Aggressive Young Black Master

By Jim Walker

Published on Jun 10, 2022


I was sitting on the tube train reading my book. I glanced up slightly and saw a pair of trainers. I think they call them hi-tops. These were white, or they had been once, with black shiny toe caps. They looked really good I looked up at the owner. Oh my god! He was about 20, tall and slim, and black. He was fucking gorgeous. I stared at him momentarily he obviously felt my piercing look cos as I looked directly at him he turned and looked at me. He looked absolutely furious and I quickly looked away and went back to reading my book. Once I was sure he would have lost interest I looked up just slightly and stared at his trainers. They were amazingly stylish and and I couldn't take my eyes off them. Suddenly I realised they were moving and in my direction. I buried my head in my book. "Whatchu lookin at?". I pretended he wasn't talking to me. "I speakin to you" he said and pushed me. I looked up. "I said whatchu lookin at"

I said I wasn't looking at anything. I was absolutely terrified. He looked really angry, very aggressive, and was stood right up close.

"Yeah man, you woz lookin, fuckin starin, at me, at my trainers, fuckin creepy man. Anyways you wanna look like that you can pay me"

"What?" As if I was going to pay for looking at his trainers. It's not like I mind paying but I would expect a lot more than that.

"20 notes man, you got it, you look some right batty boy posh bloke. Mr fuckin queer moneybags. So 20 - now!"

This was turning nasty. Gay insults flying. I didn't know what to do.

"Come on faggot, get out that fat wallet and give me 20 or this turning nasty". He pulled his coat open and I could see in his inside pocket he had a knife. A big knife. Like a machete. The handle was sticking out over the top of the pocket. I was scared beyond belief.

I was also panicking because since covid no one carries any money. My wallet just had a few cards in it no cash at all. I took it out and showed it him. He snatched it and looked through - laughed at the driving licence picture, made some rude remarks about my AmEx and handed it me back.

"We can go to a bank, you got a cash card. Next station get off". He opened his coat again and said "or I'll use this. Not having some faggy boy, some fucking rich queer, eyeing me up for nuffin man. That costs"

I thought it was very strange his focus on paying him. It was like he didn't seem to mind so long as Iwas paying. We pulled into the station and he stepped back and said "onto the platform fag boy".

We got on the platform and he said "so where is the nearest bank?". Of course I had no clue. This was not a station I had ever got off at or an area of London I had ever been in - other than may be driving through in the car.

"So how you gonna pay me then? You eyeing up any part of me is gonna cost. At least just my shoes is fucking cheap"

I couldn't really think of a way.

"Use your phone to put it in my bank"

I got my phone out, terrified he would simply grab it and run off, but he just watched as I started it off. I started to enter details. Of course he had to tell me his real name for a start. He said "Musa Dyebe". He told me his bank details, and said "time this shit has taken me too, you can make it for £25 - time is money man. Time is money, looking is more, touching even more". He rather obviously grabbed his crotch.

I suddenly realised he was dropping hints. And not very subtle ones either. I looked him up and down. He was just perfect. Grey tracksuit bottoms, a nice t-shirt that showed off the fact that he went to the gym, a couple of gold chains at his neck, a nice face, and his hair in perfect corn rows".

Where it said reference I put "howmuchtolick"

"Show me you done it right". I passed him the phone and he saw what I had written.

He looked at me smiled "I knew you woz a businessman. I do business too. You want to lick my trainers here, on the platform, so everyone see you are a batty boy? That would be so funny, just change the amount to £50 and I let you"

"I'm not doing it on the platform!".

"Well where do you suggest. You wanna take me to your crib and I can case the place out?"

I was not sure I wanted him knowing where I lived. But I really wanted to lick his trainers. I wanted to lick a lot more but that would have to come later. I changed the amount to 50 and passed him the phone so he could see. He pressed send, handed me back the phone and said "do it now"

There were a few people on the platform, an older woman, a couple of guys in jackets and jeans, but it could have been a lot worse. For a start I was sure there was no one who I actually knew. I got down on all fours. I grabbed one of his shoes and moved to put my tongue on the black shiny toe cap of his sneakers.

"Don't hold my foot - don't touch me at all".

"I paid for this" I said and carried on.

I couldn't believe it. He kicked me, right in the mouth, and really hard. I was so shocked I yelled out and literally rolled sideways. I could taste blood in my mouth. He had certainly split my lip and I was worried maybe loosened teeth. "I said don't fucking touch me you faggot"

"Police stand still, what's going on here?" The two guys were running from the other end of the platform, waving their wallets - which I realised only when they got closer were police IDs.

