Aiden and Henry

By Keito Nakagawa

Published on Aug 4, 2017


The next morning I woke up and Jason had fallen asleep beside me, his legs sprawled widely as he lightly snoozed and I smiled as I got up and quickly brushed my teeth, making as little noise as possible. I stood just at the archway of my door and looked around, surveying the two sleeping boys in my living room. Some part of me felt so comforted here, standing among the people who loved me most, even one that I had caused so much pain to.... Henry looked peaceful now... at least for now.

I thought about what to do today, the first thing being to go for a run. I probably couldn't get away with going overboard today... but maybe it would clear my head. Sneaking into the closet I changed into my shorts and t-shirt and crept my way outside again, opening the door of my apartment.

"Aiden?" Henry looked up and his eyes widened as he saw me attempting to leave.

"I'm... going for a run. I promise" I said, as he got up and sleepily shuffled his way over to me, holding my arm. "Stay... just stay.... Please." He said, pulling me back in. The tone in his voice was so different now... and I nodded, shutting the door.

We sat down in the small breakfast area, him looking haggard and I sitting ashamedly in the corner of the room. I could tell he was studying me up and down, wondering what had changed, and what had not. He held my hands in his and I looked at him sheepishly.

"Aiden...I missed you... so much... I missed you... th-there were days where... things were just so hard... so hard...."

"I know..."

"Then why didn't you come back to me? You've been living here this whole time... when you had a house.... A home to come back to..." The same look of genuine concern that I had been dreading appeared on his face.

I finally broke down, explaining everything to him, the threats, the nights at Landon's house, running away and hiding here... even Josh. I refused to look at him, instead focusing on his hands, wringing them in my own as if at any moment during my story he would be so disgusted with me that he'd leave me himself. But that never happened....

Henry waited until I finished, and he looked at me before shaking his head.

"I'll kill him... " He said angrily, and I brushed his hands, soothing him.

"Henry.... I..... also... did things.... With them... him... and..."

"And me..." Josh had appeared and he sat down on the table opposite us.

"And... you..." I said apprehensively.

"I.... I don't know.... How to look at you.... Or how you can look at me either..." I continued

"Aiden... I didn't know...... I didn't know why you were here, how you ended up here.... Otherwise...... I wouldn't have pushed you...." Josh started, but Henry stopped him.

"It.... It's.... okay... I know that you were lonely.... That things.... Happened... " He seemed to be having a tough time forming the words.

"Henry...." I retracted my hands, putting them back in my lap.

"But I cannot forgive him... for everything... for what he did to you... but why didn't you come to me? Why did you have to do..... all this?"

"I was protecting you! I wanted to be strong, I wanted to be the one that was protecting you for once... and this...... was the best way I knew how.... I wanted to... save you....." I said, my voice broke as breathing became harder and harder. My breaths became shallow I began hyperventilating.

Henry wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, he held me, silently as I hunched over and calmed myself. After a few moments, I stopped and finally felt strong enough to look up.

"Aiden....... You are the strongest person I know... you're the one thing that keeps me going sometimes..... don't ever feel like you have to protect me.... We're here to work on things..... together.... Okay?" Henry smiled softly, holding my hands again.

Josh had been silent this entire time, his face was still as he got up and wished us the best, but wanted some time to.... "come to terms" with everything.

"Josh I-"

"Aiden... its okay, I know....I know now..." He smiled as he turned to leave and I cringed as the door closed behind him. My heart broke for him....

That night, Aiden called a multitude of men over to the apartment, and in an instant had moved everything back to the house. I stopped at the doorway, too afraid to go back in. This was the life that I had left behind.... It felt like so long ago that I had been living here.... With the boy who loved me, my happy life....

In the midst of my thoughts, I hadn't noticed Henry appear behind me until he hugged me and whispered in my ears.

"Welcome home.... "

Without warning he swept my legs from beneath me as he picked me up and carried me in, laying me down on the bed, kissing me deeply as I inhaled the scent of him... the bedroom sheets that were always washed in the soap that smelled so lightly of honey and lavender... and so much more.....

He smiled as he laid in bed beside me

"You're finally home....." He sighed, grinning broadly, he held my hand for a bit, and the next I knew, we had both dozed off in bed, actually sleeping peacefully for the first time in so long....

I woke up first, looking over as if in disbelief that I had returned to my life again. Henry was still dead to the world, lightly snoring, his left leg somehow above the covers, and his right under them. It was so bizarre, laying here, next to him as if nothing had happened....

Getting up, I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face to wake up. Looking around I smiled as the surroundings finally seemed familiar to me again, the cold tile beneath my feet, the soft scent of the citrus soap that I had forced Henry to buy...

