Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Mar 13, 2005


DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story. It does not represent in any way the lives of the actors portrayed within.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry to take so long to add another chapter. Had a tough time shaking this cold, & I've put in some extra hours at work this week.

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The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, as the boys decided to spend the evening at home after Kevin's mishap. Ben & the Jackson brothers were keeping the S-Club boys busy playing video games, while the trio of Kevin, Andy & Ryan made plans for their upcoming trip to Portugal.

Ryan had gotten permission to go from his parents, but would have to arrive after the other guys, as he had to stop over in Dublin to read for a future film part. "I'll be able to catch a flight out of Shannon & meet you guys a day later in Lisbon," said Ryan. Andy's agent had already booked a couple of suites for the group. "I've got it all booked up in Lisbon," Andy replied. "I think coach is still pissed off though, & he won't like it, but I don't care!", he finished. "What if he complains to your parents?", asked Kevin. "Let him try - they're on MY side in this.", Andy replied.

That night, before drifting off to sleep, Kevin wanted to talk for awhile. "Do you know much about Rafael, Andy? Does he date much?", Kevin asked. "No, he's not seeing anyone that I know of. He's pretty shy, and even though the girls swoon over him, he doesn't really acknowlege them.", replied Andy. "I really don't know if he is gay, bi or straight.", Andy continued. "All I do know is that he's drop-dead gorgeous & could probably hook-up with anyone that he wanted to."

Kevin was curious, as he knew a little something about Ryan that he hadn't told Andy. All he knew was that Ryan wanted to find someone special, & Kevin hoped to help his friend in that pusuit. He also was aware that Ryan liked sex - a lot. Kissing Andy goodnight, his mind puzzled over an idea that could make their upcoming trip a little more interesting.

Andy's match the next day did not go well at all. He had drawn Patrick Rafter, the tall Aussie, ranked #3 on the ATP tour after Sampras and Agassi. Despite all of the support he received from his "army", decked out once again in their warpainted chests, Rafter took Andy down in four sets 2-6, 4-6, 7-5 and 4-6. Afterward, Kevin & Ryan told the other guys they'd be staying behind to watch Rafael's match, plus wait for Andy. They would meet the others at the house later.

Kevin sent a note to Andy in the locker room via one of the ball boys. It read: "I will be with Ryan up in the "C" concourse after your match. Meet us there when you can. Sorry 'bout your match." Then, he & Ryan headed off to wait for Andy. Rafael was up against Gustavo Kuerten, but the match wasn't scheduled until an hour after the end of Andy's match. Andy joined up with them a short time later, thanking both for staying. He was gratified especially to see Kevin, as his mind had been occupied mostly with thoughts about Kevin thru the match. His coach had been displeased as usual, saying that Andy once again lacked discipline and focus. Andy had told him to "fuck-off" as he left the training room.

"So, what's up guys?", he said, sitting down next to Kevin. "You tell us, cause it looks like your coach put you through hell again!", replied Kevin, noting the flushed tones in Andy's cheeks. "Yeah, he was a real bastard again, but I told him what he could do with himself.", Andy said. "You sure he's not gonna cause you trouble?', a concerned Kevin continued. "Nope," Andy replied, "I'll handle him, & besides, I have good news - Rafi's going to stay with us in Lisbon!" The three teens high-fived Andy over hearing the news. "I asked him just a short while ago, & he said yes. He said he wants to meet us after hs match," Andy continued.

The boys moved over to Court #1, just as the announcer introduced the players. "This evening's match features Mr. Rafael Nadal versus Mr. Gustavo Kuerten." The match began, but it was not Rafael's day, as the more experienced Kuerten made it a short day, much as it had been for Andy, dispatching the youngster in three sets. A subdued Andy lamented, "Guess it wasn't our day, today." They exited their seats & headed downstairs to the lockers, waiting there to meet Rafi.

"Hey, dude, a tough day today.", Andy greeted Rafael with an arm around him as he emerged into the sunlight. "Thanks for being there, even though I played like shit today.", replied Rafael. "So, is this Kevin and Ryan?", he asked, gesturing towards the teens. "Yes," said Andy, "This is Ryan and my boyfriend, Kevin," he added with a wink at his lover. "Pleased to meet you," replied Rafael, shaking hands with both. "I hear we're all going to Lisbon together!" he added.

The boys wanted to talk over the plans for the trip for a while, got some drinks, & sat at a table outside the stadium. Rafael could only stay a short time, but got better aquainted with Andy's friends. The teens finished their drinks, said their goodbyes for the time being, then went on their way, Rafael back to his hotel, Kevin, Andy and Ryan back to the beach house. The teens could talk about nothing else but Portugal as their cab rode them home.

Sorry this chapter was not a little longer, but Chapter 12 will be.

NEXT: Kevin, Andy & Rafael in Lisbon.

(+ the return of an original character)

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