Aiden and Henry

By Keito Nakagawa

Published on Apr 15, 2015


Chapter 1 - The Passing of Days

"Henry?!" I shouted into the house, but there was no response. I shouldn't have been surprised really, he had told me that he was most likely going to be working late in Paris. Still, I had kind of hoped to see him tonight, I think my exhaustion may have made me a little emotionally compromised but that was a price to pay when you date a self-proclaimed "Up and coming rising star team manager".

I threw my bookbag onto the floor beside the bed and sighed as the problem now became whether to go to bed now and shower in the morning, or to shower now and feel about 5% better before falling asleep. It was a serious question, one that probably shouldn't have taken as long to decide, but the little voices fighting in my head eventually came to the conclusion that showering now may lead to a more restful sleep so... off to the showers it was.

As the water warmed up, I stripped off the light green tshirt that I was wearing and noted that I had of course, gained absolutely no muscle definition, as clearly evidenced by my sad and tired reflection. All I saw looking back at me was a boy with soft brown eyes, messy hair, and a very light tan complexion that came with being Asian. Unfortunately for me despite however hard I worked at the gym, my body steadfastly refused to develop any sort of tone. My slender body showed only enough muscle to make me seem like I was well proportioned, but never muscular. By now... I had accepted this fact, but that still didnt stop me from trying to build a little more in the pecs, or a little more definition in the abs. Off came the pants now, leaving me standing in what probably was a little too awkwardly long a moment looking at my naked body in the mirror. Partly, I want to say, because of the sheer amount of effort needed to move my legs so that I could walk into the shower.

I washed myself slowly, trying to let the warmth overtake me and soothe away the tightness in my muscles. I had spent the last 12 hours on my feet running back and forth, chasing after kids at the charity event. I loved playing with the kids and the fundraiser was a great success, at least that much made me feel better. Hopefully the hospital would be able to sustain its research department for another year.

I finished washing my body and began to wash my hair last, as I turned to grab the bottle of shampoo, I felt a pair of strong arms grab my waist and pull me up against what felt like a wall.

"Hi Aiden..." I let myself be swayed gently while leaning back slightly onto my "wall". "You're back." "Did you miss me?" "Of course, I missed you as I was chasing these little four and five year olds around a giant ballroom" "Ohh, well... at least I made it home in time for my favorite part of the night..." He smiled as he pulled me close and let his hands wander down my soft abs and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt his chin rest on my shoulder. He said he alwayys loved this particular moment the most when we showered together. Just the feel of my body against his melted away all the stress in my legs and somehow, I felt as if I could breathe easier now.

"I missed this feeling you know..." He said. "Henry, you were gone for just three days..." "Yeah, and it was three days too long..." He sighed, pulling me in closer, refusing to let me go. "Could you at least let me grab the shampoo bottle?" I sighed, shaking my head and even though he was behind me, I could tell he had a playful sort of pout on his face as he "pondered" whether or not he could afford to let me go "No." came the answer, with another squeeze from the arms around my waist. They moved now up to my chest and I felt him lightly kiss my neck. "Remind me again why it is you like this...." "Because my dear Aiden, this is like our first date, where we showered together after swim practice remember?" "Why does our first date have to be us showering naked together? And I told you, our first date was after that, at the cafe in London." I argued. "Oh yes... the cafe in London..." "Yep, where you found out I was just... the son of a secretary." "Hey, to me, you were more than my father's secretary's son, you know that, and I dont know why you keep thinking of yourself that way." Henry pouted still. "Because it's true, and theres no denying that, but you are of course, Henry Kim, the heir to one of the greatest fashion empires in the world." I said with an exaggerated sense of awe. "Ha ha... very funny. Just for that, I'm going to stick to naked showering as our first date." "But why did you have to see me naked for our first date? You're making me feel like a slut here..." "Because that's when I fell in love with you." "With my body you mean." "Well... at first... but then... I got to know you..." He whipped me around and planted his lips against mine. I felt chills run down my body despite being in the steaming shower. I could never tell him, but everytime Henry kissed me, I could feel everything in my mind go blank and I would fall deeper and deeper until I would suddenly awaken from my trance to find him blinking blankly at me. This was indeed, just a young and pitiful love. But... it was our love.

