Alejandro & Daniel

By Topolino Tai

Published on Aug 16, 2023




This story is 100% fictional, and the author does not condone anything herein and any resemblance to anyone living is entirely coincidental. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions and scenes of gay sex. If you are too young or if the material is illegal in your area, or if you are offended by this kind of material, then please leave this page NOW!

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This story is about Alejandro, a straight teenager who learns about his friend Daniel's sexuality during a party. How will Alejandro repond?

Alejandro & Daniel

As the only child of a single parent, Daniel's father juggled his career and social life to ensure Daniel had all he needed. Despite the difficulties, Daniel's father could always strike a balance between his obligations and spending quality time with his son. However, there were instances when he needed to be away from home on business for extended periods of time and would arrange for Daniel to stay with family or friends.

Although he wasn't shy, he had always been a bit of a loner and kept to himself at school. He had few friends because he knew he differed from the other boys and had never been attracted to girls.

"Son, I have to drop you off at the Garcia family on Friday. Unfortunately, I have to fly out for a few days."

"Ahh, dad. I'm almost eighteen. I am sure I can look after myself without adult supervision for a weekend," Daniel replied with disappointment, his cutlery clanking abruptly on his supper plate.

"Errr, still too young! It's either at Garcia's or go to Grandma and Grandpa's place."

"Hell no! Please, not at Grandma's place. It's so boring there! he replied, pulling his face back in disgust. Daniel enjoyed spending time with his grandparents and treasured the memories, but he knew he'd go insane if he stayed because there was nothing to do and no one his age to mingle with.

"I gathered as much. That's why I've arranged for you to stay with the Garcia's. Besides, you and Alejandro are about the same age, and you get along well."

"Get on well with Alejandro? Huh! He's an annoying dweep!" Daniel sighed. "It's been what, eight years since you've seen him? I'm sure it's not all bad. Besides, you have changed, and I am sure he has changed too."

"I guess so," Daniel said, getting up from the dining room table.

Later that evening, Daniel thought about Alejandro. He remembered the obnoxious, spoiled, scrawny nine-year-old brat with short black hair and dark brown eyes who always wanted things his way.

He chuckled to himself, remembering the time when they brought about the bath time game, which they dubbed "Fireman." They were around nine years old at the time, and they'd start the game by taking their nozzles (erect penises) and rubbing the nozzle with their soapy hands until a stream of pee emerged from their nozzles. It was fiercely competitive because the loser would be dowsed.

Friday afternoon, Daniel's dad pulled up in the driveway. While Daniel climbed out of the car and collected his suitcase from the trunk of the car, Mrs. Garcia came out and greeted him, saying, "Hello Peter, Don't you want to come inside? She asked, noticing that he made no effort to turn off the engine or get out of the car.

"Thanks all the same, Maria, but I'm running late to get to the airport. I promise I will when I pick up Daniel on Sunday.

"ALEJANDRO! ALEJANDRO! COME HERE!" she called back over her shoulder. Shortly after, Alejandro emerged from the front door. "I call and call, but you not come! Quickly, go help Daniel with his suitcase!" she instructed in her Italian accent, clipping him on the back of his head with her hand as he passed her.

"Woo-hoo, look how you've changed!" Daniel announced once Alejandro came into view. The eighteen-year-old had grown and stood a few centimetres taller than Daniel. His soft, curly black hair hung over his ears, and his fringe was held up from his forehead by a broad hair band. His defined pecs reflected through the tight-fitting white vest, which met his black, snug-fitting denims, which hugged his firm buttocks. The leather jewellery around his wrists matched his lace-up black boots and black stud earrings.

"Bwhahaha! What about you?" Alejandro was greeted with a typical dude handshake and hug. Come, let me help you get settled in," he said with a beaming smile, picking up Daniel's suitcase from the driveway.

Daniel followed Mrs. Garcia into the house as his dad sped off down the road. "Go with Alejandro; he will show you," she said, ushering him in with her hand.

Daniel found Alejandro standing at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for him. "Gosh, the house still smells like your mum's cooking," Daniel said with a chuckle. "I assume your parents still sleep in the downstairs bedroom and you still have the whole upstairs to yourself?" he asked, following Alejandro.

"Yeah," He chuckled, "some things never change. But my room had a facelift a few years ago."

"WOW, this is more than a facelift. Nice! I's like a whole new room!" Daniel announced this as they entered his bedroom. The room was maturely decorated, and the walls were free of magazine picture cut-outs and were replaced with properly framed artwork. The old double wooden bunk beds were replaced with a queen-size bed with a padded headboard and a modern dressing table to the side of it.

"I'm glad that bunk bed is gone. I swear it had fleas!" Daniel joked. "Umm, speaking of which, where am I sleeping? On the floor?" Daniel asked, looking around the room for a sleeping spot.

"The other bedrooms are being renovated, so we've got an inflatable mattress which we can set up on the floor at the end of my bed? But we can sort that out later." Alejandro said, standing with his hands on his hips. "Oh, and I've made some space in my wardrobe if you want to hang your clothes."

"Ahh, thanks. By the way, where's your dad?"

"Still at work, I guess. Since his promotion, he works late and usually gets home around 7pm."

"I take it you're a gym bunny, judging by the pecs and muscle you've got going there!" Daniel said, grinning, feeling Alejandro's chest.

"Yeah, I've been doing some workouts with my girlfriend's brother. He's in his twenties and is always in the gym working out."

Oh, awesome, so you are sorted with a good gym coach, and you have a girlfriend. All made, huh?

Alejandro laughed. "So, what about you? I can see you have some upper body workout going on."

"Me, you've got to be kidding. This is natural. I've never set foot in a gym," Daniel answered, lifting his shirt up to his chest.

"Mmm, nice. You're so fucken' lucky! I'm sure if you went to the gym, you would build up easily. I had to do something with my body. You remember how skinny I was, and I was tired of being called a stick man."

