
By Kristen Abrhams

Published on Apr 13, 2001


Note: Thanks for all the comments on "Alicia-1". Special thanks to Gwen, the muse. I think that's her official position. Provider of inspiration. She encouraged me to write more in a hurry... and I did... once I received "proper motivation."

  • K -


Click. The door locked. Finally.

Water ran in the kitchen, and I knew my job wasn't over. However, I smiled. My job, really, had just begun.

"So, what'd you think, Ms. Tanner? Did they enjoy it?"

I looked at Karen as I brought in more plates. Damn. She always amazes me how beautiful she looks. This night, especially, I was awe-stuck. "Well, I'll tell you, Ms. Schifmann, I think the food and the dinner party went over swimmingly. But I'm not sure who was more upset afterwards: my mother and your sister because we wouldn't let them help clean up; or, our boyfriends because we wouldn't let them stay the night."

She smiled. "Well, Ms. Tanner, sometimes we just have to do things ourselves. Right?"

I just smiled.

Back in the dining room of the apartment, I was amazed we'd been able to do this. We share a fairly small apartment, but we'd been able to throw a dinner party for four couples. There were Karen, myself and our respective beaus, my mother and father, and Karen's sister and husband. Eight people in a very intimate setting. Luckily, our landlady, Victoria, had a larger table we could use for the event. Ours was a small, round thing. This was about as long as an average person. More than enough room for eight people.

In the kitchen, I saw Karen standing there washing dishes. Ohhh, my heart always skipped a beat. Her ivory colored blouse and the black skirt made her look very conservative. Very respectful. Of course, it was an act. For her sister's benefit. For my parents' benefit. For my benefit. The hair falling from behind her ears always betrayed her. She'd reach up to tuck it back and revealed that glimmer. The glimmer of the bad girl I know.

I walked back in the kitchen with the last of the dishes and placed them in the designated spot so Karen could get to them. We'd agreed that when we did these parties that someone would be designated boss. The first time, we'd argue over how best to do something. It was horrible. Like we both laid claim to the kitchen and neither was willing to give it up.

As a compromise, we said that one would own the kitchen for the night. In effect, she'd be the "woman of the house". The other had two obligations. One was to help and do as the "woman of the house" said. The other obligation. well, I was getting to that.

After placing the last of the items on the counter, I walked up behind Karen. The fabric from my black pants rubbed against the back of her skirt. The contrast between my burgundy blouse and her ivory blouse was obvious. It was almost like we were making a statement: same team, different sides. Her hair still smelled of our shampoo. Only, on her, it smelled better than anything. Certainly better than I thought it smelled on me. My arms lifted and wrapped around her waist as my head softly rested on her shoulder.

I felt the heat radiate from her. Through her clothes. Through her skin. Searing. Almost too hot.

"It was a good party, Ms. Schifmann."

Karen put down the plate she was washing and rested her hands on mine which her around her waist and on her abdomen. She turned just enough to feel my face close to hers. To soak in the moment. "Thank you, Ms. Tanner. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Well, you are the lady of the house. I'm here to serve." The smells. The sensations. I couldn't help myself. I kissed her on the cheek. Karen smiled and turned and kissed me back. on the cheek. "You know, I think your sister likes the area, Ms. Schifmann. She kept asking me all sorts of questions about the neighborhood. The kinds of people that live here."

"Did she ask you why there weren't that many men?"

"She mentioned that there were certainly a lot of women."

I tried to pay attention, but my mind wandered. The lines of her jaw as she spoke. The way her string of pearls lined her perfect neck. The heat that was warming me and firing my soul.

"You know, your mother mentioned the same thing, Ms. Tanner."

"Really?" I'd let go of Karen's waist and started to dry the dishes that sat in the rack.

"Yeah, she talked about the number of women in the building. How many of them were very 'hard looking'."

I crunched my eyebrows as if to say, "Huh?"

"'Butch'. At least, that's how your father rephrased it. She even wondered aloud if there were a lot of women of 'you know. that persuasion' in the building."

Again, "Huh?"

"'Lesbians'. Again, your father. I assured them that the building is full of women and that love to live life to the fullest and that I'm sure all is well."

"Good for you. You know, your sister asked similar questions, Ms. Schifmann."


