Alices Date

By SnowHarper

Published on Nov 7, 2014


Alice's Date (F/F, D/s BD, Spanking, Toys, Consensual) by SnowHarper 2014 =============================================================================== Alice's Date Chapter 1 =============================================================================== Alice stood in front of her mirror doing her daily stretches. It was not that she was into yoga or anything but for 10 years she was into ballet and simply continued the stretching exercises even though she gave up dancing almost four years ago. Looking up Alice could not help but release a sigh of frustration. Standing at only 5'4 and weighing 115 pounds, she looked more like the 15-year-old ballerina she used to be. She had yet to fully round out and was still an B Cup so from the neck down she still looked like a young girl. Her face was the one thing Alice was proud of. With long blonde hair running all the way down her back, bright green eyes and a beautiful mouth she was often told she had the face of a model.However Alice didn't feel that way. Here she was at the start of winter break, halfway through her senior year, and she never felt more alone. Her parents had left earlier that evening to go to a seminar in Boston, where they both grew up, and now she had the house to herself of the whole week. Not that it made any difference. Alice's subdivision, like many other subdivisions in Phoenix, was populated mainly with retirees. In fact Alice's only true friend was Kim who was expected to arrive within the hour for a sleepover and have some fun without considering a curfew. Not that a curfew had ever caused a problem for the girls in the past. But going to an all girls school takes away much of the excitement of being a teenager. In fact at eighteen Alice has yet to kiss a boy, and was the reason that caused much of the recent rift between them.Before they were inseparable and had no secrets between them. Alice even told her how her parents were the anonymous leaks about the university' s true research for the military. The official story was they were studying the effects of long-term fatigue on the human body. However being as anti war as they are, her parents did not believe it and were able to acquire some reports that showed they were researching the effectiveness of several interrogation techniques. Well you can imagine how embarrassed the school and military were when the true purpose was made public. The school said accepting the grant was a mistake and pulled out of the several year research program but they were still very interested in finding out who released the information. Alice's father, the activist he is, was one of the suspects however they had nothing linking him to the crime scene. He always had a secret laugh at this since he worked with my mother on the crime and all of the physical evidence they had was hers. So long as they did not suspect she was involved they were in the clear.However this started to change several months ago when Kim was starting seeing Dahvie, her first boyfriend, and started having experiences they could not share. It seemed overnight all she talked about was Dahvie this and Dahvie that.However Alice could not understand why Kim continued to date him. Yes he was cute and paid attention to her but he has this evil vibe to him and seems to be very much outside of normal teen behavior even accounting for his Goth image. Every time Alice tried to talk to Kim about this she would get defensive and claim that she was just jealous a good looking guy was interested in her. She has even started to dress Goth herself and hang more with his friends. Suddenly Alice felt like Kim was keeping secrets from her and they were drifting apart. That is what this weekend was supposed to help fix. Alice made a commitment to myself to accept Kim's new life, Dahvie and his friends and was going to be supportive.Upon hearing the doorbell Alice broke her trance and made her way to the front door. "Freedom " yelled Alice as she opened the door her face going from excitement to disappointment. Standing outside was Kim followed by Dahvie and Susan all dressed in their Goth gear."Hello Alice," Susan replied with a smile on her face as they walked past her and into the living room.Tonight was just supposed to be just the two of them, and she was supposed to be going out with Dahvie tomorrow. Now instead of goofing off like old times Kim would be hanging on her boyfriend and she would be stuck entertaining Susan. Out of all his friends she rubbed Alice the worst. She was always looking for the advantage and always wanting the control the show."Alice, a change in plans," Kim said excitedly. "Susan's cousin has access to this great party tonight and she can get all of us in."

"A party, who's throwing it?" inquired Alice."It's being held at the old Hamlet Dinner Club" interjected Susan. The owners son, a friend of my cousin, is throwing the rave."

"I don't know," replied Alice. "If we get busted and we have to contact your parents they will go nuts."

" Don't worry not just anyone can get in" replied Kim. "That's why we need you. He is keeping entry tight and only people he knows and their friends are going to be allowed in. However Susan's cousin doesn't want to go without a date and we thought you could be that date."

"You want to set me up with S usan's cousin so you can get into a party," said Alice with a bit of hesitation in her voice."That's pretty much it," answered Susan still unable to wipe the smile off of her face. "But don't worry she's great."

"She!!!," Alice screamed. "You want to set me up with a girl so the three of you can get into a lousy party. I mean would you have actually bothered to ask me to go if you did not need me as your perverted party gift. No, you're going to have to find another girl to be your ticket in. Alice's tirade ending with her bursting into tears and running to her room.How could Kim even think of asking me to do that though Alice, but the answer was simple, her mom. Ever since we started high school she would start telling us stories about her college years or her `lesbian years' as she called them. The wild things she and her friends used to do and how her only regret was not starting earlier. Not that she wasn't happy with my father it was something she wanted at the time and was young enough to do it. In a way I think my mom wanted me to follow in her footsteps. As a child she enrolled me in ballet, not may boys in ballet and when it was time for me to go to high school it was the Kennith Academy for Girls. Actually it was Kim's parents that wanted to send her there, to keep her away from the pressures of being around boys, they are very controlling that way. And since we had become such good friends in the nine years of ballet together I wanted to go there too. Not that her parents liked me being her friend, no my parents were too liberal for there tastes but we were close. When I mentioned it to my parents my father laughed at my conservative choice but my mother was very supportive and was actually excited about my choice. I didn't think much about it then but my mom started going into detail about her experiences and how it is important to keep and open mind and try different things. Not that she talked much about boys. Kim always though it was funny and kept teasing me about how I could not make my mom happier then to have her walk in on the two of us going at it. No Kim knew these stories and how much I didn't care for them. She had no right to ask this of me.With a quite knock on the door Kim poked her head inside the room and saw Alice crying on her bed. "Alice are you okay? Look I'm sorry for the way Susan told you about Nicole, she sometimes doesn't take into account the feelings of others," said Kim as she sat at the edge of the bad and stroked Alice's hair."Kim that request was way out of line. This was supposed to be our night together to talk and have some fun. Instead you bring Dahvie and that bitch here to ask me to date some girl."

"Alice I do want to spend tonight with you and I still want to sleep here after the party. Its just Dahvie called with news of this party and from the sound of it, it is going to be great, free drinks music and it's being held in an old club so it is going to be like those Hollywood parties we keep hearing celebrities getting in trouble at. Anyway I told him I was hanging out with you tonight and he said that was perfect because we needed to find a date for Susan's cousin if we were going to get in and after hearing the stories about your mother."

"Kim you know I'm not like her. Because of her dam stories I'm labeled a lesbian," said Alice as she sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Besides you know I'm not interested in girls. I want a boyfriend and I don't want my first date ever to be with a girl. We go to an all girls' school, there are no boys in this neighborhood and the only guy who knows I exist is your boyfriend Dahvie. My life is socially awkward enough. I don't need this on top of that. "

"Alice it's just pretend," said Kim grabbing hold of Alice's hands. " You have been saying we never do anything that is worth remembering. Well this will be a conversation piece. So you go with us to the party and hang with Susan's cousin no big deal."

"But it will be me doing it not you" countered Alice.The host doesn't live anywhere near hear so none of our schoolmates should be there. If anyone questions it just tell them the two of you are just hanging out. Besides you are going out East for college so nothing will follow you anyway."Well I still don't like the idea of a girl trying to get intimate with me," replied Alice."If she tries anything just shut her down, tell her you just met and you want to be sure before doing anything serious. Just tell her you're not that type of girl."

"Oh or better yet," stated Kim as she jumped off of the bed. "Remember how we used to kid about how Kathy and Gwen are such cock teases. Always pretending to be interested in guys on just so they could double date and get a free dinner and movie."

"Ya so..., " replied Alice."So since this is just a pretend date why not do the same. I mean we used to joke about going to parties and stringing some guys along just for the fun of it. You could do it tonight."

