Akira Awakening

Published on Sep 27, 2022


Akira Awakening - Rio De Janiero

Akira Awakening

Rio De Janiero

Author's Notes

  ⛿   I write two different variations of fan fiction, the story revisited and the story re-imagined. In those tales which are revisited, the film, plot, characters, and actors who portrayed them remain as they were in the original production and I am simply revisiting that storyline some time later. In a re-imagined manuscript I take the overall story told on screen and change one or more elements thus making it much more a different take on the original concept.

  ⛿   Your thoughts and/or discourse regarding this work are enjoyable and welcome. I will also consider BETA READING your work if you are interested in feedback prior to posting a new story idea in development or chapter from an existing work. sbt.atreyu@gmail.com

  ⛿   Content Warnings: Language, Sexual / Homoerotic / Romantic Relationships Between Minors, Descriptive Youth Male Nudity, Graphic Sexual Activity Between Minors, all of which are fictional in their entirety and do not represent any person, living or dead.

  ⛿   Please consider a donation to Nifty for all of their time and effort in making this site possible! Donate To Nifty Here

♨  ⚣   ♨

I stared at my nemesis and it stared back at me. It was a contest of wills, one where I knew I would ultimately fail. However, this never stopped me from engaging in battle, though I don't know what my trying said about me as a person. Don Quixote comes to mind.

The blue LED numbers of the clock on my nightstand changed to 02:37 military time and I blinked. Lost again. I did manage to last more than three minutes though. A personal best. The fact that I had initiated this war against time wasn't my fault. That honor belonged to my mother, Bea Ann. Now who in the beaver dam fuck names their kid Bea Ann?

I don't mean to sound pissed off, I'm usually fairly stable. But hey, if your mom had breezed into the dining room an hour and twenty minutes after the meal was done and over and, not finding anyone at the table, began screaming like her hair was on fire... well, that might be somewhat upsetting. Dad, my younger brother Chance and I rushed in, ready to karate anything that moved or grab fire extinguishers, whichever was necessary. Without the aid of Signals Intelligence at the NSA we finally got her to communicate in English (her native language by the way) where she promptly announced that summer vacation would be interrupted, starting tomorrow. We needed to pack because we had a 11:05 flight to catch. The company she worked for was sending her to Rio de Janeiro. And, they were picking up the tab for the whole family.

I couldn't sleep. It was just that simple. The closest I had ever come to leaving the country was Skyrim on my X-Box and that country didn't exist. Rio however did and I was completely on board with her plan.

Rolling over I practically squashed my little brother Chance who had crawled into bed with me. Most nights Chance slept with me and before you get any ideas, it was a platonic arrangement. It started about the time Chance had learned to walk. I would be dead asleep and wake up in the morning and there he was, naked as the day he was born, using me as his pillow. The habit seems to have stuck, he's nine and still a nighttime nudist. My parents think he's a sleep-walker but I know the deal. He and I are close and for the record we're both okay with it. Naturally I complain, of course I give him a hard time, and without fail, three or four times a week he's there when I wake up.

As I unintentionally steamroll him deeper into the mattress Chance doesn't say a word. Instead he balls up his fist and punches me in the center of my chest. Hard. For a forth grader the kid is a six-pack of muscle and hits in a way that your remember. He can certainly hold his own; I've never once had to intercede for him when it came to schoolyard bullies.

"Chill out you naked psycho," I tell him. "I forgot you were there. It's a god damn double bed you know. There's room over on the other side of the bed."

His only response is a quick laugh at my expense, knowing I would never hit him back. Three seconds later I hear his slow and steady breathing. Having lost my war with Father Time and now lying wounded in my own bed I try counting sheep. This only pisses me off further as I realize how stupid I am for even trying such a ludicrous technique.

A new thought came to me. In all of the excitement of the Brazil trip I had forgotten to masturbate! Imagine any self-respecting, healthy fourteen year old boy forgetting to jerk himself off in messy release before blissfully falling into unconsciousness. I could (should) be ostracized for a month or, at the very least, be put on some form of probation.

Chance had one leg thrown over mine, his body otherwise curled up in a ball. Such a weird kid. If I rolled back to face the enemy clock I could pull my dick out of my boxer-briefs and slow-massage it to orgasm without fear of waking Mike Tyson. Not that I had a whole lot to worry about. He had busted me several times in the past, but only recently did he actually get what I was up to. No secrets between us really and accepting my role as Big Brother, I had the 'this is your penis and this is how it works... or will work in the short-term future' talk. That was at the beginning of the school year. Now, he too was a practitioner of the art and I quickly learned to start knocking on the door to his bedroom before just walking in. Him, not so much. He still barged in without reservation and seemed to take particular delight in seeing the expression on my face when he caught me cock-in-hand.

