Alison and Jenny

By Lust Stories

Published on May 31, 2021


As a kinder teacher I encourage parents and grand parents to get involved with all activities we do. I invite the grand parents of the children to spend one day a month with my class to help out and see how the kids are going. This year we have had a few that don't want to participate in these activities. Each kid is unique and they all have their challenges and when their grandparents come every second Friday. They seem to go a bit crazier than normal. There is this one girl who only has one grand parent come and she just acts like its a normal day. Her nan is a beautiful woman actually and she definitely has caught my eye on many occasions and I honestly have had some fantasies about her. The good thing is I see her every day when she comes to pick little Mary up from kinder and I am amazed how beautiful she is. She still works as a lawyer and she is so dedicated to Mary

I go out dancing with friends on most friday nights, they know I am gay and we usually go to the same gay bar and have a lot of fun. They leave well before I do and I keep dancing and drinking. This Saturday night I actually ran into marys nan in the gay bar I visit. It was a surprise for both of us as I don't think she knew I was gay or that I knew who she was when I first. She was sitting by herself, bought two drinks and went and sat with her "hi stranger, fancy seeing you here" I handed her a vodka and soda. She spun her head around and she was shocked to see me "Miss. Green I didn't um" I put my hand on her hand and said "its ok your secret is safe with me if you want to keep it a secret" she put her hand on mine and said "thanks sweetheart, I come here often and I have never seen you here" I smiled and told her this is my favourite bar and I only come own Friday nights most weeks.

As the night went on she felt more comfortable talking to me about her sexuality, she and her husband are separated at the moment and she wanted to change things up inner life. She has had the same routine for the last 35 years, she has 7 kids and many grand kids and she wanted to see what it would be like with a woman. But she had never had the courage to ask a girl out in this bar and none had come up to her before tonight "when did you realise you like women Miss green" I smiled and said "you can call me Alison, you know me pretty well by now. I would have been 16 when I started noticing girls. only a select few know that I am gay. The parents at the kinder don't know" she smiled and went and got a drink for both of us. There is something about her that makes me want to ask her out

When she came back my favourite song came on and I grabbed her hand and asked her to dance with me. She was reluctant, but she enjoyed it. We left early and headed to a coffee shop just for some peace and quiet. The funny thing she actually dressed up in her best Sunday outfit and I think I know why she isn't getting hit on much. She was wearing a pink jacket and pink pencil skirt and white stockings, in my opinion she looked hot "you might have underdressed for your night out" she laughed and said "I come from a traditional time Alison honey" I smiled and I love hearing her talk about her past "I think you look hot actually I would ask you out" she was blushing "I am not sure what to say to that, but I would worry how it might effect Mary if she found her favourite teacher was dating her nan. I must say you look hot I like the dress you are wearing" I was wearing orange midi dress "thanks. Mary doesn't need to know. I only have her for 8 more months and by the time she is out of my class we can tell her. i forgot your name" she stood up and put her hand out and said "I'm Jenny" I looked at her thinking she was going home "are you going to come with me Alison" I stood up and took her hand and we got a cab back to her place

We got to her place and she opened the door and turned the lights on, I noticed a lot of photos of her family. She had a big home and made my tiny apartment look like a barbie home. I could tell she was nervous, I held her face and kissed it and she kissed me back, I put my hand inside her back and she was quick to push it away "I am not sure I am ready for that Alison, I sort of want someone to be with me and wake up with me in the morning is that ok" I was so happy to just do that as I can be a bit eager to want sex but I can "this is something I wish I had done with the women that I have been with first. But I didn't bring my pjs" she smiled and said "you can sleep naked or in your undies, I sleep in my undies most nights". We headed up to her bedroom and I took my dress off first and slipped into the bed in just my white thong and no bra. Alison joined me about 10 minute later and she was wearing a singlet and maxi briefs