"Kim we where just saying things for the fun of it. I don't think I could string someone along."

"Yes you could. Alice none of us expect you to doing anything more then fake an interest in her. Play up the tease and have some fun with it. Come on it would be fun."

"I still don't like it."

"Alice please I need you there. When I drink I loose control and Dahvie is getting a little demanding. I don't know how far I want to go with him and I would love to talk about it with you after the party. Besides you can tell me how your date went, I hear she's rich and if looks anything like Susan well..." Kim said with a smile on her face. "If you want me to do something like this she better be rich and beautiful,"

Alice said with a giggle and wiping her eyes. "Just remember you own me big time and if I want to leave we leave no questions or complaining and above all else no one can ever hear of this, especially my mother."

"But it would make her so happy," said Kim trying not to laugh."You're not helping your argument," growled Alice."Okay I swear not to tell another living soul." Said Kim"She'll do it," shouted Kim as they walked back into the living room." Terrific," replied Susan. "Now we just need to get you dressed for the occasion."

"I really do not have anything Goth," replied Alice hoping to get away without having to dress like the others."Well it's more of a fantasy party than a Goth party, sort of Halloween in December. Since you are going on a first date I think you should dress to impress. You go to that private school so I think the innocent little schoolgirl look would be perfect." Replied Susan grabbing Alice's arm and leading her and Kim to her room as Dahvie settled in front of the TV.Ten minutes latter Alice was standing in front of Kim and Susan in her school uniform, which consisted of a white long sleeve blouse, black vest, red tie, red and black plaid pleated skirt, white knee socks and black dress shoes. "Well what do you think," asked Alice while striking a pose, "acceptable party material."

"Is that the standard skirt length ", inquired Susan."We go to an all girls school so there are no worries about us flashing boys so the rule is the skirt has to reach the end of your pinkie and its tradition to wear your skirt no longer than that. Why do you think Alice and I are so comfortable in short skirts," explained Kim as she showed off her flared black mini."Really, and they complain the public schools are getting too sexy," laughed Susan. "However it still looks too normal, we need a more fantasy schoolgirl look. Do you have any stockings?"

"I have a pair of white mid thigh stay ups from my cousins wedding," replied Alice." Great get them," ordered Susan."Alice can you still fit into a size 1," inquired Kim. "If so you could try one of your older uniforms; do you still have any from your freshman year?"While technically a size 3 now Alice could still squeeze into a size 1. However while she had yet to round out in the hips she had grown several inches taller these past four years and her breasts had grown a little making her old cloths a little short and tight. But be that as it may she pulled out one of my nicer freshman uniforms and started to undress. The stockings went on easily and ended about mid thigh. The skirt had an elastic hem and while stretched it still fit but the growth sprit had shorten its length. Instead of ending at her fingertips it now stopped at her palms. The shirt was a little tight but she was still able to button it up however it ended two inches before the skirt, again the growth sprit. She put on one of her old school tie's, which now ended above her belly button, and slid on the vest. The vest itself was made of a thicker material and had very little give so while the rest of the uniform stretched to cover her slightly bigger frame it was a struggle to put on. Alice had to exhale and quickly start buttoning from the bottom and the fact that the vest had eight buttons was both a blessing and a curse. It meant that she had to fight with a lot of buttons but after finishing she did not have to worry about the vest looking like it was going to explode.Walking to the mirror Alice was shocked by the image she presented. Expecting to see an image of her squeezed into a uniform that looked comically too small she was shocked at the image before her of a woman wearing an extremely sexy school uniform. All of her issues with her body were gone. The vest clung like a corset and compressed giving her an hourglass figure. However the vest was a little looser in the bust and made her look like C cup boobs. The skirt was short and she would have to watch her steps carefully and if she bent over any one behind me would see a bright white moon. But thanks to the vest and flair of the skirt she now had an ass. And legs, which were punctuated by the stockings giving an extremely sexy look to them. In this costume she not only had the face of a model but had the body of one as well."Now that is more fantasy," stated Susan as she walked around Alice."I feel like the school slut wearing this," said Alice unable to look away from the mirror. "This skirt is so short you can see the tops of the stockings and the curve of my butt."

"Well we want to make a good first impression," replied Susan as slid her hands over the snug vest. "But it still seems to be missing something. Do you have any high heels, preferably four inches?"

"Your moms stilettos," shouted Kim as she hurried out of the room.As Alice was wobbling back to the living room Kim grabbed her hand and said, "thanks for going through with this for me. And if makes you feel any better you look HHHHOOOOOOTTTTTTT."

"Actually it does make me feel better," replied Alice. You're my best friend and I'd do anything for you, even if it means dressing like this and going on a date with a girl. I just hope she doesn't get the wrong impression."

"Dressed like that there is only one impression your giving," said Kim with a smile. "Just have fun. Every guy in the place will be eyeing you and you'll be safe. You are there with your girlfriend. You can do what ever you want and no one will touch you."

" Except for her," replied a worried Alice."Please, so you get felt up by a girl," said Kim as she cupped Alice's breasts. "We checked each other out when we were twelve. What is the harm in it?"

"Quite playing around you two, remember she's taken," ordered Susan, "we have a party to get to. Dahvie get up we're ready to go."It was a thirty-minute drive to the Mesa district and all the while Alice just kept thinking that she must be insane for doing this. First I'm going out on a date with a girl I have never met and I have absolutely no interest in girls. Second I'm dressed like a schoolgirl going on stripper for a first date with a girl I never met before. I cannot think of any situation that I would feel OK dressing like this and yet here I am going to a party to meet a blind date. Lastly this sounds like it is going to be a wild party and outside of Kim I know no one. If I was meeting a guy I had no interest in or going somewhere people would recognize me I would never in a million years agree to wear this. So why did I agree to wear it for a rave and to meet a girl.Looking out the window Alice could see why they are so clam about being caught. The Mesa district was recently bought out by eminent domain and all of the businesses are closed. The club itself will be torn down just after the New Year and hence why the host is unconcerned about it getting messed up.As Dahvie parked the car Alice could see that Susan was right about the style of dress for the party. The people ranged from Goth to leather to just plain fantasy and a number of the girls are dressed just as scantily as her. However everyone else looks to have either followed a dark theme or bright club wear. Alice was the only one that seems to have gone for the sexy innocent look.As they walk to the door Alice was thankful they live in Phoenix. The summers may be hot but the winters are very mild. And considering her exposure she very thankful something is going my way tonight.With the music playing and the drinks flowing Alice's nerves settled down a bit and she started to enjoy my time with Kim and surprisingly also with Susan and Dahvie. However she could not shake the feeling that Susan was hiding something."Lets dance," shouted Kim as she pulled Alice to the dance floor."Having a good time," Alice asked and they swayed to the music."The best,"

replied Kim. "Thanks for agreeing to come we haven't been out together in a while. Are you nervous about meeting your date?"

"Well ya. I don't know the first thing about how I'm supposed to act. I mean am I supposed to be the boy or the girl? Is there supposed to be a boy?"

"I can't help you there. Maybe we can call your mother for some advice," said Kim as she grabbed Alice' s hands to keep her from hitting her. Just pretend to be a vixen out for a night on the town and let her do the work. Who cares what she thinks. Or do you want this to be more than a one night thing?" Kim said with a smile."I' m not interested in it even being a one night thing" breaking her hands free from Kim's grip. "Tomorrow I switch back to the home team. But at least Dahvie and Susan are opening up to me. So far tonight Dahvie has not been showing any of his usual bad traits towards me."

"I'm glad, but just remember he is mine, so hands off," replied Kim as she moved in close behind Alice and started grinding.Alice chuckled at the thought and just closed her eyes any swayed to the music."Your date has arrived and your presence is needed at the table," said Dahvie cutting in between the two girls.