My name is Akira and other that what you know about me so far, let me add to my resume. I'm white, a full-blooded Norwegian as both of my parents arrived with the Vikings however many generations ago it took them to get to the New World. Breaking with tradition, we no longer pray to Oden, we're Jews. Yep, you heard right. Jewish Vikings.

My whole family is blond on top and as far as my dad and I are concerned we have dark brown hair in the "other" places. I cannot report on my mom, (thank all the gods for that mercy) and Chance is, well the verdict is still out as you would expect of a nine-going-on ten year-old. Like me, his brows are dark so I suspect he will follow in the pubertal tradition.

We all have those tall slim bodies, high cheek bones and sharp features that keep us well away from the line between good looking and downright ugly. Chance and I are built pretty much the same, very little body fat and we wear our thick straight hair longish, just above our shoulders. I started the trend by the way, he's a follower.

One last confession, I'm gay. Not thinking about it, not it's just a phase and not experimental. I'm into boys. Dick. Dudes who act like dudes. Rough, tough skater boys (like me if you haven't got that image in your head yet) with a bit of an attitude, but not so much as to come off bitchy. I actually like boys that you would never guess, not in a million years, that they jerk off to gay Twitter porn. Yeah, there's another admission. I'm a Twitter porn addict. Don't tell my mom... she actually works there.

Next you will want to know how my family feels about my preferred sexual attraction. Mom and dad are okay with the whole concept and Chance thinks it makes me even cooler than I already am. Whenever he introduces me to one of his little friends it goes something like: "This is my brother and he likes boys. His name is Akira and he's fourteen and a half. And guess what?! He even has a shrub of hairs above his penis. Not much, but some."

A this point in the conversation the boy in question is generally looking at me like I'm an exhibit in some science fair, though there have been one or two who subconsciously look down in hopes of confirming my status as a teenager with pubes. Because I like to wear high-rise, snug-fitting stonewashed blue jeans from the 70's, the hopeful is often rewarded with what I consider a fair sized bulge that forms slightly to the left of center. I get a kick out of catching dudes checking out other dudes packages.

One time a boy named Tosh came to our house, Chance had invited him for a stay over. I got my usual freak of the circus introduction and for the rest of the evening Tosh followed me around like a lost puppy. He sat close, talked to me about everything and nothing at all, but it was his eyes that gave him away. Two seconds on my face and five seconds between my legs and then back up again for another two. Rinse and repeat.

As it got closer to bedtime I took off my shirt and pants, stripped out of my underwear and put nothing on but a pair of old sweatpants. Without any constraint, my dick flopped freely this way and that, much of the length and cut head of my dick were fairly evident. Tosh went weak the moment he saw me like this, his eyes nearly bulging out of his pretty little black-haired Italian head.

The more he looked (which was practically at a constant) the more... um... less flaccid I became until it was at the point of migrating from turgid to semi-erect. And that's when I discovered my own new arousal. I liked being looked at. The fact that it was a younger boy, with a bit of hero-worship thrown in, I think we both discovered something out about ourselves that night.

By this time Chance had figured his friend out as much as I had he seemed to find the whole thing terribly amusing. I flaunted and Tosh watched. When it came time for bed Chance stripped down to his underwear expecting Tosh to follow suit. The kid could not get out of his clothes fast enough. It was as if he had been waiting for an excuse to show off some himself. I was actually rather impressed. A year older than Chance, Tosh had a real package going on in his boxer-briefs. Not just a little marble, you could actually see the outline of his penis and under that, his balls held high and tight by the fabric.

For the next twenty minutes Tosh and I took turns stealing glimpses of each other's boy-bulge while eating ice cream and pretending to watch Chance kill bad guys in Call of Duty

At one point I thought I might as well give Tosh something to really think about so I raised up on my knees and pretended to stretch. This showed the five or six wisps of hair I have under each arm and for the main event caused the worn out elastic of my sweatpants to fall down further on my hips. The result was about half an inch of dark pubic curls from my bush that was just a bit broader than the length of a Matchbox Mustang.

Tosh, barely able to breath, stared in admiration and, as if it had a mind of its own, his right hand began to play with the obvious boner that pointed over to his left, just like mine did when fully hard. As the boy pulled at his erection I did the unthinkable... though now that I think about it, it was quite thinkable as I am the one who thought to do it.

Nodding my head that I approved of his masturbating to me, I used both hands to pull the waistband of my sweats down revealing the full of my man-hairs, half-hard circumcised dick and hairless sack. I moved my hips left and right to give my growing erection some swing to it and watched as Tosh lost himself in teenaged lust. If it weren't for the volume of the game, Chance would have heard him moan aloud in what could only be described as shock and awe.

Proving to myself and Tosh that I wasn't a complete pervert, I quickly snapped the waistband back in place and sat down so that if Chance did turn around he would not see my unbridled stiffness. Tosh, didn't have the same amount of self control. His eyes imploring me to rise up again thrusting his hand down inside his underpants where he began stroking. I gave him the eye, pointed at the oblivious Chance and shook my head. Eventually he got the message and stopped whacking off, though it was a struggle for the both of us.