I pulled open the dresser drawer that we shared to look for a new shirt to change into and found only Henry's clothes, realizing that I hadn't unpacked yet. I pulled out one of his casual long sleeved button ups, a soft one that he had worn far more times than I cared for, but instead of putting it back..... I took it now and walked back into the bathroom, I started to shower, washing myself more vigorously than I had ever done when I lived by myself... and when I finished, I opened the door to find Henry about to come in.

"Oh.... I missed it..." He pouted, and I laughed as he went to hug me. "Ah! Noo! You're still dirty..... and I just cleaned myself!" I jumped and ran underneath his arms. "Okay okay..... I'll shower tooo... but you wait right here." he frowned again, turning the shower on again, I could tell he was watching very carefully as I slipped on a clear pair of underwear, the one thing I had actually resorted to pulling out of the luggage bags.

I stood in front of my mirror now, carefully looking at myself. My hair seemed a lighter sort of black with some tinges of brown in the light. My body had finally developed some sort of tone, I seemed to have really slimmed down, firm with subtle hints of muscle here and there. Henry's shirt lay in a crumpled heap on the corner of the counter where I had left it, and I threw it on me now, a little large for me, but as I held it closed, for a moment, I breathed in his scent and I lost myself. My arms wrapped around me and I took a deep breath almost hugging myself. A short instant later, I felt his arms wrap around me too and the cool cheek pressed against my own as Henry hugged me from behind.

"Enjoying my shirt?" He smiled, kissing me on the cheek "Just..... a little..." I grinned, kissing him back. "Well..... you know..... I AM right here....." He smiled, turning me around, he had put on a pair of briefs, his wet hair clung in little shards that dripped water still.

"I know...." "Do you also know...... you look so cute right now....?" He smiled so brightly, taking a step back, looking at me in my briefs and his shirt... "Stop...." I blushed, turning back to the mirror, and he came back to hug me. "It's true..." "You're cheesy...." But I loved it.

"C'mon, lets get some food.... " "Are you going to cook for me, now that Im home?" "Uh..... sure.... Lets see...... what I have." He looked pensively at the ceiling, and took me to the dining room, sitting me down on the barstool, as if afraid that if he let me go, I might disappear.

I sat down and leaned against the granite countertops. Feeling the cold against my body made me shiver.

A very flustered Henry somehow managed to put together breakfast and I laughed as he "accidentally" added a bit too much salsa to his eggs and offered to switch with him. It all seemed so picturesque, the two of us sitting here, the sunlight streaking in from the windows and illuminating the bright eyes that I had missed for so long and the laughter that filled the air as he told me eagerly about all the things I'd missed. The funny thing was, I didn't care about any of the changes at the company, or the things he'd come up with, the thing that I loved the most was listening to him tell me these things with that goofy smile on his face, the one that he only had for me...

"Aiden?" He asked as I snapped out of my fog "W-What?" "I was asking what you wanted to do now......?" "Oh.... A-anything is fine..."

He laughed as he got up and brought over his computer, looking for things to do in the city we'd always lived in, but never explored. Unfortunately for us, the city stayed unexplored, and we settled for a day of us lounging around at home. Henry never left my side that day, he smiled brightly at me, gazed so lovingly at me that I felt so guilty for making him this way.

"Henry..... I promise, I'm not going anywhere.. but you don't have to watch over me.... The whole time...." I said, trying my best not to cry "I know... but I just..... missed you so much..."

I had to push him back into his study so that he could get some work done, and I laughed as Jason refused to come over for fear that he might be a third wheel on a long overdue date.

"I assure you, there is nothing going on here.... And I'm sure Henry would love to have you over." I said into the phone. "Uh..... no he wouldn't, you're so oblivious Aiden.... Its kinda cute..... but kinda sad for him." Came the reply "What do you mean?" "Aiden.... C'mon, the two of you lovebirds... yall are definitely gonna..... y'know..." "Jason.... Really...... I promise you, there's no sex going on here." "Well then why not!?" I was a little dumbstruck by the question. "Uh... I... I don't know....but you know.... We don't just sit at home and have sex all the time...." "Well you should." "I feel like.... This was the wingman I should have had when I was SINGLE." I said laughing "Well.... This is the wingman you have now, so go get some!" He cheered into my ear and hung up.

Curiosity got the better of me again though, and I wondered if I should go.. "get some." I walked over to the study to see Henry on the phone, energetically waving to himself, shaking his head vehemently, and at some point even pleading with some unknown force to just make whoever it was listen to him. Maybe.... I should wait...

I took to exploring and unpacking the house, my clothes had found their ways back into their drawers, my half of the closet was filled again and I could have sworn that a few of these shirts weren't mine......