Alice's Date Chapter 2

=============================================================================== With that statement reality struck. Turning towards the table Alice could see a new girl sitting with Susan, both staring at her expectantly. Alice turned to look at Kim who was now dancing with Dahvie. She turned, smiled at me and mouthed `good luck' as she was pulled back in with Dahvie. Taking a deep breath and putting on a very flirty smile Alice started a to walk to her date. As she approached Susan's cousin did not even try to hide her stare, a real huntress.Reaching the table Susan's cousin stood up and Alice was finally able to get the full view of her date for tonight. They where right, she is beautiful and looked to be about 5'10" with straight black hair that reached her shoulders. She was wearing a tight black leather vest showing off the tops of what looked to be C cup breasts and giving a great view of her cleavage. Her black leather pants where tight and displayed her curves nicely and the chain belt and black knee high leather boots finished off her outfit nicely. She did not look like a Goth; no she looked like a sexy biker chick."Alice I would like to introduce you to my cousin Nicole," said Susan as Alice stopped in front of her date."Pleased to meet..." was all Alice was able to get out before Nicole placed her hands on each side of her face and leaned in for a soft kiss."The pleasure is all mine," said Nicole as she slid her hands down the length of Alice's arms to grab her hands. " When Susan told me you looked as beautiful as Little Mermaid I thought she was joking but now I can see it for my self."Flustered, Alice just stood their open mouth and in shock, her body frozen in place as she tried to contemplate what just happen. She kissed me. No hello no pleased to meet you just bam thought Alice. My first kiss! And within a minute of our first date, my first date! How could she just come out and kiss me without saying a word to me first.Shaking her head to clear her thoughts. "Thanks for the comparison," replied Alice her mind trying to break free of the trance. "My mom keeps joking that if all else fails I can always get a job working as her impersonator."

"I tell you what; why don't you go to the bar and get us some drinks so I can see the view from the back. Then we can sit and get to know each other, " stated Nicole as she patted her butt and give a wink.Alice could only stare at her after hearing that statement. View me from the back thought Alice. What is this a date or is she looking to buy a car. The nerve of that girl, I'm not a servant she can order around. However if she wants to get the rear view I will give her the rear view, let her see what she cannot have. Yes I 'll play the tease and leave her high and dry at the end of the night." Susan can you help me," inquired Alice as she started to sway her hips walking to the bar. Crossing her legs and leaning over the top of the old bar exposing her panties she looked over her shoulder to see Nicole focused on her rear with that same predatory look when she first saw her approach and flashed her a smile before turning back to Susan"You didn't tell me she was so aggressive."

"You didn't ask," replied Susan as she finished grabbing two beers and started filling a glass from the punch bowl."Try this," said Susan handing the glass to Alice.Alice just stared at the glass. "I have never drank before" said Alice"Don't worry, its just a mixture Joe over there made up,"

Susan replied to the unasked question. "Its just cranberry juice and vodka. It'll take the edge off and help you deal with my cousin."

"Ok" Alice smiled and took a drink. Not bad thought Alice as she took another larger drink from the glass. "Filler her back up, I'll need all the courage I can get," she said with a laugh.Susan smiled as she refilled the glass. As she thought to herself, yep just Cranberry juice, vodka and liquid Ecstasy.Alice grabbed the glass and one of the beers "wish me luck, I'm going back in."Yes you are going in thought Susan as she watched Alice sway her way back to the booth. The poor girl does not know what she is playing with. Does she think she can get the upper hand by being the tease? Nicole is a horny girl not some hormone infused horny boy. All that strutting is just going to get you in deeper and deeper and if all does well tonight you are not coming back out.As Alice was walking her hart began pounding and she started to break out into a sweat. Calm down she said to herself. She may be aggressive but she is still a girl, what can she do to you. Just play along and milk it with Kim for the rest of your life. What Alice did not know was that she was already starting to feel the effects of the Ecstasy and her body was beginning to desire physical contact just as her mind was becoming less willing the maintain controlled thought."Here you are Ma'am, I hope you like it," Alice said with a smile as she placed the beer in front of Nicole."Oh I like it and thanks for the drink, I must say that outfit is hot," complemented Nicole as she took the bottle and guided Alice into the booth next to her.The touch started a strange tingling throughout her body and for a moment Alice lost her train of thought. "Thank you. Its actually an old school uniform," trying to suppress the physical sensations she was starting to feel."You're kidding! You mean to tell me you've worn that to school!"

"Well yes and no. It's an older uniform and I have grown a little since then and the stockings and heals are defiantly not regulation."

"What a shame if I got to look at you I would definitely not miss a day of school," said Nicole as she placed her hand on Alice's bare thigh.The touch was electric and caused Alice to once again loose her train of thought. Taking another drink from her glass she tried to remove the distraction from her mind."Like I said this uniform is a little small. The vest is so tight I cannot wait until I can pry it off," Alice nervously said as she twisted to stop that warming sensation from Nicole's hand." Well perhaps I can help with that a little later," replied Nicole as she took her hand off her thigh and started to rub her breast through the vest. " Either way I bet the boys really appreciate it."

"Oh I go to an all girls school," replied Alice brushing her hair away from her face and pushing Nicole' s hand away in the process."Wow this story keeps getting better," exclaimed Nicole. "So may girls so little time. I'm surprised you agreed to come out and meet me."

"Well it sounds better than it is. The school would not like me going around grabbing the other girls and I do not attempt to try and pick any of the up."

"So they let you dress sexy, but try to act on it and the fires of hell are brought down on you?"

"Not really. Like I said its all girls so the school lacks on the dress code not on our behavior. However we still have our ways of pushing the boundaries. Like the `no panties' days."

" Your not serious."Oh yes," Alice replied with a smile feeling I was getting the upper hand. Groups of girls will dare each other to go the whole day without underwear. It was originally a form of `undercover' protest but now it is just done for fun."

"How about you any interesting hobbies or activities," Alice inquired as she took another drink."Well I'm as much of an exhibitionist as you but I am a bit of a voyeur," said Nicole as she stared at Alice's thighs. "As for hobbies I'm really into photography, part of my voyeur fetish I guess and Shibari."

"Shibari? I never heard of that."

"Its an old form of Japanese rope art. If you're bad I'll show it to you," explained Nicole with a wink of her eye."

"Why not, today is all about new experiences," replied Alice feeling the effects of her drink. "Do your parents know of your lifestyle?"

"I've known I liked girls since I was 10 and have been in the lifestyle, as you put it since I was 16. My mom and step-dad don't like it but they are both workaholics and have never really been part of my life since they got engaged so they did not have much ground to stand on about the issue. Basically they just ignore the subject so long as I do not embarrass them in front of their friends. My real dad thinks it's a phase and just does his best to ignore it also. How about you do your parents know or are you still in the closet?"Alice had a little chuckle in her head as she thought about the question. "No, I haven't told my parents I'm gay."

"Are they the strict types? Is that why you are at an all girl's school?"

"Oh no the girl's school was my choice. And as for my parents they are actually quite liberal. My mother is always telling me to just be who I am and encouraging me to try new things. She actually convinced me to get my belly button pierced when I turned 16; see," Said Alice as she pulled up her shirt and vest to show a small black an red ring. "In fact my mother dated only girls when she was in college and dated very few men before meeting my dad. So they would have no issue with me bringing home a girl. Its just I haven't dated any so there was no reason to make an announcement."