"I remember! You were so skinny, you didn't even cast a shadow," Daniel replied, laughing.

Alejandro responded with a sarcastic smile and giving Daniel the middle finger. "You have a girlfriend?"

"Naah, busy with other things," Daniel replied, changing the conversation and keeping his feelings on the matter discrete. "Taken up any hobbies and interests?

"I have, in fact, been drawing. Would you like to see?" Alejandro asked, grabbing his drawing pad from the cupboard. "I've recently begun sketching in this book, so I don't have too much to show you," he explained as he turned to the first page.

"Shit, you're great at this! The level of detail is astounding." Daniel declared, leaning against him to get a better look. Daniel was drawn to Alejandro's faintly sweet odour of deodorant and perspiration.

"Thank you," he demurred with a shy smile, flicking over the page.

"Who's that?" Daniel asked, quickly pointing before he flipped over to the next.

"Oh, that's my girlfriend," Daniel said, referring to the drawing of a young girl sitting naked in a chair.

"Wow. Such perky breasts." "SORRY!" Daniel spoke without thinking before realising what he had said was inappropriate, and immediately apologised. "Excellent sketch. Seriously, you should pursue this as a profession. Daniel exclaimed. "I can hardly draw a circle."

"I'd like to see myself doing comic books," Alejandro said, flipping through the remaining pages before putting his sketch pad back in the cupboard.

"So, listen, a friend of mine down the road's parents are away for the night, and he is having a small social get-together this evening. Here is the thing: I already confirmed with him before I knew you were coming to stay for the weekend that I'd be there. So if you want to tag along, you are more than welcome."

"Oh, umm.. Okay. I don't want to be a spare wheel in your plans, so..." Daniel replied.

"No, trust me, you aren't," Alejandro insisted.

"Is this like a party we are going to, or what? Daniel asked, stowing the suitcase out of the way behind the door.

"No. It's not a party with loud music and dancing and stuff. It's more of a chilled social gathering." Alejandro explained.

"Mmm, okay," Daniel submitted to the invitation. "I take it your girlfriend will be there too?"

"Yes, she said she would meet me there."

"How long have you been going out with your girlfriend? What's her name?" Daniel asked as he began unpacking his suitcase.

"Carla. We've been dating for about eight months."

Just then, they heard Alejandro's mother call them down for supper.

"Thy master calls!" Daniel laughed as the two boys stood up and made their way to the dining room.

After a hearty meal, the two boys assisted with clearing away before heading back upstairs to Alejandro's bedroom.

"I hope there is no special dress code for the gathering, because I only brought shorts, jeans, and tee-shirts."

"You can go in anything you like," Alejandro said as he began undressing. "I need to take a shower before we go."

Daniel stared slyly from the corner of his eye at Alejandro's firm, rounded buttocks and slender legs, which were largely smooth except for the sparse hairs covering his inner thighs and shins.

Alejandro turned away, slid his underpants from himself, and kicked them aside to the pile. The sight of his butt-cheeks parting as he bent over to pick up the towel from the floor and revealing the hair growth between his cheeks obscured the sight of his virgin balloon knot, made Daniel feel a quiver in his groin.

"I'm off to the bathroom." "See you in a bit," he murmured with a smile as he wrapped the towel around his waist and made his way out of the bedroom.

Daniel nodded his head in acknowledgement, then bit his lip with excitement at the thought of Alejandro's naked behind, which had burned into his memory.

He hung on the thought of barging into the bathroom nonchalantly and waited until he heard the click of the bathroom door latch. He quickly stripped himself of his remaining garments, wrapped a towel around his waist, and crept along the passage. Once outside the door, he peered through the keyhole, only to see him disappear behind the steam-covered shower glass.

Daniel quietly tried the door, but it was locked from the inside. Disappointedly, he made his way back to the bedroom, and waited.

Alejandro emerged in the bedroom twenty minutes later, wearing his wet towel around his waist.

"And now that you are just sitting there?" Alejandro asked, closing the door behind him and made his way to his dressing table.

I was waiting for you to finish up so I could take a shower." Daniel responded as his gaze turned to Alejandro's wet hair and slick physique, which glistened from water droplets clinging to his skin and the bulging outline of his swinging cock rubbing beneath the towel.

"You should have just come in. After all, we used to bathe together when we were kids." Alejandro said as he tugged the towel from his hips and began rubbing it vigorously through his damp head of hair.

Daniel stared at his smooth, firm butt cheeks and, in the mirror, the reflection of his uncircumcised cock, which swung left to right from his bush of curly black pubic hair.

"Ummm, well, we aren't kids anymore. Besides, you always used to piss on me when we were kids.

Alejandro paused a moment and turned to look at Daniel with a confused, blank stare. "Oh, my god!" bursting out into laughter. "We used to play that game when we were kids... What was it called again?

"Fireman!" Daniel reminded him.

"Yes, that's right. Fireman... I remember now. You were like, Please, Alejandro, don't peepee on my face." He expressed it in a mocking tone of voice.

"Do you blame me? You kept aiming it at my mouth." Daniel defended. "Thinking about it now, YOU CHEATED!" Daniel gasped. "You always made out you were thirsty and chugged water from the tap. I remember now... you were never thirsty!"

"Talk shit, man!" Alejandro replied, chuckling.

"It's true. You think I can't remember?

"NOOOO! Gosh, I remember something to that effect. I can't believe I made you suck my dick," Alejandro exclaimed, his hand pressed over his mouth in horror.

"Yes, not once, but a few times! You said that If I didn't, you would tell your mum that I peed in the bath."

"I'm so sorry! I can't believe I was such a terrible kid."

Daniel chuckled as he stood up. "I'm off to shower quickly." He said this, leaving Alejandro to think about his childhood behaviour.

"Yeah, sure thing. Enjoy!" Alejandro replied, giving him a small acknowledgement wave of the hand.

