Adventures in Zegersland

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Feb 8, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This is work of fiction. It contains no description of any real events, so any similarity to actual occurences are merely coincindence.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The story depicted is one that involves relationships, as well as bi & gay consentual sex between minors & adults. If you find this material offensive, LEAVE NOW!


As Kevin had been on the island now for a few weeks, he had gotten to know it fairly well, so he was able to hail a cab without too much of a wait. He also knew which cabs were the good ones, & which would rip you off, so he waited for the right one, then flagged it down. "Ahh, mister Kevin sir, would you be needin' me to give you & these gentlemen a ride back to the movie set today?", inquired Loki, a driver whose cab Kevin had ridden in before. "Yes sir, Loki my man, that's exactly what I'd like to do." Loki was a native Sumatran, living in Tongatabu as it was the largest city, and it profered the best opportunity for work. As they were so close to New Zealand & also Australia, Loki spoke good English, with a little South Pacific accent.

Loki took the travel bags from Jonathan & Ryan, loaded them in the trunk, & opened the doors at the rear of the cab and let the guys get in. It had a unique arrangement, with a traditional rear seat, then a second seat that backed up to the driver seat and faced the rear. Andy & Kevin climbed into this seat, while Ryan & Jonathan took the back. It was almost like riding in a small limousine. "Man, this thing's got as much space back here as my mom's old grocery getter!", remarked Ryan, snickering. "Tell me mister Kevin, what is the thing you call a grucery gitter?", asked Loki quizzically. "Don't sweat it Loki my man, my friend is just telling you how much he likes the car" Kevin replied, grinning at Ryan.

"So, what's the story with you two?", Ryan asked, looking first at Kevin, then at Andy. "Andy's here for the weekend - he stopped on his way to Sidney for the Junior ATP's to stay with me this weekend," said Kevin in a little bit of a cautious tone. Ryan was gay, & Kevin suspected that Ryan wanted to figure out if there might be something more going on between himself and Andy. Kevin had known that Ryan was gay for a while, as he had seen a truckload of porns downloaded on Ryan's PC back home. A couple of times he had watched them with Ryan, & the two of them had jacked off in Ryan's bedroom, but had never had sex or touched each other. Ryan was not sure if Kevin was bi or gay, but he suspected the latter.

Andy put his hand over Kevin's, & looking straight at Ryan, replied "Well, since Kev and I have been friends for a long time, it was hard to say no, so I came. I believe we've grown a little closer since I've been here," Andy said, winking at Kevin. Kevin was both overjoyed and astonished by his new love's admission. Jonathan looked a bit surprised as well, and asked "So, does this mean you two are a couple?" "Yes, it does," answered Andy, a stunned Ryan's face nearly losing his jaw, as he gaped at the two teens before him. "My, my," Ryan thought, his friend from back home went & bagged himself a boyfriend.

Jonathan had always been straight. As he had worked his way thru acting, he met a lot of gay and lesbian actors, but this was his first experience meeting a gay couple. "That's cool," he said. "So, have you two been having a good time together?" Andy smiled, and said, "Oh yeah, you might say that." Kevin winked at Ryan, and gripped Andy's hand a little tighter. "We've bladed down here to town, & I was showing Andy around while we waited for your plane to arrive," said Kevin. His other hand was at his side, touching the pocket in his shorts that contained the gift for Andy, waiting til later when the moment was right.

Kevin didn't know how Andy would react if he had come right out and admitted that it was more than just friendship. He wasn't sure either about admitting this in front of Jonathan, as Kevin had only met him just once before. Jon hadn't gone homophobe on them, so that was good. He wanted to lean over & kiss Andy, but then he have to knock off an even bigger shit-eating grin off of Ryan's face than the one he already was wearing. He'd fix Ryan's little wagon later.

The cab soon arrived back at the site, and Kevin gave Loki a nice tip, as he knew the young Sumatran had a wife and two small children at home. "Thanks mr. Kevin, call for me if I need another drive," said Loki. Ryan & Jon picked up their bags, following Kevin and Andy to the trailer. "Hey guys," asked Kevin, "after we get your stuff into the other bedroom, you up for a little sand volleyball?" "That sounds great," said Jon "it'll give us a chance to get stretched out a bit after that plane ride." Ryan & Andy nodded in agreement. Kevin showed Jon & Ryan to the other bedroom. While Ryan and Jon unpacked, Kevin beckoned Andy to follow him to his bedroom.

After they had put their rollerblades down, Kevin motioned for Andy to sit on the bed. Andy complied, not knowing what his love had in mind. Kevin reached into a pocket of his shorts, pulling out a clasp necklace, one made from tiny white & tan clamshells and held it up for Andy to see. "I wasn't gonna give you this until a little later, but I was so thrilled by what you said before in the car that I couldn't wait any longer," he said, and kissed Andy on the cheek. "It's beautiful Kevin, thank you so much!" Andy replied, returning Kevin's kiss, "I'll wear it right away!", and he clasped it around his neck.

"It looks smashing on you old boy!", Kevin giggled. "Oh, god, not that accent again!" Andy chortled. He was going to say more but was interrupted by Ryan shouting into their room "if you two are done foreplayin, Jonathan and I want to play some v-ball!" Kevin wizzed a pillow at him and yelled, "Yeah, yeah, we're coming!" Giving Andy another kiss, he said "Let's go!"

The sand volleyball pit was to the left side of the beach near Kevin's trailer, opposite from where he & Andy had been the night before. Ryan said he would play with Jon against Andy & Kevin, since he didn't want the new couple to miss some "quality time together." Andy beaned him with the ball, saying "take that, wise ass!", giving Ryan a good-natured grin. The guys agreed to the teams, and got ready to play.

One by one, the lean teenagers began to remove their shirts from their torsos. Jon & Ryan kicked off their sandals. Kevin & Andy were already barefoot, having taken off their socks back at the trailer. Jon had a beautiful body, a tapered swimmer build with rounded abs and delts. Nice, defined pecs were crowned with quarter-size nips of dark, amber hue. A small tuft of blond fur led down from just below Jonathan's belly, continuing on past the waistband of the tight, white denims. He was so sexy, showing off an impressive display of hair under the pits, raising his arms as he slid the Hawaiian off his smooth frame. Jon's gold neckchain reflected in the sunlight, a perfect touch to finish the beautiful picture the sexy 17-year old presented.

Ryan had probably the least defined chest of the four teens, with pecs & abs barely visible. He was however, lean & athletic, having played a variety of sports. He had not really ever worked out, and his lacking definition was a result. Nonetheless, this did not detract from the fact that Ryan too was beautiful, a small amount of hair just beginning to form around his washboard, and the beginnings of some nice, jet black patches in hs pits. Only Kevin knew what Ryan had underneath his cut-offs. It more than made up for what he lacked in chest!

Next time: Ball games and hot dogs!

Next: Chapter 9: Kevins Awakening 9

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