"Well we will just have to announce it when they get back, I hate having to sneak around," replied Nicole as she moved to place her hands back on Alice's thighs and leaned in for a kiss." Alice let out a small gasp as she felt the sensation of fingers rubbing her thighs and became worried the way her body was responding from Nicole's contact. I'm only pretending to be a lesbian thought Alice. Get control of yourself and stop this touching or you will have some real trouble with this girl. "You seem very sure of yourself," said Alice pushing away Nicole's hands and dodging the kiss by sitting back into the seat."Now you want to play hard to get," replied Nicole as she raised an eyebrow.Alice used the few moments after Nicole's remark to take a deep breath and try to regain control of her emotions. She was having hard enough keeping Nicole at bay an now her own body siding against herself as its yearning for physical contact was greater than her desire for mental control and she started to slowly rub her thighs.Nicole was enjoying the show being put on by Alice mistakenly believing it was for her benefit. However at this moment she wanted to do more than sit back and enjoy the show she wanted to direct it."That is not very polite," whispered Nicole as she pulled Alice's hands off of her thighs. "I mean here we are on a date and as I try and show my attraction to you, you reject my advances and then replace it with your own. Now what do you have to say for yourself?"Alice was embarrassed at being caught doing a very personal thing and by a person who was obviously very interested in her. However her body desired to be touched an it was winning out over her minds desire to control the situation. All her body wanted was to be touched and it did not matter who did it and if it could not be her then anyone's would be acceptable."I'm sorry," mumbled Alice as she raised her head to meet Nicole's glare.With a smile on her face Nicole leaned in and gently kissed Alice's lips. This time Alice accepted the kiss; needed the physical contact. As Nicole grew more aggressive Alice merely went along and attempted to move her hands back on her thighs. Nicole clamped down on her left hand with her right and reached behind Alice with her left. As Alice was preoccupied with Nicole's tongue entering her mouth she did not notice the clicking of the steel cuff around her wrist. Alice broke free of the kiss just as the other cuff was secured to her right wrist."What the hell are you doing," grunted a surprised Alice as she pulled on the cuffs, which seemed to also be attached to the bench."Just making sure you keep your hands out of the way," commented Nicole as she traced her finger from Alice's face to her nipple.Alice stopped her verbal attack and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. Her body still craved a touch and as long as Nicole was playing with her body her mind refused to consider anything else."Now where were we, oh yes I remember," stated Nicole as she leaned back in for a kiss and lowered her hand back in between Alice's legs. This time she probed Alice's mouth as if she owned it and moved her fingers up to Alice's panties and lightly brushed over her wet pussy.Alice simply allowed Nicole to lead with the kiss and opened her legs slightly to give Nicole better access. As the assault progressed Alice forgot where she was, whom she was with and the situation of her captivity. All that mattered was her body was receiving the physical contact it desired. Alice willingly followed Nicole's lead with the kiss and started to work her hips with Nicole' s rubbing.Nicole was worried that perhaps she had misread Alice. That she was not some passive girl excited to be finally living out her dream, but would be really freaked out by being cuffed by a girl that was still a stranger . But even if she had never been on a date before the way she dressed and the way she acted on this blind date showed she was an exhibitionist and interested in girls. However for all of her confidence in her self exposure she didn't make any first moves and seemed reluctant at first, she seemed happy when she was told or made to do something. She had to find out if Alice would be interested in the type of relationship she wanted and was willing to risk it. In the end she was happy she did as Alice accepted her control and started to become compliant with her actions. However even though she was enjoying her new level of authority she knew she had to finish with her acquisition and find out just how far her control reached. Leaning back she waited to start the next phase.It took Alice a few moments to realize that the kiss had stopped and that the fingers were gone. She opened her eyes and stopped moving her hips just as Nicole was finishing up licking her fingers.Alice squirmed a little trying to get some physical contact as she was unsure what to say to Nicole."Now are you okay with telling your parents that you found a girlfriend?" inquired Nicole placing one hand on the side of Alice's face and the other back on her thigh.The physical contact was exactly what Alice craved and desired more of. A simple yes got Nicole hands rubbing again and Alice's mind understood that it had to say what Nicole wanted to hear if her body was to get the stimulation it so badly desired. Promise the world Alice thought and after tonight stay as far away from this girl as possible."That' s very good," replied Nicole as her hand made its way back under Alice's skirt as she leaned in for another kiss.And what a kiss it was, deep, strong and sensual. Alice did not offer any resistance as she opened her mouth the accept Nicole's probing tongue. Then there was the way that Nicole touched her. The gentile tweaking of her nipple and that soft caress on the edge of her panties, oh how she wanted those hands to do more. The physical contact felt so good she was willing to comply with Nicole's demands so long as her skin continued to receive the attention it so desired."Yes, very good," Nicole said as she brush Alice's bangs behind her ears. "You are going to be my little schoolgirl aren't you? An obedient girl that does what she is told. A schoolgirl that listens to her superior and obeys.... A puppet."A puppet Alice screamed in her mind. Is this girl nuts? She has cuffed me to a bench so she can grope me in public on our first date while she plans our future relationship where we are not simply dating but I'm her puppet. She cannot be serious. But that touch, oh that touch. If she wants a puppet fine I'm a puppet at least until I can get away from her."Yes," said Alice breathing heavily as she stared down at Nicole's hand."No that's not good enough," said Nicole sternly as she pinched one of Alice's outer lips.Alice let out a gasp and closed her legs around Nicole's hand."Earlier this evening you referred to me as ma'am so from now on you will address me as any proper schoolgirl addressing her better would. You will refer to me as either ma'am, miss or mistress got it," Nicole's hand ready to inflict a second pinch to Alice's sensitive area."Yes Miss Nicole I understand," replied Alice."Yes much better, now consider me your puppet master, the person that controls your strings," said Nicole as she pushed Alice's legs apart and continued her caress, this time stroking her clitoris."A puppet that can be played with and all on her little strings."Alice could not believe what she was hearing but was too consumed by the feeling she was receiving from the rubbing of her clit.Alice let out a low moan as she settled back into the bench waiting for her first organism at the hands of someone other than herself."In fact I think we should go out again tomorrow night," stated Nicole. "Yes a date for two people excited by the female form. We can start with dinner at Hooters. I have always enjoyed the atmosphere there and it will be great fun watching you flirt with the waitresses. And after we can go to the Sideshow. Have you ever been there?"It took a few moments for Alice to process the question and to shake her head no.You will love it. Sideshow is a lollipop strip club, meaning it does not serve alcohol so the minimum age is 18. And it is high class. We can spend some time taking in the shows and I will even spring for your own lap dance. Nothing is too good for my puppet," explained Nicole.Her idea of a great date is Hooters and a strip club. She is one voyeuristic lesbian thought Alice now leaning into Nicole's hand."I can picture it now. Do you own a leather skirt," inquired Nicole."Yes mistress I have two," replied Alice, as mistress was much easier to say in her current mental state."And do they meet the pinkie rule?"

"One of them does mistress"."Excellent because that is now part of your new dress code. No skirts longer than your pinkie. We will go over the rules for shorts, pants and tops later. But I will tell you they will all now have to be tight."

"Now do you by chance own a pair of over the knee boots?"

"No mistress, but my mother has a pair."

"Well thank goodness for your mother's adventurous sprit. You will just have to borrow them for the night," said Nicole as she slipped her fingers under Alice's panties and into her vagina."Alice's eyes suddenly shot open and she leaned forward from the penetration."Is that what I think I feel," inquired Nicole with a smile on her face. "Your hymen is still in tact. You are just too much. Not only do I get your virginity but I get the honor of breaking your hymen as well. I do have your virginity, right puppet?"This is not how I expected this date to go thought Alice with tears forming in her eyes. I'm not a lesbian; I was only to accompany her at this party so my friend could get in, now here I am held captive by a mad woman who is asking for my virginity.A slight flick of her clit by Nicole's thumb snapped Alice's train of thought." Yes mistress," moaned Alice."Very good but I think I will hold off accepting my prize until later. Remember I will know if you rob me of my treasure," said Nicole as she rubbed Alice's hymen once again.Alice could only stare at Nicole in defeat begging for the orgasm she craved with her eyes."So how is the lovely couple," announce Susan as she arrived with Kim and Dahvie. Susan took a seat next to Nicole and Kim followed by Dahvie sliding in next to Alice.Alice was both happy and sad at there arrival. Happy that she now had a possible escape from her captor and sad that the hand giving her pleasure had slipped from under her skirt and around to her lower back.Kim took her glass of punch on the table and placed her hand on Alice's thigh as she leaned in to whisper into ear. "You really put on a performance. The way the two of you were going at it I though you were planning on going home with her instead of me."