By the time Daniel finished in the bathroom, Alejandro was dressed and sitting at his dressing table, blow-drying his hair. He gazed briefly at Daniel's naked body and observed Daniel's flaccid, uncut cock dangling between his legs as he hung his damp towel up on a vacant hook on the back of the bedroom door.

Once Daniel was ready, Alejandro reminded Daniel not to mention anything other than that we were popping out for a quick visit.

Okay, Mama, we are leaving now." Alejandro called from the front door.

"Where are you boys going?" She replied, looking over the back of her chair where she was seated.

"Remember, I told you I was going to visit Dieter down the road. We won't be too late." "Please, don't make me worry. Take care of each other."

Yes, Mama, we are just down the street," Alejandro called back, closing the door behind them.

After a ten-minute walk, the boys arrived at their destination and rang the doorbell.

"Hey! I thought you weren't coming," Dieter announced upon opening the door.

The attractive, fair-skinned 18-year-old German teenager stood equally tall, but Daniel noticed instantly that his arms and torso were not as muscularly built but had a more average, slender physical appearance. His light mousey brown hair was short and styled with highlighted ends, and he exuded a warm and friendly demeanour with his blue eyes and pink lips.

"This is Daniel," Alejandro introduced, and Daniel received and shook Dieter's extended hand, which was soft, warm, and somewhat clammy, with a firm grip. His cologne was masculine and spicy, yet mature and overpowering, which lingered in the air. It was possibly his father's or given to him as a present by a mature person, as it was an expensive odour for a youngster to afford, Daniel thought.

"Come in, come in," Dieter said, invitingly leading Daniel and Alejandro through the living area, which was dimly lit by a table lamp. "Come, we are sitting outside," Dieter beacon'd, leading the way through the glass patio sliding door to an outside entertainment area where six other guests gathered.

"Is Carla here yet?" Alejandro asked, looking around.

"No, darling. I'm sure she won't show up... again. I told you before, I really don't know what you see in her." Dieter muttered.

After Daniel was introduced being introduced to the guests, Dieter made his way behind the bar. "What can I get you two handsome boys to drink?"

"I'll have a beer, "Alejandro piped as he slid his ass onto a bar stool.

"Same, thanks," Daniel replied.

"We've already had a round of Tequila Bombs, so let me pour you guys one first. Actually, I will have another one with you." Dieter said, pouring the ingredients into a shot glass before fetching two ice-cold beers from the fridge.

"Cheers to the queers, applause to the whores, May prostitutes prosper, and may fuck become a household name!" Dieter toasted, holding his glass up.

"CHEERS!" Daniel and Alejandro toast before throwing back the shot.

"GEEEZZZAS!" Alejandro blurted out, slamming the shot glass on the bar counter. "This is strong!"

"Don't be such a pussy, Alejandro!" Michelle called out from where she was seated.

Alejandro got up from the bar and went to join Michelle and her boyfriend on the couch, leaving Daniel sitting opposite Dieter at the bar to become acquainted.

"So, how do you know Alejandro?" Dieter asked somewhat protectively.

Daniel explained his life situation, which appeared to put Dieter at ease.

"I couldn't help but overhear your remark about Alejandro's girlfriend. What did you mean by it?" Daniel asked, looking to the side at Alejandro in conversation with a couple sitting next to him.

"I can't stand the cow. She is just using him and keeping him on a string until someone better comes along." Dieter hissed.

"You appear very protective of him."

"I am. Alejandro and I have known each other since middle school. I am deeply concerned about him and his happiness." Dieter expressed himself, nervously twirling the ring on his middle finger.

"Oh my god, you are in love with him!" Daniel spoke in confidence as he leant in closer to Dieter.

Dieter turned white as a sheet and glared at Daniel with surprise. "How do you know?" Dieter whispered, cupping his hand beside his mouth.

"Maybe it's because I am gay, and I sense a little jealousy."

Dieter's eyes widened, and his mouth dropped. "You bitch," he said, laughing, slapping Daniel on the shoulder while glancing across at his guests, who were engrossed in their own conversations.

"Hey Bradley, please don't finger Priscilla and get her too excited on that couch. I don't want to see any snail trails. I'm watching you two!" Dieter shouted at the couple who were making out on the love couch. The crowd laughed at Dieter's remark.

"Who wants another shot? Come see me at the bar, just don't cum on the bar; my mother hates stickiness on her back," Dieter said, placing several shooter glasses in a row before topping them with Tequila.

"Where's our arsonist, Richard? Richard, oh, there you are. Come, light up this fucking hubbly-bubbly," Dieter called out. "If anyone wants anything burned, please speak to Richard; he's the tall one here with no eyebrows".

While the hubbly-bubbly was topped with vodka and prepped to be lit by Richard, everyone else gathered at the bar for their tequila shots.

Hey, my man!" Alejandro said, flinging his arm around Daniel's shoulder and pulling him in tightly. "What do you think of Dieter over there?"

"Yeah, he's a cool guy. Very funny," Daniel replied, putting his arm around Alejandro's waist and squeezing into him.

"You know he's gay, right?"

"Yeah.. It's pretty obvious," Daniel replied, chuckling.

"Who wants to suck?" Richard's voice came from behind them. The startled Daniel and Alejandro turned to see Richard standing, holding the hubbly-bubbly hose between his legs.

"Awww, such a long, thin dick you have, Richard." Alejandro laughed as he dropped to one knee, put his face in Richard's groin, and took a deep drag from the bubbly mouthpiece.

"You Sluts!" A voice came from the crowd that was watching.

Alejandro stood up with his head buzzing, put his mouth to Daniel's, and gestured for him to suck the smoke from his lips while he exhaled. Everyone began chanting "suck it up," followed by applause, as Daniel drew in the dense smoke, filling his lungs before coughing.