With my own clothes finally available, I changed back into my own t-shirts, and reluctantly pulled off Henry's shirt and put it back into his drawers, but as I laid it down, I felt something hard, hidden behind the stacks of shirts. I found a small velvet box and gasped as I dropped it. Henry walked in to find me there with what I could only gather was a look of shock and the box on the floor.

"Aiden..." "Henry... were you... were you.... Going to ask...?" "I was.... And I stil-" "Don't" I stopped him. "What?" "Don't ask me... not yet..." I said, putting the box down I stared at it and realized how cold my words must have sounded. Henry looked as if someone had just stabbed him in the heart and I took his hands into mine. Before I could say anything else, his hands squeezed ever so slightly before he nodded.

"I'll wait then... until we're back to us again...." He said resolutely.

At this point I didn't know if that time would ever come back... there'd always be some part of me that feels... unworthy of him, but I nodded as well as he took the box and put it back into the drawer.

I opted to skip dinner tonight. Packing away the last of my clothes I came across my sweater... the same white sweater that he loved... It hung a little looser on me still now, and despite it not actually fitting me well, warmth still came to me, and I felt the soft fabric around my body hold me again.

"You still look cute in it...." Turning, Henry stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. I didn't know what to say.

"So cute..... " he said again, getting closer to me and putting his arms around me, pulling me back into a deep kiss. I barely felt myself shift towards the bed as he pushed me down onto the soft mattress. I gasped as his hands ran up my sides, every little caress sent sparks up and down my spine. The same sweater I had just thrown on landed in a pile on the floor. The boy that leaned in above me looked back at me, his eyes so deep and beautiful I lost myself in them, feeling the cool air suddenly caress my naked legs as Henry swiped the last remaining clothes from my body and they ended up in the same place as the sweater. He was always so good at that...

His hands were stronger now, more deliberate, but I loved the way they ran down my chest, feeling every curve of my body. My own hands had been pushing at the fabric of his shirt, I felt the firm body underneath and my mind blanked. Henry's body was... perfect.

"mmmh... H-Henry..." I shivered a little, as my hands nudged for him to take off his clothes, which he was only too happy to oblige. His abs had become more defined, he had a muscular but lean body, that drove me mad. He kicked off his briefs, sending them flying and I glimpsed at the most intimate part of him, one that I knew all too well, and would soon know again. It may have been the recent roller coaster of emotions, but I felt my mind blank out again in a mindlessly horny trance. The sheets found their way over us and I felt Henry vanish under them.

"AAH!" I gasped, a sudden warm sensation spread throughout my crotch, his tongue swirled circles around my cock and I moaned as every nerve on my body fired and Henry knew it. He was relentless in his manipulations, as if all the pent up frustration had come to a point and this was his final way to let it all out.

I took a deep breath in as he began to bob up and down, and then suddenly a single slippery finger teased its way into me, making me involuntarily thrust myself up and into him.

"Aahnn..." I moaned again as he began thrusting in and out of me, teasingly slow. I could tell, Henry loved playing with me this way, he would time the smaller motions, light flicks against the head and my shaft with the thrusts. All I could do was whimper as my hands reached down to beg him to give me more, but he was in control now.

Another finger was teasing at my hole now, and I shook my head pointlessly as in a single thrust he threw both fingers in. and I winced in pain momentarily before he found my weak point again and I cried out. He came out from under the covers and grinned as he surveyed his handiwork.

"You've gotten tighter.... " He smiled as he thrust his fingers in again and I cried out again.

"Shhh baby..." he said with a devilish grin and this time the minute my mouth opened he straddled himself over me and I hungrily took in his cock. My body trembled as I nursed his already rock hard erection, the familiar outline that I missed, and the small sensitive area just underneath the head that I knew would make him moan.

"Ahh... unhhh" Henry panted, his fingers thrust in and out faster now, and I felt him reach in deep and push up against that one spot and the air left my lungs.

"Unhhhh..." I moaned as Henry knelt beside me, his fingers still stretching me. With his free hand he was putting on some lube that I hadn't noticed him bringing out, but I didn't care.....

The minute he left me, I let out a whimper, the sense of emptiness that I hated and wanted so much for him to fill...

"Please.. please... " I reached out to his body and he smiled, positioning himself behind me. Very slowly, very deliberately, I felt his head push against me. It was hard and I could tell he was right, I was... tighter now. My hands wrung against the bedsheets as he slowly pushed forward, opening me centimeter by centimeter. I thought it would never end, his cock was so big... and I felt every bit of it piercing me. It pushed against the small button inside me and continued to run against it as I felt the dribbles of my own juices begin to leak. Finally, his pelvis pushed against me and I groaned, he was fully inside me, and my hole was a tight glove around him. Now he started to withdraw and I cried again, shaking my head as the huge rod inside me started its backward trail.

