Ali Baba Baths

Published on May 8, 2011


The Ali Baba Baths By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I had the misfortune of graduating from college in a bad year when jobs were both rare and hard to get. I found out about a teaching position at the Manhattan School for Boys. It was a good school. It paid new teachers poorly, but I needed something. I had been a science major at a college and the school's Science Master, had keeled over dead after 40 years of service. They needed someone quickly and I was available. New York was an expensive city even in 1904. I found a room at Mrs. Johnsons' Rooming House and could eat for free in the school's dining hall.

The room in Mrs. Johnson's did not include a bath, so I would need to find a place to bathe. The City had Public Baths, but these were quite distant. While wandering around on a Saturday, I found the Ali Baba Turkish Bath just three blocks from my room and located on the way to my school.

I gave it a try. The owner purported to be named Omar and he wore a turban. While I very well could have been more Turkish than he was, Omar was a big, cheerful man and was willing to let me in for a quarter. The Ali Baba was small, but clean and had a pool in the basement of the place. I loved to swim and this feature attracted me.

Omar gave me a towel and turned me over to his assistant, Murad to show me around. I went to a locker room and stored my clothes in a well-ventilated locker and then to the bath itself. The baths possessed a feature that was new to me, a shower bath. The water came from nozzles on the ceiling and was like taking a bath in warm rain. I liked this lot. After this I went to a steam room and then to the pool on the lower level.

This was an all male bath, and everyone was nude except for the towels. While some men covered their privates, a few seemed to be unconcerned about their nakedness. This was quite new to me, but struck me as being very modern and new. I returned a few days later and enjoyed the place a second time. This time Murad was taking the fees and Omar took me around. Most of the members were older men, but all seemed affable and pleasant.

Omar was a hairy, bear of a man who knew everyone and introduced me to many. At first, it was odd to be introduced to naked men, but I soon got use to that.

A quarter for each visit would easily become expensive on my tight budget. I spoke to Omar and explained my situation. He said he had a special deal if I paid a dollar a week, I could have unlimited visits to the baths. I had almost nothing to do in my spare time, so the chance to swim regularly was attractive.

I wanted to agree, but I was afraid that was still too expensive. Omar leaned close to me. "This may sound odd, but if you were to stay nude except for drying off as you leave, I could reduce the fee to 75 cents a week," he said. I must have had a puzzled look on my face. "The older men like handsome young men like you to look at," he explained. I wasn't sure about that but I could afford 75 cents. It was a deal.

Teaching school was very demanding and the school was demanding too. While the paid me little, they demanded much. My late predecessor, Mr. Brown, had last updated the curriculum in the 1880s, so I had to start from scratch. Several of the students were greatly appreciative of my efforts. I did demonstrations of Electricity and the telephone and the students appreciated my explanatiosn of these modern marvels. The workload was great and the ability to relax at the Ali Baba baths was a godsend for me. I could get away from the school and relax.

After I had been going to the baths for two weeks I noticed that fewer and fewer men were wearing towels and most were now naked. This was new to me, but not unattractive. I had lived in a small town in southern Vermont were everyone was fully dressed all the time. In the cold winter we buried ourselves in heavy clothes. I rarely saw my father without a tie and vest.

In the summer, I had gone skinny dipping in the millpond with other boys, but truthfully I had never seen an adult males privates before the Ali Baba Baths. Much to my surprise, the adult male organ excited me in unexpected ways. I also noted that my own equipment seem to be generously scaled. Frankly, the hot temperatures in the baths showed my equipment to advantage. The cold temperature of the Millpond shriveled them up. My hand could easily insure modesty at the pond, but was quite inadequate to the task here.

I had assumed all genitals were about the same. The most cursory look around the steam room of the baths indicated male organs were greatly varied in size and character. This rather intrigued me.

By the third week visiting the baths, I discovered my own genitals had intrigued several of the older members. Most of these men were unmarried, older working men or businessmen with little to do at night or in their spare time. Most of them were most regular in their habits and were at the baths when I was there.

At first, they covered their privates. As they got use to me, they left their genitals exposed. By the third week, they fondled themselves discretely. Their privates began to firm up and grow. I was surprised that some quite modest organs could be quite impressive when excited. My own organ tended to respond to the excitement.

I was embarrassed, but the men sitting next to me had no problem with that at all. Indeed, I notice several men were not as relaxed as they had been. It would be incorrect to say I was a complete innocent. I had a friend growing up, Bobby, with whom I had experimented. This consisted of looking at each other's organs and actually touching them once and a while.