Come, Daniel, it's your turn to hotbox with me," Dieter said, pushing his way through his guests. Daniel mimicked Alejandro, went down, and took a few drags before holding his breath.

Daniel felt lightheaded and held on to Dieter's shoulder to steady himself before parting his lips against Dieter's mouth. While Daniel slowly exhaled, Dieter inhaled the vapour.

Once again, the crowd chanted, "Suck it up." With Daniel's parted lips a few millimetres from his mouth, Dieter could not resist the temptation and plundered his tongue into Daniel's unexpecting mouth. The onlookers oohed and ahhed as the two briefly kissed before Daniel's coughing separated them.

"You are a good kisser," Dieter whispered into his ear before turning around and making his way back behind the bar. "Drinks, anyone?" he called out.

Alejandro stood next to Daniel and put his arm around him. "Sorry about Dieter kissing you like that; I'm sure he meant nothing of it."

"No need to apologise." I don't have any issue with it."

Alejandro briefly shuffled around nervously. "It looked kind of hot watching you guys kiss," he murmured, clearing his throat.

Daniel looked at Alejandro and responded by tucking his arm around his waist and giving him an affectionate squeeze.

"I'm feeling quite pissed," Daniel said.

"Me too. I think if I have another tequila, I will vomit." Alejandro chuckled.

"Where's the bathroom? I really need to pee!" Daniel asked, crossing his legs and gripping his crotch.

"Oh, it's inside; I will show you. I need to go too," Alejandro said, escorting Daniel to the bathroom in the house.

With the bathroom door jarred, Alejandro stood to one side of the toilet bowl, giving Daniel sufficient room to stand next to him before loosening his belt and unbuttoning the front of his Levi's. Daniel watched Alejandro's fingers dig into his underpants and free his flaccid shaft from them before dragging his foreskin back and forth over the pink helmet-shaped cock head and along its girthy shaft.

Daniel quickly pulled his pants zip down and gripped his cock by its loose skin, yanking it from its trousers and quickly pointing the tip at the bowl before retracting his foreskin in time to release a strong jet of piss that smashed into the water in the bowl.

"Gaawd, that feels good!" Daniel sighed in relief as he drained his bladder.

"Someone needs to pee urgently." Alejandro said, laughing.

"Ahh, there are my two favourite boys; is there space for an extra person?" Dieter's voice echoed in the bathroom as he entered and nudged himself in between them.

Dieter loosened his tracksuit string ties with ease and flopped his uncircumcised cock out into his hand. "I see we are all from the hoodie gang."

While Alejandro and Daniel had sudden stage fright and could no longer pee, they glanced at Dieter's cock as it twitched and bounced, and began swelling between his fingers. Seeing the thick pale shaft with its dark vein that ran along the length his bratwurst excited Daniel, who could no longer control his arousal.

Daniel unbuttoned his jeans, revealing the entire eighteen-centimetre wedge-shaped cock, which boasted a thick six-centimetre in diameter at the base and tapered to a respectable four-centimetre by the tip of the down-curved shaft.

Dieter took Daniel's cock in the palm of his hand and began dragging his foreskin back and forth over the pink cock head. "Your cock's so beautiful," Dieter whispered, giving it a squeeze.

While Alejandro observed the interaction between his two friends, he started fondling his soft penis, which was having difficulty getting hard. "Kiss each other," he asked nervously while he continued to stimulate himself. Dieter and Daniel obeyed and leant in to each other, pressing their parted lips against each other. They began breathing heavily as their wet tongues intertwined.

Dieter swiftly dropped to his knees in front of Daniel, angled his curved erection into his mouth as he looked up at him, and began forcing his mouth down his shaft. Daniel let out a gasp as he felt his cock slip down Dieter's throat as he strained to swallow the girth and buried his face in his musky, thick, black pubic hair. Alejandro took a step backward and watched as Daniel placed his hands on the back of Dieter's head and gently thrust his hips forward as he fucked the eager mouth.

Daniel turned to face Alejandro, who was standing beside him with his now thick, fully erect cock in his hand, gently stroking the twenty-one centimetre Latin baby maker. Daniel snatched his cock from his grip and began dragging his soft foreskin along his shaft, which glided over his elongated, swollen cockhead, which drooled like a baby.

Dieter wasted no time in moving his mouth over Alejandro's excited cock and sucking it with devoted passion, while his hand continued to pleasure Daniel's twitching cock.

Dieter gagged and choked as he tried to swallow the beast, while Alejandro let out a faint gasp and groaned.

Since puberty, Daniel has received oral sex a few times and given it twice to a classmate. Although he had never had penetrative sex, he had explored his own body by fingering and using objects based on what he had seen in porn.

Dieter briefly rose and wiped his mouth on his forearm, while Daniel pulled down his tracksuit from his waist and sat on his haunches. His hard penis sprang out as straight as a ruler, from a closely trimmed patch of light pubic hair, while his legs and balls were cleanly shaved.

Daniel wrapped his hands around Dieter's cock and cautiously glided his lips over his firm but spongy cockhead, while his tongue dragged under his foreskin. "Oh my god," Dieter whispered aloud, "you suck so well" encouraging Daniel as he rocked his hips while Daniel sucked and bobbed his head along his shaft.

Alejandro was aroused by the intimate sexual performance before him and moved closer, grasping his penis at the base and flicking it up and down, seemingly attempting to draw attention to it.

Daniel took hold of Alejandro's hard, throbbing, pre-cum-soaked cock, which bulged with veins, and moved it between his lips. The salty taste of his drooling cockhead engulfed his taste receptors as it flowed over them as he passionately sucked and pleasured the swollen cockhead, which had turned crimson. The pleasant musky aroma of Alejandro's balls, cock, and pubic hair filled his nasal passages encouraged his passion to want more.

