Alistair's Pride March

Published on Mar 22, 2011



This story contains sex between males, if you are underage or it is illegal to read such material please leave now. All comments replied to except flames which are extinguished on arrival. I hope you enjoy this little story.

Hugs, James x

Alistair's Pride March by justjames 17

Alistair awoke snuggled about his pillow, the cool morning air caressed his exposed head as he opened his eyes and yawned, as he turned over his deep brown almost black eyes looked at the window, he thought, "Damn it looks cold and its drizzling rain I hope it clears before the march begins."

He laid back, relishing the warmth of his bed as his hands moved automatically to his crotch where his straining morning wood lifted the bedclothes towards the ceiling. Alistair loved his erections; he enjoyed the feel of his stiff 6inch cock, the silky outer skin that slid easily up and down over the rock hard-engorged hot muscle caressing his pink sensitive knob that was moist with his excited emissions. Slowly he caressed that glorious penis his other hand fondling his lightly fuzzy scrotum rolling his well-developed gonads in his gentle fingers, Alistair pushed off the bedding and sighed his delight as he began wanking himself faster and faster. Soon his balls drew up tightly to nuzzle the base of his penis then as he arched his bony hips up clenching his sweet buttocks tightly he groaned loudly and a gusher of sweet teen juice fountained into the air to spatter down in hot trails across his tensed abdominals and up onto his pectorals.

Once his incredible eruption eased he slowly slumped back onto the mattress his heaving smooth torso glistening with pearly globules and clear trails of nut juice, panting hard he began scooping up his seed and licking it from his trembling fingers. His taste buds relished the sweet tartness as he savoured his sperm; waste not want not was Alistair's motto. Once he'd eaten all he could he sat up slipping his long slender legs from the mussed bed and padded naked to his en suite to shower and get ready to dress for the day.

Returning to his bedroom Alistair stood in front of his in built wardrobe and studied himself in the full length mirror, he saw a 5foot 9inch well tanned bronzed slim yet taut body surmounted by a charmingly handsome face, black short neat hair and neat dark eyebrows above a pair of sparkling expressive dark eyes, a fine straight nose above luscious pink soft lips that curved up in each corner as if about to smile while a strong slightly square jaw completed the picture. His musculature was not great yet his body displayed a fitness that was eye catching, smooth almost flat pectorals adorned with two small but exciting nipples while his taut bronzed skin ran tight over his visible rib cage and mounded gently over developing abdominals pierced by a deep set navel. His hips, pale in comparison to his sun bronzed body were prominent, the sharp edges of his pelvis stretched the pale flesh on each side of his pubic area was a close-cropped small triangle of black glistening hair from the base of which his soft 3inch hooded penis drooped over his tight fuzzy scrotum. He smiled at his appearance and swivelled his wide pelvis causing his cock to waggle like a dog's tail as he chuckled happily.

Alistair ran his soft hand down his torso, tweaking his firm nipples and caressing his abs before slipping around to clutch his tight firm buttocks as he turned sideways to study his form and liked what he saw thinking that maybe someone today might find him sexy and make a move on him. This was an ambition Alistair had nurtured since he was 13 years old and now at 18 he was really in need of a boy friend; much as he enjoyed wanking to ease the ache in his balls he was getting desperate for much more, especially after he'd found gay porn sites and Nifty on his lap top. He offered up a fervent prayer that today was the day his dreams reached fruition and he began to get dressed.

A pair of tiny tight white briefs stretched about his beautiful bulbous buttocks while the pouch bulged with all that made him a man, cupping his genitals tightly to his taut curved lower abdomen, a pair of skin tight long blue denim shorts took a little effort to pull on and zip up but the effort was worthwhile as they displayed his charms incredibly, a tight deep red polo shirt a pair of white ankle socks then white Addidas sneakers completed his outfit and he checked himself out in the mirror liking what he saw and hoped his dream man would think so too.

Alistair wasn't really narsisstic but he recognised he was an attractive young man with a fit slender very smooth body, he knew he lacked the body hair on his legs and arms and that his pubic patch was not as big or lush as many of his peers and his arm pits had a little hair but nothing excessive. In fact he looked more like a fresh faced young teenager rather than an 18yo, he knew from the internet that many males desired lads with little hair and he hoped he would be lucky today amidst the throngs of gays that he hoped attended the march.

Alistair left home and caught the tram from Malvern to the City and when he boarded it he looked about spotting a couple of obviously gay boys, who were observing him with lust in their eyes. He sat down and blushed as he looked out the window as the tram rolled along, the two boys were a little too obvious in their dress and their high-pitched girlish drawling voices were off- putting, Alistair wanted a man not a girl-boy. More people boarded at each stop until the tram was full, there seemed to be a preponderance of males and a few pairs of strangely dressed girls who sat holding hands and talking secretly to each other.

Finally the tram went through the underpass and stopped in St. Kilda Road where nearly all the passengers disembarked and crossed to begin heading down Fitzroy St to where the march would take place. Alistair was amazed at how many people there were, a colourful mass of people thronged the road and park where the marchers were assembling in preparation for the start of the march. He joined the throng feeling excited to find so many gay people, amazed at how many were massed there and the excited buzz that filled the area. He was also stunned at how many incredibly spunky boys and men were around even college schoolboys in their uniforms forming up under their school banner, he wished his school had been so understanding but there had been no hint of gays being accepted in his church run college. In fact they had been lectured about sins of the flesh and the eternal fires of Hades awaiting those who fell into the corruption of same sex relationships or even sex between boys and girls before marriage. Not that this stopped some of the horniest jocks from dabbling with girls from the convent school across the road from the boys' college.