I glanced at the clock, the ever-present warrior of time and discovered that my little reverie had taken me well past the 04:00 hour and the intention to perform my own bit of manhood manipulation had left me. I closed my eyes and the next thing I know was Chance, fully showered and dressed, sticking his wet finger in my ear.

♨  ⚣   ♨

I won't bore you with the details of our trip from Los Angles to the South American continent as nothing of note happened other than the fact that Chance and I got lost at LAX and we missed the flight. The arrival in Rio (on the next available 737) was equally uneventful save for the inconvenience of our luggage being stolen by members of a favela gang. It seems that they were expecting a delivery of some Sig Saur 9mm handguns complete with laser sight aim systems from LA and my dad's old Samsonite matched the description. It took the local cops three hours to finally believe we were not international arms smugglers.

Sometime after midnight, local time, we checked into our motel which looked very much like it was managed by the same favela gang who needed some firepower. We were accosted by no less than four men who tried to sell us any drug we could think of and Chance was offered a professional blowjob by a woman who looked more like a grandmother than a prostitute. My mother immediately assumed command of the situation and in her normal fashion, screamed at the top of her lungs demanding to speak with the night manager. It was then that we learned a spelling error on our itinerary had led us to the wrong hotel.

The correct accommodation was a marked improvement though Chance and I were of the unanimous opinion that the other hotel would have been more exciting. We might have even witnessed a murder or two. Like I said, the trip to Rio was uneventful.

The next morning was a buzz of activity. Mom flew out the door to do whatever it was she was there to do for the Twittersphere and my father wanted to take the gondola up to see Christ the Redeemer. Chance and I had other plans. The beach was calling.

I should probably point out that my parents were products of the sixties and as a result their ideas of raising children was somewhat unorthodox. They believed that, like chickens and cows, we should be Free Range. Go out into the world, range about and hope you made it home relatively in one piece. This meant that Chance and I had the city of Rio to ourselves while mother earned her keep and dad got redeemed.

I suppose you might also be interested to know something about Chance. It goes without saying that the kid was very perceptive and as such, worshipped the ground I walked on. Very bright kid. And, since he was pretty much always in my company he was fairly sophisticated for a nine year-old Jewish Viking. His knowledge and use of questionable vocabulary was pretty extensive, he was fiercely protective of me and wasn't afraid to use his fists regardless of how old or big the foe. Good at sports and damn impressive on a skateboard, he fit right in with my friends.

We had rules of course and while as a Big Brother I was not a pain in his ass, I was serious about our rules. First rule: No lies. Whatever it was, however it went down, neither of us would lie to the other. Second rule: No smoking, no drugs and no booze. I would take him with me pretty much everywhere and many a night we would end up at parties where all sorts of wild shit was going on, but he knew we brothers didn't do substances. Third Rule: Stay together. You can never "range" out of sight. If you can't see me and I can't see you, one of us is fucking up. If anything bad happens we always run towards each other first, then away from whatever the problem was. Last rule: The Secret Life of Boys is secret. Parents made the mistake of growing up and so they didn't get to know the details of what we did, where we went or how close we came to getting killed or worse, arrested.

"Are there nude beaches here?" was Chances first and only question after breakfast. The boy had discovered the naked form and had developed a discriminating sense of the aesthetic for boobs. He said they made his dick harder than sassafras. When I pointed out that sassafras was not particularly well known for being hard, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said he just liked saying the word sassafras.

Here's something else you might like to know about Chance. Fun Fact: He's got the dick of an eleven year-old. We're talking length here... enough to flop and swing when he walks from the bedroom to the bathroom for his morning shower. His balls haven't dropped yet, but this kid certainly has nothing to be embarrassed about in the showers at school. It's not grotesque or comical, not that big given his overall build, but let's just say that when seen in his boxers, even though he has long hair and cute features, one look down between his legs and there is no doubt he's a boy.

So, to the beach we went. Actually, the sunny shores of Rio have many different beaches, in several different neighborhoods in the southern zone. While each has a grid location, most know one beach from another by the posto which refers to the enumerated lifeguard towers. Our hotel was just outside the famous Impanema beach or posto 9. The locals used the beaches further west and those had a much more relaxed feel about them. Naturally Mr. Google and I had spent some time together and he revealed to me where the grandest of the gay beaches could be found, posto 10. Being a good big brother and in fairness to sexual diversity I did find a nude beach for Chance, though when I told him we would have to go naked as well, he quickly kicked that off his to do list.

