Alex and Zach

By ten.etg@nsrednag

Published on Nov 27, 2005



The usual disclaimers apply -- i.e. The story describes sexual relationships, sometimes explicit, between consenting male adults. If this offends you, you are not interested in such material, or if you are not of legal age to access such material you are advised to direct your web browser to another page. Although the situations described are based upon my own experiences, the story is a work of fiction. Blah, Blah, Blah! You've all heard this stuff before!

This is the sixth of several planned installments. I hope/plan to add more installments as time permits. I welcome (read that as love, crave, need!!!) feedback, both positive and negative as long as constructive, and comments, suggestions or questions can be directed to me at Now, onto the story...

It was getting close to ten at night and Zach had been asleep for a couple of hours and showed every intention of sleeping for the rest of the night. Jason and Alex were watching TV, Jason stretched out on the floor and Alex lying next to Zach, absently rubbing his chest when they heard someone clear their throat in the doorway. Alex and Jason both looked up, their eyes lighting up as they saw who was there.

"Mark!" Alex nearly shouted. "When did you get here? We weren't expecting you till late tomorrow!" The grins on Alex and Jason's face were huge with unexpected happiness.

Mark's face remained very serious as he looked at his brothers and the sleeping Zach. He walked into the room, his expression still serious, almost grave and sat down at Alex's desk chair. His eyes went from Jason to Alex then rested on Zach for a few moments. Finally he looked straight into Alex's eyes. "We need to talk little brother."

The smile on Alex's face immediately evaporated and his body began to tense up at the seriousness in Mark's voice. Zach, even though he was asleep, could feel the change in Alex's body and touch and came awake looking around a little confused. He sat up a little, taking in the expression on Alex's face and the tension in the room. Even the happy go lucky Jason had a frown on his face.

Alex hesitated for a few seconds, frowning a little, before he spoke. "What's up Mark?" he said, the tension clear in his voice.

Mark stared back into Alex's eyes, still not smiling, his expression still serious, almost cold. "We need to talk about what is going on here. And we need to talk about who this is in your bed." Mark's voice was quiet but very penetrating.

Zach watched as the muscles in Alex's jaw clenched revealing just how tense Alex was becoming. "His name is Zach, Mark."

Mark continued to stare at his brother, nodding his head almost imperceptibly, a little frown crossing his face. "Ok, so we know his name now, but that doesn't tell me what he is to you. Why he is in your bed."

Zach, watching the exchange between the two, was starting to get more than a little nervous. The tension in the room was so thick it was nearly overpowering. He felt he should do something, say something, he just couldn't figure out what.

Alex stared back at his brother, almost glaring at him. "He's my roommate Mark," Alex nearly spat.

"Your roommate?" Mark said his voice still even and quiet. "Your roommate sleeps in your bed with you? I don't think so little brother. Try again."

Alex's face was nearly livid. Even Jason seemed ready to take Mark's head off. Alex took a deep breath, trying to keep his temper under control. "All right. Zach's not just my roommate. He's my boyfriend." Alex's voice took on a definite belligerent edge. "Do you want to make something of that?"

Mark continued to stare at his brother for a few moments, his expression still neutral. "Was it really so difficult to admit that to me Alex?" Mark finally asked, his voice soft, even affectionate. Mark got up, crossed the room to Alex and enfolded him in a very tight hug. "I've waited a very long time for you tell me that. I was beginning to think I was going to have to kick you in the ass to get you to admit the truth."

The look on Alex's face was a study of contrast. Relief, anger, happiness, annoyance. He kept trying to respond to his brother, he'd open his mouth to speak and all that would come out were strangled noises as the emotions ran away with him. Finally, he regained a little control. "You Ass!" he yelled at his brother, annoyance and joy both reflected in his voice. "What the hell were you trying to do to me?"

Mark finally released his little brother from the hug and sat back down. "It was important Alex. It was important for you to tell me you were gay. If you can't tell someone who loves you, you'll never be able to tell anyone. You should know by now that we all love you no matter what. It doesn't matter to me if you're gay, you're still my little brother. Nothing can change that! Ever!"

Zach was watching Alex while Mark was saying this, watching the emotions play over Alex's entire body. By the time Mark had finished speaking, Alex's eyes were beginning to get very watery. Under the covers Zach took hold of Alex's hand and squeezed it in silent support and didn't let go. Alex looked over at him, smiling, nearly crying, fighting to hold back the tears.