"That's good. Ahhh yes, suck it, swallow my fucking cock!" he grunted, placing his hand behind Daniel's head as he thrust his cock down his throat and held it there. Daniel heaved and choked, pushing against Alejandro's legs as he pulled his head back, freeing his airway. Tears ran from his red eyes, while saliva and cumulus phlegm escaped his lips.

"Fuck, but your cock's big," Daniel said after getting his breath back as Alejandro looked down at him and smiled.

Dieter stood by the basin, fetched a bottle of body lotion from the vanity above it, and liberally applied the thick, creamy lubricant between his ass cheeks. He teased his powder pink hole with his finger before inserting two fingers to ensure he was well-lubricated, then spread his legs, leaned over, and grasped the basin's sides. "Come fuck me," he said, looking eagerly at Daniel and Alejandro.

"Daniel turned and stepped behind Dieter, While Alejandro watched Daniel glide his cock up and down between his smooth, slippery ass cheeks before finding the entrance with the tip of his cock.

Dieter reached behind and parted his cheeks with his fingers, opening himself, while Daniel nudged his cock against his tight sphincter. Dieter let out a gasp and flinched through gritted teeth as Daniel's curved cock tunnelled its way into his anal cavity.

Alejandro's hand slipped back and forth along his shaft while watching Daniel's cock burrow in and out of Dieter's rear-end. Daniel panted heavily as he grew excited by Dieter's hole as it milked his cock. Roughly, Daniel pulled Dieter's hips onto his cock and started fucking him hard.

Dieter moved onto his toes and whimpered as Daniel thrashed his cock in and out of his sloppy hole. "Can I cum inside you?" Daniel moaned, "I'm getting close."

"Yes, fill me up, "Dieter pleaded.

"Fuck,Fuck,Fuck, I'm cumming." Daniel grunted as he Thrusted his cock in deep and impaled himself while his legs shook uncontrollably in orgasm while he emptied his balls.

Alejandro shuffled impatiently closer as he continued to work his hand back and forth along his shaft. No sooner had Daniel pulled out of Dieter, Alejandro had taken his place and began wriggling his cock around the sloppy mess of cream and cum which leaked out of Dieter's gaping orifice.

He manipulated his cock until it slipped inside. "FAAAAK!" Dieter cried. As Alejandro penetrated Dieter's tight sphincter halfway through with his battering ram, Dieter's body arched, and his eyes bulged from the excruciating pain.

"JEEEZAAS, easy tiger," Dieter pleaded.

Sorry, Dieter," Alejandro replied, and he paused until he felt the tight clench of Dieter's ring relax around his cock before pulling out slightly and going in a little deeper with each thrust. "Your ass is so tight. It feels so beautiful," he added before launching into a deep, rhythmic motion.

"Oh god, Alejandro, you are rearranging my guts." Dieter gasped.

Alejandro put his hand around Dieter's throat, dragging him down onto his cock while at the same time slamming his hips against his cheeks, sending ripple shockwaves through them. Dieter's face turned red, and the arteries expanded in his neck while Daniel went down between his legs and began sucking on the neglected cock.

Gaaaawd," Dieter groaned under duress as he supported himself against the basin while Alejandro fucked himself closer to orgasm.

The clapping sound of his hips slamming against his cheeks echoed through the room. "I'm getting close," Alejandro grunted in Dieter's ear as he pulled his head back by his hair.

"Cum in me. I'm getting close too," he panted.

Alejandro's body went into a euphoric spasm as he let out a series of animalistic grunts as he buried his cock as deep as he could into Dieter's rear end. His cock expended as it pulsed and pumped his cum into Dieter's ass.

Dieter's cock began erupting ropes of sperm into Daniel's mouth as he felt Alejandro's body shake against him. Daniel swallowed and waited until the last spurt of cum dribbled from his slit before letting Dieter's cock slide from his lips. Alejandro withdrew slowly, leaving Dieter with a swollen, destroyed asshole that could barely contain his insides.

The three boys chuckled while they got their breath back before pulling their pants up and straightening their composure before joining the party outside.

"Hi everyone, we're back!" Dieter announced.

"Hey, where were you guys?" Priscilla asked.

"Oh, I'm just showing them around," Dieter replied bashfully, dragging his fingers through his hair. "But now it's time for a drink. Last round."

Two shots and three beers later, Alejandro and Daniel greeted Dieter and staggered back home.

"What a night," Daniel said.

You're telling me!" "I can't believe you did that gay cock sucking stuff." "Hey, I'm not complaining! I've never had my dick sucked like that before. Ever!"

"Well, it's the second time I've sucked your cock. Didn't you enjoy it the first time?" Daniel teased.

"Fuck off, man, the first time we were like eight years old. How am I supposed to remember that far back?"

"The first time you blackmailed and forced me to. At least this time I volunteered."

"True." Alejandro laughed

"I guess it's a better time than ever to tell you that I'm actually gay," Daniel confessed. "But in my defence, tonight was the first time I've ever fucked anyone. You are the fourth person I have ever sucked in my life."

"Are you serious?"

"About what? Fucking someone for the first time?"

"No man! About being gay."

"Yes, I'm serious. I am gay, and my feelings of being attracted to boys started when I was about eleven. I was twelve when Shane, a boy in my class, and I sucked each other's dicks in the school bathroom. After I hit puberty, I began fantasising about making love and having sex with boys."

"So why didn't you say anything to me?" Alejandro asked.

"I was scared too. What if you freaked out and told your mother? My dad is abroad. Where do I go?

After meeting Dieter tonight and seeing how cool you were and how cool everyone else was with him, I felt comfortable."

"Okay, I now understand. I'm sure if my parents found out I was fucking guys and doing gay shit tonight, they would disown me." Alejandro replied sympathetically.

"You see that house there at the end of this street?" Alejandro said, pointing to a property along the dimly lit street.

"I can barely see it, but what of it?" Daniel replied, straining to see that far into the dark.

