After Natalie's Divorce

By Natalie Love

Published on Nov 2, 2013



This story is not for persons under the age of 18. This is a story of fiction and not intended for the younger readers. The author is over the age of 18.

After Natalie's Divorce

There I was sitting at the bar feeling sorry for myself. I just had been through a nasty divorce from my wife of two years. It was a crappy little hotel bar near the airport. I had been living in the same hotel as the bar, since the divorce. I had also lost everything except my car. I had lost the house, lost my bank account, and lost my job. I was trying to drink myself to a happy place until he walked in.

He was my wife's lawyer the one whom had helped her ruin my life. He had sat down at one of the empty tables at the back of the bar. Shortly thereafter the bar tender brought me a beer and said it was from the same lawyer that had helped my wife ruin me. I had taken the drink, since I was broke, turned and tipped my beer to the man. When he saw me he waved me over to his table. I walked over to his table as I was going to give a piece of my mind.

As I approached his table I opened my mouth to speak, but he started right in before I had a chance to get my thoughts out.

"Hello, I know you must be mad at me, but I came here to make amends. Please sit down and hear what I have to say."

"O.K..." "As long as you are buying I am listening."

"As you know I represented your wife in the divorce."

What a fucker I know you did.

"You must be very mad at me but I am very sorry as it was just business, and I do not think you understand how very sorry I truly am this had to happen to you. God I am very sorry."

He had let me go into how much of a snake he really was, and listened to all the nasty things I had to say. He nodded and took all I had to say to him. I was drunk and very upset. He began to tell me a few things that started to peak my interest.

"First off your wife had fired me." He said.

Then with a stern face, he said.

"She could not believe I did not take you for more. I told her she was a dark cold hearted bitch to which she let me go as her lawyer."

"Great that is a start, but what made you take my side."

"You for one, I have a fascination for what you are."

"And what would that be."

"I know the whole story about and I know you are a cross dressing sissy."

"Wow that hurts."

"Well is that really true, as she had told me and showed me everything."

"So what if it is all true."

He explained everything how he was bi-sexual and how he had an interest in entertaining the thought of having a sissy for his very own. He further went on about knowing how I must felt of being discriminated as being a man whom also wanted more than just to be labeled as straight male. He was coming out to me as being this big tough guy in a world that did not understand his role as bi-sexual. I started to feel sorry for him. His story finally dawned on me as of what he really wanted. So, I began to listen more.

He said. "How would you like to come live with me till you get on your feet?"

"That would be great, what would I have to do as I have almost run out money."

"It would be nothing that you would not want to do."

"I will, but what is the catch."

"No catch only that you accept my invitation and we see where it goes from here."

As being drunk and wanting to get on with my life I had taken his offer and checked out of my hotel room and followed him to his house. Wow he had a big beautiful house the kind you only see in the magazines. I followed him up the driveway and parked just inside his three car garage. He opened the door of my car and helped me inside. I was led inside and taken straight to a bedroom to which I soon passed out, as I was so drunk I was more than happy to fall in the bed and sleep.

The next morning I woke with my head pounding and looking for the bathroom. I fell out of bed, it was Sunday morning, and felt the need to use the bathroom. I looked around and found the door to the bathroom attached to the room. On that same door found a note.

I hope there is no bad feeling as I am truly real. Please stay and make yourself at home I shall be home around three. Brad.

I welcomed the note and wondered what was I was doing here. I than began to remember the night before that I had decided to go home with him. The house was big as I began to wonder around a bit. The room I was in had its own bathroom as well as the other four bedrooms. I started to get upset as thinking this ass was living like this making money off of chumps like me. I decided to stay and find out what this guy had in mind.

It was three o'clock and he came home like he said he would. I had to wait as I remember he had me check out of my hotel room and had nowhere to go. I greeted him when he came into the living room where I was watching his T.V...

"Hello." He said. As he placed a shopping bag on the chair next to couch I was lying on. "I am glad you stayed."

"Hello, thanks for taking care of me, and reminding me why I am here, you dick."

"Wow you really must have been drunk."