His thoughts on the subject went something like this: He did not want a girl to see him naked until he was old enough to have man-hairs. Since I had already explained to him (in great detail) the angst and agony of puberty, he still had several years yet before that would happen. I didn't get pubes until I was well into my thirteenth year and even now midway through fourteen I wasn't anywhere near full bush. Chance proclaimed that hairless boys should keep their clothes on and the very idea that some boys actually shaved their pubic hair was so bizarre he simply couldn't wrap his brain around it.

Chance and I enjoyed the entire morning by riding up and down the decorative tiled promenade on the trams, visiting several beaches and spending an obscene amount of our parents money. Not that they would miss it, but I was really looking forward to seeing my mom's face when she saw next months Discover bill. In an effort to teach Chance and I financial responsibility, we were each given a credit card. That's how our allowance was allocated in compensation for the slave labor we were forced into as respected members of the family. Our vacation included a thousand dollar bonus, split equally between us.

During this excursion I learned several things. First, the gay beaches we went to were an eye-opening, dick-bonering experience, especially true for Americans such as myself who lived in a fairly conservative country, all things considered. The European sensibilities were relaxed even more in Brazil and well, it was a lot to take in.

Gay men were very open here sexual heat was readily prevalent in everything they did. Affection was on display as was most, or in some cases, all of their body parts. And even more surprising was that fact that boys, some as young as ten or eleven, would be hanging out at the beach as well. Not a lot of them, but enough to be noticed.

Beach attire was also of interest. At all of the beaches we visited there was an equal mix of guys who wore regular board shorts or jams to those who wore a Speedo style swim suit. No kid I knew would be caught dead wearing a Speedo at the LA beaches, certainly none of my friends.

"I think we should go shopping for Speedos," I said to Chance in order to gauge an reaction.

"You're a crazy person," he replied trying to figure out if I was serious. "Besides, your dong is big enough to make it look good. I'm not ready."

"Dude, I told you before, your dick is huge compared to other boys your age and size. Besides, no one knows you here. Who cares? When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

He shot me a disapproving look. "We're not in fucking Rome."

An hour and eighty-five dollars later we were both wearing Speedos under our cargo shorts. I had to make a deal with him. We would go to a beach where all the girls were topless and wore bikini bottoms that could pass for dental floss if he would wear the dreaded Speedo. I left out the part where we would then go to the gay beaches so I could have my edifying educational field trip as well.

Nothing much happened at the topless beach. Chance got to see so many boobs and so much ass that after thirty minutes or so he lost interest. So, the only logical thing to do was move on to my side of town, a local gay beach that Mr. Google and I had discovered during our high-level research meeting. We had to take the tram to get there and that's when all of the surprises started.

As soon as we hit the sand there was no question that this was a gay beach. We found a nice spot down close to the water, set our towels out and stripped down to our newly purchases swimwear. There was a variety of swim attire here, but regardless of style one thing remained consistent. No matter what you were wearing it showed some sort of bulge in front. Speedos, thongs or cut-off shorts, everyone was packing. Maybe not the same thing or amount, but it was a clear and un-contested cockfest. It was also a lesson in self control. My dick was already at the thick and floppy stage and threatened to stand tall at any moment. Even Chance seemed to be a bit more... prominent and noticeable.

The thing that quickly became apparent was that, because this was a beach frequently by locals, there was just as much interest in Chance and I as there was my interest in the others at the beach. Obviously American or perhaps European, long-haired, blonde, white skater-like boys were something of a rarity. It was amazing how many good looking, bronzed men and boys there were showing off and gawking at the same time. I was in heaven.

"Crikey!" Chance whispered to me as he stared at a muscle-bound bodybuilder type standing completely naked as he changed out of his shorts and began to stuff a monster cock into this tiny pouch with string. "That man's dick is as big as my friggin' arm! And he shaved all his hairs off. I can't get one little hair and he shaves all is off!"

"Don't stare," I hissed back at him trying to tear my eyes off the Adonis. "If he sees you looking he'll come over and butt-fuck us both right here in the sand."

Chance found this extremely funny and burst out laughing. I nearly passed out when the massive bodybuilder heard Chance giggling and turned with a menacing stare of his own. I was certain this behemoth of muscle and a good three feet of uncircumcised, hairless mancock was going to come over and squash the both of us into his suntan lotion bottle.

♨  ⚣   ♨

After swimming, staring, more swimming and one half-ass built sand castle I looked at my watch and realized it was nearing dinnertime. Not that I cared for food, I was hungry alright, but my appetite was more primal. And apparently others shared my drive as the longer we stayed the more boys showed up. When we first arrived the mix was about 90% adult to 10% boys, mostly older teenagers. As the afternoon wore on the youth of Brazil gained in popularity. Now we were at a respectable 35% and the ages varied from ten on up. I cannot tell you how pleased I was and how astonished my brother became.

Sitting side by side on our beach towels he said, "There sure are a lot of gay-boys in Brazil. You should move here when you grow up," he advised.

