Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Sep 3, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. It does not in any way represent the factual lives of the characters represented. This is an ongoing story involving sex between consenting minor male celebrities. If this is not your type of story please leave now.

"S-Club 7" is property of FOX Television, Copyright 1999-2002.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I put this story to bed for a while, but due to new interest, I have decided to continue with additional parts. I've also begun another series entitled "A New Road For Shane" under the gay male celebrity section of Nifty. If you have time to check it out, as well as reading further on this story, I hope you'll share thoughts with me about what you think. Positive & negative feedback, as well as story ideas are welcome and greatly appreciated. All I request is that your e-mails be polite, no matter if positive, negative or suggestive. I read every e-mail I receive, and respond to most of them.


Neither Kevin nor Andy were totally taken aback at Ryan's pronouncement. After all that had taken place a few days earlier at Kevin's set trailer, it didn't come as a big shock that both Richard and Ben were gay too. "OK town crier, we got your message in your usual SUBTLE way!" Kevin said to Ryan. Richard cleared his throat, wanting to change the focus of the conversation to something else, "Well guys, Ben & I have already chosen a bedroom to share, Ryan and Jonathan staked claim to another one which leaves two bedrooms left for both of you to choose from."

Andy looked at Kevin, then back to Ben & Richard. "Four bedrooms?" he inquired. "Are you expecting more guests?" Now it was Ben's turn, "Oh yes, and they should be arriving shortly." Ryan asked, "Whom are the mystery guests?" This time it was Jonathan who spoke up, "Just a couple of young singers Richard and I met while we were working on some music together..... they're both pretty cool guys." Ryan had a look in his eyes of unrepentant lust as he said, "Cool - fresh meat!" Richard replied "Whoa boy, let's keep the stallion corraled in the barn for a while - I'm not sure these guys are quite prepared for to deal with a raging hornball like you, Ryan!" Looking a little hurt, Ryan replied, "Damn, and I was looking forward to a game of strip spin-the -bottle tonight!" Ben said, "Oh, we're still planning on playing but we just don't know what to expect from them."

Kevin grabbed Andy by the arm, and they headed down the hallway to choose their room. Jonathan told them that they could have either of the first two rooms, as both at the end of the hall had been claimed. All of the rooms had big windows giving a sweeping view of the bay, since the house was built at the point of a small peninsula. Andy and Kevin chose the one on the left side, next to Richard and Ben's room. As they were finishing stowing their gear, the doorbell chimed.

The boys returned to the great room just in time to help meet & greet the 2 mystery guests. Both appeared to be of the same age as the other guys. One was a slender ebony-skinned teen with a very nice build, the other a strikingly handsome blond. It caught everyone off guard except Richard Jonathan when they both piped up, "Hallo mates!" in a perfect Cockney accent. "Jon and I are glad to be here!" the ebony teen added.

Richard introduced them, "This is Jon Lee & Bradley McIntosh" he said, first pointing to the blond, then the darker skinned boy. "They're going to be performers soon in a FOX TV-program called "S-Club 7" "Ben, Jonathan and I thought it would be cool if they joined us here this week." he added. Soon, everyone had been introduced, and Ben led Jon and Bradley down the hall to the remaining bedroom. "Are these guys Aussies or New Zealanders?" Ryan was curious. "Actually, neither," Richard said "they're from England." Ryan grinned at Kevin & chortled, "Gee Zegers, maybe you can try out that bullshit British accent with them and see if they think it sucks too!" as he nearly fell over in laughter at his own joke. Kevin didn't reply, but shot back to Ryan a look to show he wasn't amused at this latest comment.

All was soon forgotten as Ben and the two new boys returned, & Jonathan announced that dinner was almost ready. Steaks had been grilling on the back deck, plus some baked potatoes. There was a huge bowl of salad in the center of the dining table, & it all looked and smelled very appetizing. "Take what you want.......there's plenty for everybody," said Richard. The boys were starved, and all loaded up with everything, except for Jon, who chose only potatoes & salad. "I hope no one minds," the blond said apologetically, "I'm vegetarian." Ben stared straight at Ryan, shaking his head slightly to cut him short before he made a sarcastic remark. "I remembered, that's why I made the big salad," replied Richard "It's cool - I just hope the rest of us aren't being offensive cuz we're eating steaks!" Jon answered "Not at all............I would'nt force my choice of food upon any of you!"

After dinner, Bradley inquired what plans might be in store for the rest of the night. "Well," Ben replied, "we have this game in mind that Richard and I invented, but first someone here has to get dressed to make things fair!" he added, staring again over at Ryan, who was still wearing just a pair of swim trunks. "All right, all right, I'll get dressed!" exclaimed Ryan. "Shoes, socks & underwear too!" added Richard. "YEAH! Yeah!" Ryan answered as he headed back to his bedroom. "Just why must he put on clothing to play a game?" asked a curious Jon Lee. "Because we're playing a game called strip spin-the-bottle, so all players have to be dressed prior to playing or that player would have an unfair advantage on everyone else." answered Ben.

"So, just what all is involved in this game anyway?" asked Bradley. "I've never seen a STRIP version of this game before!" he continued. Richard explained, "Well, you play it like regular spin-the-bottle, except that whoever the bottle points at after you spin it must remove an article of clothing." He added, "Plus, when it's your time up to spin, you can choose to spin, or take out a card from the action deck and perform the act that's written on the card."

End of part #3. Next time: THE GAME!

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Next: Chapter 18

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