"Zach, it's good to meet you," Mark said after a few seconds of silence. "I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable earlier. Dad says you're really a great guy and I'm looking forward to getting to know you." Mark smiled warmly at Zach as he said this and reached over to shake his hand.

Zach briefly shook Marks hand, still a little confused by the sudden switch in Mark's reaction. "Uh, hi," Zach managed to mumble. "It's good to meet you too."

Jason couldn't keep quiet any more. "Mark, you are such a prick!" he said irritably. "Do you know how close I came to kicking your ass for you?"

Mark grinned at Jason. "Yeah, I could see you were getting a little pissed. Why don't we leave these two alone? I'm sure they're tired. It's late and I want to go to bed myself."

Jason nodded, annoyance still clearly on his face. He got up and as he passed the bed he briefly tousled the hair of both Alex and Zach. "Good night you two." Then he grinned mischievously at them. "Try not to keep each other up too long!" Then he headed towards the door, pausing long enough to lightly punch Mark in the arm. "Your still an ass Mark, but good night." Jason grinned at Mark then left.

Mark chuckled lightly, but didn't immediately make a move to go. "Alex, I really am happy for you. I've really missed you, you know." Mark smile fondly at his brother. "You use to bug the hell out of me when we were growing up. I couldn't go anywhere without my little shadow two steps behind me, but now, I look back wanting to find you and it always makes me sad when your not there. Why'd you have to grow up anyway?"

Alex ducked his head in silent pleasure over his brother's comments. He quickly looked back up grinning happily. "I've missed you too Mark. Even if you and Jason use to torture the hell out of me!"

Mark laughed at that comment. "Yeah, I guess we did, didn't we? I especially remember how we would tickle your ribs and underarms till you practically wet yourself." Mark paused for a few seconds and then made a sudden lunge towards Alex. "So are you still ticklish?"

"NO DON'T! FUCK MARK! DON'T YOU DARE!" Alex yelled, laughing as he clamped his arms down tightly to his sides and trying to burrow under the covers.

Mark was grinning mischievously at his brother as he tousled Alex's hair. "All right. We'll get ya later then! I'll let you two go to bed now. Good night guys."

"'Night Bro," Alex said warmly as Zach smiled his own parting to Mark. Mark waved and smiled back at the two as he left for his own room.

Zach settled more comfortably into the pillows, smiling as he watched Alex for a couple of seconds. Alex was grinning from ear to ear and seemed ready to start bouncing off the walls he was so happy. "So, are we going to take your brother's advice and go to bed or did you want to go run some laps first to wear off some of that energy?"

Alex grinned back at Zach, trying to assume a fierce expression and failing miserably. Finally he gave up and started laughing. "That was just so fucking awesome! I was ready to kill Mark at first, but it ended so fucking awesome!" The grin on Alex's face got even bigger. "And did you see how Jason was getting ready to defend me? I honestly think he would have started beating the shit out of Mark. God! I love those two!"

Zach smiled at Alex, a little wistfully. "Your brothers are really cool Alex. I think they are both great. Granted, I was a little unsure of Mark at first, but they are both pretty great." Zach couldn't help wishing his own brother was more like Alex's and a little of that came through in his voice.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Alex asked, picking up on the sadness in Zach's voice. "Did the stuff Mark said bother you that much?"

Zach smiled a little half smile. "No. I admit I was a little nervous at first, but Mark is cool." Zach ducked his head avoiding Alex's eyes. "Your whole family is great Alex. You don't know how lucky your are. I can't help comparing them to my family." Zach's voice had gotten really quiet. "I wish they were mine."

Alex pulled Zach close, hugging him tightly. "I wish there was something I could do." Alex was at a loss for what to say. He desperately wanted to comfort Zach, but he had no idea what to do or say.

Zach still wouldn't meet Alex's eyes and he pulled away from the embrace. "There's not a whole lot anyone can do. My family is the way they are and I really doubt anything is going to change that. When they find out I'm gay it's gonna be really bad."

Alex didn't know how to respond. He could feel Zach withdrawing back within himself, putting up the barriers again for protection. "They might surprise you," was all he could come up with, but he didn't really believe it himself.

Zach looked up briefly, smiling sadly. "I don't really think so, and I can tell you don't either." He immediately ducked his head, avoiding Alex's eyes once again. "I won't be the first in the family to come out. I have a cousin who is gay too. He's several years older than I am, but I can still remember how they treated him. Everybody in the family was always pretty nasty to him. He ended up moving to Florida as soon as he got out of high school. No one has heard from him since." Zach's voice had gone completely neutral, almost clinical, and very quiet indicating more than anything else that he was pulling back, building up the barriers again to keep the hurt away.