He reminded me of the night before, and of my acceptance of his invite to stay with him till I could get on my feet. I remembered our conversation and thanked him. I began to tell him I was about to leave when he told me everything he knew about me and why my wife had left me. He told me about himself again and about his bi-sexual lifestyle. I finally broke down and told him my whole story of wanting to be a sissy, but he already knew about that from what my ex-wife had told him.

He comforted me. I broke down and told him everything as I was already down and needed to let it all out for the first time in my life. I told him about my cross dressing since I was eight years old, and how I would dress in my mother's and sister's clothes. I confessed my love to be dressed and spanked while dressed in fem. I was taken aback as this did not offend him. He sat next to me put his hand on my thigh and said for me to let it all out. I did not think I could go on till he got up and went to get us a couple of drinks. When he came back with the drinks we sat there finished those drinks and he asked me to go on as he got up and got us a couple more. I went on about my ex finding out about my searches on our computer about sissies and trany's. He told me he knew all about it and that is why he had searched me out.

I became completely docile in his hands as he said he understood and said he was sorry for what had happened to me in the divorce. He had convinced me he was on my side and wanted nothing more than to help me no matter what. I began to trust him and opened even more to him. I explained to him how I had told my ex-wife about myself before we married. I explained we had role played with me dressing and her using a strap-on dildo on me, and could not understand how she finally turned on me. He was sweet and said he could not either as he would love to have someone such as myself.

With that he got up and went and got the shopping bag he brought into the room with him. He said go ahead open it up and look what was inside. I did and to my surprise I found nylons, panties, and a nighty in it.

"I hope you are not upset." He said.

"I am not."

"What do you think?"

"I love it."

"Why do you not try them on?"

"Fuck it I will."

I left the room and went to my bedroom; I stripped down and put the lingerie on. I found in the shopping bag not just nylons but thigh high stockings which I love; in black with reinforced toe, sheer black panties, and a satin chemise. I felt wonderful, I felt like I wanted to show the whole world this sissy was here to stay. I walked out of the bedroom back to where Brad was and got a wolf whistle. I blushed as I stood there vulnerable. I had never been dressed in front of a man before most of all a man that had given me my own clothes.

"Wow that looks sexy." Brad exclaimed.

"Thanks." Was all I could think of?

"Come here let me see."

"I do not know I am embarrassed."

"Don't be I love it."

"I do not know I am still hairy."

"I do not care. You look hot."

I blushed, I wanted to run, but yet I stood there.

"Come here and sit on the couch with me, I swear I will not bite."

I did what he said I somehow felt comfortable with Brad. I sat next to him on the couch as he handed me another drink.

"Do you like what I had got for you?"

"Yes I love it." I said turning red.

"I thought you would. Now will you take me on my offer to stay here?"

"Yes I will, but still what is the catch."

"No catch just only that you stay here under your own terms."

"Yes, O.K. I will and thank you for being so understanding. I do love what you have done for me. How can I ever repay you?"

"Just be yourself that is all I ask."

We sat there on the couch me in my new outfit watching T.V. and soon fell asleep. I again found myself waking up in my own bed with another note this time on the night stand next to my bed.

I will be home late around six or so I have left you some money to go out and find anything that you made need. My home is yours. Call me if you need anything.

Love Brad

I had found the note pinned to a one hundred dollar bill. It was about eight in the morning and needed to use the bathroom again. I found in my bathroom bubble bath gels, razor, cream, and new set of panties; pink cotton with the words HOT across the backside. I took the hint and used the razor and cream and shaved all the hair off my body only leaving a little patch just above my clitty. The whole time I spent in the tub washing and shaving I thought off nothing more of Brad taking me as a women. I had slipped into the panties and stockings and put on my drab clothes. I was going out to find something sexy to show Brad how much I wanted to be his gurl. I took the one hundred dollar bill and jumped into my car. Then on the dash was another note. If you are still interested please go to Brenda's Salon and say you are here in care of me and she will take care of you.

Love Brad

I sat there flabbier gassed. What was I getting into? What was Brad trying to do? Why was I going to do this? This is why my wife left me? I read the note again and finally talked myself into it and said to myself do it this is what you always really wanted. I started the car and decided to go through with this.

