After Game Night

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Jan 28, 2022


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

After Game Night — Part 7


The color drained from my face, and my mind went completely, utterly blank. There is no way in Hell Greg didn't know precisely what the fuck was going on: we were both naked as jaybirds, Nick was flat on his back with his right leg thrown over my shoulder, and I was balls deep inside his ass.

I'd say there were relatively few options.

Without a word, Greg turned and walked away... and I could pretty much feel my entire life starting to crash around me. I sat back on my haunches, shattered. Nick and I couldn't even look at each other. Moments passed. I was mentally spiraling at this point, thinking about... shit, everything. My pulse raced, and my sex-sweat had suddenly become fear-sweat. Shit. Shitshitshitshitshit.

After a few minutes of existential crisis, I stopped and mentally shook myself off. I glanced at Nick, who still seemed shell-shocked, and said, "Ok, bud. This is... awkward. But we'll push through. We're taking this like men. We're going out there and facing this."

Nick continued to stare into the middle distance. "What do we even say?"

"Well, you're a lawyer and I'm a PR guy. I bet we'll be able to think of something."

Nick smirked, in spite of himself. He got up gamely from the bed and fished a pair of towels from the bathroom, tossing one to me as he exited the room. "You're right. No sense letting this stew. Let's roll."

I watched him go, ruefully taking in a last glimpse of Nick's amazing ass as he flipped the towel around his waist, clutching it closed with his left hand.

Boy... how did it come to this? Despite my big words, I was shitting bricks. My blood felt like ice. I didn't think the guys were going to start bashing us. Well... I sure hoped the guys didn't start bashing us. But it was more than that. In that moment of mental panic, I realized... well, I realized... I loved these guys. They were a bunch of fuckwads, but they were my fuckwads. It's... hard to make friends as an adult. As a guy. But these goons took me in and made me one of the pack. We were there for each other. They put up with my shit, and put up with me making fun of their shit.

I didn't want to let them down. To disappoint them. To lose them. Fuck.

Would things be different? Would the essential tightness between us still be there? Would they--even reflexively, subconsciously--pull back? Flinch if I gave one of them a shoulder-hug?

Well, too late to worry about that now. I breathed a heavy sigh, and tied off the towel around my waist. Time to face the music.

As I padded out to the great room, I could see Greg sitting on the couch slumped over, his legs splayed with his elbows resting on his thighs. He made a somewhat intimidating sight. Of all of us, Greg was "the jock." We all kept active, but Greg easily had us beat in the physique department. He had played baseball in college, and now played hockey in a local adult league. And sitting there, wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts, I was uncomfortably aware of his ability to mop the floor with either one of us if he wanted to go all "Hulk Smash" on our asses. Still, he was a sweetheart of a guy, and I was hoping that would remain the case.

Seeing us, he uncoiled, sitting back. At first, he seemed at a loss for words... but he quickly found them.

"What the fuck was that? I mean... you were..."

"Fucking," Nick responded, going with the obvious.

Greg blinked. Twice. "Ya think? I was there, Romeo! I got a full view of you both in your..." at this point, his hand waved wildly back and forth " all your... glory. How long has this been going on? Are you a couple or something?"

I had my hands up, placatingly. "Well, we're not like a couple. I mean, not... we're not, like together or anything... but yeah, we've gotten together a couple of times..."

"Not nearly often enough, for my taste," Nick interjected, apparently trying to lighten the mood. Greg just turned to him and stared, slack-jawed. Seeing Greg's expression, Nick looked abashed, and stared at the floor. "Sorry. And Greg? Sorry you had to see... that."

At this point, we could hear the front door burst open as Dave and Rick bounded in, laughing about something. I inwardly died, and fervently wished an asteroid would come crashing through the ceiling and just put an end to everything.

Sensing something was off, the guys' laughter died away, and they looked around confused. "What's up?" Dave asked.

Greg slightly turned his head and called out to them, "Nothing much! I just walked in on Buck fucking Nick's ass off, is all!"

Rick started snorting a laugh, then looked over to see me in nothing but a towel, and Nick just holding a towel closed in front of his crotch. The laughter most definitively stopped. Dave asked, "Holy shit, are you serious?"

Nick, surrendering, crossed over to a chair and plopped himself down. "Yeah. He's serious. Buck was giving me the ride of my life. Can you handle it?"

"Aww, Jesus! Don't sit there," Greg called out. "I mean... you were fucking! Don't get all your 'fuck' shit on the furniture!"

Nick raised his hands in confusion. "C'mon, Greg, what does that even mean?"

I did a total facepalm. Fuck my life. "Guys!" I sighed heavily. "Look, this is not how any of us envisioned the weekend going. Let's just all sit down. Nick and I will answer any and all questions, and explain what we can. But we're all here... let's try to be adults."

Dave shrugged and sat down on the opposite couch from where Greg was sitting. "It's cool, we're all good. We've all seen each other in worse light than this. Although if I do say, seeing Nick's pencil dick poking out from behind that towel certainly qualifies as 'worse.' For God's sake, man... can't you wrap yourself up?"

