Adventures of Texas Boys

By chad

Published on Nov 7, 2010


My name is Chad and this took place when I was 20 years old. I was still living at home and had a younger brother named Eric. I am gay and Eric is straight. I have always been attracted to younger guys. Smooth bods, nice abs, good tans and a great bod. As you can imagine, I always enjoyed it when Eric would have his buddies over especially since we have a pool and living in Texas, it gets mighty hot in the summer. I love laying out by the pool and tanning feeling the hot summer sun on my body as it slowly tans it to a nice brownish tint.

So one Saturday afternoon I am at the house by the pool when Eric and his friend Zak come out and jump in. This was my first time to see Zak without a shirt and I was like, OMG! He was HOT. I was amazed and attracted to him. So we started playing pool basketball and Eric came by me and was like, quit trying to rub up against him and he smiled at me and laughed. My brother knows I am gay and well, he knows how I suck a cock. But that's another story.

So here we are, three hot guys swimming in the pool and at least one of us has a swelled up cock. So Zak goes, ok lets play a game. He goes, the first one that misses a basket, has to lose their shorts. I was already liking this game, but knew I sucked at sports and really didn't want to be naked with this hard cock. So we started. Eric makes his, I was next, I made mine. Zak makes his. I was like, damn. So we move further back from the goal. Eric goes to makes his, and the ball slips out of his hand and makes its about 1 foot to the basket. Zak screams, lose them ERIC. So Eric goes to the shallow end and loses his shorts. I love seeing him naked. He just trimmed the night before and Zak yells, dude u have no pubes! Eric goes, feels good. So zak looks at me and goes, quit staring at your brother Chad. I laughed and said, oh well he is standing there naked. So Zak goes, my turn to shoot. So he shoots and makes it. I was like, FUCK. So I go to shoot and I missed. He goes, ohhhhhhhhh, both of u naked now. So I stripped and he is laughing. Going, u must really be gay. Eric goes, damn chad, never seen it that hard. Zak goes, damn u seen him hard before? Eric laughs and goes, we are brothers. So Yeah. So Eric goes, ok Zak to the end of the pool and shoot. So zak goes to the end and he shoots and misses.So he goes, damn, sorry, but I have to go home. I am like, fuck no! Strip boy. So he takes his shorts off under the water and goes, there. So he goes, damn, why am I So hard. And he stands up and his cock is beautiful. I was like, OMG. He laughs and goes, oh does queer boy like something here? So I went after him trying to catch him and we are wrestling in the water. He was like, don't touch it, don't touch it. So after about 20 minutes of fucking around trying to play grab ass, Eric goes, ok, lets get out.

So Zak goes, throw me my shorts. Eric laughs and goes, come get them. So I am like, fuck, we seen each other naked, lets just stay like that and get some food. So we head inside and raid the kitchen. After eating, Zak is like dudes, I need a shower and have to get going. So Eric told him to go shower in the bathroom upstairs where our bedrooms were. He goes and Eric is like, you are boned up for him aren't you? I am like, yeah, he is hot. He laughes and goes well too bad you can't have him. He goes up to his room and I go to mine. I close the door and I laid on my bed and starting slowly stroking it. As I was, Zak gets done with his shower and I can hear them in Eric's room. Eric jumps in the shower then. So after a few minutes, zak just barges in on me, He goes, DUDE! And starts laughing going, wtf? He just looks at me and then at my cock. I am like, Zak, you got me all horny. He laughs and goes, well yeah, I am hot and you want me. He goes, You want me to strip and you can jerk off to my body. I was like, OMG, Please.. So Zak strips his clothes off and I am like, fuck. I have no shame and I start jerking and he bones up. I finally say, you want me to take care of ur hard cock. He moves closer and say's take it. I was like, omg and I get between his legs and start licking his balls first. Then I ran my tongue down his long shaft and tickled his piss hole with my tongue. He is just moaning, going damn that feels good. I finally go down on him and he yells, FUCK YES and I start sucking it with all I got. I felt him really hardening up and I came off of his cock and ran my tongue up his abs and to his hot dark nipples. He jumps and goes no one has ever sucked my nipples. I am like, just lay back and enjoy it. I took my tongue around his nipples and sucked on each one. I love boy nipples. Finally the door opens and Eric is standing there naked going, fuck zak, I told you he would. I was like, oh yes I would. And I moved back to his cock and started sucking again.

Eric sits on the bed and starts jerking himself off. Two minutes later, him and zak both cummed. Zak cummed in my mouth and his juice tasted and felt so good. He just laid there after that going, thank you Chad. They finally got up and went to Eric's room. I had to jerk myself off, which didn't' take much doing. They left for a party and I just watched TV. My parents were out of town. So I was alone and stayed naked. About 10 pm, they came home and I was happy to see Zak still with him. I am like, why you home so early? Eric goes, the party sucked. Not much beer, the girls were bitchy so we called it a night. Zak goes, Chad, get us some beer. I told him I was only 20 and can't go buy it. But I had a friend who was 21. So I called him and he told me to meet him at the store. So I left, got the beer and went back home. As I got out of my truck, I smelt something funny. So I went to the back and there were my brother and Zak sharing a joint. I was like, fuck, put that shit out. Zak goes, omg, its just a joint, calm down. I have smoked weed before but didn't know Eric did it. Eric goes, ur not mad are you? I am like, shocked and Kinda concerned. Zak was already passing the beer out. So I sat down and they both took another hit and passed it to me. I was like, h mm no. Zak goes, omg, You will suck my cock but not this? Then I said, well zak you come suck my cock, then I will. He was like, not the first one I have sucked and got out of his chair and between my legs. I pulled it out and he went down on it. He sucked me good. It sure wasn't his first time. I took a hit and was like, fuck that felt good. Then what happened next surprised the hell out of me. Zak stopped sucking and goes, well you can't cum yet because you have to fuck me first. We drank a few more and ended up on the living room floor. I put a condom on and lubed up his ass and as I entered it, I was like dude, ur so hard. He goes, yeah, never been fucked. He goes, you will get my cherry tonight. My cock entered his hole and he screamed and yelled, oh it hurts. I am like, relax, it will be ok. I let my cock get adjusted in there and then I started fucking him and it felt so good. His tight ass was like heaven. I worked him over and he was moaning and sweating. Eric was watching and jerking on his cock going fuck Zak, your taking that like a man. I finally got close and pulled out and came all over his hot stomach. I looked down and he had came too and we had cum all over the place. We cleaned up and went to bed.

More to come. Let me know what you think

Next: Chapter 2

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