I finally pulled up to Brenda's place. I thought to myself what is this 150lb 28 year old guy doing at a women's salon. I sallied in and walked up to the counter and found my words.

"I am here to see Brenda? Brad had sent me." I said.

The young girl answered, "Wait here Brenda is expecting you." I felt myself turn beat red. I almost turned around on walked out, that is when I heard Brenda speak up.

"Come in we were expecting you dear." "Brad said you would be coming in today."

"He did?" Was all I could say.

"Yes will we take care of everything honey? Come here and sit down please do not feel embarrassed."

"Well I just..."

"Please do not say another thing." "Sandy please take..."

"Uh um Natalie Ma'am." I said. Trying to think of something fast I just blurted out the best fem name I could think of.

"Take Natalie, dear, here and start her with a pedicure."

Sandy was a young good looking blonde she took me to her chair and sat me down. She had slipped of my shoe exposing my nylon clad toes.

Sandy then said, "Huh." "Come with me"

She led me to a back changing room and asked for me to go ahead and take off my nylons and put on one of their dressing robes.

"Don't worry honey we always love to have you gurls here. In fact I wish I could have a boyfriend like you, but I never could get so lucky. I wish I was your wife, whom is the lucky girl."

"I do not have a wife, well I did but that's a long story, it's for I guy I just met." I could not believe I just said that.

"I saw the ring and thought." "Well he is a lucky guy." "You are a very pretty girl."

As she did my pedicure we talked some more about my situation. She talked about how many guys come in here for the same thing and wished she could find someone such as me, but they were always married and older. I thanked her and said I wished I had met her few years ago and who knows I maybe be available later but want to see how this relationship goes first. I just loved the way she had painted my toes pink and with a little white flower on each big toe nail. I though it looked sexy, and my finger nails were done up just as well. Next was seeing Brenda, I got a complete makeover with a new hair style. It just so happened that my hair was just long enough were she could make it look girlish. Brenda had done my make up so well I could not believe it was me. I was shown how to apply it, so I could do it by myself at home. I was about to pay when she said it was all taken care of. In fact I was handed another note.

I would have hoped you went this far. The bill is taken care of please see Rhonda's Designs' few doors down they are expecting you.

Love Brad

I thanked Brenda and Sandy and headed few doors down to Rhonda's place. It was a women shop with everything I could have imagined as any cross dresser would. I could see all sorts of lingerie, shoes, and dresses that I would just kill to wear. I was approached by older women whom said she was expecting me. I looked clueless as she said Brenda told her I was coming. I was floored; I never expected treatment such as this.

"What are you looking for?" She said.

"I do not really know?" I returned.

"Well explain to me what our situation is Hun?

I then explain to her my whole situation again. How I went through this divorce, how I met Brad, and how I wanted to be this sissy wanting to repay him for all he has done for me. She nodded and said she knew exactly what to do. I found myself in her dressing room trying on many little black dresses trying to see which she thought looked the best. We finally found the one; it was a long sleeve, high collar with a large pearl button at the back of the neck, it was slit just right up one thigh, and it fell about four inched above the knee. I then was handed a corset black with a hint of pink and all satin. The corset was strapless, and came with straps for stockings. She helped me find the right pair of shear black seamed stockings, panties, and padded bra to go with the outfit. I tried on many shoes till we agreed upon a pair of sandals. They were ankle straps sandals with a single strap across the toe, and with a four inch stiletto heel with a chrome tip; god they went perfect with the shear stockings to show my pretty painted toes. I handed her the one hundred dollar bill to which she said I was all paid for.

I was feeling great about everything that happen so far today, so I kept on shopping. I found myself in a lingerie store now looking fem, but dressed what seemed not so drab. As I had put on the new ankle strap sandals, then slipped into the corset from Rhonda's shop, minus the stocking straps which are removable, and left the thigh highs on. I now felt and looked totally fem.

In next the shop I still had a hundred to spend. I felt like a virgin so I purchased everything white. I started with stockings, nylon crotch less lacy panties, garter belt, and to top them off a see through baby doll nighty. I thought that some nice pink anklets and pink tartan skirt would also look nice for a surprise for Brad. I even got a sexy pink bra with a fitting from a guy that kept on hitting on me in the shop. I almost dropped to my knees for him but it was getting very late and needed to be ready for Brad when he got home.