Alex could see that lost, little boy coming forward again in Zach. It really pissed him off that anyone could cause such pain in Zach and he had to struggle to keep his anger in check. "Screw them!" he said, not really keeping the bite out of his voice. "Mark, Jason, Dad and I will be your family! We love you even if those assholes don't!"

Zach's eyes remained downcast even as he smiled his tired, sad little smile that tugged at Alex's heart. "I know you do Alex. But in a way, that makes it even harder, even worse." Zach's voice was still calm and neutral, but Alex could see a single tear run down his cheek before Zach could hide it. "I don't know why I let it bother me so much, I should be use to it by now. But seeing your family support you, getting together for the holidays just because they love and miss each other, well, it really makes it obvious how shitty my family life is." Zach looked up briefly, a hurt look in his eyes, and just as quickly dropped his eyes back to his lap, fidgeting a little. "This isn't even the first year they've forgotten my birthday. They've done it several times, they even forgot my sixteenth birthday. At first I thought they were just teasing me, but by the time evening rolled around, well, I pretty much figured out they weren't going to remember."

Alex was shocked. He couldn't imagine his family forgetting any of his birthdays, let alone multiple times. "But, didn't you have a party or something?" he blurted before he could think how bad that might make Zach feel.

Zach's fidgeting was getting worse, a sure sign he was getting more nervous and even more uncomfortable. "No. I never really had any birthday parties." He again glanced briefly at Alex's shocked face before dropping his eyes once again back to his lap. "You and the guys taking me out the other night for dinner was really the closest thing to a party I ever had. Mom and Dad always said my birthday was too close to Christmas to have any friends over for a party. I always use to get so jealous of Mike's birthday parties when I was younger. I couldn't ever understand why he use to get one and I didn't."

Alex just stared at Zach open mouthed, incredulous at what Zach had just related to him. He was so confused, so unsure of what to do, no idea what to say, clueless how to make Zach feel better. The only thing that came to mind was to pull Zach, close, to snuggle him into his chest and wrap him in his arms. At first, Zach stiffened at the embrace, his body rigid at the unexpected comfort. Then, slowly, he relaxed into Alex's embrace, trembling slightly, frightened, confused, but no longer alone. Alex continued holding him long after Zach had drifted off to sleep. Tears were standing in Alex's eyes and he held onto Zach as if he would never let go again.

Zach could feel somebody shaking him, calling his name, trying to get him to wake up. He tried to resist the insistent attempts to rouse him, tried to hold onto the last few moments of sleep. He was having the most incredible, most erotic dream and he desperately wanted to recapture it before it slipped away entirely. The feelings that were rushing through his body at the vividness of his dream were extremely intense and very pleasurable. Groaning, he tossed his head trying to escape from whoever was trying to wake him.

"Zach! Wake up!" The voice sounded familiar. It was in his dream too, but now it sounded concerned, maybe even a little frightened. "Zach, come on buddy! Wake up! Are you ok? Wake up Zach! Please!"

It was Alex's voice. But why did Alex sound so concerned? Why did he want him to wake up so bad? Groaning again, Zach tossed his head a little more trying to wake himself and finally opened his eyes. Alex was lying next to him, half propped up on one arm, shaking him to get him to wake up.

Alex was staring at him, his eyes almost frightened. "Are you ok Zach? I could hear you moaning and you were tossing about. Are you starting to hurt? Do I need to get dad?" Alex looked like he was about to cry he was so concerned.

"NO!" Zach almost yelled, gasping slightly. "You don't... need to get... your dad," he said a little more calmly, but still gasping. He tried to lie very still even while his chest was heaving and he was covered with a cold sweat. His whole body was tingling, still super charged from the very intense, erotic dream he had been having. He could feel the muscles in his body tense and relax and he was almost trembling. He was desperately trying to get his body back under control with very little success. His dick was so hard it almost hurt and he could feel it throbbing in time with his racing heart. Zach knew the least amount of stimulation would cause him to lose total control and he was trying with all his power to avoid that.