"Cover for me or you dead bro" he whispered

He carefully lifted me up, dusting me down, and said, in a way that the police would hear "Jim, you fainted again, I think we should get you home"

"What's going on here?" Said one of the men.

"It's OK officer, he had a fainting attack, he sometimes has these. We got off the train because he was feeling unwell". He looked at me and nodded as if to say "now you". I was holding a tissue to my bleeding lip and said nothing.

"You two are together?" Asked the cop.

"This is Jim Walker, and I am one of his carers. Jim lives in Chiswick. We were heading back there now when he felt ill"

How did he know my name and that I lived in Chiswick? Then I remembered he looked at my driving licence. I realised that if I didn't back him up he had my address. God knows when he would come round with his mates to sort me out.

"This is Musa, he looks after me. But I felt ill and fell over. I want to go home". I said it in the most pathetic voice I could manage.

"Please this is our train now" I said as the next train was pulling in.

"You be careful" said the policeman. Musa put his arm round me and helped me on the train. The two cops followed and I wondered what they were doing when one said "we are going to Hammersmith so we are all heading in the same direction"

I was helped to a seat and and I sat there staring down. Trying to look a bit mental when I realised I was staring directly at his trainers again. I looked up and caught Musa's eye, he winked and smiled. I was so angry with him but his smile was just perfect. He was incredibly handsome and so, pretending to lick the blood away, I licked my lips.

"Don't worry officer, I will get him home and settle him in. He'll feel much better when he's at home."

The two cops got off. Musa leaned in towards me and said "you were good, when we get you home there may be a reward"

I realised he was serious when he said he was coming to my place. I also realised there wasn't really anything I could do about it.

We got in the house I closed the front door and Musa said "you can touch them as your reward but get licking my trainers". I looked at him. "Now, you twat!" I dropped down, held his hi top tight to make a point, and licked for all I was worth. After a few minutes he said "I want to sit down, you can kneel on the floor and carry on"

I did carry on and after a few minutes he said "you missed the sole". I wasn't going to lick the bottom of a shoe, god knows where it had been.

I ignored him and carried on. "I said soles" I carried on licking the sides. He leaned forward and slapped my face. Really hard. My ears rang and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheek. "You still don't know your place batty boy, so lie face up on the floor". I did and he got up and put the sole on my face. "Put your tongue out and I gonna wipe my shoe on it - either that or I gonna stamp so hard you wish you had not fucked with me". I put my tongue out and he rubbed the shoe really hard like it was on a door mat. Then he swapped and rubbed the other one. My tongue was really sore. I could taste blood but he continued. He caught my swollen lip a few times. My face was becoming a mess.

"Now you understand you gotta do as I say - otherwise you gonna get hurt. You understand me?" I said I did.

He looked over at the bottles in the corner "I'll have a vodka and coke - with ice" I didn't immediately move, he kicked me in the side "get to it and then we can have a little discussion".

He leaned back with the drink in his hand. "Nothing in life is free man. But I reckon you wanna pay me for what I got" at this point he grabbed between his legs and through his grey tracksuit bottoms I could see he had quite a big dick. "You want to get your tongue on this £100, you want to get your tongue on my bussy £100, you want me to rough you up a bit £100, you want to be allowed to jerk off at the end £100. As you can see I am a businessman and it seems to me you like my business". He kicked me gently between the legs where the hard on was tenting my jeans.

£100 for all that seemed reasonable - though I was not sure I wanted him to rough me up given the damage so far. I hesitated and he said "since you woz good at the station you can see the goods" and pulled his dick out and skinned it back. It was beautiful. It was very big, uncut and it was very shiny. The mushroom head bulged, it was a monster. "Get on it. You can pay me at the end"

I didn't need any further encouragement. I leaned forward and put it in my mouth. I moved up and down a few times "take it all the way" he instructed. I tried. "Open your throat." I tried. "Open your fuckin throat, you never taken a big black dick before?" I gagged. He put his hands on the back of my head. "Open your throat batty". I tried my best and he pushed me down hard. Suddenly my throat opened and my nose was in his pubes. They smelled sweaty, and I suspected he hadn't showered for a day or two. I was starting to gag and I pulled off. Except I didn't cos he was holding me. I gasped and gurgled and with great effort twisted my head and got off. I was gasping for air.

"Again - and if I feel your teeth I gonna punch you in the mouth".

I paused, still gasping for air. He dragged my head down and pushed out on him "just fucking take it, you don't need to breath, you don't need to speak, you just need to get it down your throat". It was fully engorged and incredibly difficult to take. "Open your throat". I didn't manage it. He pulled me off and slapped my face really hard.

"You gonna take this one way or another. You can struggle and take it with a bruised and bloody face or you can do it properly, focus on it, and I will race you"

I had no idea what he meant. "Race me? How?"