It was just after four o'clock when I got back to Brad's house. I was in seventh heaven since I got my make over and the purchase of some new clothes. I took another bath shaving closer again. Funny thing I did not notice before that there was an enema kit in my bathroom before. I did not think twice about it a decided it was just the right time to use it as I may be getting lucking as gurl tonight. I got dress in the black seamed stockings, padded bra, panties, corset, heels, and little black dress Brad had purchased for me.

I looked around the kitchen trying to think what I could make for dinner for my, wow boyfriend, but could not find anything. It was getting late and time for Brad to get home, so I called the Chinese place from the menu I found on the refrigerator. About thirty minutes later a cute boy delivered our dinner. Well I got groped with is eyes, if that could really happen, paid him and he went on his way. Then about ten minutes later Brad came home.

"Hello." He said as he came in.

"Hi yourself"

He dropped his jaw as far as he dropped his brief case.

"I wish to thank you for all you did for me today." "How may I repay you?" trying to be sexy.

"I...I... that really you!"

"Yes it is really me...What do you think?"

"I do not know what to think?"

"Well I think I owe you a blow job that's what I think!"

Without saying another word I walked straight up to Brad. In my new makeover and attire I dropped to my knees in front of him. I grabbed his belt buckle and undid his belt. I felt his hands lightly run through my hair and run softly across my face.

"Is that really you?" as he lifted my chin to look him in the eyes.

"Yes, and you may call me by my new name Natalie."

"Natalie, you look great."

"Thank you, Sir."

My hands felt around the bulge I found in his pants. I do not know why but I felt the need to do this and now! My mind raced with the thought I was always meant to do this and the time was right. I took one of my hands and traced the outline of his cock on the front of his pants. I lay my head against his thigh. With one of my hands tracing his bulge I followed it up to his pants button. With just one hand I undid the button to his trousers as I felt up his buttocks with the other hand. Now with the button free I found the zipper and slowly pulled it down, then taking both hands I lowered his trouser to his knees. I slowly slid my hands up his smooth thighs, finding the waist band of his underwear. Slipping my fingerers inside the waist band I slid them down to where his hard-on plopped out and hit me in the face.

I grabbed the base of his now fully erect and throbbing cock with one hand and guide it to my lips. The tip of the cock slipped easily pasted my red colored lips. I swallowed it, enjoying the silky smooth feeling, as I took it willing into my mouth. I then heard him moan as I slowly backed it out of my mouth. I licked the tip of his cock just underneath the head and got another moan of pleasure. While still holding at the base and grabbing a hand full of his ass I engulfed the long shaft. Using my tongue and lips I formed a tight hole. I then felt his hands grab the back of my head and force the rest of his cock down my throat. He felt my gag reaction and eased off letting me suck him off in my way. I began to bobbed up and down on my new master's cock taking him down my throat as far as I could. I felt his need to be blown faster as he let out a gasp. I firmed my tongue on the underside of his cock and tighten my lips around the rest. I let him fuck my mouth to his rhythm as he understood just how much of his cock he could shove down my throat. He fucked my mouth slowly at first then he let me take control as I found his speed and wanting to taste his seed I blew him till he came about five minutes later. The first shot of his load surprised me, but I kept going, wanting nothing more than to get every single drop. The second and the third shots where just as hard as the first one. I swallow like the whore I knew everyone thought I was. The few final ones dribbled onto my tongue which I gobbled up with pleasure.

"Oh my god that was great." "What was that for?" He said breathless.

"That was for today and everything you had set up for me today." "Thank you."

"You do not have to thank me, but thank you I really needed that today. It has been awhile."

"I have always wanted to do that since I was about 13."

"What had taken you this long?"

"I guess it has always been a denial that's why I married."

"Well you have missed your calling you are a born cocksucker." "I do not mean that in a mean way."

"No offence taken." "I just thought I owed it to you."

"You did not need to do that but I did not mind."