"There's plenty of gay kids in the U.S.," I countered. "It's just that we don't have our own beach to go to. But, I will say I wouldn't mind this whole Speedo thing catching on."

I waited for his less than enthusiastic reply when another voice took over the conversation. "Hi. American."

I turned and saw two of the most beautiful Portuguese boys I had ever seen. Standing off to our right they sorta invited themselves to spread out their shared towel next to ours. With his accent and the way he said the words it was difficult to tell if it was a question or accusation.

"Yes." It sounded dry and weak to my ears but it was all I could think of to say. My brain was too busy memorizing every detail for later that night. Of all that I had seen thus far, these two were the el primo, the ultimate of a gay boy's masturbation fantasy.

The speaker and taller of the two, looked to be about my age, maybe a year older. He was light-skinned, even for a Portuguese who typically were not dark at all compared to the African-Creole Brazilians who later migrated to the country. He had light brown curly hair that sat atop his head in a mop of tangles, though it was easy to tell it had been intentionally styled that way. He was the perfect picture of the proverbial moppet. He had amazing, crystal-blue eyes and bright white teeth putting him at the head of the line for any director of a toothpaste commercial. Tall and thin, but not in a malnutrition way, he wore a pair of cut-off shorts and nothing else.

"My name is Thiago, but I speak not good in English. Tu ablar en el Portuguese?"

A chance to show off my Spanish I quickly caught myself. The only thing I knew were swears and sexual insults. "I don't speak Portuguese, but your English is pretty good."

Thiago smiled at either me or the compliment. "This is Tino. He likes to talk with you also."

I was even more impressed with Tino, but for different, if not completely understandable reasons. Tino was just slightly older than my brother, maybe ten or a small eleven. He was half a shade darker than Thiago and his straight hair was shaved on the sides, long on top and hung down over his left eye. He had the same build but my impression was they were not brothers. The most outstanding thing was what the boy was wearing. Shirt and shoeless, he wore a fire engine red thong, the pouch of which was considerably full for a ten year-old. The top of the front covering dropped so low you could see every square centimeter of his pubic region, all of which was completely smooth.

I gulped as I did my very best not to lean forward to get a better look at the boy's crotch. "Hi." Again that's all I could say. It was going to be very busy tonight once we got back to the hotel. I suddenly remember my brother. "Oh, um, yeah, this is Chance."

Chance gave them a friendly wave, though inwardly I am sure he was mortified that a boy would wear such a thing. He would later confide to me that Portuguese boys sure have big dicks when their still little kids.

What happened next, the feeling of total, incomprehensible shock is something that will haunt me for life. Well, perhaps "haunt" is the wrong word, but it was certainly memorable. Thiago waved back at my brother and then said, "You like young boys for gay too. That is good for me also. Your boyfriend is beautiful for reals and Tino would like you for him. We can switch our boyfriends for a time for gay things? You know? Okay?

I heard a ringing in my ears and it took me a long time to figure out if it was my head that was spinning or I was sitting perfectly still and it was the entire beach spinning around me. Both Thiago and Tino were looking at me with hopeful expressions. It was Chance's elbow jabbing me in the ribs that brought me out of the fugue state.

Chance leaned close and whispered in my ear with pronounced desperation, "That kid is not fucking me!"

I finally came to my senses. I needed to handle this carefully because no matter what, my libido was going to receive satisfaction. "Oh. Well, Chance is not my boyfriend. He is my little brother.

Thiago didn't miss a beat. "That is okay too. I have do fun sex things with my brother too. It is no big problem for us."

"You have sex with your brothers?" Chance blurted out already digging round for his short and shirt. The gay beach had suddenly lost it's already muted appeal.

"Be quiet," I hissed.

"What do you mean be quiet!" Chance half whispered, half yelled. The older one wants to screw me and if the little kid's dick is any indication of how big boys down here are, I am in serious doo-doo. I think we need to go home. To America.

Thankfully Thiago realized what was going on. "Do not worry for none. I thought you would like sex like for Tino does. It's no problems. You straight boy and no like sex. Ooo kay."

To Chance: "Chill out man, nothing is going to happen to you. To Thiago: I'm gay, my little brother is just hanging out with me. He's into girls. Big fan of boobs right now, but that's pretty much the extent of things. Get it?"

Thiago smiled. "Oh sure, I have the understanding of this. It's fine for reals.

I breathed a silent sigh of relief. Maybe there was still a chance for me. Another confession. I'm a gay, fourteen year-old virgin. Never fucked, never been fucked. In my defense I want the experience, not the act so I have turned down opportunities. Oddly, more than a few of my straight friends were willing to fuck me or let me give them a blow, but that's not what I wanted. I need reciprocal sex, whatever that might look like. If you're going to shove your dick up my ass, long-stroke me for a minute and a half and then cum all over my back, I damn well want to do the same thing.