Nick flashed him an indignant look. He stood and theatrically flipped the towel open with his hands, exposing himself in his full glory. And then with slow, exaggerated movements, he wrapped it around his waist and sat down.

Well. This was going great.

At this point, Rick joined Dave on the opposite couch and tried to jump-started the conversation. "So. Seriously. You guys... like, do shit? Together? I mean... what do you do...?"

Nick's eye-roll was pretty epic. "Christ, dude, do you want us to draw you a picture?"

Rick took in a breath, but I cut him off. "Yeah. We 'do shit.' And not to belabor the point, but I think we all know what guys do when they get together... they suck cock and fuck ass."

"Yeah. And it's the best sex I've ever had. I'm getting hard thinking about it," Nick said defiantly.

Rick just shook his head and grumbled, "TMI."

Greg in particular seemed skeptical about everything. "Ok, ok. Got it." He paused, but there was clearly something else on his mind. He cocked his head slightly, and went on, "I mean, I guess I can see sucking cock, I mean... who doesn't love a blowjob? But getting ramrod-ed back there? That's gotta fucking hurt."

I turned and looked Greg right in the eye. "Don't knock it til you try it. You have no idea... none. What Nick said: it's the best fucking sex I've ever had. It's like a whole nother universe of amazing."

At this point, Rick chimed in. "But c'mon... isn't that... nasty? I mean, a guy's ass is... you know, dirty. Why would anyone want to do this?"

Nick made a sound of extreme exasperation and cast a disparaging glance around the room. "What, like you jackasses don't jerk off every day thinking about doing anal with a woman? Why would doing it with a guy be dirty, if it wouldn't be with her?" The guys didn't say anything, but shuffled their feet and looked anywhere else. "And while we're on the subject, I can't believe you motherfuckers are going to sit around and try to tell me that you've never thought about what it would be like to get it on with a guy! Well? Have you?"

His accusing glare flashed among the guys, who didn't say anything, but squirmed uncomfortably. Curiously, Dave stared back... then opened his mouth, and slammed it shut again. Interesting.

I wasn't the only one who picked up on this. Rick cocked his head to stare at Dave more intently. "Dude. What."

Dave said nothing, but the collective weight of our stares finally broke through. He started a flow of words that was juuuuust this side of babbling. "No... shit NO. It was nothing. It was just... Look, it was nothing. When I was just a kid, my uncle's family used to visit us every year. My cousin... well, we'd jerk off together. But it was no big deal! We were horny and curious, and it never turned into anything!"

Nick gave a smirking half-smile. "Aw man, perving on your cousin? Jesus... you never said anything about that."

"The Hell I was going to tell any of you fuckerheads!" Dave growled back.

Something hit me at that moment. Something that was breathtakingly obvious if I had thought about it even for a moment... but hadn't really registered. Nick and I made an... interesting duo here. The guys went way back with each other, back through when they were teenagers. They had a bedrock of deep, deep friendship that was pretty much unshakable, too. Beyond the ball busting, ribbing, and endless bickering, they had an unbreakable trust in each other.

But at the same time, they would have navigated puberty together, and all the unholy terrors that it contained. They would have worked out their feelings of sexuality, hopes and dreams, and everything. Growing up, among guys homophobia was stronger than the force of gravity... and the crew had most likely all been mutually enforcing that on each other, even if they didn't mean to. Or realize they were doing it. In some ways, they were still navigating those anxieties together today. Absolute trust, tempered with a fear of letting each other--or the Male Code--down.

I, on the other hand, was a newbie to the group. I wouldn't, on my own, ever gain that level of trust and comfort with them. But on the other hand, I was a bit more "anonymous." I was probably easier to talk to, because my relationship with them didn't have all those extra layers, or have extra baggage.

Maybe I was a "safer" guy to talk to.

"Dave," I ventured, "Then maybe you can kinda get where Nick and I are coming from. I never thought about myself as ever doing anything with a guy, either. Like you, there was no way I was ever going to make a first move. But... it happened. It was one thing led to another. And once you break the dam, so to speak, you realize that all that bullshit we've had drilled into our brains since puberty about man-sex being nasty, or that's it's only for freaks or pansies is just that: bullshit. And not to put too fine a point on it, it's actually fucking awesome. And suddenly you're in a whole new world of possibilities that you didn't know about, and didn't know that you didn't know about."

Dave looked at me warily. Or maybe more accurately, thoughtfully.

I continued, not wanting to let the moment go. "Guys always joke than men give each other better blowjobs, because they have the same equipment and know what feels good. Well, I bet you found that was true for other stuff, too. I bet that cousin of yours gave you a better handjob than any girl you've ever met. Right?"

Dave didn't say anything.

Got him. "It's the truth; it's just a fact of life. Nick and I didn't have any experience. When things started happening, we were scared shitless. At least I was. I thought, well guys don't do this. Thought it wasn't natural. But it was natural. It was easy. Turns out we knew everything we needed to know. And it was exciting. And..." I looked over at Nick. "...and it was fucking good."

