
Published on Jul 27, 2000


Alcazar 4

By, Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made. This story follows on from Snow on the Mountain, Preaching from the Choir, and White Tail Lodge. Some of the characters from Play Pen and Uncle Jake will also join in. If you have any comments, please send them to me at or at

Catfish was a great fucker. I am a great bottom. The second his cock head brushed my prostate we both knew that. It was perfect. His prick was designed to hit every hot spot I had. My chute fit him perfectly. I was hard and became harder as he pumped. Perfect is not quite the right way to describe it. He cock was one size bigger than my ass. Everything was too tight, but perfect sexually.

Catfish was an aggressive top. He sensed that the more he enjoyed it the more I would like it. He was good at it and unafraid to show how good it was and how much he liked it. I was trying to work his cock with my ass, but he would have nothing of that. He knew exactly what he was doing. He rammed my prostate every time I tried to move.

"Don't wear him out!" Chuck said. "I want my turn." Templeton was feeding me his cock as he flanked the bench I was on. It was difficult for me to pay any attention to him as Catfish got into his fucking mode. He was dominant but considerate.

"Do you mind some cum in the chute?" Catfish said. "I'm going to have a hard time avoiding that."

"Not at all." Chucky said. "Fill him up." Catfish went ridged, stiff as a board. The only movement was his spasming cock buried deep in my ass. He ejaculated for what seemed like minutes then began slowly pumping his cock. He didn't mind me trying to coax the last bit of cum from his deflating cock. I looked him in the eye and realized he was downright appreciative.

He pulled out and Chuck was in. His cock was slightly thinner, Chuck had the same fucking style as Catfish, so it felt like a continuous screwing. He started to speed up the pace until he was frantically pumping.

Since he hadn't fucked in years, I guessed that he wouldn't hold out for long. I was right. He added his cum to my ass and Templeton stepped to the plate.

Templeton was a size bigger than Catfish and he'd been in my ass several times. He was relaxed and at ease. It was always a challenge to take Templeton, but the two loads of cum eased the way. He was slow and careful, watching me to see when I reacted. My entire chute was sensitive by this time, but Templeton knew it when he rubbed my prostate just the right way.

His bloated cock head caressed the same spot repeatedly until I couldn't stand it anymore. I was going to tell him to stop, but I was hardly able to breathe and I couldn't talk. I was stuck. I wanted to cum, but I had been too close to the edge with Catfish and had held back, and the pressure to shoot had diminished. Chuck solved the problem by deep throating my cock. Chucky was a great sucker. I blew up in a spectacular orgasm.

I was lost for a minute or two as I came down from the high. Chuck had taken my load and was kissing Templeton, who was still pumping. Templeton shot off, shooting his load into the sperm cocktail in my ass. We all cooled down.

Roger and Ken came in the room. Both looked flushed. Everyone's dick was still dripping or oozing so we all knew what had been going on. We all went to the showers. You never know how two lovers will react to stepping out of the grove they were in. It appeared that Ken and Chucky were comfortable. It had been a successful experiment.

Roger was looking very satisfied and relaxed. As we dressed, Roger asked if I had been to the opening.

"Nope. Out of town, so this is my maiden voyage here." I answered.

"Same here. I was too uneasy to come to the opening. Afraid I would be seen as too eager." Roger said. "I've never done this before."

"You've been with men?" I said.

"Yes. But never with the lights on!" Roger laughed. "I was scared shitless."

"Feeling better now?" I asked. "Comfortable?"

"Comfortable no, Better, yes. And I do mean yes!" Roger said. "I never thought I would be sucking my former wife's caterer's cock in a public pool."

"A good experience?"

"Great, but it will take some getting used to." Roger said. "Magnus talked to me after his experience here. It's like we are Gullivers in a new world." He paused. "You know Magnus is a pillar of the Southern Baptist Church."


"After his first time here he said he waited all night for lightening to strike him dead. It didn't. Then he waited for the guilt to show up. It didn't. I have a feeling guilt isn't going to be my problem." Roger said. "For the life of me I can't figure out what is wrong with gay sex anymore. I lived in dread for so many years that someone would find out. It was hidden in a secret compartment. Maybe I am just burned out."

"Ready to jump out of the closet?" I asked.

" I still don't have enough nerve to do that."

"I know what you mean. My work is so important to me. My sexual interests are just a part of my life." I said. "I can't be like those men for whom being gay is the center of their life."

"That's the way I feel." Roger said. "I love what I do. I've never been able to understand those guys saving up for retirement."

"Why retire when you are doing exactly what you like?" I said. Roger was a high-powered financier, and was also notably generous. We understood each other. I went home. Bill was leaving for an out of town project the next day, so there were many chores that needed to be done. Since the Alcazar was finished, he was back working as a construction manger for me. We had a large commission in a North Carolina resort and he was overseeing the existing condition drawings and looking for potential contractors in the area.

It was a busy week at the office and I was too busy to get by the Alcazar. On Thursday Bill's sister's doctor called and said that there were complications. I called Bill and he went off to help again. Magnus called Friday at noon and asked me if I would like to join him at the club after work for dinner. I had nothing else to do and accepted. My office was near the Alcazar so I walked over and sat in the lobby talking to Jeff and Vince. Magnus arrived at six on the dot.