"Alex...please...don't get your dad...just...please...don't move...for a...few minutes. Please!" Zach was practically gasping as he said this. He fervently hoped Alex would just remain still for a few minutes, he know that any movement right now would cause the sheets and covers to move and even that light touch on his dick and balls would be enough to set him shooting. He squeezed his eyes closed, frantically trying to regain a little composure, to will himself to calm back down.

Alex frowned at him, worry across his face, confused as to what was wrong with Zach. Something was obviously wrong, he could feel Zach's heart racing from where his hand still rested on his chest from shaking him earlier. Zach's entire body was tense and Alex could feel the slight tremors running through his body. He shifted slightly, rustling the covers and heard Zach gasp and felt his body tense even more.

Slowly it began to dawn on Alex that Zach wasn't reacting in pain. His actions seemed far from pain. Only then did he notice the very obvious tenting in the covers. Finally, putting all the pieces together Alex began to realize what was wrong with Zach and he almost laughed at the plight his friend was in. Relief spread across his face and he smiled at his friend sympathetically. "Sorry Zach. It took me a minute to figure out what was wrong. I guess you must be pretty close to losing it right now."

Zach nodded his head miserably, not yet trusting himself to speak. Slowly, his body stopped trembling and he got his breathing back under at least marginal control. His dick, however, refused to go back down and his body was still tingling as if a slight electric current was running through him. The urgency of his desire, even need to climax was passing, but it didn't entirely go away, it just faded slightly to almost nearly manageable levels. Finally, he looked over at Alex giving him a weak, sheepish grin.

Alex grinned back at Zach, still sympathetically but a little amusement showing through too. "Better now? You back in control?"

Zach shook his a head a little, still looking a little miserable even through the grin. "Not really. I still feel like I'm about to explode or something, just not within the next couple of seconds is all." Zach hesitated for a few seconds looking uncomfortable. "Alex, could you, uh, could you move your hand off my chest, just for awhile? I, uh, I really don't want you to, but, well, I, uh, I really like it when you rub my chest, but, uh well..." Zach's voice trailed off.

Alex's eyes were really surprised as he moved his hand off of Zach. "You're really that close?" he asked a little shocked. "You really think just my hand on your chest is gonna make you come?"

Zach started to blush a little as he shook his head yes. "Yeah, I do." Zach hesitate for a few seconds before continuing. "It's not just the dream Alex. It's just, uh, well it's been awhile since I, uh...since I've, well you know, " Zach finished lamely blushing furiously.

Alex couldn't help laughing at Zach's shame face confession. "How long has it been? I mean, I know you've been stuck here for the last couple of days and haven't been able to do anything since dad told us not to. But didn't you at least jack off on your birthday or something?"

Zach shook his head no, the blush spreading down to his chest, his ears were already flaming. "No, I didn't do anything on my birthday. I was too depressed and nervous. I really don't know how long it's been." Zach was fidgeting a little, but still trying to remain fairly still.

Alex was grinning at Zach knowingly. "Oh come on Zach. A college guy who doesn't know how long it's been since he last shot his load. Give me a break. You know how long it's been, probably down to the last second. Now give."

Zach was busy trying to burrow into the mattress without actually moving. "All right. It's been, um, I last did it, uh, on the fourteenth, uh, when I took a shower."

"Shit!" Alex exclaimed. "That long? No wonder you're about to explode. I usually jack everyday."

Zach started laughing himself. "Yeah, I KNOW. You're not exactly very quiet about it." Alex's eyes got really big at that comment and Zach laughed even harder.

"You've heard me?" Alex asked a little embarrassed. "Oh Shit!" Then he started laughing himself. "Guess I should have done it in the shower like you every morning, huh. Those long showers of yours didn't really fool me either."

Zach turned a little more red at that, but continued laughing. "Yeah, well, I had to do something. Hearing you jack off all the time was making me horny and I had to do something to relieve the tension." Zach snuggled in closer to Alex, still grinning. He was still hard as granite and his body was still super charged, but the levels had gone down somewhat.

Alex happily wrapped his arms around Zach, holding him close. "This is ok isn't it? It's ok to hug you isn't it?"

Zach's smile was somewhat dreamy. "Yeah, just don't rub me too much or I really will be back in trouble again." Zach sighed contentedly, pressing his entire body against Alex's, happy just to be held so close by the one he loved so much. He was still smiling several minutes later when he drifted back to sleep.

It was early morning when Dr. Edwards poked his head into Alex's room to find his son pulling on a tshirt and Zach still snoozing. "Good morning Alex," Dr. Edwards greeted his son. "How's our patient?" Zach, hearing Dr. Edwards' voice, woke, blinking a little sleepily at them. "Oh good, you're awake. I wanted to do a quick exam before I left this morning. Is that ok Zach?"