Nick smiled, made an air kiss, and gave his balls a squeeze. The other guys groaned.

I kept going. "The first time we let something happen, we realized there's no comparison between how a girl works you over and how a guy works you over. And once we realized that, a lot of our inhibitions just went away. 'They' had been telling us all our lives that guy stuff was wrong, off the table. But we tried it out for ourselves, and loved everything."

Nick was looking at me, with a look somewhere between being wistful and being... grateful. "He's right. Sex with this guy is totally different from sex with a woman. Like he said: guys just know. It's so much easier."

I looked dead at Dave. "Look, we're all buds. What you say here stays here. Tell it true: you say nothing happened with your cousin but jacking off. But you were curious to try more, weren't you?"

Dave held my gaze for a second, then looked down squarely at his feet. "Maybe." He gave a rueful chuckle. "I never asked. I was never going to ask. But I wondered, yeah." There was a fairly intense silence. "But I can't be the only one who's thought about walking on the other side. Greg, what about you and that sexaholic roommate of yours?"

Greg paused for a second, and burst out into wild guffaws of laughter. "On man! Jonas! God, I forgot about him. What a..." Greg trailed off, laughing to himself.

Given how hard he was laughing, I broke a smile myself. "Who was Jonas?"

"Oh, man. He was my roommate for one semester, back in freshman year, before flunking out. He... well, he was the most oversexed jackhole I ever met. He was, like pretty and had all the girls eating out of his fucking hand. Always going on about his 'sexual energy' and all that. Hung out naked all the time. And I know far more about his sex life than I will ever know about mine. He had an endless parade of women, and they'd go at it whether or not I was around. He tried more than once to get me to join them." Greg shook his head and drifted into a long silence. "And yeah, he did offer to suck me off to 'loosen me up.' But there was no way I'd let him."

"Why not?" Rick asked, laughing.

"Oh c'mon," Greg said. "I mean, I just wasn't into him. His body... I dunno, he was like... a cat. And he was so... pretty. I never knew why the girls liked him so much. It was so fucking frustrating. Like, why? I mean, if I was gonna go for it with a dude, it would have to be someone like..."

Right then, Greg had turned is head and pointed right at me.

Our eyes met. And held. For just one beat.

And he quickly looked away.

The room was filled with a silence so loud I thought my ears were going to explode.

Greg brought his hand up, like he was grabbing his mouth. He was quiet for a second, but went on with measured clarity. "Look... sorry. I just got carried away and started babbling. I didn't mean to imply anything, and I don't have a thing for you. It's just... Shit. I don't even know what I'm saying."

I grabbed an ottoman and pulled it over. I sat down, perpendicular to Greg and mirroring his posture. "Dude. Don't worry. And don't worry about embarrassing yourself... I'm sitting here naked on the most humiliating day of my entire life. Trust me... no judgment here." Chuckles rippled across the room.

Finally, Greg broke the silence, in a muted voice. "Yeah, like Nick said, I've thought about things every now and then. Wondered. We all do. But... shit. This sounds awful, but I don't know that I'd ever... be interested in a guy like Jonas. I mean... Aww shit."

"It's cool. We're just buds, just talking. What kind of guy would be interesting to you?"

Greg smiled. Still looking down.

"Someone like me?"

"Yeah. Like you." Greg lifted up his head and went on, words falling over each other. "Look at you. Great body, lovable scruff... you're like the perfect guy. I'm not trying to creep on you, and I haven't been jerking off to your picture or anything, but... yeah. You. And all of you. All you guys are real. Not like the guys in ads and all that shit. You're actual, fucking, men. But... what the fuck am I even saying. We're not doing anything. I'm just talking out my ass here... and you're twisting my words!" he added defensively.

A pause. Nick, who had continued to stand this whole time, finally walked over to the opposite couch, and plopped himself down right between Dave and Rick, his splayed legs nearly touching theirs. They almost looked like they were going to say something, do something... but remained silently sitting there. Watching Greg and I.

I persisted, gently. "Funny thing, bud, is that I think I know exactly what you're thinking. A few weeks ago, that was me. Me and Nick." I looked over at Nick, who flashed a crooked smile at me. "In a weird way, Nick being a guy just made it... easier. More relatable. Safer. We hadn't really thought about being with a guy, had no plans... and then, it happened. And I'm so fucking grateful it did. I didn't know how exciting it could be. Easy and exciting. Feeding off each other like that."

I looked around the room. I had everyone's undivided attention. Dave, in fact, was distinctly rubbing his hand back and forth across his thigh. Left to right. Left to right. Left to right. Greg's leg was bouncing rapidly.

Rick piped up. "Isn't it... weird?"

Nick jumped in, playfully slapping on Rick's leg. "It is many things, but 'weird' isn't one of them. Sex with a guy and sex with a woman are... totally different things. I mean, some stuff is the same, and similar principles, but... totally different. It makes sense... guys are just more... active. Aggressive. Direct. It's fucking animalistic, just by default."