I washed Henry and he finished my hair, he refused still to let me out of his safety belt arms and I sighed as I tossed and dryed my hair.

"Could you at least let me put on my clothes?" I pouted as he tried to reach for the closet doors and he yanked me back to him. "Fine fine..." he sighed as he finally let go his death grip and I threw on another T-shirt and some shorts. He had done the same. It never ceased to amaze me that he could transform from business suit and tie to T-shirt and shorts and seem like two completely different people.

"Let's go to bed.... I'm tired." He said, yawning. "Oh now you're tired?" I teased. "Yep, and I want to get into bed with my loving... wonderful... boyfriend... who I just saw naked... and-" "Sleep right?" I cut him off and chuckled as he faltered a little before nodding sullenly. "Yeah... sleep..." he sighed. "Don't be sad... cause this is the only time where I get to spend with MY loving... wonderful... boyfriend who I just saw naked too... and don't tell him, but I think he's super cute when he's pouting" I laughed as he followed me back into the master bedroom. He smiled brightly as I held his hand and I could already feel the mischievious grin on his face as he charged me and lifted me up onto the bed, planting himself on top of me with his legs stradling mine. "Happy anniversary Aiden..." He smiled as he kissed me again and I had to think for a moment... "Today's not our anniversary..." "Shower anniversary" He said "Not our first date!" "But... at least it's the anniversary of when I saw you naked for the first time... you were... pretty hot..." He nodded to himself "W-What kind of anniversary is that?!" I laughed as he kissed me a third time before rolling off beside me.

He smiled as he threw the blankets over us and he cuddled up close behind me, spooning me. If he loved the feeling of being in the showers together, I loved this feeling more. Whenever Henry had his arms wrapped around me in bed, I felt... so safe. It was warm beneath the covers and I loved the feeling of his cool legs intertwined with mine. We were in love... so desperately, madly in love with each other. I remember that night that he fell asleep before me, and I could feel his breath tease against the back of my neck. He probably had another busy day of meetings and editorials to comb through so I didnt bother to ask him any questions about his day. Snuggling in, the scent of the soap we had just applied all over our bodies permeated the bed and in the quiet night sleep came to me.

-- The Next Morning--

My phone alarm rang at seven in the morning and I woke up enough to smash my finger against the dismiss button. Henry had rolled back slightly, his arms were splayed across the bed and I smiled as I noticed he had a little bit of drool down his chin. sitting up, I surveyed him, noticing details that I had missed the night before. Here lay the boy that I had fallen so deeply in love with ten years ago. He hadn't really changed much since then, at least not to me. I could still see the boy who I could tell was awkwardly trying to approach me in the showers, and I had to pretend not to notice that he almost slipped and fell when he hit a particularly slippery tile. His hair had become messy in the night, but I could still see it as the neatly spiked hair that was the fashion during our high school years. His face hadn't changed much either, his eyes were a bit darker than mine now, but his face was more defined. He was, at 6'1", a little taller than me and maybe a little more defined in musculature than me, but for however much growing up he did, Henry would still be the cute little boy who came up to me in the shower and told me that he liked me.

Of course, our family at first, did not take the news well. Here I was, the son of a secretary who had in their eyes, only done well by the grace of their family. My father felt horribly ashamed at first that his son was seducing his boss's son. Henry's mother had of course, expressed her dislike in the most polite way possible. I remember that the president, Henry's father had called both my father and I into his office to discuss the situation. He was concerned that I was taking advantage of Henry and after being assaulted by so many people, I had somehow deluded myself into thinking that I was some sort of whore who had lured Henry into my trap. I'll always remember that was the day that he barged into his father's office to tell him off. He confessed that he was the one who liked me first, and that his father should butt out of his love life. I'll never know what exactly Henry said to his father that night, but the company presdient and madam were markedly different the next day. They apologized for accusing me of seducing their son, and my father could breathe again at work. They had taken me out to dinner one night and from what Henry told me, they said they loved me. I had told them of my plans to become a doctor at the local hospital and they offered their connections if I needed recommendations or a place to shadow physicians. All in all, they thought I was, as Henry put it, "a fine young man, who has a good head on his shoulders." This was followed by what was a lecture in responsibility of being in a relationship, one of many Henry had received from his father. I like to think that this was what put their mind at ease, and what allowed Henry and I the freedom to live together with relatively little inteference from either of our parents.