I've had a real make-out session with a gay kid I know from school and we jerked each other off a couple of times, but that was it. It happened at school in the equipment room of the gym, so there was not a lot of time or the ability to get comfortable and really explore. Not complaining mind you, just reporting the facts.

"You and Tino are boyfriends?" I asked a little hesitant. Not wanting to be rude I felt I was on pretty safe ground.

Thiago smiled and put a loving arm around Tino's bare shoulders. "Oh yes! We are gay lovers. It is working fine for sure. He likes the older boys and I have my love of young boys. We are happy this way."

I felt another wave of euphoria threaten to relieve me of consciousness. The thought that another boy my age was especially attracted to a boy that was clearly younger made me giddy.

"Do you think this is wrong for us?" Thiago asked, his smile never faltering.

"Oh no, I think it's fine. I..." Do I dare? Do I say it aloud, right here in front of Chance? "I like younger boys too. I mean I like boys my age, but boys who are still... well, boys that are..."

Thiago saved me. "Me too. Little boys, big penis and without hair if fine for sure. Cute boys too."

"Yeah. That." It was all I could manage. Thiago had one last shock for me, saving the best for last.

"You could come and have gay fun with Tino if you like him. He think of you is beautiful boy and he like to look at you. I would like to watch as you do this with him. I am happy to see this that you do together."

♨  ⚣   ♨

I had plenty of time to research Rio, Brazil and the Portuguese culture on the flight over and Mr. Google, in true form was pretty thorough in my education. Or so I thought. I was quickly learning that he had left a good bit out.

I half expected to be taken up into the mountains, up in the gang and crime-ridden world of the favelas in order to have consensual yet wildly inappropriate sex with a ten year-old boy while his older boyfriend (who I later learned was actually sixteen) got his jollies watching me work the kid. I was wrong on both accounts. First, we ended up in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in all of Rio and it wasn't me who was going to be working anyone. Tino had his own plans.

On the way up into the hills above the city I explained (out of earshot of Thiago and Tino) to Chance that I was going to get my rocks off, but we would drop him off at the hotel where he could either watch TV or bribe our dad into taking him out somewhere. His response to my plan was yet another shock of the day.

"Hell-no-bro! I'm, going with you. If Thiago gets to watch so do I. I've seen gay pornos you know. It's... interesting. Nothing I want to do myself, but I wouldn't miss this. Think of all the blackmailing I can do with this!"

"You're kidding right? Maybe the hotel has pornos. Or, you could look at 20 year-old reruns of the Six Million Dollar Man . You like that."

"Forget it dude. Where you go, I go. Remember the rules, I have to be able to see you at all times." I was suddenly less than thrilled with those previous edicts.

By the time we got off the main tourist drag we found a taxi that Thiago seemed to know. He spoke to the driver like summer lighting and we were off. It only then occurred to me that this could have been an huge ploy and Chance and I were being kidnapped for ransom. So long as I got to have sex with Tino, I was mildly okay with a brief kidnapping.

With all four of us stuffed into the back seat of the cab I quickly noticed that Tino, who was snuggled in next to me, had put his hand on my thigh, literally two inches away from my goods. Thiago noticed and smiled, running his fingers through the boy's long bangs of hair.

We arrived at a very nice villa with a main house, guest house and a pool and tennis court. We lived in a pretty nice place ourselves, but nothing like this. "Your parents must be very wealthy," I said to Thiago.

"On no. This is my brother's house. He is wealthy. Much cocaine drug lording."

My eyebrows shot up and I wanted to ask him if his brother might be expecting a shipment of handguns from Los Angles. Instead I asked, "Is this the brother you have sex with?"

Tino started to laugh. The entire trip he kept looking at me as if he couldn't believe I was real. Interestingly, I was beginning to feel the same way about him.

"No, he is old. I have the sex with Rondo who is twenty two. I have three brothers more also but they are dead now. Coca is much the dangerous."

Getting out of the cab we went directly to the main house where with no sign of the drug lord, we were greeted by a handful of servants and bodyguards. I looked over at Chance who was having the time of his life. The stories he would be able to tell. Oh my God, I thought. The stories he would be able to tell!

Cook made us what seemed like a three-course meal and offered us beer if we wanted it. I half expected cigars after dinner. Once we were finished eating Thiago led us through the house and out onto the back verandah. Walking along the pool we went to the other side of the property and entered the much smaller, yet well-appointed guest house.

We can get cleaner in a shower and then do the fun other things. Come," Thiago said, his ever-present smile as inviting as the first moment I saw him. As we walked down the hall I felt Tino's hand go deep inside the back pocket of my cargo shorts. It reminded me of how teenagers did this when at the underage gay clubs along Santa Monica Boulevard.

"We can do shower here all together or be private," Thiago said as he showed us into the master bedroom with its own bath.