Zach frowned a little unhappily, but nodded his head yes anyway. Zach was fervently hoping that his body, specifically his dick, wouldn't embarrass him again, but kind of figured it was pretty much wishful thinking. Even the slightest touch or the most random thought was enough to set him off anymore. He really wasn't sure just how much longer he would be able to take it.

Dr. Edwards did a cursory exam of Zach's bruises and cuts on his chest and arms, seemingly pleased at their progress. He frowned a little at the cut on his head and black eyes, but still seemed generally happy with their condition. "You're going to have those black eyes for awhile I'm afraid, but they are already fading a little," was about all he said. He listened intently to Zach's breathing and heart for a few moments through his stethoscope, but again was shaking his head positively at the end of his check.

The moment Zach had been dreading finally arrived. He had been desperately trying to keep his body under control, steeling himself for the upcoming touch, trying to think of the most gruesome, most disgusting, most sexually repulsive thoughts he could just to try and keep himself from getting another hardon in front of Dr. Edwards again. Unfortunately, he was already half hard before the exam even began and the more he tried to stop it, the stiffer he became.

By the time Dr. Edward pulled back the covers Zach was already almost fully erect and had started blushing a deep crimson. Dr. Edwards could see the misery in Zach's face and tried to speed his examination as much as possible. At his first light touch to Zach's lower abdomen he felt Zach violently flinch away. Dr. Edwards looked into Zach's eyes to try and gauge the reaction, to see if he had caused him pain with the touch, but only saw an apologetic, nervous look there. Reassured somewhat, he continued his examination, feeling along Zach's penis and testicles, checking the progress of the cut to Zach's scrotum, checking to see if there was any lingering swelling from the trauma.

Zach felt like he wanted to just die. Why was his body so intent on embarrassing him? Dr. Edwards' touch was clinical, hardly sexual in anyway way what so ever, and yet he was reacting to the light touch as if it were the most erotic feeling in the world. His mind was reeling in confusion and he could feel his dick actually throbbing. And then, he could feel himself start to leak precum. At this final humiliation, he squeezed his eyes closed again in absolute misery.

Dr. Edwards, knowing just how uncomfortable Zach was, didn't say a word. He finished his exam, absently wiping up the fluid with a tissue, and covered Zach back up. He got up to leave, squeezing Zach's shoulder in silent support before leaving the room.

Alex was silent for a few minutes, almost afraid to intrude on Zach's silent misery. Finally he decided to act as if nothing had taken place figuring that Zach wouldn't be ready to talk about his reaction just yet. "I'm hungry, are you?" he asked. "I think I'll go get us some breakfast. What do you want?"

Zach kept his eyes closed, not yet wanting to face Alex. "Nothing. I'm not very hungry," was all he would mumble.

Alex wasn't daunted. "I can get you a pop tart and some milk if you want," he offered, knowing just how much Zach loved them. "I promise not to burn it!" he joked.

Zach still wouldn't open his eyes. "No. I don't want anything," he said, his voice taking on a slight edge of annoyance.

"Zach, you have to eat something with your pain pill," Alex persisted, becoming a little annoyed himself. "I'm going to bring you a pop tart and you're going to eat it even if I have to get Mark and Jason in here to help me force it down your throat!"

Zach opened his eyes and glared at Alex. He was becoming truly pissed now. He stared right into Alex's eyes for a few minutes, seeing the annoyance there, but also seeing how concerned Alex was for him. The glare crumbled from his face and he hung his head. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, barely audible.

Alex walked over and sat down on the bed next to Zach, putting his arm around him and hugging him closely for a few seconds. "It's ok. But boy you're cranky today!"

For a second the fire flashed again in Zach's eyes at that comment, but just as quickly died away. "I know. I'm sorry, it's just...Alex, I'm going crazy all cooped up here! This is driving me freaking nuts!"

Alex smiled sympathetically at him for a few seconds. "But that's not all is it?" he asked shrewdly. "You're also cranky and going crazy `cause you're horny as hell and about ready to explode at the least touch aren't you?"