I got up now, after reminiscing about our past, and after going through my morning routine, began to make breakfast. Now that there were two of us at home, I doubled the recipe and made some breakfast frittatas with some fruit on the side. Finishing early, I ended up making some granola bite bars and packed them in a small bag for Henry to take to work with him. Promptly at eight, my still sleepy boyfriend trundled into the breakfast area and plopped himself down on a chair.

"Can I get you anything President Kim?" I asked playfully as he groaned "Stop being my secretary, you know I dont like it." He said, his last few words slurred as he ran his hands across his face to wake himself up. "Well then wake up." I smiled as I put the plate of frittatas in front of him and set down a cup of coffee. He sleepily threw his arm around my waist and rested his head against my hip. "Aiiiiidennn..." he whined "Whaaat?" I replied, mimicking him "Come to work with me." He pleaded "What? Why? I finally get days off from the hospital and I have to go to work?" "You can study while we're there, just dont leave me alone" he pleaded more desperately still, his eyes were still closed as he toyed with the line between falling back asleep and waking up. "But you can just finish and co-" I was cut short as he pulled me down and I ended up sitting on his lap and I instinctually threw my arm around his neck to keep from falling backwards. "Henry!" I gasped. "Good Morning Aiden..." He smiled with a dopey look on his face and he kissed me gently before nudging my cheek with his nose. I fed him some of the frittatas and made him eat some of the blueberries I had washed so that he could at least say that he had breakfast today. While I was washing the dishes and putting away the left over fruits, he went into the bedroom to change.

"Come to work with me!" he insisted "I have a huge test to study for, so I wouldnt be able to keep you company anyway!" I replied "Just come to work and you can study in my office... pleease Aiden, please please please?" He furrowed his brow as he put on his tie. "I'll never understand how you can be so childish when you're in your suit." "Does this mean you'll come with me?" His expression brightened. "Fine... but I need to study so you better work and let me sit there in peace." I sighed as I went into the room to change.

Henry had already laid out my clothes on the bed, as if expecting me to give in to his demands.

"I just thought you'd look good in that suit..." he chirped. "Of course you did..." I said sarcastically, throwin on the button up he had selected for me, with the tie and the blazer.. and the slacks.

We rode quietly in his car, in my mind I was thinking about how to organize the chapters in my head for my next exam on the organ systems. When we arrived at the company, he parked next to the executive offices and we rode the elevator up to the 12th floor. His office was a sleek silver and grey with white accents along the walls. He had designed it himself when his father appointed him the team manager for the skin care division of the Kim conglomerate. His actual secretary, Elise walked in with a file folder and set things down neatly in a fan on his desk.

"Good Morning Henry," She smiled, "Hi Elise, whats going on today?" He grinned, "My my, someone's happy today... could it be because of a certain someone...?" She asked sarcastically, looking in my direction. "Hi Elise" I chirped. "It's been a long time Aiden, maybe today you can help me keep this one on schedule for once?" She chuckled, giving me a hug "No promises."

I sat down on the small one-seater chair that was in a small corner of his office. It was a small but comfortable chair that he had picked out for me so that I could sit with him when he worked late. I took more advantage of it during the years that I was not in medical school, but now it was one of those passing comforts that I hadn't visited in quite a while. If it were up to him, he would have placed it in the middle of the room with the rest of the furniture, but I insisted that I be off to the side, and away from any prying eyes. Somehow I always felt very conscious of myself when I visited him, that there would be so many eyes looking at me if I were just sitting in plain view. Still, under the guise of not wanting to be a distraction for him, the chair was tucked neatly away in a small corner of his office, just out of sight from anyone who would be peering into the office. Henry though, gave my presence away everytime when he looked over at me.