"Last year, I was knobbing a thirty-year-old mommy who lived." Alejandro giggled.

"Geez Alejandro, Why? She's about fourteen years older than you. Was it grab a grandmother week?" Daniel giggled.

"Fuck off!" Alejandro responded, dismissively clicking his tongue. "She was smoking hot with firm titties and kinky as shit!

"Kinky?... Oooh, do tell all," Daniel giggled.

"She would text me and let me know when her husband leaves for work on a Saturday morning."

"Husband? She's married?" Daniel interrupted in dismay.

"Yeah. It's like a morning quicky. I would knock on the back door, and she would be naked and ready, waiting to be fucked. She would want me to fuck her in the kitchen, in her car, in the bathroom, even in the garden shed."

"Oh wow? But what's kinky about doing it around the house?" Daniel asked confusedly, shaking his head and listening attentively.

"Sometimes she wanted me to fist her pussy till she climaxed or fuck her in the ass," Alejandro continued.

"Geez. Fuckin' hell, it sounds like you've been having wild times in the hood!" Daniel said, astonished. "I can't beat that story, even if I made it up.

"Shhhh, we need to be quiet," Alejandro whispered as he quietly inserted the key and unlocked the door. The two boys removed their shoes so as not to make any sound and creeped inside. Once upstairs, Alejandro closed the bedroom door behind them and turned on a bedside lamp, which cast soft ambient lighting.

"Fuck, we never inflated the bed before we left," Daniel said.

"It's fine; you can sleep in the bed with me," Alejandro said, undressing and tossing his clothes into a pile next to his wash basket.

While Alejandro slipped into a pair of silk boxer shorts, while Daniel slid into his tracksuit pants. "You are not going to wear that? Alejandro said.

"Why? What's wrong with them?"

"They look like my grandpa's pants," Alejandro giggled. "Here, put these on," He added, fetching a similar pair of silk shorts from his underwear drawer and handing them to him.

"Then your grandpa must have been very trendy," Daniel teased, undressing and swapping his tracksuit for the silk shorts.

"What's the time?" Daniel asked.


"It feels like three o'clock in the morning."

"Yeah. I'm still feeling quite drunk," Alejandro said as they slipped beneath the covers.

"Me too. I've never consumed so much alcohol in my life. Not to mention smoking. My dad would kill me if he ever found out."

"Same. Well, I think both of us did a lot of first time things, that should remain secret.

"Yeah, I agree."

"How did you feel when you were fucking Dieter?" Daniel asked after a long pause of silence.

"I've never fucked a dude before, but yeah, it was hot. His ass was really tight around my cock. I've watched plenty of bisexual porn and stuff, but fucken' hell, when you pushed your cock into Dieter and fucked him like that, it turned me on so much, I was hand braking my cock from shooting my load."

"Yeah, just as well. I fucked him first and stretched him out for you before you shoved your enormous cock into him."

Alejandro burst into laughter. "Well, the way you were fucking railing him, it's a wonder he could sit after that. "

"But I have to admit, I was turned on by the way you fucked him," Daniel said, rolling onto his side as he slid his palm over Alejandro's stomach and downward until his fingers reached his hardening cock. Alejandro drew in a sharp breath, moved his hand slowly onto Daniel's already erect penis, and squeezed it a couple of times to feel the reflex twitch.

Daniel slid his hand into Alejandro's silk shorts, which had already developed a wet spot from his drooling, and released another gush from the immediate attention it received when Daniel dragged the foreskin back and forth.

Alejandro kicked the covers off them and enticingly pulled his shorts off and kicked them off the end of the bed, and Daniel wasted no time in doing the same.

While they lay up close next to one another, Daniel cupped his palm over Alejandro's plump sausage and slowly pulled his foreskin down the shaft, watching as the skin unravelled itself over the broad, swollen, pink helmet-shaped cock head until it wouldn't go any further. Pre-cum begun drooling from the gaping slit, glazing it with micro bubbles as it lubricated the shiny helmet, preparing it for penetration.

"I love your wet cock," Daniel said, rubbing his thumb around the slippery matter.

"I'm glad you do. My girlfriend hates it," Alejandro whispered with a smile as he watched Daniel's hand stroke his meat. Daniel grinned nonchalantly without looking up as his gaze moved up and down the well-built teenager's body.

Except for the black leg hairs on the inside of his thighs and shins, his legs were smooth. A circle of fine chest hair framed his hard, dark nipples, while a small patch grew in the middle of his chest. The hair then extended in a line that joined his navel to his thick pubic hair area.

Alejandro moved his hand over onto Daniel's twitching cock, which was desperately seeking attention, and began sliding his foreskin up and down the curved shaft.

"Your dick feels so weird in my hand. I have never touched another cock other than my own. It also feels strange the way it bends down like that." Alejandro said he was admiring Daniel's cock. "It's like a wedge. So thick at the bottom that it tapers to the top. It feels amazing. Have you ever measured it?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's eighteen centimetres. Have you measured yours?" Daniel responded.

"Mine is twenty-one and a bit," Alejandro replied.

"It's really big. I struggled to swallow it earlier."

"Isn't it weird or taste gross, sucking another dude's cock?"

"No, why would it be? Why don't' you try sucking mine? Daniel responded by rolling onto his back invitingly.

Alejandro slid between Daniel's legs, spreading them, and watched the defenceless teen as he lay frog-legged and waited excitedly. "Don't spunk in my mouth," he said, observing and feeling Daniel's body and legs with the palms of his hands while contemplating if he should take on the task.

Except for the unblemished hair under his arms and the triangular patch of black pubic hair that erupted above his shaft, he had very little hair between his legs and ball sack. As for the rest of his defined, milky-smooth body, arms, and legs, they were entirely hairless.