"Plus," I added, "I keep saying: a guy just... knows. About a man's body. How to fucking drive him wild. In some ways, it's like you're fucking around with yourself."

Nick beamed, and gestured over toward me with his thumb. "This cum-hound opened up whole new worlds. He's woken up parts of my body that I didn't even know were hot spots. You guys don't know what you're missing. I wish I--we--had been freer to explore and not be scared way back when. It's been amazing catching up on everything we missed out on."

Dead silence. Rick broke the ice. "Ok. I get it. But a guy's gonna be... you know, fucking hairy. Sweaty. Doesn't that... ruin it?"

Nick retorted, "That's part of the magic." The guys, who had been following the conversation intently, started to look incredulous. Nick continued, growing more animated with each word until he was nearly shouting. "No, seriously. Ok, I don't speak from extensive experience. But Buck and I were just talking about this. It's the hair that makes it so hot. It's the sweat that makes it so hot. It's the smell of his balls that makes it so hot. It's knowing you're with a fucking guy that makes it so hot. It's... dangerous. Forbidden. And fucking primal. The fact that a guy... let's you in like that is unbelievable. And hotter than fuck. And at the end of the day, guys just... let loose. And so you let loose too. They push you, and you push back. And then you're going at it harder than anything you've dreamed about. It's the most intensely masculine thing possible, and it's all that masculine energy that's fucking feeding you. Jesus! We've all been so housebroken that we don't even know how fucking animalistic sex is supposed to be! I've never felt more alive, fucking alive, than when Buck and I are tearing into each other... it's like a couple of fucking battleships colliding!"

"Sex with a woman makes me feel like a Husband," I said simply. "Sex with a guy makes me feel like a Man."

More silence.

Greg cautiously spoke up. "You... tell a good story." I was close enough to see him starting to tent his shorts. I suspected the others weren't far behind.

Dave murmured out, "Shit. It sounds hot. Maybe I wish I had done more with my cousin when I had the chance."

Somehow, I heard myself say, "Maybe you can now."

I don't think I can convey just how intently everyone in that room was staring at me.

"I'm just gonna say it. This morning, when Greg walked in on us, I realized something. You guys are closer than brothers to me. We're all best buds. We're family. I'd take a bullet for you. I was afraid when you found out what was going on, that would be it. But in talking, I know we're all in the same boat. I think it's fair to say that we've all wondered about what it's like to be with a guy, and maybe it only takes the smallest push for any of us to cross the line. I think we've all been looking for something. All been missing something. Well... maybe we can help each other find it. Together."

No one moved. No one spoke. I reached over to Greg, put my hand on his knee. He trembled, just for a flash. "Buck," he said thickly, "I..."

"I've got you. It's easy, just so fucking easy. Like I said: we're buds. We're family. You can trust me... no pressure. We've got each other. Just be yourself, Greg. Just let go. You have no idea what it's like. You're a fucking man. With a man's needs. Fucking own it. Fucking take it."

There was a long pause. Finally Greg took in a breath, and gave a smirk.

I ran my hand strongly up his thickly muscled leg, my fingers sliding under the fabric of his gym shorts. He let out a series of rapid breaths. I could feel his leg hair get thicker as I moved into his crotch. Nice. I bet my jock buddy had a real man bush. Then, my fingers brushed his balls. My hand took them in. And Greg let out a deep baritone moan that made my rock-hard dick twitch with excitement.

I looked to the opposite couch. Nick was grinning like a mad fool, while Dave and Rick had mirrored expressions that showed shock, excitement, and an undercurrent of raw hunger. Even with their shorts on, I could tell they hard as steel. Not surprising; even if a guy is straight, he'll react when watching another guy get pleasured.

I turned back to Greg, looking him dead in the eyes. "You've been curious. Well, the only way to really know what it's like to be with a guy is to... be with a guy. And I think we're going to have some fun." Greg broke into a wide, lurid leer.

Without further ado, I grabbed the waistband of his shorts, and pulled them down. Greg's dick came free, and slapped against his torso.


My whole experience with dicks had been with mine and Nick's. Seeing Greg's set my balls on fire, in all the best ways. He wasn't as long as Nick, but thick. He had a flared mushroom head that was leaking precum. As expected, his junk was nestled in a forest of curly hair. Not as hairy as Nick, but definitely all man.

Fuck. He was fucking hotter than Hell.

And I was going to show him one hell of a good time.

Faster than lighting, I buried my face in his hairy crotch, and breathed him in.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. His musk filled my nose and set my pulse racing. Yeah, he was fucking all man. Half dizzy, I started little tongue motions, tasting his balls, catching his shaft. He reached down and started massaging my head, his fingers teasing my hair. He wanted this.

I pulled back, and fucking inhaled his cock, giving him a second to feel my mouth surround his head before I drove down as far as I could go. Nick's dick had trained me well; I had to stretch my mouth to match his girth, but as he wasn't as long, I could pretty much dive down to his base.