"Shhh.. baby look at me..." He whispered as my eyes locked onto his. No matter what the rest of me was feeling, my eyes stayed onto his as he kissed me, and I bore through the sensations. Finally without warning he shoved himself all the way in again and with short, pulsating strokes he began utterly destroying me.

I could feel every wave coming from a place deep inside me, my body tingling still and on fire from every place he touched or caressed me. Every thrust sent ripples through me, and after a few minutes of thrusting, he mumbled something to me, and I felt his strong arms pull me up and turn me around. He pushed me down onto the bed, making me arch downward and at just that angle, he thrust in again and I threw my head back in sheer pleasure. My mouth opened and shut again, no words could find their ways out. Henry pulled me back onto my knees and I leaned against him as he continued his assault. It was as if he was drilling a hole through me and I loved it. The hands that held me began running down my body again, teasing my nipples, caressing my abs before firmly grasping my cock. He slowly stroked me, teasing me, making me more and more desperate for release.

"You look so beautiful right now.... " He whispered, his hot breath adding more and more waves down my spine.

Just as suddenly I felt him pull out again and he flipped me around again. Without so much as a warning he slipped in again and his arms that had been holding me, pulled me up again and I folded in half as he picked me up and thrust me up and down onto himself. Something about this position made me so... hot, an indescribable feeling, knowing that he was picking me up and forcing me down onto him... and I threw my head back as the waves intensified and I screamed his name as jet after jet of white ropey cum shot out of me and the spasms sent Henry over the edge, he slammed me down, fully impaling me onto him and I felt his seed deep inside me, the warm sensation that seemed to spread as the last few thrusts made their way inside me. After that mind-blowing hit, my body went limp and he laid me back onto the bed, and very slowly, carefully started to pull out.

"Anhh.." I winced, and he stopped. He looked at me carefully before carefully starting again, I could feel his head exit me and my completely destroyed hole refused to close.

"Well... you definitely aren't as tight now...." He smiled again, this time two fingers easily found their way in, collecting what little of himself that had begun to leak.

"Unh..." his fingers brushed against my delicate insides, and a small after-tremor shook me.

I was so tired.... But so contented.... Henry's loving embrace kept me warm, but the rest of me was so numb I closed my eyes, focusing on the last remaining ripples from my climax. He kissed my neck and I smiled reflexively as sleep came to me now...

"I love you..." He whispered again

I love you.

The next day, Henry was already gone from bed when I woke up. Small clinks of bowls from the kitchen made me grin as I imagined him trying to put together more foods but finding himself a little too overwhelmed from all the things in the kitchen.

I showered for the day and threw on a pair of khaki shorts and a T-shirt in the palest shade of green.

"Good morning sleepyhead." He smiled at me, setting the last glass of juice down at the table.

"Looks delicious.... Did you..... actually make it though?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Wow.... That hurts." He feigned injury and limped to the chair.

"Oh and it IS good too!" I clapped after taking a bite of the small quiche. "Of course" He shrugged, nonchalantly stuffing another bite into his mouth.

"But you are even better." I leaned in and kissed him, making him blush.

When the dishes had been put away, I asked what we were doing today and he went silent. There was a small uncomfortable air as he looked me in the eye and told me that it may be best if I didn't know.

"What do you mean?" "I....I looked into some things.... And I ... I have to talk to Landon." He said. "What?" "Oh c'mon Aiden, you can't really expect me to leave him alone..... not after all this." "Can't we just.... Live our lives?" "That's what I want, but Im afraid that we'd never be able to do it with him drooling over you and watching, looking for any one moment to come and...... do this again." "Henry.... Please?" "No.... no. No. Aiden, you know I love you, I'd do anything for you, I'd do anything you tell me to do. But this... I'm doing this to protect you." Henry's voice was so firm that I was at a loss. "It's not..... his fault..... he's just.... Lonely. You know what that's like...." I said helplessly.

"In my loneliness, I hurt and healed and dealt with it all myself, I never sabotaged other people." Henry replied, before grabbing his jacket and heading for the door.

"Wait! Just.... Let me..... talk to him first...... okay?" Henry relented as I pleaded with him and he let me come along..

Author: Thank you so much for sticking with me! I am so sorry it's been so long since my last chapter, and many thanks to all of you who have been writing me! I feel so privileged to have you read my story. I love hearing from you all and if you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to let me know at

P.S. Please remember that Nifty is a great place where authors, (even new ones like me) can come share their stories! Please remember to support them if you can at Thank you!

Thanks so much to those of you who have already sent me some great comments!

Next: Chapter 14

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