"No it was my pleasure."

"May I ask what else do you not mind doing?"

"Let's have dinner and we can discuss it."

I had already set the table and pulled out the Chinese food to which I severed him first. I kind of wished I was now attired in sexy French maids outfit. I did my best little sexy home maker as I caught him staring at me as I did it. We both laughed at that then I turned a shook my ass back to my end of the table and sat down. We chatted about what our new roles should be from now on. It was about how I wanted to be a sissy and what limits there should be. For Brad he did not want to be a mean dominating master but more like a controlling husband. There was going to be times we would be a couple and times I was to be used. We finished our talk and dinner when it was decided he was going to take me out tonight for a few drinks to show me off. It was stated in a manner I had no choice.

We headed out and I felt a rush, but I still had some feelings of apprehension. Not too far into the drive he put a hand on my stocking thigh and ran his hand from my knee to my inner thigh. I spread my legs apart without a thought; it was just automatic. His hand reach my clitty and he grabbed it through the panties. He then turned off the road we were on and head for a park just up ahead. He said we cannot have this thing getting hard where we are going tonight. He pulled into the park and found a dark secluded place and parked the car. I waited right where I was as he got out and opened the door for me. He then helped me out, pulled the seat up, and told me to get into the back seat. I slide in and propped myself up against the opposite side. He leaned into the car and as he did he felt me up from my stocking clad feet all the way up to stocking clad thighs. When his hands reached the stocking tops he slid my dress up over my waist. Just pulling out my clitty through one leg hole of my panties he placed his mouth over it. He gave me my first blow job I ever had by a man. It was a mere few minutes I exploded in his mouth. He then came up and place a hand behind my head and kissed me deeply thus having me taste myself with the kiss. He helped me back out of the back seat and then back into the front to which he said that should take care of that for a while. We the headed back out and we were again on our way.

We arrived at a club to which he was the gentleman and helped me out and onto my new heels he lead me inside. It was loud and there was just enough lighting from the dance floor I was able to see all of what was going on. I felt a lot better as could see it was an alternative lifestyle club. Brad grabbed me by the hand and led me to an open spot at one of the high tables. A few people came up to say high to Brad that he knew and he introduced me as Natalie. One girl, whom introduced herself as Andrea, was quite interested in me and asked me if I was a guy. I just had to say yes and she could not believe it. She turned to Brad and asked if he did not mind if she danced with me. I tried to protest but he said yes and she grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. We danced as I felt little out of place as I was new to this; being in fem. It was not just the heels and dress but still felt a little mannish at this point and time.

We soon got off the dance floor and back to Brad. She was talking it up with Brad but it was too loud to hear much. I felt the need to use the restroom but was little shy on which one I should use, but Andrea said she would go with me to the girls room and grabbed my hand and took me there. While in there she asked that I should make sure I sat and peed like a girl in order not to creep out some of the real girls. When I got out of the stall she was fixing herself up in the mirror, and then offers to help me with my look. We laughed and giggled like girls as she wanted to know what kind of relationship Brad and I were in. I told her, as she helped me with my hair, what I went through and how Brad took me in. She then asked if I would not mind letting her come home with me and Brad. She said Brad said she should ask me too. I said I would not mind. She kissed my check and grabbed my hand as we raced back to find Brad.

It was again still too loud to hear what Andrea and Brad were chatting about, but I was so high on how well I felt I did not care. We all were soon out of the club and in our respective cars heading back to Brad's place. While on the way Brad asked me what I thought of Andrea. I explained how we hit it off in the women's restroom and thought she was very attractive girl. On the way home he started telling him about how he and her had knew each other. He said it always was he and she with another guy and she always loved to watch, but this time he did not know what she was up too.

We all had reached Brad's house and went inside. Andrea was ready for another drink and I was asked by her if I could get her one. Without a thought I asked what everyone was having and went to go get the drinks. When I finished making the drinks I called out to Brad to find out where they were. I heard Brad's voice say in the living room. I entered handing each their drinks.

Brad spoke. "Natalie, Andrea wants to know if you prefer men or women."

" not know?" I said.

"Honey which is it men or women" Andrea blurted.