"Better pay attention today, or else Elise will kick me out" I warned, pulling out my notebook and settling in. "She wouldnt dare" Henry gasped mockingly. "Wouldn't I? I'd be happy if Aiden sat next to me today." Elise came in holding two cups and set one down on the small side table next to me. "One hot coffee with 1 sugar" She grinned as I mouthed a soft "thank you" to her. "And another with 1 sugar and 1 cream" She sighed setting the other down in front of Henry. "Youu wouldnt." Henry gasped again half accusingly pointing at his now very defiant secretary. "Well, that depends on whether or not you get all your stuff done on time, now hurry up, we have a staff meeting in an hour and you have to approve those drafts for the advertisements" She opened a folder and began marking places for Henry to review.

The hours in the day passed quickly for the two of us, and surprisingly Henry left me alone for most of the day. He was in and out of his office every few minutes, I had finished 4 of the 7 chapters in my exam and spent the last hour or so of the workday sitting laying down on the small couch that sat in the middle of his office. I must have fallen asleep on the couch because the next thing I remember was Henry standing above me about to pick me up.

"Lets go home Aiden." He said "N-No... I-I can walk." I yawned, trying to squirm my way out of his arms. "Just let me carry you..." He said, holding on. "No... no.. " I shook my head again, and he sighed as he let me down and my feet felt the firm ground beneath me.

My bag had been sitting neglected against the small corner chair and I threw my notes and my notebook in and zipped it shut "Di-Did you finish everything?" I asked, "Yeah, we're good for the next quarter barring any complications anyway..." He grinned. "Oh good..." "Do you want to eat at home tonight?" He asked now "It doesn't matter to me..." "Well, if we go home... are you going to cook me something?" The request came with a slight playful raise of the brow "Don't I always?"

Back at home, I pulled out the necessary ingredients and began to work shaping the meatballs with the cheese filling. It was a simple recipe, from when we were both college kids but it was one that we loved to make.

"ooo Meatballs.." Henry wrapped his arms around my waist again and he nestled his chin against my neck. "Are you going to help me then?" "Of course not, I dont know how to make anything... that's your specialty" He shrugged "You know, you were a lot more helpful when we were first dating..." "Ah... I dont know about that, I think I was just as lazy. Everytime I see you cooking in the kitchen I just wanted to come and grab you by the waist and hold you and... kiss you... and..." His voice trailed off as he lightly brushed the back of my legs with his and I trembled for a moment. "Well, if you keep doing all that, dinner wont be ready for a long time." "Sometimes... we all have sacrifices to make..." "Sometimes, but not today." I grinned and I kissed him gently on the cheek before prying myself away and throwing the meatballs into the oven to bake. Soon after, followed the broccolini and garlic. Then came the preparations for the tomato-pesto sauce.

After dinner was over, Henry helped to wash the dishes and we retired to our bedroom. He, despite tomorrow being a saturday, insisted that he check his email before we nestled in for the night. I insisted that we go out tomorrow and together we reached a compromise on both matters.

"Goodnight my Aiden." He said in a mock-baby voice. "Oh stop it." I shook my head "But... you are mine." He pouted as he rolled me into him and I felt his strong arms enclose around me again, keeping me warm and protected. His defined chest against my back transferred the soft beats of his heart and I felt its rhythm echo throughout my body. "Yes yes... I'm yours..." I nodded "Good... now stay that way." He nodded sleepily.

Feeling the way his chest pulsated against me, I knew he had fallen asleep before me and I grinned as I knew he would soon begin to drool just a little, in the adorable way that I loved to tease him for. In dreaming of my adorable Henry... the love of my life, I wrapped myself in his arms and fell asleep...

--- Author:

Thank you for reading, what could, depending on the feedback, be the first of more chapters. I just wanted to show a day in the life of Aiden and Henry. This is my first attempt at writing and I know that I'm probably not very good at expressing the ideas that are in my head, so any comments are welcomed!

Please feel free to email me any thoughts at with any thoughts!


Next: Chapter 2

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