Alice's Date Chapter 3 =============================================================================== "No," Alice shouted a little too loud as she felt Nicole hand slip into the back of her skirt. "I mean I'm leaving with you as soon as you are ready."

"I'll be ready as soon as I finish the punch," replied Kim. "Dahvie is getting a little too aggressive and for some reason I really like it. I don't know if I can hold out much longer."

"But you have to promise me you are not going to try and take advantage of me," Kim shyly said as she started to rub Alice's thigh. I mean you look very interested in Nicole."

"You have nothing to worry about. I will even make out with Dahvie if you want proof," said Alice."Don't take that attitude with me. You try anything with Dahvie and you can find your own way home tonight," replied Kim as she removed her hand and finished her drink. "I need to go to the bathroom, and then we can go. Want to come with me," said Kim as she pushed Dahvie out of the booth to stand up.Alice wanted to go but she was reminded of the hand cuffs by Nicole's gentle patting of her butt. " No I'm going to say good bye to Nicole and we can leave as soon as you get back," replied Alice."Come on Kim I'll go with you," said Susan as she stood up and reached out for Kim's hand to make there way through the crowd." Leaving without me puppet," inquired Nicole."I have to, Kim is spending the night and well we have a number of things to talk about," answered Alice hoping Nicole would not take her to task for not using a formal title in front of Dahvie."We can talk later about tomorrow night," Alice added hoping to appease her. "Just release my hands and give me your phone number and I will give you a call in the afternoon."

"Tell you what I can use a little entertainment and Dahvie here looks like he is still interested in partying so how about you dance with him while I write down the information."That sounds good,"

replied Alice looking from Nicole to Dahvie and relived to finally be getting away from this girl."Just remember whom you are dancing for," Nicole said as she removed her hand from behind Alice and leaned in for a kiss. The kiss lasted for a good minute and during the kiss Nicole used the key to release the cuffs.Once free Alice started to scoot away from Nicole and out of the booth. As soon as she stood up she realized that she moved too fast and was now a little dizzy. Dahvie grabbed her from falling and pulled her to the dance floor.While the tingling of her skin was not as strong as earlier it was still there and Alice was still cooling down from the actions of Nicole' s fingers, she just did not have the will to regain control yet and just swayed to the music dizzy an wanting to fall down but with Dahvie holding her up an he was grinding her from behind.Alice's head was just starting to clear when she suddenly felt Dahvie place his hands over her breasts. Ok enough is enough thought Alice as she reached up and grabbed his hands in an attempted to pull them away. As she pulled on his hands she pressed back to gain leverage and was taken completely off guard when someone grabbed her tie and pulled her forward."You little slut," yelled Kim as she throw Alice to the ground. "You have done nothing but complain about Dahvie since we started dating and as soon as I leave you alone with him you start rubbing up all over him. Why don't you crawl back to your girlfriend bitch!"Alice could only look up as Kim stormed out of the party with Dahvie."Never get in between a girl and her man," said Susan as she helped Alice off of the floor."I have to catch her," cried Alice as she tried to break free of Susan's hold but was to weak an still part drunk."Let them go," replied Susan. You have other obligations."Nicole," shouted Alice. "What are you talking about? I was just being her date for tonight nothing more and if you told me what she was like there is no way I would have agreed to come. That girl is demented on so many levels."

"Now that's not a nice thing to say about your new girlfriend. "

"She is not my girlfriend; I said I would pretend to be interested for one date remember. That girl is a freak and needs therapy not a relationship."

" Think what you want but Nicole has taken a liking to you, so the two of you are an item now," stated Susan. "And I better hear only glowing reports from her. You are to be the model girlfriend, whatever she wants you do, and you will do it. You see when Kim gets drunk she gets talkie and lets out all sorts of secrets."Alice's face went white and had a look of fear as she stared at Susan."Yes I know all about what your mommy and daddy did at the university. One phone call and they will be able to get your mothers fingerprints to match against the ones at the scene. I do not think there is any doubt that she will do time. And even if your father gets away clear he will loose his teaching position and I do not think anyone will be willing to touch him after the truth gets out."

"So Alice you have a decision to make," Susan stated crossing her arms. "Be Nicole's girlfriend until she wants you to he her wife or loose your parents."Alice placed her hands over her face to hide the tears. Forever with that perverted lesbo thought Alice. Why did her parents do it, how could Kim betray me, and why is Susan doing this."So are you willing to play the good girlfriend?," inquired Susan.Alice could only nod." Smart choice," said Susan. "Don't worry you will get used to my cousin, and don't worry about Kim I will be her new best friend an look after her." Alice looked up at Susan."You have been too critical of Kim and Dahvie's relationship and it is good for him so I intend to make sure she sees it that way, and to do that I need you out of the picture. So I do not want you talking to her anymore; give her the cold shoulder and I'm sure by the time winter break is over she will be doing the same to you."Alice could not believe what she was hearing. Not only was she being forced to be the plaything to that deranged girl but also she was going to have to give up her best and only friend. She would be alone, alone with her mistress."Nicole's waiting for you, time to start your new life."Alice turned around to see Nicole sitting at the edge of the booth with a smile on her face.Alice took a deep breath and walked towards the booth, without the strut or the sexiness she projected the first time. She was no longer in control, no longer pretending she was committed forever to come to all the things Nicole wanted."What is the matter puppet, things not go well," Nicole inquired pulling Alice into her lap." No mistress Kim really did not like me dancing with Dahvie," Alice lightly replied."Well its all for the better puppet," said Nicole as she played with Alice's hair. "Now we can spend the night to get to know one another better, I cannot wait to introduce you to my hobbies. I tell you what, why don't you go to the bathroom and freshen up and while you are at it take off your panties and bring them to me, I think this should be a no panties day."Alice looked at Nicole swallowing hard she got up and walked to the bathroom. What have I gotten myself into thought Alice looking into the mirror. Tonight was just supposed to be pretend, something to laugh about over the years and hold over Kim's head whenever I needed a favor. Now I had lost Kim as a friend and was being forced to be a slave to a girl. A shiver ran down her back just thinking about what Nicole may have in store for her over the next several years, And to top it all off everyone including Nicole and my parents were going to think this is real. And that's when it hit her. It was real! I mean I may not want to do it but here I am doing a physical act to show my acceptance of Nicole's control over me.Accepting reality Alice washed her face and reapplied her makeup. After appraising herself in the mirror she straightened her cloths and with a sigh reached under her skirt pulled down a very wet pair of panties, stepped out of them, wadded them in her hand and walked out the door.Nicole was standing by the booth with the chain she once wore around her waist in her hand. Stopping in front of her Alice placed her crumpled up panties into her outstretched hand."Very good puppet," said Nicole.Alice could not even look her in the eye and just stared at the floor between them.With Alice's panties in one hand Nicole lifted Alice's shirt and vest to expose her naval ring. Clipping the end of the chain to it she now had a makeshift leash and gently tugged it leading Alice towards the door. Alice followed behind her with her hands at her sides unable to lift her head for fear of making eye contact with any of the partygoers. As they reached the door Alice was happy to be getting away from all the spectators but also worried that once outside she would be alone with this girl. As they exited through the door the cool night air sent shivers through Alice's skin and she regretted not wiping off her wetness before leaving the bathroom. A slight pull from me leash directed her to follow her new mistress down the street. Now that they were away from all of those eyes Alice was able to raise her head and view my surroundings. It seemed odd that now that they were out in the real world she was scarred of being seen. Alice still feeling a little self conscious held the sides of her skirt for fear of showing more than she was willing and focused on watching where Nicole was leading her, she did not want any surprise pulls on the leash.While Alice walked nervously and cautiously Nicole walked in stride, as she owned the world or in this case Alice. Approaching a very alien looking sport bike Nicole stopped and started to release the two helmets.With the look of shock on her face Alice steeped back as far as the leash would allow and said, "I cannot get on that like this. Its way too cold and everyone we pass will see I'm not wearing any underwear. Please can I have my panties back?"Nicole turned to Alice and with an icy stare grabbed the leash where it attached to the navel pricing and squeezed tight. The sharp pain cause Alice to gasp and Nicole pushed the balled up panties into Alice's mouth. Alice forgot about the pain from her navel and reached up with her hands in an attempt to pull Nicole's hand away from her mouth and remove the panties."Stop fighting puppet," Nicole growled while firmly keeping Alice's mouth covered. "First never talk back to me. When I tell you to do something you do it. You don't complain you don't try and negotiate you just do it! Secondly if you think you are going to be cold I will make sure you stay snuggled against my back. And lastly yes you can have your panties back. However if you try and spit them out you do not like what I'll do next. Now are you going to be a good girl?"Alice glanced in direction of the club hoping someone would see the commotion and come to her aid. All she saw was Susan leaning against the side of the building. With her will completely squashed Alice let her hands drop back to her sides and meekly nodded her head yes."Good girl," said Nicole as she slowly removed her hand to unhook the leash and wrapped it twice around Alice's waist. "Now you are going to put on this helmet and do not spit out those panties," said Nicole as she placed a towel over the inside of the visor. "After I get on the bike you will get on behind me. Reach around me and place your hands into the pockets of my jacket. Then place you feet on these pegs, got it."Alice nodded and placed on the helmet, which was like putting her head into a cocoon. Inside was pitch black and Alice could not see or hear anything through the helmet. She felt Nicole grab her hand and pull her to the side of the bike. Alice hesitated, she did not want to flash anyone who might have been passing on the other side of the bike but a tap on her leg caused Alice to quickly lift her leg and straddle the back of the bike. The shock of the cold seat coming into contact with her wet thighs caused Alice to jump and slowly settle back down.Scooting forward until she was against Nicole's back she reached around and placed her hands into the pockets of Nicole's opened jacket. To her surprise the pockets were cut out and her hands rested on Nicole's stomach. She leaned her head into Nicole's back as she felt the cold steel of the handcuffs closing around her wrists and the jacket being zipped up.Alice was pulled closer as Nicole pulled the ends of the chain around Alice's waist and attached them to the back of her pants. With Alice's arms wrapped around Nicole and her sitting position pushing her into Nicole's back Alice felt like Nicole was wearing her. With a slight twist Nicole was able to reach the straps by Alice's left ankle and secure her foot to the peg. Alice gave her foot a slight tug as Nicole was working on her right leg and confirmed her fear that she was now securely tied to the bike.Suddenly the motor roared to life and the vibrations just flowed through the seat."So cousin do you like your Christmas present."