"I am attractive to women...but when I am like this I guess I want men."

"I do not get it" Andrea asked.

"I guess when I am in this mode, you know dressed as a women, I want to be treated as such." I explained.

"I think what Natalie is trying to say she is a sissyboi." Brad jumps in.

" you suck cock and like to be fucked when you dress up as a girl!"

"Umm...yes. I cannot explain it."

"No need too. I do think it is HOT." Andrea says.

"YOU DO." Brad jumps in.

"Yes I kind of want to have my own little sissy to control."

I begin to blush.

"Yes I kind of get off on controlling men." Andrea interjects.

"Boy I know that." Brad added.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

They both talk over each other.

"Hold on one at a time. I love to know?"

Brad starts. "Well every time I have been with Andrea it always been with another guy, and she always watches." " AWWWH now I get it."

"Yes that is right dear I love watching two guys going at it, it really gets me off." Andrea adds. "Now that Natalie is in the picture, WELL, I just love the thought of making a guy into a sissy whore. I always wanted to have you, Brad, as my little sissy but knew you were never up to the task. Now that Natalie here is a sissy I would just love to explore this a little more."

"It is not up to me but the thought does turn me on. How about it Natalie. Does this sound good to you." As Brad continues the conversation.

"I do not know what to say; I think so." I say.

"EITHER YOU DO OR YOU DO NOT!" Andrea said in a very dominating tone.

"I do...I so do. I always wanted to be dominated and forced femmed."

"GOOOOD" Andrea purrs.

"It's late and I am horny. Brad honey would you fuck me." Andrea says in an exacting tone.

"I would love that right now, how about Natalie."

"Well, since she is OUR sissy she can watch for now, but afterward I sure I will need to be cleaned up afterward, how about you Brad." Andrea interrupted.

"Great idea!" Brad says.

Brad got up and grabbed Andrea's hand to lead her to the bedroom. As they walked down the hallway Andrea turns, and with her free hand takes her index finger and points it at me, then moves it in a slow motion for me to follow them. When we get to Brad's bedroom Andrea seductively points to the chair in the corner of the room, suggesting I take a seat. I sit then cross my legs like a good sissy gurl. I soon witness a sexual encounter of stripping off clothes and love making that made me rock hard.

"Natalie dear you may come over to the bed now dear." Andrea whispers.

"Yes Ma'am." I answer.

I find them both side by side on Brad's bed. They now are spent from their love making.

"Good darling would you be so kind and clean Brad's cum from my pussy."

Me still being fully dressed I kneeled on the edge of the bed and put my head between the lovely Mistresses Andreas legs. I could smell the seed Master had deposited between her thighs. So began my servitude to Mistress as I cleaned her snatch of Master's seed. I lapped every drop of cum that had been in reach of my probing tongue.

" that you are done I think your Master needs his cock cleaned."

With that I moved to Master Brad's cock and suck his limp spent cock drinking Andrea's sex and his seed. He began to grow hard in my mouth as I suck him. I felt Andrea rise in the bed. As she got up on one arm and leaned in to watch me suck Brad's cock.

"Natalie." Andrea interrupted.

"Natalie...have you ever been fucked."

I lifted my mouth from cleaning Brad's cock.

"No Ma'am. I never had been fucked by a real cock before."

"Well tomorrow that will all change." Andrea finished.

Andrea than asked me to be so kind as to leave the room. I did so willingly. I went to my room slipped out of my dress and put on my satin chemise nighty for bed. Before I fell asleep I humped my bed thinking off being fucked by Brad as I came into my nighty and on the sheets.

The next morning I woke with a raging hard-on poking up like a tent under my black nighty. I had dreamt of kissing Andrea's nylon clad feet as she made me suck off a never ending row of large cocks. Then being whipped by her with a cane that she held when I let the slightest drop of semen fall from my lips. I was ready to jerk off in bed when the bedroom door flew open and Brad stood there.

"Wow that was really HOT last night." Brad cried out.

"Is Andrea still here?" I said questionably.

"No, she left soon after you went to bed."

"What did she say?"

"Well... She did ask me to question you about..."

"Yes, about what."