Alejandro was swayed by the less male-dominant hormone and dragged Daniel's foreskin back, drying the leaking wet tip against the palm of his hand before leaning in to smell the boy's cock before licking the head gently as if it were lathered with poison. Daniel opened his eyes and looked down at the reluctant cocksucker as he built up the courage to open his mouth and wrap his lips around the pulsating stiff shaft.

Alejandro was expecting a stomach-churning flavour to flood his taste buds, but instead found a gently salty tang of pre-cum, a taste he was familiar with from tasting his own.

Daniel's eyes rolled white as he flung his head back, sinking it into the feather pillow, letting out a murmured gasp as the overwhelming, tingling sensation travelled up his cock and consumed his senses. Soft whimpering moans escaped his lips as he raised his hips and rocked them gently in tandem with Alejandro's strokes, dissipating the pent-up energy as he clawed his fingers into the bedding.

Alejandro drew his mouth away from the saliva and pre-cum-soaked cock and glided his hand up and down the slippery shaft and asked, "Is it okay? Are you enjoying it?"

"Fuck! That was unbelievable," Daniel replied, opening his eyes and refocusing them on Alejandro, who was wiping his wet lips against his forearm.

Alejandro beamed from ear to ear at the well-executed, approved praise, laying back on his side of the bed with his naked body sprawled out. "I don't know if it's the alcohol talking, but I never thought I could or would suck cock, but I am glad it's yours.

"I want to make passionate love to you," Daniel said, flinging his leg over Alejandro and lying with his naked body against his. Before Alejandro could utter anything, Daniel pressed his lips together and parted them with his moist tongue.

The taste of alcohol and tobacco on their breath did not deter them. Alejandro's mouth reacted to Daniel's tongue, and he began sucking it deeper into his mouth, feeling it lap the back of his throat. Daniel could extricate his tongue from Alejandro's oral clasp, but Alejandro's fervent mouth demanded more. "Please kiss me." "Kiss me," he urged, tossing Daniel onto his back and firmly gripping his arms above his head before plunging his passionate tongue into Daniel's neck.

Daniel Shrieked and clawed his fingers, while his body thrashed into the bed covering as the excitement consumed him, while Alejandro's mouth licked, kissed, and sucked his neck, feeling burning sensations as blood filled the surface of his skin where he planted love bites. "Oh Jeezuz, Daniel Bleated as Alejandro moved his attention towards Daniel's hard nipples and torso and sucked and nibbled on them.

Daniel rolled Alejandro onto his back and applied the same pleasures to his neck and ears before burying his mouth into his musky armpit. "Oh Gaawd!" Alejandro groaned, thrusting his hips upward and stabbing Daniel in the abdomen with his stiff cock. "That feels so fucking amazing."

While He kissed Alejandro's torso and followed the trail of hair down to his navel with his tongue, he wedged his knees in between his parted legs. He admired Alejandro's hard cock, which had again become veiny, and the brim line of his enlarged cock head formed a pronounced ridge from beneath the half-retracted wet foreskin.

"GAAAWD! Fuck,fuck,fuck!" Alejandro moaned as his entire body stiffened like an ironing board. He sat up on his elbows to get a clear look at Daniel's mouth, which consumed his cock, while his hands caressed his trembling legs. The musky smell and taste of Alejandro's pubic hair increased his lust to make love to Alejandro's perineum. Daniel moved his mouth over his tight, hairy balls, sucking on them while he massaged his swollen perineum mound with his thumbs.

"Lift your legs, " Daniel instructed.

Alejandro obeyed and pulled his knees against his chest. His tight brown virgin hole winked as Daniel's mouth sucked and licked his perineum mound. "Gaaaawwwwd!" Alejandro Panted frantically and groaned when Daniel's tongue wriggled over and burrowed at the entrance of his asshole. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Alejandro repeated, gripping his legs tightly behind his knees while peering through his legs at Daniel. "That feels so fucking good. Your tongue... Fuck... What are you doing to me?" Alejandro panted as Daniel continued to lick and tongue-fuck the virgin hole, gently using his saliva as lubricant to wiggle his finger into his hole.

"Are you fingering me?" Alejandro asked, surprised, feeling Daniel's finger gently massage his prostate.

"Yeah, does it feel okay?"

"Jeezaz, I am feeling sensations I never imagined," Alejandro replied.

"Do you have lubricant?" Daniel asked.

"Yes. Here," Alejandro replied, pulling a tube of KY Jelly from his bedside drawer and handing it to him.

"I will turn around so you can finger me while I finger you," Daniel replied, turning into position after lubricating Alejandro and himself.

While Daniel raised his leg, giving him ease of access to his own virgin hole, Daniel glided his finger into Alejandro. "Oh my fuck, this feels good," he grunted, feeling Daniel's finger gliding in and out and exploring his anal passage.

"If I let you fuck me, I can fuck you too." Alejandro groaned, feeling Daniel slide his third finger into him.

"Of course I wouldn't want it any other way," Daniel replied, moving from his side and manoeuvring himself between Alejandro's legs as he lifted and tucked them behind his arms.

"Just go easy," he begged, while Daniel applied lubricant to his cock.

Alejandro looked into Daniel's eyes as he moved his cock up and down his anal crater until his asshole blossomed and accepted the tip of his cock. "Yeah, just there," Alejandro whispered, nodding, giving Daniel the approval to enter him.

Alejandro gasped and bit his bottom lip as Daniel's cocked head prodded his sphincter open and glided into his tunnel. "FUCK, just hang on a bit!" Alejandro hissed at the excruciating pain. Daniel paused and before pushing in deeper until his balls were firmly pressed up against him, then pulled out half a shaft before finding rhythm.

"I can't believe you are fucking me. It feels so good," Alejandro moaned.

"Yeah, are you enjoying it?" Daniel probed.

"God yes. I don't want it to stop."

Daniel picked up speed and thrust and began pounding Alejandro's chest while he leant down and sank his tongue into his mouth as they kissed.

"I need to stop, otherwise I will cum," Daniel said panting as he stopped.