I would have loved to see these two naked, showering with me, but one look at the panic in Chance's eyes told me that plan simply wouldn't do. "We will shower and meet you out in the living room, okay?"

Tino looked immensely disappointed but Thiago nodded his head in understanding. "In American you brothers has seen each other all naked yes? If no he can take the turns for showering."

I had to laugh. "We see each other naked all the time. It's just that he is kinda shy right now."

Thiago and Tino left us in peace and I quickly began to strip out of my clothing. I looked over at Chance and told him to do the same, we sure as hell weren't taking turns. I was already beginning to feel the twinge of blue-balls after what had been literally hours of tantalizing scenery. When capped off with Tino and his sixteen year-old lover, well, I feared this might not last to long.

Already in the shower and adjusting the water I quickly learned why Chance didn't want a group run at getting the sand off. His dick was swollen, so hard that the head of his two inches was purple and the shaft pulsing with each heartbeat. I grinned, but said nothing. After our duo shower I elected to forego the Speedo and put on just my cargo shorts. Chance got fully dressed, hopeful I'm sure that no one would be able to tell he was bonered up.

Minutes later we walked into the open floor plan of the sunken living room where Thiago and Tino were waiting. Neither one wore any clothes save for a matching pair of plain white European style briefs. The thin white fabric was semi-opaque and left little to the imagination.

Able to see Thiago in this condition, while he may have been my height and build, he certainly had the workings of sixteen years compared to my fourteen. His cock, clearly uncircumcised, was thick and long, his ball sack fully develped and he had a broad patch of jet-black pubic hair that traveled from thigh to thigh. At least Chance wasn't going to be disappointed by another guy who shaved his manhood.

Tino stood unmoving, like my younger brother his penis was uncontrolled and erect in anticipation of what was to come. I was right on my suspicion that he was a well-hung little scamp. His boner had to be three and a half inches, twice as long and thick as either Tosh's or that of Chance. His balls were more pronounced as well, I began to realize the kid was probably able to at least dry cum or produce clear dropplets with a sack that well defined.

For a moment everyone just stared as we stood facing each other across the room. Then I made a decision. It was time for me to take charge. Walking to the couch I motioned for Tino to come to me.

The ten year-old's long legs carried the olive-skinned boy as he pranced over to meet me. Snapping his bangs out of his eyes he looked up at me in joy. Like a kid in wonderment at Disneyland he was anxious for his first roller coaster ride. Reaching down I felt him shudder as I lightly ran my fingertips along his warm, smooth chest. Dancing across his left nipple he let out a slight coo of excitement.

Without really thinking about it I put both hands under his nicely rounded yet muscular ass and easily picked him up off the floor. He immediately went with it and hugged me tight wrapping his arms and legs around me. I could feel his hard dick fighting to be released from the fabric of his underwear pressing against my lower stomach.

Looking over I saw Thiago had started to make an adjustment to his semi-hard penis bulging in his underwear. Without removing his hand from between his legs he said, "Tino, kiss him now."

The boy loosened his grip somewhat and, turning to face me directly, planted his warm soft lips on mine. Pressing feverently he kissed me over and over. As I matched his passion Tino opened his mouth and with his tongue, implored me to do the same. I felt my body begin to tremble slightly and needed to lie down. Turning, I slowly lowered the young boy onto the couch straddling him from above.

Our anxious mouths never broke contact and we continued to work our tongues against one another. Tino was not at all interested in a slow, romantic kiss, he wanted heat. He demanded intensity, and I gave it to him.

As we made out, teenager and boy, I looked over at Thiago who was in the middle of taking off his underpants. His eyes never left the action as he did so. His dick was now completely hard, the shaft curving out and down from his body like a Chiquita banana. He was so hard that his foreskin was pulled back of its own accord, the head now only half covered. A slow drip of precum oozed down and began to leave little clear drops on the hardwood floor.

I wanted to see another uncut cock, a boy's hairless dick and there was one right underneath me. Pulling my lips off Tino I slowly began to work my way down the skinny kid's chest, stopping at each nipple and then licking a trail down to his stomach. Licks and lips, I tasted a mixture of boy sweat and Lilac soap. I have to say it was perfection.

Not standing on ceremony I simply went down and buried my face into the everything of Tino's cloth-covered crotch. Without being able to see, the boy's erection seemed even lager as I traced it with my mouth. It felt thick, long and smelled clean and wonderful. Continuing my downward play I found his balls and sack and took the entirety of it in my mouth. Yes, the boy's had certainly dropped, but only recently as they were still forming, but moved quite freely from one another.

As Tino groaned loudly I again glanced over at Thiago and saw that he had begun to very slowly play with the thick forest of pubic hair above his curved manhood. I marveled what it might be like to be my age and have what had to be a full seven dick. Other than his pubes, the teenager's body, now totally naked was otherwise naturally hairless. How lucky a boy like Tino was to have such a hot number at his disposal.

