Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Mar 1, 2005


DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story. It does not reflect the real lives of any of the actors portrayed.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to all of you I have heard from thus far regarding these new chapters. I hope you will continue to read future installments.


Andy awoke to a buzzing sound, from the nightstand next to the bed. It was his cellphone, which he had set to vibrate. A sleepy Kevin had one arm draped over his waist, and his head resting upon Andy's shoulder. He looked so cute, & Andy did his best not to wake him. Picking it up, he answered with a yawn "Hello?" "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS?" the angry voice of his coach greeted him. "O SHIT!" Andy replied, seeing that the clock on his phone read 10:30. "YOU SHOULD ALREADY BE HERE FOR WARM-UPS!" his coach continued, "YOU PLAY TODAY AT 1:30 - REMEMBER?" Andy slid from underneath Kevin, stammering "I'm sorry coach, I'll get there ASAP!" "IT BETTER BE SOONER THAN THAT!" responded an angry coach as he hung up on Andy.

"What's goin' on?" asked a now awake Kevin. "It's 10:30 man, I'm late getting to the stadium for my match!" replied Andy. "I thought you didn't play until !:30?" said Kevin. "I don't, but coach always wants to have me there 3 hours ahead!" Andy said as he grabbed a pair of boxers and ran for the shower. Richard poked his head into the room & asked "Everything OK?" "Not really" Kevin replied "Andy's gotta get to the stadium - he's late!" "No problem - I know how to get there, you and I can take him there in the RangeRover!", Richard replied. "Get dressed, and we'll leave in a few minutes."

Andy ran back into the room a moment after Richard left, his dripping torso quite a nice sight for Kevin, spoiled only by the boxers around his waist. Toweling off his wet head, Andy murmured about how long it would take to get a cab to the stadium. "Already got it worked out", replied Kevin, still dressing, "Richard and I are going to drive you there!" "Aw, shit, thanks man!", Andy smiled, giving Kevin a kiss while he hurried to dress.

"I can't thank you enough, Richard", he said as he & Kevin got in the LandRover. "Don't sweat it - if we hadn't kept you UP so late last night, you'd have probably got on time!" The three boys cracked up at Richard's reference to Andy's cock and all the attention it had received last night. It wasn't too long after that they pulled up at the tennis stadium, letting Andy out at the players' entrance. "Made it sooner than I thought." said Andy, his watch read 11:15. "Good Luck!" Kevin said, returning Andy's kiss.

"Hope the coach doesn't ream him too much." sighed Kevin, as he watched Andy disappear thru the players' room doorway. "It looks like you two are becoming really close," replied Richard. "We are, and I'm thankful for every moment we have with each other," said Kevin. "But, Richard, I need to ask, can you give me a ride back here in a little while for Andy's match" A smiling Richard replied "Of course - we're ALL going!" Kevin responded "REALLY? - THAT'S GREAT!" giving Richard a big hug. "Yep, and just wait until you see the what we're gonna do to cheer Andy on!!!" Richard said.

When they got back to the house, Ben was first to greet them, his face painted in red, white & blue. He also had two, large American flags, & some hand-held flags. "COOL!" yelled Kevin, "You guys are the best!" Ben smiled, and said, "You haven't seen anything yet - go back and see Ryan and Jonathan and they'll fix you guys up!" Bradley & Jon were coming down the hall, their faces already painted, as Richard & Kevin made their way back to Jonathan & Ryan's room.

A short while later, the troop of teens piled into the LandRover. Bradley mused to Jon as they got in, "Quite a site we'll be - two Brits, cheering on a Yank in Sydney, AUSTRALIA!" "Shut up, you silly clot," a chuckling Jon replied. "Well, at least the colors we're painted in match the colors of OUR flag," responded Bradley. "CLOT!", yelled Jonathan, playfully wacking Bradley in the head with a small duffle bag. "Ryan put a lot of thought into this!" Kevin gave Ryan a surprised look, " This was YOUR idea?" he asked. "Well, my mom says I need to quit being such an ASSHOLE all the time and do something nice once in a while," Ryan replied in a deadpan voice. Richard nearly drove off the road as he & the guys doubled over in laughter.

Since these were the afternoon games it wasn't hard for the boys to get tickets. The marquee' names of the tour, Agassi, Henman, Sampras, Rafter, would not play until the evening, & the crowds weren't as large. Andy's Army was able to get seats about 20 rows up near center court. They called out to Andy, as he was hitting some warm-ups with one of the ball-boys. "Yo!" he yelled back to them, then finished with a few more warm-ups & made his way to the bench.

Moments later, the PA announcer said "Welcome, gentlemen & ladies to Court #2 for today's match, Mr. David Nalbandian, versus Mr. Andy Roddick!" The boys all cheered loudly at hearing Andy's name, & he acknowledged them with a fist pump. After a few pre-match volleys with David, the game got under way.

Andy played tentatively in the first set, and Nalbandian broke his first two serves, taking the first set, 6-2. The second was a better one for Andy, playing with a little more fire, scoring some aces, and taking the set, 6-4. Nalbandian still had plenty of fire, and thru some unforced errors, took a hard fought tiebreak from Andy in the third set, 7-6.