"Yes very much. How did you know what I wanted," Nicole replied patting Alice's thigh."Just a guess. She was a innocent loving lesbian in hiding and I just thought she would be perfect for you," replied Susan." Well when you described her earlier I thought you were kidding and half expected her to run away," said Nicole."Don't worry about scaring her off. She is passive and needy, not to mention a little exhibitionist. I doubt there is anything that even you can come up with that would cross her boundaries. In fact her parents are gone for the week so why don't you put her through your paces and see how she reacts. I bet by next week you will like her even more," said Susan."Anything I can come up with," inquired Nicole. "You know Me all to well, what's the catch."

"No catch she is your perfect match. In fact the only strings are the ones you attach to her personally. Just keep me informed as to how it goes," said Susan as she turned back towards the club.Nothing I can do that will scare her off. Well this is going to be a very interesting week puppet thought Nicole as she reached for the handlebars and speed into the night.

Alice's Date Chapter 4 =============================================================================== Alice's mind was lost and spinning from all of the emotions and feelings she was experiencing. Here she was bound to the back of a girl on a bike and no underwear. It was scary but at the same time Alice was happy she could not see anything during the ride. With the air flowing past the bike she felt her ass must have been exposed for the entire trip and it was cold enough that by the time they stopped her legs were num.Alice breathed a sigh of relief as her hands where freed and she was able to remove the helmet. Looking at her surroundings Alice knew they were in a wealthier suburb and Nicole's house was huge, Kim was right Nicole was loaded. As she moved to get off the bike Alice felt the wetness of the seat. During the ride over she had forgotten how excited she was and now realized that she left a fair amount of juice on the bikes leather seat. Alice was frozen with embarrassment; all she could do was stare at the seat.As Nicole dismounted the bike she noticed Alice's trance and looked to she the item that had her attention. Nicole looked at the seat and smiled. Alice's trance was broken when she saw Nicole finger slide across the seat and placed it in her mouth. Nicole winked at Alice as she pulled her finger from her mouth."Come puppet," said Nicole as she reached out and took Alice's hand.They entered the house and Alice was lead to the sofa in the living room. With a smile on her face Nicole placed an old blanket on the cushions and patted the top signaling Alice to sit down. Alice was mortified by the act and just took a seat on the blanket and looked at her hands sitting on her lap. Nicole placed her hands on either side of Alice's head and turned it to face her. To her horror Alice saw Nicole moving in for another kiss.In a state of panic Alice reached up and grabbed Nicole's wrists and tilted her head down to avoid the kiss."Do I have to get the handcuffs back out puppet," inquired Nicole in a stern voice.Alice just wanted to go home and hide. She did not want to kiss Nicole and she definitely did not want to be handcuffed again. Thinking of her situation just reminded Alice that she was stuck and had to go along with whatever Nicole wanted, and if she wanted to kiss she would kiss. At least it would keep the dreaded handcuffs away.Alice raised her head and dropped her hands. "No ma'am, it's just that I do not have much experience kissing," Alice meekly replied."Well not to worry puppet," said Nicole. "I have all the time in the world with you, you will know exactly how to make the experience pleasurable for your partner." With that she leaned in and proceeded to press her lips tightly to Alice's.Alice felt that the kissing and groping was going on for hours. Given the night she had she didn't really care what Nicole wanted to do so long as she did not have to think about it. It was easier just being her puppet, that way she did not have to take responsibility for any of her actions."See puppet, life with me is not that bad," said Nicole as she continued to rub Alice's thigh.All Alice could do was just sit their thinking about that hand and how she wanted it off and how good it felt to have it on. However she know the answer she had to give but could not bring myself to say it. Turning her head to face Nicole she could only smile and nod.Nicole just smiled at the answer and then looked down at Alice's legs. "I just love that contrast in your personality. On the one hand you like to show off," Nicole stated as she slowly lifted Alice's skirt and proceeded to play with her clitoris.All Alice could do was close her eyes and push her hands into the couch at her sides. She wanted Nicole to stop but it felt so good and she was afraid of the consequences if she tried. However Nicole's other hand grasping her chin and turning her face to meet her gaze interrupted her internal conflict, only inches away all Alice could do was look into her eyes like some sort of sick puppy."And on the other you seem so unsure so new to all this."Alice could only nod again.Nicole smiled once more and leaned in for another kiss.Alice just closed her eyes and accepted the kiss. She was on autopilot and simply went along with anything Nicole wanted. When Nicole started to press her tongue against Alice's mouth she willingly accepted it and spread her legs to give Nicole better access. As the kiss and group continued Nicole became more daring and more demanding. Alice was at a loss as to how to stop the assault until the moment was broken when Nicole's fingers probed a little too deep and Alice let out a gasp and broke the kiss."Sorry puppet," said Nicole removing her hands from Alice's body. "Sometimes I just loose control. However it is good to know you trust my lead."Alice didn't trust her lead she didn't have a choice. Looking down Alice could only straighten her skirt."I tell you what we both need to cool off a little," stated Nicole. "Why don't you go into the bathroom over there and fix your make-up while I go upstairs and get a few things." Nicole did not wait for a reply. She just got up from the couch and proceeded to walk to the stairs. Alice felt relived. For the first time since meeting Nicole she was alone. Alice immediately got up and started to walk around the room. However Alice's relief was only short lived. She my have been alone but she was anything but free. She was in a strange house with no easy way to get home. She could not call anyone because she did not have her cell phone. And even if she did use a phone whom would she call, her parents where out of town and Kim would certainly not be answering her calls. Then what of Susan? She was the reason Alice was there in the first place. If she left her, parents would then be in deep trouble. Feeling once again trapped with no way out Alice slowly walked to the bathroom to freshen up her make-up for her girlfriend.'Alice took her time, she didn't know if Nicole's parents were home and she didn't want them coming down and meeting her like this. As she finished with her make-up she fluffed her hair and started her return to the living room.At first she thought she beat Nicole, but then heard some noise coming from the basement. Alice quietly walked down the steps and let out a gasp as she saw what Nicole was doing."Excellent job puppet, you look as beautiful as when I first saw you, just keep in mind that I expect this level of beauty from you at all times. Even when you are not expecting to see me, I want everyone to see what a sexy creature you are," said Nicole as she finished setting up the camera equipment and walked over to Alice."You do remember me telling you that photography was one of my hobbies right?"Alice just stood frozen at the bottom of the staircase staring at Nicole."Well given your obvious interest in exhibitionism and the potential of the images I can capture of you in that outfit I just have to do a quick photo shoot of you. I think I will call this seriesIntroductions'. What do you think?" asked Nicole as she placed her hand around Alice's waist and started to pull her towards the camera setup.Pictures, thought Alice as she walked along with Nicole, she wants me to pose for pictures dressed like this, and without underwear! This cannot be happening, why does she want these pictures. Stupid question, but what does she plan to do with them. Alice did not want a bunch of pictures coming back to hunt her in the future if this goes bad, or worst yet Susan decides to use them to exact revenge on me for not going along. No, Alice did not want to do this.Alice suddenly stopped just before getting in fr ont of the camera and prepared to make her feelings known to Nicole."Puppet don't worry," said Nicole as she placed her hands around Alice's waist. " These pictures will not be seen by anyone but us. Like you I love the female form and enjoy capturing it at its best to be revisited in the future. You have to understand that this is a major part of my life and if you want to be a part of it, you will have to go along. So way not give it a try, we will look at the pictures later and see what you think, okay?"Nicole leaned in and gave Alice a soft kiss in an attempt to reassure her.Alice just stood there still frozen, playing the part where she would have to play along if she wanted to continue a relationship with Nicole. If she wanted to protect her parents she would have to go forward with this. Now not only would she be outted with a girlfriend there would be erotic photos to back up that image. Photos controlled be a girl who was acting more like a boss or owner than a girlfriend. However Alice knew she had to keep the relationship going and once again could only nod."Excellent puppet," Nicole said with a smile. "Now just stand against that wall and give me that sexy innocent look you do so well."Alice complied with the request and simply went back to autopilot moving and posing as Nicole directed and not even thinking what the camera was capturing. Given some of the poses it would be obvious that Alice was not wearing any underwear and Nicole assumed that Alice was willing to show it all for her new lover if that is what she wanted and it was."Ok great," stated Nicole, "now stand up and slowly lift the front of your skirt."

