of my ass. We were both grunting and groaning, and I was moaning, such pleasure pour into my ass and through my body. I had no idea one man could enjoy getting fucked so much, but Gary was delivering such passion and hitting all the right place that had not been hit in so long.

Gary was in heaven, "Damn little man, you got the greatest ass, and its tight on my cock, I could fuck you all night!" I was in such a state I couldn't have answer the million dollar question right then, even if I knew the answer. Sweat was flying and dripping from Gary's face and body and every push forward sprayed me with his sweat and heightened the action between us. Gary was breathing hard and panting with each breathe, like a dog in heat on a hot august day. He said, pantingly, " I am getting ready to cum, little man, where u want it?" I said, "You in the saddle, cowboy ride till its busted!"

He laughed, "Damn right, little man, going to breed your ass like a hot mare!"

And he did! A few minutes later he rammed his cock to the hilt in my ass and came, jerking his head back and utter a yell that could have been heard in the "Heart of Dixie" ! He held his position as his balls drained deep into my ass; and then he collapsed on me and we bonded together by his sweat. We lay together, there, for what seemed like hours; but was probably only a few minutes enjoying the spent emotions, actions and man juices inside and outside. He raised his head and said, "Damn little man, you are a great fuck!" I smiled up at him and whispered, "You a great fucker, now lets see how you do as the fuckee."

He laughed and moved off me to my side, looking me in the eyes, he said, "How you want me, little man?" He reached for my cock and jacked it up and down, and said, "On second thought, maybe I should call you "Big Man". I took my cock out his hand and started putting lube on my love tube, and reached a couple of fingers of lube into his ass, and said, "Don't care what u call me as long as I get to fuck this cute tight male tail!" He laughed and said, "It all your big man, how you want it?"

I looked down at him, smiling, and said, "You don't have to move I'll do all the work here in." And Gary laughed, and got settled on his stomach for a good old-fashion military fucking - By The Numbers! I inserted my fingers into his tight ass trying to lube his boy pussy for my assault. I had to almost force his buns apart to get to his asshole. I finally got him lubed and starting running my cock head up and down the crack of his. Gary said, "You going to play all day, or you going to fuck me, man?" So I positioned my cock head at his little rose and pushed;

at first, he wasn't giving me entrance into his asshole and I scooted up on my knees and forced his legs apart and guided my hard dripping cock to the entrance and with my full weight forced my cock head into his ass.

"Damn little man, you feel a lot bigger in my ass than you do in my hand." Gary said. I said, "Your hand is not my concern right now, getting into you ass is." And I started pushing the rest of my cock into his ass a little at a time; until its was all in. I said, "It's all in, Range Rider, you ready to get rode hard?" Gary looked back over his shoulder and said, "You the cowboy in the saddle, Ride, Cowboy, Ride!" And we both laughed as I started fucking him like a dog in heat. I knew I couldn't last long, since Gary had almost brought me to a climax with his fucking me. And it didn't take long till I was hotly drilling his ass and feeling my man juices rising from my balls for the occasion, "I'm cuming man, I'm ...m....m .. CUMING!"

And I did!

Where Brian had introduced me to man to man sex, Gary introduced me to the gay life style in the big city. As long as I was stationed at Ft Dix, Gary showed me around when he wasn't dancing. I learned about the gay clubs, gay bars, gay baths, and orgies, and parties where guys could just be guys. I saw and did things that back on the farm I would never even imagined much less participated in and enjoyed them.




Next: Chapter 3: Brian and the Farmers Son 1

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