Bobby discovered what was then called the solitary vice and told me about it. Actually, he did a demonstration. I was greatly excited seeing this, but I assumed that it was particular to him. I couldn't believe my own organ might perform the same way. A week later, I found out otherwise. It was a revelation.

Unfortunately, Bobby's parents sent him to a boarding school, and I was left alone. My Father was the schoolmaster, so I had few close friends. My father taught Greek and Latin and did not approve of my interest in modern science. He seemed to think that electricity was a passing fancy, and disapproved of steam-powered engines. This caused considerable turmoil as my interests in science deepened.

Curiously, my scientific interests included no interest in girls or women. My mother was a semi-invalid. While I loved her, I tended to think of women as impossibly fragile things demanding constant care. I think my father found comfort and solace in the Classics. I found it in the exciting world of modern science.

I was slightly aware of men such as Oscar Wilde, but I never associated with artistic types or the very clever, stylish and witty men at college. I spent much of my time in the laboratories at school, with like-minded men such as myself.

The men at the Ali Baba were not much like Mr. Wilde. They were sober, hardworking men much engaged in business pursuits. Since I knew these men either naked or wearing a towel, I had no real idea of their social status. Clothes make the man, they say. They don't actually make the man, but they surely cover him up, and create an image. Naked you can't tell if a man is a laborer or a millionaire.

One evening, I was sitting on a marble bench in the steam room between Alonzo, a beefy banker, and Karl, a cabinetmaker.

Omar came in. "Is everything fine here?" he asked.

"Things could not be better," Karl responded. He was at half-staff, as was I. Alonzo had been playing with his fore skin. "The temperature is perfect."

Omar wore a robe of vaguely mid eastern character. Somehow, his belt gave way and the robe opened. I was sitting on a bench and his genitals were at eye level. He too was at half-staff. Omar was unconcerned about the exposure. I must confess his semi-erect cock did nothing to diminish my excitement nor Alonzo's or Karl's.

"This is a nice quiet night here," Omar said. "Everyone here is an old friend; they are very friendly men."

I was staring directly at his cock and saw the head was entirely exposed. His cock head was large, apricot sized and had a wide slit. There was no collar of skin at the back of the knob, and I realized he was circumcised. I had never seen a circumcised cock before.

Karl reached over and stroked my member. "Omar has a nice one, doesn't he?" he asked.

"We are all men here," Alonzo added. "I must admit, I admire a well equipped man."

I managed to say, "It is impressive." No one had touched my cock since Bobby and that had been more than a decade earlier. It would have been an understatement to say I was uneasy, but unexpectedly, I was far more excited than uneasy. While I wasn't sure I wanted to continue, I very much didn't want it to stop.

In some ways, the odd combination of desire and fear paralyzed me. Karl's hand stroking my cock generating feelings of great pleasure. I continued to stare at Omar's organ. It continued to grow to full erection and Omar took a step closer. It was all but in my face. I had no idea what to do, or indeed, what I wanted to do.

As it turned out, Karl, Alonzo and Omar knew what I wanted as did the other men in the room. They all knew what I wanted. Omar took another step forward. "Open your mouth," he said. I obeyed. Alonzo moved and his mouth engulfed my cock as my mouth engulfed Omar's huge cock head. As my lips encircled his knob, a wave of pleasurable feelings swept over me. It wasn't a wave; it was more like a tidal wave of sensation.

Looking back, I would have thought that having my first sexual experience in a public bathhouse surrounded by men I barely knew would have been shocking and frightening. It was quite the opposite. I had no expectations or understanding of sex at all. Everyone else in the room was more experienced and willing to guide and help me.

This may sound like the heartless old rake deflowering a virgin, but that wasn't the case. I got much more from them, than I gave them, or at least that was the way it seemed to me. I later found out more about the Ali Baba baths.

Omar owned the baths, but he was a wealthy man who treated the baths as a hobby. He could pick and chose who joined the baths and he could get rid of any undesirable elements. He liked men who were affable, pleasant and of course interested in sexual pleasure. Most of all he wanted men who could give pleasure as well as receive it.

Later, Omar told me he liked men who could both play the active and passive role. He felt that men who had taken a cock were better able to understand what the bottom felt as the mounted them. This was a preference, not a rule. Some men were magnificent tops; others were complete bottoms. Omar also felt sharing he taste of your personal cock juices was a beautiful thing. "It is the only truly edible thing a man makes," he explained. Of course some men found it difficult to take sperm; Omar understood.

"Men are most complex," Omar said, "It is the total man that counts, not just a collection of personal preferences and tastes." Omar told me some men were resistant to the joys of man sex. "Some have been brought up to regard any pleasure as unhealthy or evil. It is very hard to get them to accept pleasure as a part of human life."