Zach looked miserably into Alex's eyes for a moment before lowering his head, resting his forehead against Alex's chest. He stayed that way for a few seconds, not speaking, then shook his head yes still resting against Alex. "Alex...I'm going crazy. I don't have any control over my body at all anymore. I've got a constant boner and I nearly ache with need. I can't think anymore. Last night when you woke me from that dream, I swear I thought I was gonna die before I could get back in control. And now... Shit! I got hard just thinking about your dad touching me! Your dad -- how sick is that? Fuck! I even started leaking! I just don't know how much longer I can go without exploding, or going nuts, or...I don't know!"

Alex started rubbing Zach's shoulders and back, trying to comfort him. At the first touch, Zach started to shiver a little, then finally groaned, pulling back a little. "Fuck! You've got to stop or I'm gonna lose it Alex." Zach flopped back into the pillows dejectedly, squeezing his eyes closed once again. After a few moments he opened his eyes again, a little miserable half smile on his face. "I'm sorry. I'll be good and eat my pop tart now." Without a word, Alex smiled, leaned down and kissed his forehead and then left to get breakfast for the two of them.

As soon as Alex had left, Zach pulled back the covers, staring disgustedly at his throbbing dick and the little puddle of precum that had formed on his stomach. Taking a tissue he wiped up the fluid, a hopeless expression crossing his face. "You're going to get me into an awful lot of trouble so stop it!" he irrationally told his dick before pulling the covers back up again.

Zach lay back into the pillows, closing his eyes again, more miserable than ever. His mind was all over the place, reeling at all the sensations coursing through his body. He couldn't even think straight anymore. He hadn't been exaggerating when he told Alex he had to stop rubbing his back and shoulders. The slightest touch anywhere on his body was enough to set his body racing. He honestly didn't know how he was going to make it through the next few days. Right now, he wasn't even sure how he was going to make it through the next few minutes.

A little later Alex returned carrying a large plate of scrambled eggs and two glasses of milk. Zach stared suspiciously at the plate until Alex, grinning, handed him a pop tart off of it. "Don't worry, the eggs are for me. I told you I was hungry." Alex sat down next to Zach and started wolfing down the eggs at ferocious rate, pausing only long enough to grin again at Zach. Long before Zach had finished even half his pop tart, Alex had finished his eggs and milk and then just sat watching Zach eat, smiling the whole time. Zach started to blush under the scrutiny, but finished eating and even took his pill without further complaint.

"Well, I'm glad you ate without me having to get Mark and Jason in here," Alex joked. "Do you know how grouchy Mark is when you wake him up early? He would have been really pissed."

"Hey! I was good!" Zach protested, smiling. "I ate it all and I even took my medicine. No need to call out the hired muscle on me." Zach lay back into the pillows, scratching absently at his chest. "I just wish I could take a shower. The sponge batch helped, but I still feel really gross."

Alex looked at him speculatively for a few seconds, pondering. "Well, maybe you can. You're much steadier now when you're standing."

Zach cocked his head, looking at Alex with a slight frown on his face. "I'd kill to take a shower, but I don't know if I could hold myself up that long without getting dizzy and falling over. And I thought your dad didn't want me standing too much yet."

Alex stared into Zach's eyes, bracing himself for the outburst that he knew was coming. "Oh, I didn't mean by yourself. You'd have to have some help. I could probably get Jason to hold you up while I washed you."

"WHAT!" Zach shouted. "I'm not taking a shower with your brother holding me up!"

Alex stared straight into Zach's eyes, an amused half grin on his face. "Why not? I'm sure he won't care. Jason will help if we ask him."

Almost as if on cue, Jason, wearing just his boxers, came walking into the room, yawning and stretching, his hair still rumpled from sleep. "Hey! Good morning guys," he said rubbing sleepily at his eyes. "And what will I help with if you ask me?"

Alex purposely avoided seeing the scowl developing on Zach's face. "I told Zach you'd help me give him shower. Do you think you can hold him upright and I'll scrub him down?"

"Sure," Jason said, totally unfazed by the request. "No problem," he said yawning again.

Zach was starting to fidget uncomfortably as he glared at Alex. "You don't have to do that Jason. I don't need to take a shower that bad. I can wait."

Jason looked at Zach, noticing the nervous reaction and not understanding the reason for it. "It's really no big deal. I haven't taken my shower yet either so we can kill two birds with one stone."

"Zach is just nervous Jason," Alex said then. "He's embarrassed by how he's probably going to react to the shower and he doesn't want you to see him."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jason asked, more confused than ever.

Alex ignored the pleading look in Zach's eyes as he continued to explain. "You know how shy he is Jason. He doesn't want you to see him get, well uh, excited I guess is a good word for it."