"Max. Good to see you." Magnus said. "I have a confession to make and hope you won't take it badly." He continued in a lower voice.

"I wouldn't worry Magnus. I'm not prone to take offence." I said, puzzled. We had only met once before and there didn't seem to be much room for concern.

"I took the liberty to invite two other old friends of mine." Magnus said. "I was hoping you could help us out."

"What kind of help do you need?" I asked. Magnus lowered his voice even more.

"We are old friends, but we have never done anything . . . wild." He said. "I was hoping you . . ."

"Would serve as guide?" I filled in the blank.

"Yes that's it." Magnus said. "And spark plug." He paused. "I've offended you. Just forget this conversation. Pretend it didn't happen."

"Calm down Magnus!" I said. "I'm not offended, and it isn't a problem. You forget. It's ok to be interested in sex in this place. There's nothing wrong. I'm not offended at all." Magnus looked relieved.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know the rules of this place." Magnus said. "I don't know what is polite and what is rude."

"I think that as long as you ask first and can accept a no answer gracefully you will be fine." I said. There was silence.

"Is your answer yes or no?" Magnus asked a bit sheepishly. I was tired and not too enthusiastic about it, but I had talked myself into a corner.

"Let's just let nature take its course." I said. "We'll see what happens." The door bell rang and Jeff let two men in. They were Magnus' friends.

"This is Mel and Sam. Max is the architect of the place." Magnus introduced us. Mel was about sixty, of average height, and slightly portly, but firm and very carefully groomed. Every hair was in place. Sam was 6 feet, 35-40, thickset, with a short blond beard. They were cordial but obviously uneasy.

"Magnus, I ran into an old friend from out of town this afternoon." Mel said. "He . . . shares our interests. I was wondering if he might join us?"

"I don't know. Max?" Magnus asked.

"Why not. This is a social club."I said. "Where is your friend?"

"He's staying at the Jefferson, a block away. I can give him a call." Mel pulled out his cell phone and in five minutes his friend was at the door.

"I'd like you to meet Ron." Mel introduced everyone to his friend. Ron was tall, balding with salt and pepper hair and mustache. He looked like the Marlboro man. I was shocked. He was beautiful.

"Let's eat!" Magnus said, and we went to the small grill. Jack had decorated the grill in men's club red and black so the room was warm and comfortable. Red walls, walnut trim and black leather gave it a club look. The only other people in the room were an elderly man eating by himself and Wally, who was with Charles and Larry. I hadn't seen Charles and Larry since the Fourth of July weekend of several ears ago on the island in the James.

The club was catered by Ken, and the grill was a place to warm up food and do minor grilling. It wasn't a full service dining room but Ken was good and the food was enjoyable. I had hoped that Chucky would be serving, but the waiter was someone named Bruce. I asked about Chucky, Bruce said it was an alumni banquet night. The senior staff was occupied. Bruce was efficient and helpful. We found out that he was a theater student at a local school, so the waiting experience was as close to vocational education as he could get.

The wine was very good. One of the vineyards from around Charlottesville had out done itself, and we all loosen up. We did not discuss anything to do with our work, but I had a clear sense that Mel was the minister of Magnus' church and Sam had something to do with the music program there. Ron was outgoing and friendly but very closemouthed about anything to do with his work. I was convinced he had something to do with the upper tier of leadership in the Southern Baptist Church. This started as a fantasy of my own devising, but I became increasingly convinced I was right as dinner proceeded.

"Let's finish this night off with a dip in the pool." Magnus said. Conversation had tiptoed around anything that might even vaguely relate to sex. I understood Magnus' desire for me to be there. Everyone knew why they were there, but couldn't make the first move. They were horny as hell but too shy to act on it.

"No trunks, I'm afraid." Ron said.

"We have the pool to ourselves tonight. So don't worry." Magnus said. "The club closes at eight on Fridays. We're all boys here. No need to be modest." We all went to the locker room. I only knew Magnus and the other men were strangers so there was tension and anticipation in the room as we stripped.

Magnus was first naked and I was right behind him. Sam was bear like with a light covering of red-blond hair and a short stubby cock. I guess it would be a beer-can cock at full size. Mel was well tanned and had a hairy chest with a long, uncut cock. The skin hung a good inch below the head. Ron was muscular and hairy, like Sean Conery, with a compact set of balls and cock.

We went in the pool and the lights were dim and the stars were out. It was a complete surprise to the visitors. The good food, wine and beautiful room had an effect. Ron and Sam jumped in the pool and did some laps. I floated around the pool on my back watching the electric stars over head. I bumped into Sam, we laughed and he felt my cock under the water. Ron floated over and asked me about the room. I gave him a history, complete with the recent rediscovery of the stars and felt his cock.

The room was big but the sexual activity was below the surface of the water. Ron was feeling for me when he found Sam's hand already in place. They started, laughed and returned to their explorations. Sam's cock was rapidly achieving the beer can proportion I had guessed. Ron had a pencil cock, long and thin. I looked over to the edge of the pool and Mel was sucking Magnus.