"What," shouted Alice coming out of her trance, feeling this request crossed the line." You heard me puppet," stated Nicole in a demanding voice. "I want you to lift the front of your skirt and smile for the camera."

"I've went along with your requests but that one just goes too far," said Alice as she walked behind the couch for protection."What did you just say," growled Nicole as she shot from behind the camera and pulled leaned Alice over the couch leaving her ass exposed. Nicole knelt on the couch pinning Alice's head and hands down and giving her perfect access to her ass.SLAP. "First how are you supposed to address me!" Said Nicole"Ma'am, mistress sorry mistress," pleaded Alice. "It's just I never let anyone photograph me naked before."SLAP."Well tonight has been a night of firsts for you puppet hasn't it?" Asked Nicole.SLAP. "Ahhh, yes mistress it has," answered Alice with tears in her eyes."And you want a relationship with me, don't you puppet?" Inquired Nicole as she gently rubbed her ass.Alice could not believe the question. Here she was in the basement of a strange house dressed like a slut and getting beaten to admit something she does not want but her tormentor believes is the case.Alice did not want to give an answer but was scared of getting hit again. "Yes mistress, I do want a relationship with you."Nicole just smiled. Like at the club she was worried that she went to fast and pushed to far. However, if Alice were willing to do this then she would be willing to do any pose she wanted and if she accepted her bondage later tonight well then the sky was the limit."Very good puppet," said Nicole as she released Alice and walked back to the camera. "Remember if you want a relationship with me you have to remember that I'm in charge, got it?"

"Yes mistress."

"Good, I my girlfriend to understand my desires and my hobbies. So if I tell you to pose for some pictures what will you do?"

"I will pose for them mistress."

"If I ask you anything else?"

"I will do as you ask mistress."

"Excellent," stated Nicole. However given the recent events I think it would be better if you came to this side of the couch and leaned over showing that nice red ass to the camera."

" Yes mistress."Nicole just smiled and she continued her photo shoot.Alice was still in shock and ashamed about the activities that happen at Nicole's home and just waited patently cuffed on the couch as Nicole cleaned up and prepared to leave for her home. Alice felt defeated. In the last 12 hours she had her first date ever, and it was with a girl. Her first kiss, again with a girl. Groped for the first time, again by a girl. Found out she was going to have to keep up this demented relationship for the rest of her life and lost her best friend. Posed for a nude photo shoot and now sat handcuffed waiting for her mistress to retrieve her, as she could not see Nicole as her girlfriend. As she waited for the ride to her place.Nicole on the other hand could not be happier. After years of failed relationships she had found someone who shared her interests and enjoyed playing her little games. She had pushed her puppet quite a bit tonight and each time she accepted what Nicole wanted her to do. After the photo shoot she knew that Alice was the girl for her. She was shy and hesitant but in the end was willing to comply with her orders. Yes Nicole was enjoying her new conquest as she finished packing an overnight bag and grabbed a few items to introduce Alice to her other hobby and walked to retrieve her puppet.The ride was quite and uneventful and Alice was happy to be using Nicole's sports car and not the bike. Alice was still in shock and ashamed about what had happened in Nicole's basement and for what she had done since the start of this nightmare. All she could do was look at her lap and announce directions to her house."It's ok puppet", said Nicole as she reached over and started to rub Alice's exposed thigh. "I know tonight was a hard night but you did very well. You just have to get used to listening, it will come in time."

"Yes mistress," was all Alice was able to say."It should be a little easier now," said Nicole "You're dressed like a slut and you yourself told me about your no panties days, you are an exhibitionist who is looking for an excuse to show off. Well now I'm that excuse. You will dress in what I say where I say. You agreed to this relationship and I do not want to see this attitude. So step up or get out."