She snuggled close to me and just fell asleep, it was a nice feeling having a night in another woman bed with out any sex. I woke the next morning with her still sleeping next to me, I tried to slip out of bed without her knowing, but she woke up before I could get out "morning sweetheart" she said I leaned down and kissed her and she kissed me more this time "morning Jenny, I have to get a few things done before I have lunch with my mum, but I loved last night" she rubbed my right tit and bit her lip "I think I am ready for the next step alison. Can you come over tonight" god that escalated quickly and I knew it would as she was more than happy for me to sleep half naked in her bed last night "I can blow off lunch with mum and just spend the day with you" she pulled back the blankets and she gave me a full view of her crotch "I think you should go and be with your mum but I get first crack at your vagina tonight" I rubbed her crotch and she moaned and didn't push my hand away this time. I got dressed and headed home

Lunch was a bit of blur as I didn't even pay attention to mum and her ramblings about dad and his boat. My mum is a wealthy woman and she bought dad a boat for their 30th wedding anniversary and he hasn't even gone out on it. She doesn't know about my sexuality and I just thought to stop her from talking about the god damn boat I would tell her about Alison "mum I have met someone and she is a wonderful person that I love" she stopped what she was saying real quick and said "are you telling me you are gay" she smiled and nodded hoping I would say yes yeah I am but this isn't a spur of the moment thing" she came and hugged me and said "honey why didn't you tell me earlier. I have known for years and I am proud of you" how did she know "how did you know mum" she went into detail about the times she walked in on me kissing my girl friend of 4 years gina and she walked in on me going down her on numerous occasions. She just didn't want to say anything. It was a relief knowing she was happy with my choice

I got home and changed into jeans and red top and made sure I had a nice bottle of red to take with me. I got a cab to jenny place and knocked on the door. She opened it and she looked like she was ready for sex and not dinner. She was wearing a large unbuttoned blouse with no bra or panties. She quickly took the shirt off and she looks so hot for her age "I told you I was ready for the next step" she grabbed my jeans and pulled to her and we kissed and it was the best kisss I had ever had. She had her hands upon inside my top fondling my bra and tits. I hurridly took my top and she unbuckled my jeans and pulled them down. She had her hand inside my thong and she was fingering my pussy hard straight away "god Jenny that feels amazing" I shimmied my way out of them and she tackled me to the ground "I don't care where we do it. I am going to go to town on your pussy"

We did it in the entry way to her house and she did go to town on my pussy. She buried her face in my sweet honeypot and really went hard. I resisted the urge to clasp her head and press it hard into me, instead allowing her to continue at her own pace. Her tongue circled my swollen clit, not touching it, but teasing it expertly, I pressed my hips upwards, but she continued to just lightly stroke me, investigating the folds of my pussy in minute detail. Finally she used her fingers, and spread me wide, looking deep inside me, before sweeping the area with her tongue, running over my exposed hole again and again with her mouth, before letting her tongue delve deeper. She released my lips from her fingers, and moved one hand up to gently cup and playwith my breasts again, my body writhed on the bed as waves of pleasure washed through me, induced Louise, my first female lover, continuing to lick me out. Then she moved her attention to my clit, licking at it and sucking it between her lips, I arched my back as she tormented me, the burning sensation in my crotch growing stronger and stronger as she persisted in her loving assault on my most sensitive zone. I felt my juices streaming as she played with me, and using her free hand, she eased two fingers into me and leisurely let them glide in and out of my hot sex hole.

For a woman giving lesbian sex a go for the first time she was pretty damn good. She stood up and helped me up after I had calmed down for an amazing orgasm. She turned to me and kissed men and my juices were still on her lips "I don't want our new relationship to ruin what you have with Mary. So I will end it here tonight" I was shattered and I started crying I didn't want it to end "no I won't let it happen, I love you too much for you to leave me already" she smiled and and said "that was a test honey, I will never leave you and I know now that you would do anything you can to keep this going. I love you Alison Green" I hugged her and we went to bed after that. I spent all day Sunday with her and I think I will be happy to spend my life with her.

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