"Yes. She asked me about several of the couples walking strollers. She mentioned that there were an awful lot of women walking together. However, she gave the impression that she chalked it up to girls getting knocked up and left by their boyfriends."

"Since she's been married," Karen offered, "she's been very worried about us getting pregnant by the guys. She even gave me one of those jumbo boxes of condoms."

I laughed hard. "Really?!? How many?"

"Like, one hundred. I thanked her and promised not to use them up in a hurry."

A pause.

"You know, Ms. Schifmann, Mr. Aarons, my date, wanted to stay the night."

"Really? Wasn't he feeling well?"

"No, he was fine. He wanted to - help break in the condom box."

Karen's eyes went wide in mock horror. "My goodness, Ms. Tanner. What nerve he has! Wanting to sleep with the woman he's dating." Again, a pause. "Actually, Mr. Coen wanted the same thing."

My turn. "Really!?! The nerve of some people!"

We smiled at each other. A look. A pause.

I leaned in to kiss her on the mouth. Slow. Warm lips. As I pulled back, I nearly forgot what we were doing. Then, Karen reminded me as she walked from the room.

Following her, I asked concernedly, "Ms. Schifmann, what's wrong?"

She stood at the table. Her back to me. I came up behind her and lightly touched her arms. She immediately drew them up and out of my reach. "Why? Why, Ms. Tanner?"

"'Why' what?"

"Why did you kiss me?"

I stood close. Her back against me. Hands barely touching her waist. "Did you not like it, Ms. Schifmann?"

"I'm not that kind of girl. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not like one of these people in this neighborhood."

"But, Ms. Schifmann, neither am I. I mean, I've got a wonderful boyfriend that thinks I'm the most beautiful person in the world."

"Then, why, Ms. Tanner, did you kiss me like you were my girlfriend?"

"Because it seemed right, Ms. Schifmann. Because, it seemed like we'd both like it." I reached up farther on her waist. Lightly on the blouse. "If you want, I'll never do it again."

"I'm not a lesbian. I like men. I'm not a lesbian. I like men. I'm not a." She continued. Despite her protestations, her body gave her away. The more I pushed. The more I told her I wanted her, the more her body responded in kind. Slowly, I advanced. Arms back on her waist. On her belly. Lips to her neck. She craned her neck so I could get to it better and really kiss it. Soon, her hands came up to hold my head at her neck. The sign. The signal. The motion that says, "Right there. Don't stop."

I turned her around as she continued her mantra. "I'm not a lesbian. I like men. I'm not a lesbian. I like men. I'm not a .". Kissing her neck lead to her collarbone. Kissing her collarbone lead to holding her body tight against mine. Her breasts strained against her clothing. The hard nipples screamed out for relief. I reached down to take one of them in my mouth through the material of her blouse. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Nothing. No mantra. No chant. Just a look. Recognition. It was time.

We raced to undress each other first. Her blouse came undone first, but I was so distracted by her nipples that I burned time pulling the cup of her bra down to suck on them. Meanwhile, she'd unzipped my pants and was trying to pull my thong down past my thighs.

I finally broke away and removed her bra properly and slid her out of her skirt. Finally, naked, we jumped on the table. Karen on bottom. Me on top. I opened her legs and wrapped them around me. I wanted to be in the middle. In between her thighs. Her waist gyrated as it had been the entire night. Grinding herself into me. Wanting more and expressing it. My sex had similar ideas. It had throbbed all night long with want and desire. At one point, I even considered taking Thomas, I mean, Mr. Aarons up on his offer for a quickie halfway through the night. But I thought better of it. How would it look for a hostess to abandon her party just to satisfy her wanton desires? Plus, I had to save my energy for Karen.

Perfume engulfed my senses as I dove deeper between her breasts. Ample and soft. I pulled them together and sucked on the nipples simultaneously. "Ooooooh, Lish." She's always loved that. One nipple is O.K. Two is better.

The machine of our sex ground on. Slowly, but surely, we moved. Sex to sex. Breast to breast. Lips to breast. Fingers to sex. All of which Karen loved and asked for regularly. I was, however, in the mood to be a selfish bitch.

Suddenly, I broke away and climbed down her torso between her legs. "Lish?"