Jason started chuckling. "Oh hell Zach! Don't worry `bout that. Every guy gets morning wood. No big deal. I'll probably sprout wood myself."

Zach was blushing furiously and the pleading look he was directing at Alex was practically begging, but again Alex pretended not to notice. "He might, uh, do a little more than, uh, just get a hardon Jason. It's been awhile since he's had, uh, any relief."

Jason eyebrows arched curiously and he continued grinning. "Hmmm. I thought I noticed a little pup tent happening in the covers there. Not that it's any of my business, but just how long has it been Zach?"

Zach turned even brighter red and all he could make was strangled noises for a response. Alex glanced over at the tongue tied Zach and answered for him. "It's been ten days." Alex grinned mischievously at both Zach and Jason. "He's been a little hot and bothered for the last couple of days."

Jason's eyes had gone a little wide in shock. "Ten days! Fuck Dude! I'd be homicidal if I had gone that long. You must be about ready to explode -- I would be! But hey, if it happens, well, no big deal. I'll go grab some towels."

Zach closed his eyes briefly, wondering if he could die of embarrassment. Why couldn't Alex have just left it alone? Now not only was Jason going to have seen him naked, he was going to see him with a raging hardon. He also had no idea how he was going to control his body while in the shower. Just the thought of Alex running his hands over him was enough to nearly make him lose all control. How was he going to react to the real thing?

Zach felt Alex's hand brush the hair out of his eyes and he opened them to stare at Alex with a look of hopelessness. Alex smiled gently at him. "It's gonna be ok Zach. Jason ain't gonna freak out if you lose it in there."

Zach sighed dejectedly. "Yeah, but your dad said I shouldn't...uh...come for awhile. That it could hurt me."

"Uh, well, I had a talk with dad while I was making breakfast," Alex confessed a little hesitantly. He knew Zach wasn't going to be real happy with the topic that he had discussed with his father. "Don't get mad, but we, uh, talked about your little problem. Dad still doesn't want us to deliberately do anything to push you over the edge for the next day or so, but he knows you're not going to be able to last much longer. He said if it happens, it happens, not to worry about it unless it hurts." Alex had braced himself, figuring Zach was going to be royally pissed and would probably start yelling at him.

Zach stared at Alex open mouthed for a few seconds. "You and your dad discussed my...uh...Oh Fuck!" Zach looked a little wild eyed for a second or two. Then his reaction was something Alex never expected. Zach started laughing. "So you and your dad discussed my dick huh? Man! That's fucked up!"

Alex started laughing too. "Well it wasn't exactly like that, but yeah, I'm sure it's not the typical conversation between father and son." Alex was really relieved. He could tell Zach was still nervous, but at least he was laughing about it now.

Jason came walking back in carrying some bath towels and a plastic trash bag. "I figured we could put this around Zach's cast, help keep it dry anyway. That's what we did when I broke my arm anyway." Jason proceeded to strip back the covers over Zach, pretty much ignoring Zach's squeak of protest, and pulled the bag over his cast, tying it off. "Good thing you didn't break your dick since I don't think we have a trash bag that big," he said grinning up at Zach, his eyes sparkling.

Zach squirmed a little in embarrassed discomfort and Alex started laughing. "Hey pervert. Stop talking about my boyfriend's dick!"

Jason laughed evilly and walked into the bathroom to start the shower. Alex helped Zach stand, supporting him as they proceeded towards the bathroom themselves. "Alex," Zach whispered, almost pleading. "I really don't know about this."

Alex smiled reassuringly. "It'll be ok Zach. Really." Alex continued to half lead, half support Zach as they entered the bathroom.

As they entered they could see that Jason had already stripped off his boxers and was adjusting the temperature of the steamy water. Jason looked over his shoulder at the two and then walked over to hold Zach. "Here, I'll support him so you can get your clothes off little brother. Otherwise you're gonna be awfully soggy."

Zach couldn't help but notice just how good looking Jason was especially since he was just standing there in all his glory. Jason was more muscular than Alex and unlike his little brother, had a light dusting of hair across his chest and a definite happy trail down his tight stomach. Zach's eyes followed that trail down to where it fanned out surrounding Jason's ample package. Zach's own dick gave a twitch and he couldn't help gulping a little. He quickly pulled his eyes back up just to see Jason grinning at him. Jason's grin got even bigger, his eyes twinkling as he caught Zach looking and he gave him a slow wink causing Zach to blush guiltily.