Greg arched his back and almost flew off the couch. Whatever he had been hoping for, this was far, far better. Whatever inhibitions he might have had went right out the window. I bobbed a couple of times, giving my deep throating the maximum impact, then pulled off to get my breath.

And then I really went after him.


I threw everything I had ever learned about male pleasure at him. I sucked his cockhead hard. Maximum suction, as I worked up and down, up and down, fast as I could. My tongue snaked down and probed him right under the piss slit, then back to the tip. A few deep dives taking his whole dick in my mouth, and then back to rapid-fire working the head. My spit ran down his shaft, and I used the extra lubrication to start jacking him in time with my mouth. He wailed like a Halloween monster the entire time, his head wildly whipping from side to side. His strong hands all over me.

After several minutes I pulled off him, still jerking his spit-slick dick with my hand. He centered his head, and looked at me. Fucking looked at me. "Oh God, buddy... Oh God... It's so good... It's so good... You're so..."

"I need your balls," I growled. And I took them. I gave them the Full Treatment. I fucking loved having my face in his bush, breathing his scent with every breath. And Goddamn, I loved his balls. Sucking them. Taking them into my mouth. Teasing them. The feel of his skin on my tongue. I lapped at them constantly, listening to the wild pitches of sound he was making to tell what really revved his motor.

I pulled out to go after his cock again. I slid my head sideways and ran my mouth up and down his shaft. And in doing so, I got to see what was happening with the other guys.

I was right in my estimation: even the straightest of guys gets aroused when he sees another guy getting pleasured. Dave and Rick were both openly working their cocks. Rick was feeling himself up through the fabric of his shorts, while Dave went all in--he had pulled his dick out and started stroking himself openly.

Nick had seen enough. He flipped the towel around his waist open, showing off that steel girder between his legs. His dick was standing proud and ready for action. Since Dave was more accessible, he moved there first--knocking Dave's hand away and sucking his cock down. Dave's legs flew apart, and his head shot back as he unleashed a thundering roar.

Rick looked desperate to catch up, desperate to be part of this. He stood up and wildly tried to work his fly open and free his dick. Nick fucking growled as he dove at Rick's crotch, wrenching off his shorts and underwear, and started grinding his face into Rick's hairy balls. But Dave was not going to be put off. He jumped up, and the two started dick-dueling for Nick's mouth. Nick started working them both together, driving the guys out of their minds.

But I couldn't focus; I had Greg.

I knew Greg was built... like I said, he was a jock. But I wasn't prepared for just how fucking stunning he was. Well into it now, he reached back over his head and grabbed the couch for leverage, giving me an unobstructed view of his body. He was smoother than Nick, with just a spray of chest hair across his perfectly shaped pecs. His arms back, I got perfect view of his hairy pits, and I swear I had butterflies in my stomach. Fucking butterflies! His arms were... fucking impressive, and I knew if he threw me down I had no chance of getting up.

I had to have him. To show him what it felt like to be with a guy.

Still jerking him slowly to keep him honest, I plastered my mouth on his bellybutton and started working my way up. The drag of my stubble clearly got to him, as he arched his back and hissed. My tongue went to work, attacking his nipples and sucking them as hard as I had sucked his cock. With my free hand I started massaging his meaty pecs, running my tongue all around their chiseled edges. I wasn't sucking gently, like some schoolgirl, but the way one man pleasures another. He had stopped trying to form words, and was now just letting loose an undulating howl.

Hormonal rage is a wonderful, terrible thing in a guy... and right then, it was raging through me. I fucking needed my dick sucked, too.

Without ceremony, I got up onto the couch, straddling Greg with my dick in his face. "Show me what you've learned." It wasn't a suggestion.

Greg gave a nasty smile, and leaned forward. He jerked me with his hands a couple times to build his courage... and then he went down on me.


Greg didn't even have even the limited experience Nick and I did... but again, there is nothing like a guy to know how to blow a guy. And, given how fired up he was, he had enthusiasm working for him. Everything going on had made him hornier than fuck, and he was determined to repay me for what I did for him. He had great suction, and totally worked his mouth to drive me crazy. He worked me over hard for a few minutes, and then I pressed the issue by grabbing his head and started fucking his face.

I couldn't believe it. This fucking Hulk of a man was into it, and giving me as good as I gave him. After a few minutes, he pulled of and went lips-first for my balls, and started mouthing my hairy crotch. He started swinging his head side to side through my crotch, sending electric thrills through my body. God... he was a fucking natural.

Well. Time to push the envelope.

I reluctantly pulled my dick out of his mouth, leaving him panting and leaning in to get me into his mouth again. But I had other ideas. I stepped down and got between his legs. I vacuum sucked his cockhead, making him growl. Then, I ran my tongue the length of this shaft, down, down toward his balls. I gave them a few good laps but didn't stop my momentum. Then, before he knew what was going on, I hoisted up his hips.

And in a blast of desperate hunger, I fucking buried my face his ass.