"Yes mistress, I 'm sorry mistress," replied Alice as she turned to look at Nicole. The exchange hit Alice hard. She was not a slut that much Alice knew; she was a virgin and so far has only been touched by one person. However she had a harder time countering Nicole's argument about being an exhibitionist. Yes she was used to being seen in skimpy cloths thanks to growing up doing ballet and her normal school uniforms are short. But all of the girls at school wear them and most participate in the no panties days. Ok maybe not as much as Alice did but they all did it. It is like undressing in the locker room, it's normal. However if you like girls it would not be normal. No her activities would point to something far more risqué. Had she been building an image of enjoying being exposed in public all these years now to have it taken over by another?"That is much better puppet, I like that enthusiasm," stated Nicole as her hand returned to Alice's thigh. Only this time the action was greeted by a smile from Alice. "Now tell me which Driveway I'm supposed to turn into."They park an head inside."Welcome to my house mistress" said Alice. " Nice place but it be even nicer with you naked" replied Nicole"As you wish mistress" said AliceAlice just got naked an sat on the four-legged ottoman in her living room, her nipples just visible at the front end and her hips over the back. Her face pressed deep into the cushion of the sofa in front of her as Nicole was finishing braiding a rope into her hair. Nicole thought about how great it was to finally find a girl who was such a willing participant in her hobby. Yes she was able to practice the art of Shibari on others but they did not appreciate it as an art form and kept asking her how much longer it would take or be hesitant after their first experience. However Alice did not mumble a word for the hour it took her to bind her in such a complex hog-tie. With a little bit of luck, and some tenderness, Alice would enjoy this hobby as much as Nicole. With a pull of the rope Alice's head was lifted from the couch and faced strait ahead."How does that feel puppet, not too tight I hope," inquired Nicole."No mistress it feels fine," answered Alice and she meant it. After having to endure what felt like hours she did not feel sore. Her ankles crossed one over the other and secured together, her wrists were tied similarly. From there the rope ran up to her elbows which were tied together with five inches of space in-between and held apart by a coil of rope. A rope was wrapped around her chest above and below her breasts and was coiled from the mid point between her breasts until it separated and circled her neck where they went down her back and secured the elbow rope to her torso. The harness was then wrapped around the two front legs of the ottoman and secured to the rope coiled to her collar. Her hips where similarly tied to the rear legs. Her knees where held apart by a rope tied to each of them and pulled to the front legs of the ottoman and tied, separating her knees and exposing her pussy to anyone standing behind her The ropes held just enough tension that her mussels were not getting fatigued but where not so tight that they caused any pain."Good, I would hate it if my puppet was uncomfortable," said Nicole as she stood up and slowly circled Alice admiring her work. "That would mean I didn't do a good job." Walking to the side Nicole reached into her bag to retrieve the camera.Alice closed her eyes and shuddered when she saw the flash and heard the snap of the camera. She is taking more pictures thought Alice. She wanted to tell Nicole to stop, to hide her head in shame, but she couldn't do neither. The ropes kept her from moving; in effect they made her a puppet, held in place by her strings keeping her out in the open and in front of the cameras eye. Alice also remembered the events from earlier that day. If Nicole wanted to take pictures of her she would let Nicole take pictures of her. However to Alice this was worse than being photographed naked. Here she was completely under the control of another, her mistress. These photos are not merely sexy or erotic these were going to be pornographic.Nicole took her time snapping pictures from different angles. This was the first time a partner was willing to let her do such a complicated bondage configuration and she did not want to pass it up. She also loved the erotic appeal of these photographs and was very pleased she how not only had a willing participant but someone who seem accepting of her photographing in a very exposed and potentially embarrassing ways.Putting down the camera Nicole knelt by Alice's side she slowly started to caress both Alice 's chin and pussy. "You have been very good and patent puppet and disserve a reward," purred Nicole."Thank you mistress," replied Alice relived that the photo shoot was finally over, her second of the day."Don't mention it puppet," said Nicole now coxing her clitoris. "It cannot be work and no play no matter how much fun work is, right puppet," Nicole punctuating her statement with a gentle pinch of the Alice's clitoris.Alice let out a quick gasp and she tried to pull away from Nicole's hand. However the ropes where tied perfectly and the tension throughout her body kept her from doing anything but tense up. A slight squirm was all the evidence of Alice's instinctive reaction to try and close her legs, move her hands to protect herself or move her body out of the way."Ahhhh, yes mistress your right mistress," grunted Alice. Given a choice she would not want to be in this situation but for some reason the attention was not turning her off. In fact she could feel her pussy throbbing. Her mind went back on autopilot as she felt her body warming up once again, her pussy becoming wet."That's it my puppet, relax and enjoy the ride," said Nicole as she inserted her finger to again examine the hymen that had become hers.Oh my God though Alice as she felt the finger go in and out in and out teasing her clit and rubbing along her slit. Alice had never felt anything like this before. Yes she masturbated many times before but now that she felt the touch of another, one much more experienced than herself, she realized the full potential of what her body had to offer.

Alice's Date Chapter 5 =============================================================================== "This is the first time anyone has touched that pussy right puppet," questioned Nicole in a soothing voice."Yes mistress," grunted Alice."The first time you have ever orgasmed by the efforts of another." Yes mistress," screamed Alice.Nicole was becoming aroused by the power, the physical act of controlling her puppet and leading her body to new sexual heights. She could not help but let out a shiver, her body wet with need. This was making her so fucking horny; it took all her willpower to keep from rushing Alice's first experience. No she had to keep control. Make Alice's first experience mind blowing and on her terms."You are a little slut aren't you, " said Nicole. "You love it when someone plays with your pussy. To surrender all control of your body to another with no hope of escape or gratification without their help."

"Yes mistress," answered Alice, no longer worrying about what was happening or what she was promising so long as Nicole continued what she was doing."And you're my little slut aren't you?"

"Yes mistress. "

" My little exhibitionist who will wear what I tell her to?"

"Yes mistress. "

"Do what I tell her to?"

"Yes mistress!"

"And submit yourself to me?"

"Yes mistress!"

"Good then you may cum," order Nicole as she pinched Alice clit." Yes, Yes, Yes", screamed Alice. A feeling of electricity shot from her pussy and passed through her womb before resonating throughout her entire body. She had never felt anything remotely like that before. Her whole body shook and pulled against the ropes. Alice remained in that zombie state forgetting everything for one moment as she processed the event that just happened to her.Nicole moved in front of Alice and planted her mouth over hers. Alice accepted the kiss and made it part of the experience. The feeling of pure lust was that strong. Shame settled in a few moments latter and she attempted to break the kiss. "Ummmmm..ummmm" she moaned into Nicole's mouth however tied as she was there was no way the physically break the kiss and Nicole was too involved to allow Alice to be free from the embrace."Ready to return the favor," said Nicole as she removed her pants and underwear.Return the favor? How? She has me tied up to the point that I can barley move my fingers much less masturbate her.However when Nicole took a seat on the couch in front of her Alice realized just how she was supposed to return the favor. All she could do was stare at Nicole's sex. This was a girl and she was expecting sex. The realization that she was about to become an active participant in this opera caused Alice to start to sweat, her eyes locked on the organ in front of her, the first time she had saw the pussy of another girl.She could see Nicole's arousal, and feel its heat. She was clean shaved with a little landing strip and muscular thighs. Her tiny clit begging to reach towards Alice. She had her first orgasm by the hand of another and it was a girl. She was about to give an organism to another person for the first time and it was to be a girl. This was her first sexual experience and it was going to be with a girl.Alice looked up to Nicole with pleading eyes as she saw Nicole pull on a rope releasing Alice's hair from its mooring and dropping her face into Nicole lap."Lick," ordered Nicole.Lick, that is what lesbian girls do. She only liked boys. Even though she has never had any experience with them she knew she had no interest in girls. However here she was about to do the very act that defined a lesbian. Thought Alice.Alice swallowed and tentatively stuck out her tongue. She lightly touched it to Nicole's wet lips and experienced the taste of a girl. Alice moved gently with just the tip of her tongue at first."

"Lick you slut," shouted Nicole.Alice obeyed and began the lick a little harder.Nicole grabbed Alice's head and pushed her into her crotch. "Lick it," moaned Nicole. "Roll your tongue around my clit gently with just the tip of your tongue."

"Yes that's it puppet. Lick around my pussy."

" Yes," moaned Nicole. "Now start licking it inside."

"Here it comes, yes, yes ... oh yes," sighed Nicole."Lick up every drop my puppet," said Nicole.Alice obeyed an was emotionally spent and could not even lift her head. She had just crossed the threshold and her mind was trying to process the events and what they meant for her."Come puppet its time for bed," stated Nicole as she released Alice form the ottoman and freed her legs. "We have a busy day tomorrow."Alice meekly stood and followed Nicole to her bedroom with her hands still tied behind her back.


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