Alex had also caught Zach looking at his brother and he couldn't help grinning himself, quickly turning so Zach wouldn't see his smile. Alex quickly stripped then stepped over to help Zach into the shower, barely hiding his grin. Jason followed the two into the shower, taking up position behind the slightly wobbling Zach, holding him upright and steady.

The hot water coursing over Zach's head and body felt great, wonderful, even soothing, but Zach still felt a knot of worry and tension building in his stomach. He closed his eyes, letting the steaming water rush over him, hoping it would help calm him down. Then he felt Alex begin to run a soapy wash cloth gently over his face and the panic began to build again.

A small, almost inaudible groan escaped from Zach's lips at the sensations tingling through his body at Alex's gentle touch. He began to tremble slightly and he could feel Jason's grip on him tighten as he continued to hold him steady. When Alex began washing his chest and stomach, Zach could feel his breathing becoming ragged as he fought for breath and his stomach tightened as he struggled to maintain control over his body. His mind was reeling and Alex's every touch seemed to be shooting electric currents straight to his throbbing dick and balls. The sensations he had felt while dreaming last night were nothing in comparison to what he was experiencing now. Zach groaned, louder this time and he opened his eyes staring straight into Alex's eyes, a pleading look on his face, although Zach wasn't sure anymore if he was begging for Alex to stop or to continue.

Alex stared back into Zach's pleading, begging eyes for only a moment. Then he slowly, deliberately took the soapy wash cloth and ran it over Zach's aching balls, up his throbbing shaft to the very tip and back down again in a slow, firm, sensual stroke. Zach whimpered and would have collapsed if Jason had not taken an even firmer grip on him, pulling him back against his chest to hold him upright and steady. Zach squeezed his eyes shut and sucked his breath in sharply, his stomach tightening even more. And then his entire body gave one huge, long spasm as he began shooting long, thick streams of come, the first shot actually splattering him in the face. Alex and Jason's eyes both went wide at the force and intensity of Zach's orgasm.

Zach's body continued to shake for quite awhile after his climax and his breathing remained ragged for several minutes. Slowly, he started to come back to himself, his mind regaining coherence and rational thought once again. Still trembling slightly, he reopened his eyes, a sheepish expression on his face as he looked at the two brothers and slowly started to turn a bright crimson with a deep blush of embarrassment.

Jason grinned back at Zach, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "Wow! You're quite a sharp shooter there Zach! I think you might need to register that weapon or something."

Alex started snorting with laughter even as Zach turned even brighter red. Alex quickly finished washing Zach, even taking the time to wash his hair for him. Zach tried to avoid looking either of them in the eye for the duration, but he did notice that Alex had gotten hard and even Jason looked a little thicker and longer than when they had started and that made him feel at least a little better. Not much, but a little.

Zach and Alex finished up and exited the shower leaving Jason to finish his own shower. Zach allowed himself to be dried by Alex and to Alex's amazement, even docilely allowed Alex to give him another shave to the accompaniment of Jason's off key singing. Finally finished, Alex and Zach hobbled back to Alex's bed where Zach collapsed gratefully. Sighing in contentment, Zach burrowed down into the covers, snuggled into the pillows and dreamily watched as Alex pulled on some boxers and a pair of sweats.

Alex finished dressing, flipped on the TV and climbed into bed next to Zach enfolding him in his arms. Zach happily snuggled in closer to Alex, smiling up at him gratefully, and then unexpectedly kissing him. "I love you Alex," he said simply, sincerely, the love clear in his eyes.

Alex smiled in return, hugging him even tighter and kissing Zach gently. "I love you too," he said, absently brushing the hair out of Zach's eyes. Already those blue eyes, the eyes that Alex could drown in for hours at a time, were beginning to droop in sleepiness. Alex watched as Zach drifted off to sleep, a contented smile on his sleeping face. Alex's own smile was tender as he gently kissed Zach's forehead, holding him close. He absently started rubbing Zach's chest in light lazy circles as he alternated between watching TV and staring at the sleeping Zach. He wished this moment would last forever.

To Be Continued.

I want to thank everyone who has written. The responses I have received have been phenomenal. You guys are the best! If I have missed responding to any of you, I really am sorry. Drop me a line if you feel so inclined and let me know what you think or ask me any questions. I'll try to respond to all of you. You can email me at Greg

Next: Chapter 7

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