Five is a difficult number for sex as someone can be left out. I was trying to figure this out when Bruce the waiter entered the room. He carried drinks and was naked. The problem was solved.

"Anyone want drinks?" He asked.

"Put them down and come join us!" Magnus said. Bruce did what he was told and was in the water. Mel and Magnus came over to us and we formed a ring of six men in the shallow water.

"It's really nice of you to ask me in." Bruce said. "It's been a long day. This is my third job today." Bruce was short with a goatee, with dark hair and almost pretty. He looked very young in spite of his hairy chest and full grown, meaty, long cock. Mel looked smitten.

"I hope you don't mind being with a bunch of old guys like us." Ron said. Bruce dunked himself in the water.

"Not at all, I'm used to my uncles." Bruce said. Magnus and Sam were almost fully erect and that too didn't seem to bother him. He dunked again, and emerged at Mel's cock and deep throated it. Mel looked like he felt the rapture. Ron did the same to me and Sam took care of Magnus, so within a few seconds, we were all involved.

Ron was a cock sucker. It wasn't his first time and it was done with obvious skill and relish. He knew his way around a cock and when I tried to change places, he wouldn't let me. He wanted to suck. Most of the men I knew are masculine and unaffected guys, not male model types. It was still a shock to find this incredibly attractive man sucking my cock. He could have any woman he wanted, and probably most men, but there he was with his bushy mustache mixing with my pubic hair.

I looked over and saw a satisfied expression on Mel's face as Bruce sucked him. I realized that my attraction to Ron was matched by Mel's for Bruce. It was hard to believe that this accidental meeting could be so perfectly arranged.

Every time I felt like I was going to shoot, Ron slowed up and let me cool down. He was a master. Finally Mel came over and got Ron to suck him. Everyone rotated partners and I got to work on Sam's beer can. His cock was like Bill's except cut, and Sam was a heavy duty leaker. He was responsive and grateful. He later told me that he had always sucked and had rarely been sucked. He liked it.

We rotated several times more in the next fifteen minutes. Everyone got to sample every cock. I will say that while Bruce looked young and innocent, he wasn't virginal! He could give and he could take and he was good at each. We broke for drinks.

In a group of strangers I would have thought that some of the guy's would have been too uptight or uncomfortable to play. I figured that there was so many pent up sexual urges and desires in the men that this wasn't a problem. As far as I could tell, no one had cum yet, and as we sat and drank more of the wine, everyone's cock reflected the excitement.

"Are you old friends?" Bruce asked. "Do you do this often?"

"I've known Mel for years and Sam for a year or two." Magnus said. " I've never done anything like this before. We have met maybe two or three times."

"Mel and I met three years ago at a conference in Dallas." Ron said. "Everyone else is new to me. Have you worked here before?" He asked Bruce. I was wondering if the sex was a part of Ken's catering service.

"My first time here." Ken explained the situation. "He knows that I like older men, so he thought I might find the place attractive." He paused. "If you wouldn't mention this to him, I would appreciate it. He would fire me if he found out I was getting my rocks of with you guys. I'm afraid I got carried away."

"It's not a part of Ken's service?" Magnus asked smiling.

"Shit no!" Bruce said. "He had trouble several years ago with a waitress that bedded the guest of honor. I was supposed to bring drinks in and leave. I peeked in the door and got carried away. I was like a kid in a candy store. I've never seen so many naked men your age before."

"Are you looking for Daddy?" I asked.

"I'm looking for hot sex with guys that turn me on." Bruce said. He was sitting next to Mel and Ron and was playing with Ron's tits.

"The feelings are mutual." Mel said. "And you secret is safe with us. Just relax and join in when you feel like it."

"Thanks." The young man said. "I hate to be crude, but I feel like it right now! I would love for someone to fuck me. Hell, I wouldn't mind if you all fucked me!" His cock was so hard it bent and touched his navel. Even in the dim light of the pool you could see the glistening precum on the head.

"Well come to Daddy!" Mel said. "Take a seat on my joy stick!" Mel laid back. He was just as erect as Bruce although his skin was so long it still covered the head at full erection. Bruce straddled him and sat on it.

"This is a damn wet dream!" Sam whispered in my ear. "A fucking wet dream!" I felt him and he was just as excited. "Shit that looks good!"

He played with my cock. Then his had strayed to my balls and then he began to search for my hole. I didn't mind and I could feel him relax as he realized that it was ok to finger my ass.

"Going where no man has gone before." He whispered.

I laughed. "I'm afraid you aren't the first!" I said.

He laughed. "I guessed that. I've never done this before."

"I bet you think that your cock would be a lot more exciting in my ass than your finger!" He nodded. "Well don't be shy."

Shyness wasn't going to be a problem. I went to get some lubricant from my locker. I found Wally, Charles and Larry in there getting ready to shower after exercising. I got the lubricant and returned to the pool.

Sam and Ron were talking with Magnus and I thought that Sam had changed his mind. Sam hadn't changed his mind, the other men were in line, waiting their turn. Magnus returned to the locker room to use the toilet leaving me with Ron and Sam.

Next: Chapter 5

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