The fourth set was going the same as the third, both players grunting, sweating, diving for every shot. Neither would give in to the other's serve. Kevin & the boys whooped, hollered and waved their flags at the end of each volley. Soon, the game was at 6-6, another tiebreak. As Andy & David switched end of the court for play of the tiebreaker, Ryan and Kevin said "Let's break out the big guns!" In unison, the 7 teens stood, removed their shirts, & began to chant "RODDICK! RODDICK!"

Andy looked up, and was delighted to see his last name spelled out in bodypaint on the bare chests of his comrades. Then to his surprise, Kevin yelled, "About face!" and the boys jumped, turned in unison, & spelled out "ANDY IS #!" on their backs. Ryan was the "R" & the "A", Ben the "O" & the "N", Bradley the two "D's", Jon Lee the "D" & the "Y", Jonathan with the two "I's, Richard the "C" & the "S", ending up with Kevin as the "K" & the "#1." Andy's Army was revved up and roaring.

This was just what Andy needed to get him fired up, and he broke David's first 2 serves of the tiebreak. He went up 4-0 on holding his own serves, dropped to 4-2 as Nalbandian held on service, but won the tiebreak, blasting two aces to take the set and send the match to a fifth set.

Nalbandian smashed his racquet at the foot of his chair, feeling the match slipping away. Andy pounced early, broke David, only giving up one service, taking the final set, 6-1. Kevin led the "RODDICK!" cheer again, & Andy fired a ball up to his mates, then ran to the net to shake David's hand, and the chair umpire. The usual crowd of screaming, giggling girls was on hand and yelling for him to toss them his shirt. But, Andy would save it for his special guy.

About 30 minutes after the match, he met up with the guys outside the lockers. "You guys were - AWESOME! - I need to take you to ALL of my matches!" he said as he ran to join the group. High-5's were had all around, and Kevin gave him a bear hug. "Way to go!" they chanted, as they headed toward the LandRover for the trip back to the house.

"So, did the coach blast ya' for bein' so late?" inquired Ryan, as they got into their seats. "Yeah, he rode me pretty hard just before the match, said I was irresponsible but was OK after. He told me I better be on time though for the next match, or he'll call my parents," Andy replied. "I'll make DAMN SURE that doesn't happen!" stated Kevin.

When the boys got back to the house, all but Kevin and Andy made a beeline for their swim trunks and the beach. "Andy is pretty tired, and I'm gonna stay here with him," said Kevin. "SURE, " chortled Ryan "but not to tired for a little rompin' & rollin' I'll bet!" Kevin retorted, "Earlier today, I could have sworn I heard somebody sayin' something about his MOM riding his ASS for being such a SMART-ASS all the time, hmm?" Ryan laughed, & said, "just kiddin' - have fun!"

Kevin went into their bedroom, & Andy was naked, his beautiful, toned form now displayed for Kevin. "Is this your reward to me for cheering you on today?", Kevin beamed. Andy smiled, gave him a kiss, & began to undress his #1 fan and lover. As he got him down to just his briefs, Andy told Kevin to leave them on, then took him in hand, leading him to the shower.

"I want to see you wet & hard in those" Andy said to Kevin, as the water began to run over their bodies. They embraced, & Kevin drank in the musky smell of Andy's sweat from his afternoon exercise. The heat turned up as Kevin worked his prize, gently kissing & caressing the neck, pecs & nipples of his tired warrior. Andy rested his head on Kevin's shoulder, succumbing to the gentle ministrations of his lover.

Kevin and Andy held each other close, but gently, as if their bodies were made of eggshells. They stood motionless for just a while, wanting only to embrace, letting the warmth, comfort and closeness wash over them. Andy could feel Kevin's cock harden against his own thru the soft cloth of the white briefs. Kissing Kevin, he let his hand slip down to join their teen meat as one, whispering, "Beautiful," continuing to kiss his mate, "I want you inside me," he said. Andy pulled away from Kevin a little bit, so he could see his rock-hard tool outlined by the wet briefs. Bending down, Andy slid them down Kevin's tapered legs and whispered, "Make me yours!"

Slowly, Kevin turned Andy around and began sliding his cock up and down in the crack of his ass. He pulled Kevin's face to his own, locking lips as he put his other hand to Andy's cock, working him from the balls to the cockhead. Spreading Andy's legs apart, Kevin pushed into his anus, a small gasp coming from Andy as his cock slid past the opening. They rocked slowly back and forth, still reveling in the touch & feel of skin upon skin. Kevin let out a tiny cry as his seed burst into Andy's canal, & Andy followed, shooting a creamy load on Kevin's hand and the shower wall.

For a few moments, they stood, joined as one by Kevin's cock. Then, soaping & washing each other, they finished, dried off one another, then headed for the bed, their bodies embracing as they spooned together, gently drifting off to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed this installment. There is more to come.

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Next: Chapter 23

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