Back to business. I took my time kissing Tino roughly through his underwear before finally using my teeth to get them off his lovely body. At one point he wanted to help, to speed the process up a bit, but I gently knocked his hands away. I wanted to do this all the way down his legs, feeling the fine downy hairs tickle my cheeks along the way.

I had often wondered what it would feel like to have a hairless boy, one with a nice big dick under me and now I knew. Heaven, factored by two, multiplied by six.

"Suck dick!" Thiago said, his voice almost pleading. "Suck dick, please Akira friend!"

Taking my time I marveled at the outsized and uncut boy-dick quivering between Tino's legs. It was slightly longer than three inches and had a slight leftward lean to the otherwise straight shaft. His balls were lossey-goosey in their somewhat wrinkled sack. If I looked very closely there was a very light field of thin black hairs, ready to burst forth when called. I licked each and every one as my tongue traveled in swaths across his pubis.

Reaching down I began to pull and play with this penis, the foreskin a mystery to me. It slid easily up over his dick head and then back down again. The faster I did this the more of a slapping sound the skin made each time it retracted. It also caused Tino to moan, every muscle in his body tightening.

Inspection complete I bent lower and took the full of his length into my mouth. Letting my tongue taste his essence I felt Tino again go rigid as he let out a loud sound, something akin to a groan mixed with a yelp. The boy thrust his hips against my face driving his boyhood as far into my mouth as it could possibly go.

There was a new sound now, adding to Tino's pleasure. I could hear that Thiago was jerking himself off. The fap, fap, fap was slow and regular. The very idea that another boy was jacking himself off while watching me has boy-sex was astounding.

Suddenly I felt Tino pull back on his hips and with strong arms began pushing me up off him as he struggled to get out from under me. I leaned back to allow him more room and, with his dick swinging threateningly this way and that he used both hands to maniacally rip at the buttons and zipper of my shorts. He made quick work of it as once free he practically tore the shorts from my hips.

Both Tino and Thiago began yelling loudly in Portuguese as they admired my throbbing dick, tight pubic thatch, developed balls and and dripping of wet for it's own pleasure. None too gently Tino pushed me backwards as he wrapped both hands around my five and a half measured inches. Keeping the right hand in place the kid began to masturbate me with expert precision as his left hand explored the soft dark brown curls of my bush. He nodded his head in approval, looking over at Thiago who continued to pull himself while feeling up his balls.

Tino dove down toward my aching dick in what I thought was an intended dick-suck. Instead he bypassed my tool and tight sack and began to lick at that special place between my balls and asshole. His tongue worked feverishly as each thrust dove closer and closer to my rim. I could not believe it. I was about to get my ass eaten by a ten year-old boy!

And that is exactly what happened. He slowly flicked across all sides of the rim for what seemed like an eternity before going for the pucker of my hole. I lost all sense of propriety and gasped in ecstasy at the sensation and absolute taboo of it all. Without being able to help myself I began to jack myself off. I could not take it a moment longer.

"You will sperm so soon?!" Thiago asked as he came a few steps closer to me. He didn't slow down at his own masturbation.

"I can't help it! It's too fucking... oh god I can't hold off! This boy is so fucking hot... I have to cum!"

Thiago clearly understood. He had been under this boy's ministrations as well and must have known what I was going through.

"Lick his hole!" Thiago demanded of Tino. He will make it soon!" Then to me he asked: "I want to make my wet come on you and my Tino, yes?"

That was more than I could stand. Just hearing the words brought me to the point of no return. "Yes!!" I yelled as the first rope of hot cum shot from my slit at what felt like 100 miles and hour. "Yes! Yes!" I kept repeating over and over though I am sure no one was paying me the slightest bit of attention.

As I squirted cum all over my face, chest and stomach I felt another wet join in. Thiago was shooting everywhere and aiming nowhere. He began to curse rapidly as he shot, talking his way through his orgasm. And, little Tino, trooper that he was continued his rimjob of my ass through it all.

After a full minute of orgasmic glory and covered in boy cum I finally had enough energy to open my eyes. Thiago and Tino, hands still on their dicks in afterglow stood above me. Turning my head slightly I could not believe what I saw.

Lost in my sexual bliss I had completely forgotten about Chance. At some point the boy had taken off all of his clothing and he now stood absolutely naked like the rest of us. His dick was red and swollen with abuse, his hand was still gently stroking his erection. He gave me a quizzical grin, looked at Tino and Thiago in something akin to only slight embarrassment and simply shrugged his shoulders.

And The Story Continues...

  ⛿   Your thoughts and/or discourse regarding this work are enjoyable and welcome. As a semi-retired professional screenwriter I am open to working with other writers as either a BETA READER or BETA WRITER with regard to new works or those projects that are already in production. Contact at: sbt.atreyu@gmail.com

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