I can't fucking tell you how fucking turned on I was. His most private spot, never touched before, neverpleasured before, was fucking mine. He didn't know what hit him.

I was in my element. His butt funk was fucking rich and heavy, slightly sour. I ran my face up and down his crack. Again, not quite as hairy as Nick, but with a hairy hole just crying for attention. I fucking ran my face through it again and again, scouring him with my scruff. And then I opened my mouth and fucking went after his hole.

Greg was completely blown away. Without any reference to what was happening. He fucking bellowed his lungs out, screaming "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD EAT ME EAT ME EATMEEATMEYOUFUCKER AAAAANNNNNGGGHHHHHHHHHAAAA!" His beefy hand grabbed my head like he was trying to crush my skull, and fucking ground my face into his ass, fucking living for the pleasure that was flooding him. And I kept going, raping his virgin hole with my tongue, shaking my head violently in his crack, and wildly mashing my lips into him. He bucked, and flailed against me, all the time roaring his head off.

I went after him until my jaw hurt. Neither of us wavering in intensity. But there was one more thing I needed to do. I pulled off Greg, and let his legs fall. He looked at me with a dazed expression. "Stay here," I said. Again, it was not a suggestion. I got up, and darted back to our room. There was a little bottom of lube I needed.

I strode back into the great room, watching Greg idlily stroking himself, while looking at the others. I followed his gaze and was stunned at what I was watching unfold. Nick had gotten both guys to the floor. He was snapping out orders as he started manhandling them into position. I saw what he was doing, and I have to say I had a burst of jealousy that I couldn't be part of it: Nick had got them into a rough triangle on the floor, and they started blowing each other. All of them making grunting, slurping sounds. The sounds of men.

Well, let them have their fun; I had Greg.

I shot a wad of lube into my hands, and then reached back to start fingering my hole. I was waaaaay too horned up to be particular about it... it was good enough. I squirted some more onto Greg's dick, as he watched me with awed reverence. He panted out, "Holy shit. Are you...?"

I didn't mince words. I got onto the couch straddling him. I gripped his dick and guided to my hole. Greg was so excited his body was almost shivering. We locked eyes, and I could see the pinwheel of emotions spiraling through him: excitement, nervousness, a pang of uncertainty... and a shit-ton of overarching sexual hunger. Probably the same look I had the first time Nick sat on my cock.

My look back to him was simple sexual hunger.

With a smirk, I pushed back and felt his cock rip into me.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!" Two ringing voices bellowing out together. He instinctively grabbed my hips harder than a pneumatic vice. I gripped his hairy forearms, just as strongly.

"Oh SHIT, you're fucking HUGE!" I snapped from between my clenched teeth.

"Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck," was Greg's only response. His eyes were as wide as platters, and his mouth twisted as he tried to wrap his head around how good it felt. I rocked gently, and Greg's whole body started rippling in time. I could tell... more than anything, he wanted to ram into me. To fucking seed me. To fucking breed or die. I brought my hands to his shoulders to try and steady him. "Hold on tiger... I gotta get used to you. You gotta thick one." Greg made an indistinct sound borne of sexual frustration. I bore down on his dick, squeezing it with my hole. He shuddered. I repeated, and he shuddered again. I could tell his patience was at its end, and... well, fuck it. I needed his fucking cock.

"How does this feel?" I snarled at him, and I pushed down in force.

"Ohh... OHHHHH... FUUUUUCK!" Greg lost his mind, and I was less than a half-step behind. I could feel the fucking drive of his cockhead as it drove into me, totally rearranging my innards. That fat head ground against my magic spot, and I started seeing stars. I hit rock bottom and could feel his pubes scouring my hole. I tossed my head back and fucking howled.

And we were fucking on. I have no idea what the other guys thought, but they sure as hell knew we were rocking each other's world. Greg's dick gave me a different feeling than Nick's... not as deep, but a mile wide. My skin started roaring with electrical fire, and my head started pounding. Greg was right there with me. I couldn't believe his strength. He started pounding me--and I mean fucking pounding me--even though he was sitting down. His beefy hands locked around my hips and he was fucking bouncing me up and down on his cock. I could fucking see the muscles in his arms and pecs move. And I was totally swept away, like being rolled by a huge wave in the surf.

Unfortunately, Greg was way, way too fired up to last long. Too soon, I knew he was going to blow... his face contorted, and his movements became more desperate and less focused. He let loose a thundering cry, grabbed me hard and fucking exploded inside me. It was fucking epic. He kept trying to thrust into me as he came down, all the time barking out deep-throated sounds of raw lust.

When he finally drooped back into the couch, I leaned in, meeting him forehead to forehead. "Not bad... for a rookie." Greg, still panting, could only laugh... a deep, and deeply satisfied laugh.

I pulled myself up, feeling the long, wet suction of Greg's dick slip out of my hole. I looked over at the other guys, still desperately sucking each other in their wheel of suck. Leaving Greg for the time being, I stepped over to Nick and slapped his bare butt. He looked up at me. "Make Greg comfortable. Watching you guys has made me horny." Nick smiled, disentangled himself, and stepped aside.