I was definitely not one of those men. I loved it the second I made contact with Omar's beautiful organ. I did not anticipate the overwhelming nature of the emotions, indeed I wasn't aware emotions could be that strong. Alonzo's tongue bath of my cock was good, but my own tongue's exploration of Omar's genitals was even more so.

Omar was a big, gorilla of a man, but every movement of my tongue against his cock caused a reaction. He twitched, shivered and moaned. This excited me further. This crude man had a tender and responsive cock. I felt most appreciated.

At first, I concentrated on Omar's impressive cock head. His organ was too thick for me to take much of the shaft. The head had a well-defined edge, and this was the most tender part of the organ, so I licked it. This induced shivers of pleasure in Omar's massive body. Eventually my tongue encountered his wide slit. I think I was afraid I might taste urine there, but it was fine. I got my tongue into it and licked the inside of his cum tunnel.

After a while, I began to taste something sweet. This tasted good and soon I seemed to sucking it out of his balls. It was lovely. I had encountered precum for the first time and I loved it.

"Can't hold back any more!" Omar cried. Suddenly he spurted huge globs of semen into my mouth. I had once tasted Bobby's on a dare, so I knew what it tasted like. I had collected Bobby's from a puddle on his gut. Omar's was fresh from his balls, hot and almost steamy. Sperm doesn't taste that good to me, but when served directly from his balls and spurting through his cock, I liked it. It was intensely masculine.

We broke a part, but Karl kissed me. I was shocked, but he got his tongue in my mouth and sampled Omar's cock juices. A little later, I was sucking Karl's cock as a man I didn't know sucked me. Karl's cock was long, but comparatively thin and I could take the entire organ into my mouth, this was very exciting. A minute later Karl began to shiver, and his balls released his man seed. As this happened I began to shoot. I didn't have time to warn the man sucking me, but that wasn't necessary. He gobbled my seed as if it were a rare delicacy.

We all calmed down after this. I was still a bit dizzy; the men seemed to know that and were kind. "You did that very well," Omar said.

"I don't know what got into me," I replied.

"Well as long as it gets into you regularly, that will be good enough for us," the man who had been sucking me said. "My name is Augustus, by the way."

"I am Walter," I replied. "I should have warned you. I've never done that before."

"You are a virgin?"

I nodded. "Well hot damn," Augustus replied. "I'm not sure I have ever taken a load from a man on his maiden voyage before. You were very good. Let me predict you are a natural in the sexual arts! "

"When I first saw you I had a good feeling about you," Omar said. "You fit in so well."

Augustus cradled me in his arms as another man I didn't know came over and began to suck my semi-erect cock.

"You don't need to do that!" I exclaimed.

Augustus and Omar laughed. "Tibor doesn't need to do that, he enjoys it," Omar said. "Your cock was still drooling the remains of your orgasm. It is better to lick it up from the spigot, than to wipe it up from the floor. It is a rule of bath hygiene."

"Well, if it keeps it neat," I muttered. I later found out that was only partly true. It did indeed keep the place cleaner and semen is indeed slippery. Tibor was actually testing to see if I could get erect again. He was very skilled in the oral arts, and soon had me fully erect.

I had planned to go home after my orgasm, but they talked with me, a kept me there until I was ready to go again. In many ways, the men seemed to know more about what I wanted than I did. I thought I wanted a quiet walk home and then go to bed. Once I was erect, again I wanted more cock. The steam room had six or seven men there when I first connected. Now there were perhaps a dozen or more. All were interested in me.

Frankly, I was interested in them. In my brief time with Omar, Alonzo and Karl I realized male genitals were greatly varied as were the ways a man could stimulate the organ. I had assumed the male penis was similar to the finger. Both were long, thin projections. While a finger can be long and thin, or short and stubby, this does not affect the handshake and a short fingers can feel as well a long ones.

Sucking Omar's thick and massive organ was very different from taking Karl's long, thin organ. I could take Karl's entire organ into my mouth, while I could only get a portion of Omar's member. Omar oozed his sweet cock juices as soon as my lips touched his knob. Karl's juices began to flow only immediately before his climax. Omar's orgasm began with an almost volcanic eruption, followed by a continuous flow of his manly juices. Karl shot off in ten or twelve well-defined volleys.

I like each approach in its own way, and I was eager to find out if the other men had even more varied sexual anatomy. I wanted to know more about the other men in the room. They wanted to know more about me. It was a near prefect arrangement. Several men took turns sucking my cock; others fed me their organs. I soon realized a steady diet of man cock and men's juices was more than acceptable to me.

Next: Chapter 2

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