"Let me fuck you!" Alejandro whispered, giving Daniel a peck on the lips as Daniel pulled out and straddled him.

"Ooh, you want to sit on me?" Alejandro giggled.

"Yes, at least this way I have control of how much of your thick cock you push inside me at once," Daniel replied teasingly as he guided Alejandro's tip against his hole.

Daniel began sitting on it. The excruciating pain revealed its self in his facial expressions and moved off it with a dash. "You're going to need to relax." Alejandro said.

"Easy for you to say," Daniel replied with a forced giggle.

Alejandro reached behind and put the head of his cock against his butthole and tried to help Daniel on it gently, but again. "Get onto all fours," Alejandro said after several failed attempts.

Daniel moved onto his knees and put his head on the pillow. With his hips raised, his cheeks were well parted. Alejandro moved in behind him and teased his hole with the tip of his cock, gently wriggling it until it was firmly nestled against his resisting sphincter.

Alejandro's juggernaut tore through Daniel's ring as he pushed hard and forced his swollen cock head into him. Daniel let out an almighty gasp of pain and arched his back. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he cried, feeling his ring stretched taunt and throbbed around the thick Latin sausage.

Alejandro could feel Daniel's cock clench around his cock, strangling it. "It's ok; you don't have to do it," Alejandro said compassionately.

"I know. But I'd like you to fuck me. I want to feel you in me," Daniel said, moving himself slowly, taking a little more each time until his ring was firmly at the base of his twitching cock. Simultaneously, Alejandro could feel his cockhead stretch his anal passage before coming to rest deep in his rectum.

After the stabbing pain had subsided and his sphincter relaxed, Daniel turned and laid on his back and wrapped his arms around Alejandro's neck. "Fuck me. Come fuck me," he whispered as Alejandro began gliding his ridged impaling shaft in and out the relaxing hole.

"Fuck, your ass feels good around my cock," Alejandro whispered into Daniel's ear, thrusting himself into him. Alejandro pressed Daniel's legs back until his knees rested by his ears. With his cheeks fully parted and his hips raised from the bed, Alejandro moved onto his haunches and began rhythmically feeding his cock to Daniel. His balls slapped up against the whimpering teenager that was enjoying the full pleasure of Alejandro's manhood. Daniel's whimpering at each deep thrust excited Alejandro. "Oh yes, baby, are you enjoying my cock? Do you like it when I fuck you like this?" Alejandro panted.

"Yes, Oh Yes!" Fuck me, darling!" Daniel groaned in reply.

"I want to fill you with my spunk."

"Oh Yes. Give it to me. Fill me with your babies," Daniel begged.

"Oh gaawd, I am getting close," Alejandro panted.

"Kiss me. Kiss me while you fill me up." Daniel pleaded, extending his tongue from his open mouth.

Alejandro planted his mouth against Daniel's and bit into his lip as he grunted like a wounded animal while he thrust his load deep into Daniel's gut.

Although Daniel could taste blood from his lip, it did not stop him from wrapping his legs around his shuddering hips and clawing and groping Alejandro's back in sexual ecstasy with his fingertips. Daniel rolled Alejandro over onto his back while still impaled by his hard, ejaculating cock and continued to staddle the thick meat. "Wank my cock," Daniel begged.

Alejandro worked his hand on Daniel's wet shaft faster than a steam engine while he wriggled and bounced on his cock.

"Fuck, you're going to make me cum again if you carry on riding me like that!" Alejandro panted.

Perspiration poured from their brows. "I'm getting close," Alejandro moaned.

"Me too," Daniel panted as his body thrashed around Alejandro's cock.

"Oh my god, oh my god, I'm cumming again," Alejandro moaned as his eyes rolled back and his body stiffened. He dug his heels into the bed and thrust them as Daniel pushed his sloppy hole down onto him.

"GAAAAWD!" Daniel let out a guttural groan as his pee-hole gushed ropes of cum over Alejandro's face and chest while Alejandro cum-dumped his second load into Daniel.

With their hearts beating in their chests like drums, Alejandro's body flopped into a paralysed state beneath Daniel, while his chest heaved as he caught his breath. Daniel flopped forward and laid on top of him, observing the cum streaks over his eye, mouth, and neck.

"Oops, sorry," Daniel giggled as Alejandro licked the trickle from his lips.

"Mmmm, sweet," he replied with a smile.

Daniel licked the trickle from the side of his eye. "It is actually," he replied, laughing, before kissing him.

"Is your cock going to stay hard in my ass, or is it going to slip out sometime?"

"I don't know. You woke something up in it tonight."

Oh, really," Daniel giggled.

"I've come three times tonight. Twice inside you,"

"You say that if it's a bad thing." Daniel replied.

"Definitely not! I have never felt so sexually charged and horned up in my life." Alejandro said excitedly. "Somehow, I feel I have a closer bond with you now, and you realise that we both lost our anal virginities to one another, and we had our first threesome together".

"Wow, that's so true. I never thought of it like that," Daniel replied. "Actually, Dieter was the first person I ever fucked. If I knew this evening would have turned out this way, I would have preferred you to have been the first."

"Awww, that's so sweet," Alejandro replied, caressing Daniel's back.

"Let's go hop into the shower," Alejandro suggested as Daniel rolled off his sticky body and followed him to the bathroom.

While Alejandro ran the shower, Daniel examined the purple marks that covered his neck and torso in the bathroom mirror. "Fuck. He cried, "Look what I look like. "You attacked me like a beast."

"I'm sorry! You drove me wild." Alejandro apologised, standing behind Daniel and wrapping his arms around him, looking at the marks he had left.

After the boys showered and climbed into bed, Alejandro snuggled behind Daniel and put his arm around him, and held him close. He couldn't help but question his own emotions. The intensity of his connection with Daniel made him wonder if he had been suppressing his true feelings all along.


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