"Ok boys," I announced. "I need to eat some ass. Who's first?"

Rick looked uncertain. "I dunno, that seems kinda..."

Dave cut him off. "You fucking serious?" he said with raw excitement. "Fuck yeah, man... FUCK yeah!"

"Rick, sit on the couch. Butt-boy here will suck you off while I get to work." God, I loved fucking around with men--they didn't need convincing. No need to build consensus. The guys eagerly got up, with Rick sitting down, and Dave on all fours between his legs. Splaying his ass for me.

And ohhh fuuuuuck. Dave had an incredible ass. He was an avid biker, and his ass was pure, rock-hard muscle. Plus, his butt was more... square than Nick or Greg. He was also easily the hairiest of our pack, with fury ass cheeks and dense curls of hair running the length of his crack. I couldn't believe my luck of getting to eat out two virgin butts today... giving two guys an intense blast of forbidden pleasure they had likely never even thought about. Oh my fucking God. I was fucking pumped.

I took my time. Dave's ass was mine. I rammed my face in deep to scent myself, and started hyperventilating on his butt musk. Dave, to my immense satisfaction, totally lost his shit. I mean, I've never heard a guy make sounds like that. In a way I felt bad for Rick--he was getting a scatter-shot blowjob from Dave, just because Dave was so consumed by my rim job.

Dave kept pushing back, grinding his ass into my face as he howled.

Well. I decided to push the envelope. I ate him so aggressively that I kept driving Dave forward. Sweeping my tongue everywhere, fucking him with my tongue.

After what seemed like wonderful, fucking hours of eating, him, I pulled my face back from Dave's spit-slick hole. I licked a finger, and slid it inside him. Dave nearly jumped. He gave out a yelp, which quickly melted into long, obscene moan.

Fuck. Dave was a vocal one.

I fingerfucked him for a few minutes, letting him get used the idea of an invader back there. Then another finger. Then another. Dave was all but freaking out... his wild, shrieking cries elaborate enough to be a symphony.

I had to have him. I smeared lube on my raging cock, lined it up, and drove it home.

Dave screamed like a pack of a hundred hyenas... loud enough to set off our car alarms.

I had only gotten my cockhead inside him, but he needed more. With a mix of yells that sounded somewhere between pain and bliss, he started pushing back on me. When my dick rubbed the nut inside him, he fucking lost his shit. I made a few quick thrusts in and out, and his whole body convulsed. I went for broke and dove down, balls deep inside him. And Dave fucking howled. And we fucked. It was the wildest ride I'd ever been on, with him thrashing violently... all the while howling to the moon. I grabbed the back of his head and drove Dave's face into Rick's hairy crotch, partially to muffle his cries. Then, I started pile driving his hairy ass. My own mind was roaring at the heat, the fucking pressure of being inside him. The hot-as-hell suction. Sweat poured off both our bodies.

I'm not sure how long we slammed against each other--I was totally in the zone, and Dave with in a different level of consciousness. But then I could feel it. Even with no one touching his dick, Dave was about to blow. As he shot the loudest load ever shot by man, I fired my own massive load deep inside him. My hollering completely obliterated by Dave's.

I thought poor Dave was going to collapse into a puddle, but to my surprise he almost seemed... energized by the whole thing. Still panting, he tilted his head toward me and growled out hoarsely, "Oh God. Dude... I owe you man! I fucking owe you!" He then looked up at Rick, and said, "You're not gonna fucking believe this." He then hoisted Rick's hips into the air and dove face-first into Rick's hairy ass. Rick started protesting, but very quickly got into the swing of things.

Well, I guess I can't deflower all of them... no sense getting greedy.

I looked over and saw Greg and Nick were gone; a second later I heard sounds coming from the bedroom.

I walked in to see Nick balls deep inside our jock friend. Nick was standing at the foot of the bed, with Greg laying on his back, his fantastic jock ass hanging over the side, his legs wrapped around Nick's waist and his hands clutching the tangled sheets. They were well past the preliminaries, and Greg's face was showed again the whirlwind of sensations he was experiencing.

I watched for several minutes... it was remarkable. Their moves, their sounds, the way they touched each other... everything about them was so fucking masculine. Two guys, lost in masculine pleasure.

Greg was hard as a rock, and started jerking himself in time with Nick's power thrusts.

That gave me an idea.

First, I slid next to Nick, who paused for a second from pounding Greg's hairy hole. I licked Nick's sweaty neck up all the way to his ear, and then whispered, "Don't stop. Keep going."

Nick smirked.

I got over to the bed, knocked Greg's hand away from his cock, and straddled him. Greg's eyes nearly popped out of his head as it dawned on him what I was doing. Nick had bottomed out, balls deep inside Greg's ass. I lined up Greg's rock-hard cock against my own, still-cummy hole. And then I fucking sat down hard on onto Greg's cock. Greg's eyes rolled nearly out his sockets, and he let out a wailing cry.