"Shhh," I said. As her legs came to rest on my shoulders, I saw what I wanted. Karen's neatly trimmed, well kept, gorgeous sex. Lips engorged, just like I knew mine were. Open, like the petals of a flower. Open. In need. I stuck my tongue out and tasted the nectar of her sweet folds. Musk. Sweet. Honey.

Karen's legs pulled tighter around me. I heard her moans and her cries. That's what I was after. The reaction. Sex is one thing. Being fucked is nice, but the reaction of the other person to the things you do. That's best. That's why I loved sex. That's why I loved sex with Karen. She knew how to react. She knew that's what I liked. Others were out for only their gratification. She knew that her gratification WAS my gratification.

Slowly around the outside. The petals at the edges. Sweeps of my tongue. Kisses. Soon, deep, long licks. My hands hand been pulled up by Karen for breast duty. Massaging them. Pinching the nipples. Occasionally, she'd place my fingers in her mouth and suck on them like the little sexual organs they are. Then, she'd place them back on her nipples. Wet. Lubricated. Once the nipples and the fingers were once again dry - finger sucking.

I pulled one hand back to help me out. Yes, I was out for her gratification, but. please. My pussy was so hot that I couldn't help it. I almost wanted Thomas to come back and find us like this and take me from behind. 'Almost' that is. My hand reached down to touch my own folds. Open. Wide. I slid right in. Deep. Wet. Hot. Yes!

No. No. Stop, I thought. Any more and you'll explode. You will not explode before she does. Karen comes first. Karen cums first.

Hand on my head. Pushing me deeper. Pushing me harder. Nipples like diamonds. Breathing short and heavy. Karen was close. Hips wagging. Screams. Screams. Moans and rants. I don't know what she said, but it certainly wasn't anything ladylike or quiet. I could just see my goal within reach. I could feel her flesh surrounding my tongue. I could feel my tongue invading her and making her act like I wanted. A wanton woman. A woman without reason. A woman without reservation. A woman crazed with sex. My sex. The sex I gave her.

Boom. Boom. Boom-boom. Boom. Boom. Boom-boom. Boom. Boom. Boom-boom. Boom. Boom. Boom-boom. Boom. Boom. Boom-boom.

I could feel her pulse. Through the artery in her leg or through the coursing in her sex, I'm not sure. Soon, it took the same rhythm to her pussy. The muscles contracted. Quick. Short. Bursts. Tight on my tongue. Thrash. Push. Scream. Hands on my hands. "Lish! Lish!" Thighs tight on my ears. Harder. Harder. Harder. "Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

It seemed like only a moment, but soon, Karen was up and turning me over. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything. I was at her mercy. My sex was so hot that I was lost at what to do next. I need help, but couldn't ask. Not that I didn't want to. I couldn't. And Karen knew it.

So, she got between my legs, just like I'd done before an said, "Mama's gonna fix her baby right up." Wet warmth. Substance and ether. My flesh stretched as she entered me. God in heaven, thank you for this. Thank you for letting me know what this is like. Tank you for letting Karen know what I want and need.

Wet warmth, her tongue, was soon replaced by what I really needed. Cupping her breast, she pulled her turgid nipple to me and slid it between the folds of my flesh. Feeling her inside of me and seeing her face. Seeing her eyes. Those eyes. In and out. In and out. She would just squeeze her breast and the throbbing made it seem like she was thrusting inside of me. I loved it. I needed it.

Vision clouded by fatigue. Fatigue defeated by passion. Passion working with carnal desire. I soaked in my sensations. I bathed in the feeling of Karen climbing up and holding me close. Holding me to her bosom. Tears streamed down my face. Happiness. Joy. I couldn't tell you about the climax. I was only aware of the joy I felt. The overwhelming joy.

The warmth of that joy kept me up most of the night. I just lay in bed looking at Karen. Seeing her sleep peacefully. That's what this whole night was about, actually. The drama. The act. It wasn't a factual reenactment, but it caught the emotion. Even though neither of us had the courage to come out to our families... we knew we loved each other. We weren't sure we were lifelong lesbians, but we knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime relationship. So, whenever we could, we brought our families to us, and after they left, we relived coming out to each other.

I was happy we did... but, next time, I get to play the coy one running the dinner party.

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Next: Chapter 3

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