"Well I am to ask you if you fingered yourself last night. You know after she and I did..."

"You mean if I got myself off."

"Yes...did you?"

"Yes of course I did. I...I...never was so turned on by what I saw and what I did last night."

"She thought you would."

"What does that mean?"

"Well...she said if you did I was to spank you."

"Spank me?"

"Yes, spank you and though ally, till your bottom is bright red."

I did not know what to say. I felt it in my face I must have been bright red. I was truly turned on by the thought of being put over Brad's knee and spanked.

Brad now fully entered the room. He came up to the bed in nothing but his PJ buttons. Then he sat down beside me.

"Natalie, if you are committed to what we discussed...I have no choice but to put you over my knee and spank you for what you did without my permission." Wow he was good. Andrea also knew how to push the right buttons of a sissy and she was not even here now. I stood up and lower my head. I smoothed my satin nighty over my thighs. I stuck out my lower lip and pleaded not for this to happen. Brad was all in as much as I was about him having me as a sissy, and me being one.

"Natalie, I want you across my knees." As he patted his lap.

"But Sir" As I lowered my chin into my chest.

"Over NOW or it will be more severe if you do not do it NOW!"

I stepped toward him, and lowered myself. I draped my body over his knees. I positioned myself on his lap where my ass was over a thigh and the rest of me fell over the other thigh where I grabbed his ankle. I felt him raise the nighty up and over my ass to where the bottom of the nighty fell on my lower back. I felt his hand rub my bottom and with one of his fingers gently inserted between my ass checks. Then his hand was removed. It felt like forever than the first blow landed. I jumped as I was surprised more than it hurt. Then again. He spanked me just hard enough to let me know as he alternated from one ass cheek to the other. Then he was hitting harder and harder from one cheek than the other. My wife had done this to me before but Brad was now really getting into it. I could now feel my bottom getting warmed. I was now jumping from each swat, not by surprise this time, but from trying to get away. He felt my movements and placed his other hand on the small of my back to keep me from moving. Soon after he asked to me to count the last twenty. This time he was not holding back. Each blow felt like sharp sting then fire. I tried to put a hand over my bottom to stop the blows but it was pulled away each time. After my counted painful swats I was let free and asked to get up.

"Now get over in the corner and lift your nighty. I want to see that red ass of yours!" Brad demanded.

I did as I was told. Walked to the corner of the bedroom. I lifted my nighty for the display. He came up behind me and swatted my ass one more time.

"Now get cleaned up and go make us some breakfast." "Oh, yeah Andrea says she will be back this afternoon."

I did as I was told. We had a wonderful breakfast that morning. He was in in his PJ bottoms and me just in the satin chemise nighty he got me the first night I was there. He said how turned on he was watching me last night going down on Andrea dressed the way I was. I told him I could have never felt satisfied that way if it was not for him. I really did find my calling I told him as I got up kissed him and cleaned up after breakfast. While I was cleaning up he could not keep himself from slapping my ass as I did the dishes. He asked if my spanking was too much to which I replied it was not enough.

After breakfast was cleaned up Brad asked to see what I had purchased so far. I showed him the white lingerie and it just floor him. He said that would be perfect for what Andrea had in mind for the rest of the afternoon when she showed up. I quizzed him on what it could be but he said let it be a surprise.

I jumped into a bath of perfumed bubbles and shaved my legs and the rest of my body. I got out and lightly dabbed the moisture from my body. I slid on the white lacy crotch less panties, pinned my hair back, and applied my makeup like I was shown. I then worked on my hair and plucked my eye brows, thinking nothing about how much I wanted to be Brad's sissy. Next I put on the white bra and garter belt. I just loved slipping on each white stocking up my freshly shaven legs, and pointing my pink painted toes as I lined up the toe seem. Then pulling them up tight and attaching it to the garter belt straps. I pulled the see through baby doll over my head, slipping my arms through the shoulder straps and letting it fall over my body. I sprayed little perfume over the top of this and rechecked my hair and make-up.

