Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Jun 14, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of my imagination and is completely fictional. (For y'all that don't know what "fictional" is that means it's NOT REAL!) The actors I feature in the story are real - but scenes portrayed within are not. HELL! Read the story anyway.

Adventures In Zegersland - Part #2

WHEN LAST WE LEFT OFF: Kevin just arrived in Sydney to catch Andy's match in the Australian Open. Richard & Ben were anxiously awaiting the arrival of Jonathan and Ryan at the beachhouse.


The Pacific sun blazed hot as the match got under way. The fair-sized crowd was definitely pro-Stolle, as Sandon was a son of the Aussie pro Fred Stolle. Since Andy was somewhat of an unknown quantity, as he had qualified thru juniors, most felt that Stolle would cruise to a fairly easy victory.

Andy soon dispensed that notion, winning his opening service, and likewise breaking Stolle's first service. Firing booming aces and blistering returns, Andy cruised in the first set, winning 6-2.

Kevin watched in awe as Andy glided over the court, pouncing on every shot offered up by the young Aussie. Stolle made up a little ground in the second set, pushing the score to 6-4, but with Andy still on top. As the third set began, Andy looked up to the stands, giving Kevin a wink just before the first service. With a thunderous ace, Andy blasted his opponent and going on to win the match 6-0 in the third set, not allowing Stolle back in the best of five match. Thru the whole match, Kevin cheered loudly for Andy, encouraging him onward with every point won. Andy pumped his fists upward in triumph after winning match point, then ran to the net to shake hands with Sandon and the centre chair umpire. He pulled off his sweatsoaked shirt & was about to toss it into a crowd of screaming girls in seats close to the court, but glanced up at Kevin and changed his mind. Instead, he fired a couple of wristbands to the disappointed Aussie girls. Andy gestured to Kevin that he was going below to shower, & to meet him outside in a few minutes.

It took about 40 minutes before Andy was finally able to get outside to meet Kevin. Andy ran up, stammering out "Sorry dude, but Mary Carillo from ESPN wanted me to give her an interview, & I couldn't get done any sooner!" Kevin just grinned. "Hey, I understand. You really destroyed that guy today!", he beamed, giving Andy a high-5. Andy replied, "Yep, I just hope I continue to play well, cause coach is still pissed off about me staying with you and the rest of the guys during the tournament." A horn blast interrupted them as a cab pulled up nearby. "That's our ride", exclaimed Andy as he motioned for Kevin to follow him.

Kevin gave the driver the address for the beachhouse that he had received from an e-mail from Ryan. It took less than thirty minutes to reach the house, a 2-story with a sweeping driveway. The boys unloaded their gear, then paid & thanked the driver. Ryan Merriman awaited them at the door, his usually milky white chest now bronzed nicely from the Aussie sun. "Welcome to Paradise boys!" he yelled at the pair in his usual, boisterous tone. Ryan opened the door for them, water from his swimtrunks drippping on his bare feet. "Looks like he beat us to the water Kev!" said Andy. "I don't care - as lomg as there's still a little left for us!" replied Kevin.

All thoughts of the water disappeared for the moment as Kevin and Andy took in the view of the house' great room. A ceiling fan hummed along at it's center, the room decorated in furniture with wood, & colors of tan, turquoise and raw sienna, sort of a southwest USA feel, accented by the huge ceiling beams. "This place is incredible!" stammered Kevin. "Wait til you see all of it!" exclaimed Ben Gould, as he entered at that moment and introduced himself. "I'm glad you guys could make it." Ben added. "Richard and Jonathan are this way." said Ben, and the guys followed.

Richard Lee Jackson & Jonathan Jackson stood behind a tan counter in the kitchen as Ben led Andy, Ryan and Kevin into the spacious kitchen. Both came out from it, grinning and welcoming their latest guest arrivals. "Pleasure to meet you guys - Jon and Ryan were just telling us about their adventurous weekend with you two!" the older Jackson brother said. "I hope you'll have just as good of a time here!" Richard added.

Kevin looked at Andy bewilderedly. "Ryan and Jonathan told you guys about ALL the things we did last weekend?" Andy asked anxiously. "Don't sweat if Zegers!" Ryan answered. "Richard and Ben are as gay as a two-dollar bill!" he exhorted as usual in his smart-ass tone.

Next: Chapter 17

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