"Thats easy fag boy. You blowin me. Can you make me cum before I make you puke"

I pulled back. "I am not into that"

Musa started laughing. "Well I am! I am not some fucking rent boy who gets paid to do what you want. I am a cash master who gets paid to do what I want. And right now I want to fuck your throat until you are spewing and gurgling and snotting and beggin for mercy. And I plan to fuck your face through the puke until I feel like doing something different. Now get to it before I get pissed. Your only get out is if you get my babies in your guts first".

I hesitated and he grabbed my ears and pulled me down really hard. "You don't need to breath, you don't need to fuckin' come off it after a few seconds, you just need to blow it. Now open your throat". He forced me on his cock. It was massive and I had trouble with even getting it in my mouth. I needed him to back off slightly if I was to manage this but he wasn't. He was just pushing hard and it was a real struggle. I managed to get it in.

"Now suck you motherfucka".

I was used to giving head by going up and down. This was very different. He had me so I couldn't move. I tried to suck but after 15 seconds I needed air. I started to struggle. "Stay still or I will beatchu so hard, motherfucka". I tried not to wriggle. He was pushing down on my head, He was pushing his dick in. I started to really choke. "You getting there, I let you off after I count to 10". He got as far as 4 when I felt myself starting to retch. He must have heard the noise and he let me up "you not puking on me - this is a bad position - I thought you go longer than that before you got there. You such a fuckin pussy. Its like you never had a proper dick before. Get up and sit against the wall over there. With your back hard against the wall"

I moved over and he came and stood in front of me. He stood either side of my legs and pulled his dick out. "You puke on my shoes, you buying me new ones". He pushed his dick in my mouth, I moved my head back but it was stopped by the wall. "You ain't going anywhere so just focus on the job. Open your throat and suck". He shuffled forward slightly and my face was impaled on his dick. My nose was in his pubes and he just held it there. I put my hands on his arse. It felt wonderful. I started to stroke it. He stepped back, and slapped my face really hard. "You don't ever touch my ass without permission. You ain't got permission so you owe me another £50. Now sit on your hands and if you move them you getting punished.

I sat on my hands and he pushed his dick back in my mouth. He held it there. I started to gag and this time he leaned away slightly, then banged it really hard. I tried to gasp for air but I couldn't. I started to move around. "Sit fuckin still motherfucka and just focus on my dick. You dont need to breath you just need to take it". I tried to breath through my nose but it was really difficult. He pulled back slightly and shoved it in. I gagged. "You gonna hold it for 10 and don't worry about breathing." He grabbed my nose and I couldn't have breathed if I tried. He started counting down. But god he was slow. By 5 I was almost passing out. Then I felt the bile rising in my throat. I was terrified I would vomit and breath it in. I put my hands on his waist and pushed him off as hard as I could. He fought it then stepped back.

"You not sitting on your hands motherfucka so you are getting punished. Stand up." I looked up at him and he screamed "stand up now". I stood up.

"Guts or nuts?" I had no idea what he meant. "Guts or nuts? You dumb fuck tell me".

"I have no idea what you mean".

It was unbelievable, the punch he landed in my stomach was full force. It winded me completely. I collapsed onto the floor. I lay gasping for air. I covered my head thinking he was going to kick me but he just stood there. "That was guts. As you didn't decide I decided for you. Now stand up and let me see you". I stood up and he stepped back, looked me up and down and then faster than I would ever have thought possible he kicked me in the balls. Not a tap but a full, hard as possible, kick. I grabbed my balls and collapsed on the floor. "That was nuts - just so you know the alternatives".

This was not my idea of a good time. This was not what I had thought I was getting into. He was hot, he was better than hot he was stunningly good looking. He had a huge dick. His arse was perfect. His trainers, now they were clean, looked even better. But I wasn't into this level of violence. I was about to tell him it was over when he said in a commanding voice. "Back in position, sitting on your hands, mouth open, I wanna shoot my load". I just loved his dominant manner and I sat back just as he told me to. He came at me again and literally mounted my face. But this time instead of shoving it in and leaving it there, he fucked my mouth like I had expected at the start. The only problem was, when it was fully in, I was ready to throw up - and then he would pull out.

He picked up speed and he grabbed my head and pulled it onto him. Off and on. Off and on. Then he shuffled forward and pushed in further than ever. It caught me completely unprepared. My entire body retched and puke shot out of my mouth - forced through the tiny gaps between my lips and his dick. "Don't make me stop now" he yelled and kept going. It was horrible. I was dripping from my mouth. He smeared it on my face and in my hair. He kept fucking my face and then, he yelled "take the lot in your stomach - don't you dare pull out" and I felt him cumming over and over. There was no taste cos it was straight into my belly.