I walked out to show Brad that I was finished and he could not say a word for the next five minutes. He said I should save that baby doll nighty for later tonight and why don't I go put on that schoolgirl outfit for now. I went back took off the nighty and gently lay it on the edge of the bed. I went and slipped into the pink tartan skirt, put on the pink anklets, and the ankle strap sandals I had purchased just few days before. I slapped my forehead as I forgot to get a blouse to get with the schoolgirl skirt. I snuck over to Brad's room and found one of his white dress shirts. I put it on only buttoning the few bottom ones leaving the top open showing my white bra. I then tied the bottom tails together just showing a tiny bit of mid drift skin. I looked good enough for another spanking.

I returned to Brad and asked how did this look.

"Looks like a girl that needs another spanking."

I put my finger to my lip and gave my best pouty look. "You cannot mean me sir" I said.

"Yes I mean you. I so want to smack your ass and fuck it right now!"

Then as he was about to get up and rape me, the doorbell rang.

"Shit, hell it must be Andrea." He exclaimed.

"Do you want me to get the door?"

"Please I cannot get up right now."

I went to get the door. It was Andrea. She taken aback when she saw me.

"Hey that is a really sexy outfit." She said.

"Thanks. Can I help you with that box?" I said and took it from her.

"Thanks honey but do not peek inside just yet."

"O.K... so does that mean it's for me."

"Yes and do not let brad see either."

I announced that Andrea was at the door. At about that time brad was well off enough to get up and greet her. They said there hellos and she grabbed me by the hand and lead me off to my bedroom. Reminding me not to forget the box.

The box was white about 4' by 3' by 8". With a lacy ribbon of white tied into a bow. We strode off to the bedroom where I placed it on the bed. I could not stop wondering what could be inside. Andrea came up behind me and placed her arms around me about my waist. I turned my head toward hers and she moved in placing her soft lips on mine. I turn about in her arms and placed my arm about her shoulders, now kissing her back ever so softly too. She pulled me in tight and kissed deeply while moving her hands down to my ass and almost lifting me as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around tighter around her neck as I kissed her back the same. Then she pushed me away.

"WHEEEW...that was HOT. I just love that schoolgirl outfit!" She breathed.

"I missed that."

"Missed what?"

"A deep kiss by a women!"

I made her blush now.

"Hey enough of that. I got you something special."

"What is it?!" I said.

"Go ahead open it dear."

I bend over pulled on the ribbon releasing the bow. When I lifted the lid I almost wept. IT WAS A BRIDAL GOWN. In there were white open toe pumps, long line bra with straps for stockings, sexy panties I could not describe except for the opening on the back side, floral pattern stockings, and a garter belt.

"What is this all for?" I said.

"Don't be silly it is for you."

"But why."

"I think you could use it more than me."

"Why what happened."

"Long story but I was going to get married once but found out my man was gay."

"O.K." I said. Then I saw how much it hurt, so went no further.

"Hey let's get you into this this and show Brad."

I kissed her on her check as a tear came to my eye and saw one on. I took of all of my clothes off and then she helped me get ready as the bride. She was so nice helping me redo my make-up and hair. Helped me slip into the lingerie and gown. She then pulled out the veil and pinned in on my head. I was floored, and I was for first time more excited mentally about dressing like a virgin bride that I did not even get sexually excited dressed as I always do.

We both were so enthused to show Brad that we both cried from excitement. The moment came as she went before me to announce to Brad his bride was here. The look on his face was priceless.

"Holy Shit! This is not the same person I met in a bar just few days ago."

"Oh please Brad tell us what you really think." Andrea said.

"I... I... Just cannot believe it. Natalie I thought the schoolgirl outfit was hot but this I think I am in love!"

I could not say a thing, I just turn red. I was so over whelmed I could do this to someone I cried again. He came up and hugged me and Andrea joined in. He then put his hands on either side of my faced on looked me in the eyes.

"I want to marry you."



With that Andrea left us both, but before she left. She said. "You two don't do what I wouldn't do." With a wink she left out the front door.

Soon after I had lost my virginity to Brad. Once in the bridal gown, once in the white baby doll, and several times that night till dawn. We now live as husband and wife and see Andrea quite often. Me more than Brad as she loves when I come over and be her sissy maid.



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