We fucked hard. All connected. Nick into Greg, Greg into me. Greg bellowed the loudest, not sure what was giving him the biggest thrill. I loved the feel of Greg's fat dick stretching my hole as we stared into each other's eyes. We fucked. And we fucked. The room filled with the rhythmic sound of masculine grunts, and balls slapping ass.

But, not just from us. Out in the great room, I heard unmistakable sounds of men fucking. Rick and Dave were fucking going after each other. And, well... Dave is a screamer, that is for sure.

We fucked, and fucked, and fucked. An collision of cock, ass, sweat, and fire. Finally, Nick blew his load deep into Greg's ass, triggering Greg to shoot, too.

I could feel the added wetness as Greg fucked his way into oblivion. God it felt fucking good.

And here's the thing. I had shot that long ago, but never really went soft. And now, I was hornier than I had ever been in my life. Nick, feeling pretty spent, had crashed down on the bed. Covered in sweat.

I couldn't help myself. Right at that moment, something came over me. And I needed Nick. I needed to fucking fuck Nick.

I don't remember how we came together, but there it was... I was lying on top of Nick, face to face. Balls deep inside him. And giving the most ferocious fuck of my life. Maybe there was a residual jealousy? A possessiveness? On top of my already off-the-chart lust for the guy? Who the fuck knows. But I'm telling you, we FUCKED. I fucking slammed my body into his. HARD. Our mouths met, and we fucking made out as if we were lions ripping apart a wildebeest. My mouth was everywhere, nearly gnawing on his neck, as he savagely made out with mine. We FUCKED. HARD. I pushed his arm back and buried my face in his sweaty pit, fucking living for his rank scent. And we FUCKED HARD. Our sweat poured together, and still I pounded. HARD. HARD HARD HARD HARD HARD HARD HARD.

And again we violently made out... and I pounded him HARD HARD HARD HARD. My speed increasing. HARD HARD HARD. We fucking HOWLED.


Nick threw back his head and fucking SCREAMED as his dick blasted out four, five ropes of cum all over us. And my mind went fucking blank. I buried my head against Nick's sweaty, hairy chest and screamed to shatter the earth. And then I fucking CAME. I felt my cum rip out of me, hard enough that it felt like it a stick of dynamite went off inside my dick. I filled his ass with a fucking ocean of spunk. I grabbed onto Nick and never, ever wanted to let go.

Finally, I raised my head... and saw Greg. He had been laying there next to us the whole time. Inches away. He was stroking his rock-hard cock. "Fuck, man. Fuck." It was all he could say.

I looked past him to see Dave and Rick in the doorway. Dave stroked himself. Rick just smiled brightly and said, "Fucking WOW!" As if we were his idols.

I buried my face in Nick's hairy chest again and laughed. Oh yeah. Fuuuuck.


It probably comes as no surprise to hear that we pretty much fucked each other's brains out for the rest of the weekend. In every way a bunch of horned up guys could conceive. We didn't abandon gaming entirely--we did throw together a series of drinking games that would have made a frat house blush. More to the point, we did ultimately decide to finish the game we started the first night, but we raised the stakes somewhat: the guy who lost was going to have to be fucked by everyone else, back-to-back-to-back. Although we're a competitive bunch, Dave had no problem throwing the game in the last turn, smiling a wicked smile as he did so. As the winner, Nick fucked Dave last, with three loads of white-hot cum churning inside Dave's ass to lubricate his dick.

When we packed up, there was a wave of hugs and high-fives all around, and Rick enthusiastically offered to find us a place for a new Game Night Weekend. Soon.

After the others hit the road, I dragged myself into Nick's SUV for a ride home, sore and pretty much wiped out. Still, it would have taken an entire team of plastic surgeons to get the smile off my face.

There was a companionable silence as we started down the forest road. I glanced over at Nick, and tossed him a question: "So. What was your favorite part of the weekend."

Nick looked over at me. He almost started to say something, then let it drop. "What?" I asked. "Don't tell me after all that you've suddenly gotten shy."

Nick chuckled. "It probably sounds weird. Despite Greg's stamina, Rick's inventiveness, and Dave's enthusiasm, the best part was... was..." Pause. "Oh fuck it. The best part was that very first night. Just you and me. Trying to keep quiet."

I think my heart exploded.

It was hard for me to speak. "Yeah," I said quietly. "You... I mean, you..." I trailed off. There was a long pause before I continued. I took a deep breath. "Same for me. Don't get me wrong, I loved all that crazy shit we did. But... I'd trade everything from the rest of the weekend for another night like that. With... you. You've fucking got me good."

Gentle silence. Nick reached over, and grabbed my shoulder. His voice was as quiet as mine. "Yeah. You've fucking burrowed into my soul, man."

I couldn't get my voice to work for a reply, so I reached over and lightly grabbed his thigh. Nick looked over at me, and saw everything he needed to see in my face. He smiled.

"You up for a quickie? Private road and all."

"For you, bud... absolutely. But no need to make it quick."

"None at all."

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