"Open your mouth really wide". I did and he pulled out. There was cum on the tip of his cock and he wiped it in my eye. "You look a mess fagboy, go get cleaned up. I need my ass cleaning and judging by your dick you wanna cum". I looked down and it was tenting my jeans more than ever. "Dont come back smelling of puke or I will beat your ass with my belt until your ass is the same colour as mine".

I dived into the shower, changed clothes and went been into the room. I was astonished. All he has on was his tee shirt and trainers. He saw my surprise. "If you gonna clean my ass you got to be able to get at it - cos I not taking any excuses. Take your top off I need to get at your nipples. And you can wank off while you lick me out."

A minute later and I am lying on my back naked and he is lowering his arse onto my face. "First you can lick it like you are bog paper, up and down, don't stick your tongue in my hole or I will beachu so hard"

He squatted down. I could see his arsehole. Tight, just a few hairs, looked a bit sweaty. Looked just perfect. He lowered himself and I swept my tongue up his crack. He had definitely not showered and his wiping needed to improve - this was a pretty rank arse. "It may need a bit of work" he said laughing. I didn't mind. I thought his arse was perfect and the taste was fine. He started pulling and playing on my nipples. I loved that. I licked his crack over and over.

I paused at his tight ring. He immediately squeezed my nipples really hard "not until I say battyboy - keep working my butt crack". I licked up and down. My tongue was sore from where he wiped his trainers. It was starting to hurt. But I didn't care. I was slowly jacking off. I was licking a nice arse. It was my idea of heaven.

"Lick the hole, but don't dare go in yet". I started to run my tongue round the rim of his hole. I did it slow, I did it fast and I imagined going in.

He twisted my nipples "get your tongue in my shit hole you nasty little turd licker". He could insult me all he liked I was in heaven. I stuck my tongue in his arsehole. He twisted my nipples "right in, get it in." I pushed my tongue up higher. I risked putting my hands on his arse and pulling his cheeks apart to get better access. He just moaned a little and twisted my nipples more "get in there, clean it it out". I pushed up and dug my tongue in further.

"You got one minute to cum". I sped up. He twisted my nipples really hard. "If you don't shoot I gonna shit in your mouth". That didn't turn me on at all. I wanked like mad. "Get your tongue up further, you might get a surprise" he twisted my nipples. I pushed up further and, oh my god, there was a turd. He pulled my nipples really hard. I started to cum. I pushed my tongue up one final time and sprayed my load everywhere.

He stood up. He turned round and he kicked me in the balls.

"Get your phone, pay me £400 plus £50 for touching my arse, and be ready to do this all again next tuesday evening - I will be there at 7"

"I thought you said £100"

"I was very clear batty boy, £100 to suck, £100 to lick ass, £100 to cum, and £100 to get roughed up. You sure did the first 3, you not roughed up enough then I can do that now. The £50 was cos you took extra"

I guess I had had my money's worth. But I wasn't sure I could do this all again in less than a week. "Can we find a different time. Maybe in a couple of weeks?"

"You wanna book for a couple of weeks time will be Tuesday evening at 7. Same as its gonna be next Tuesday. In fact every Tuesday from now on, at 7. I will come round. I will tell you what we gonna do. I will tell you how much its gonna cost you and you gonna say "Yes sir" and get to it. There won't be no discussion fagboy. You is my banker now. I got regulars but you gonna be my weekly. Who knew hey, when you woz eyeing up my trainers, you woz eyeing up London's best cash master. I do this all the time. You can see my advert if you like. You might as well, cos you will be paying for it from now on".

"Advert?" It still hadn't sunk in that this was his regular thing.

" youngblackcashcock, You can wank over it between now and next Tuesday. Anyway get that phone out and pay up. And pass the vodka bottle, I will take that to drink on my way home."

And as I sent him the money I realised that this was gonna be my life from now on. Trying to earn enough to keep Musa happy. I looked at him. Slim, tall, black, amazing hair, great body and those sexy trainers that got it all started" He smiled at me looking and said "You clearly like the goods, so will be fine for both of us" We held each others eyes. I reached forward to touch him. He spat in my face. "If I didnt have my hands full that would have been a punch for sure, you are not my friend, you are not even worthy to look at me, you sure dont ever touch me like you woz about to then, you are my cash cow thats all and I gonna milk you every week. You are just that - a fucking fat white banker who pays me in the hope I might take pity and let him get near me. Now fuck off cos I am leaving - open the door my hands are full"

And he turned and walked out.

I wondered what next Tuesday would be like.

Comments are welcome, requests for scenes even more so, the harder the better. Send to me James Walker at

Next: Chapter 2

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