Alistair felt somewhat free and unfettered seeing how many people were gathered celebrating gay life, his body thrummed with excitement and he felt a tingling in his gonads as he wandered around and brushed against other revellers as he went. As he walked through the dense crowd he felt hands also brushing against his body and that sent shivers of utter pleasure through him as he imagined some handsome bloke taking advantage of him. He felt so thrilled and was almost positive today was the day he got to have a sexual experience. Alistair didn't realise he was being followed closely by an admirer, an older male who had a tall blond almost 20 year old lad in tow, an insurance that he could get to first base with sexually hopeful and eager young men like Alistair.

After hanging out in the Catani Gardens and imbibing a few beers Alistair began to feel the inner glow that matched his external glow of eager and exquisite youthfulness. The couple stood close by watching Alistair's face beginning to flush, his bronzed smooth cheeks darkening as his body absorbed the alcohol that began to ease his nervousness at the thought of being taken by some spunky bloke. His tight body was shivering with excitement and his tight virginal sphincter flexed, clenching and relaxing while his copious balls began to ache in anticipation.

The man watching nudged his tall blond companion and spoke softly as the lad bent down to hear over the din of the surrounding crowd of revellers, "He is ripe for plucking Mike, go and talk to him then invite him to accompany you to the Prince of Wales hotel and I'll head there now so you can show surprise when you see me there and introduce us and we'll take it from there."

Mike did as commanded and eased through the people between them stopping next to the slim desirable lad, Mike fancied him greatly but daren't double cross his mentor David. He bumped into Alistair as if accidentally causing him to spill his beer, Alistair looked up to complain but when he saw the tall handsome, curly headed blond looking down at him his ire dissipated instantly and an angelic smile graced his lips. Mike spoke, "Sorry about that; can I buy you another beer to replace that one?"

Alistair on hearing Mike's voice quivered from head to toe and speechlessly nodded his head; Mike smiled disarmingly and touched the lad's trembling hand feeling the suppressed eagerness and felt the smooth warmth of his flesh. He turned and headed for the bar joining the short queue and bought 2 beers when he was served, he returned and smiling into Alistair's deep dark eyes handed the lad the fresh brew. They moved aside from the crush and found a spot to sit on the green lawn, Mike watched as Alistair moved and sat down, he relished the way the lad's full pert buttocks strained against the tight denim shorts as he sat, he imagined what that beautiful arse would look like naked and wondered if it was as smooth and hairless as the lad's satiny smooth legs.

The two lads chatted about the march and Alistair was falling under the spell of Mike's charming personality, he was becoming more and more entranced that this walking talking dream was interested in him and he felt full of joy as he watched Mike's soft smiling lips as he talked. After about 15 minutes Mike had downed his beer and he looked at Alistair's hardly touched plastic glass and said, "Drink up Alistair, I'm heading across to the Prince of Wales would you like to come with me?"

Alistair was over the moon as he picked up the container and scoffed down the now warm beer, he shuddered at the taste of the tepid beer and watched Mike stand up and brush down his arse to remove the bits of grass. Alistair's eyes were locked on the big bulge in Mike's beige cargo shorts that moved as he twisted brushing himself down. The excited semi inebriated lad was imagining what Mike had concealed there, Mike finished brushing and reached down a hand to help Alistair to his feet. He effortlessly lifted the lad up and pulled his lithe body against his own as he bent his face down close to Alistair's; he watched as the lad closed his eyes and pursed his lips in anticipation of kissing.

Mike grinned inwardly and pecked the lad on the tip of his cute nose and said, "Come on let's get moving its too hot and noisy here."

They exited through the security gate and walked arm in arm together, Mike slid a steadying arm around Alistair's slim waist and fingers finding his sharp hip bone as they headed across the busy road at the pedestrian lights. Alistair was feeling tipsy, not drunk from the beer but a combination of sexual excitement, being with a gay boy, some effect from the beer he'd drunk and also the high from him being at his first Gay Pride march; a dangerous combination for an innocent inexperienced lad. He snuggled against his new friend and rested his head against Mike's broad muscular shoulder. The hotel was busy, it was a hot day and the gay crowd overflowed into the straight bar, Mike led Alistair into the dark crush of bodies in the gay section where the music was deafening and the patrons had to shout to make themselves heard.

Mike held his younger friend tight as they squeezed between the mass of bodies feeling hands grope and fondle his body and could feel Alistair jump as his privates were felt up and squeezed his arm tightening about mike's waist. They retraced their tracks back to the bright less crowded straight section and Mike bought them each a beer, which they took to a nearby table. Once there they heard a voice call out, "Mike fancy seeing you here."

Alistair looked around and saw an older man approaching smiling broadly with his right hand extended, Mike grinned and replied, "Well it is Gay ride day David, did you march today?"

David came close and sipped his Bacardi and Coke before replying, "No mate I was in the crowd watching, I didn't see you marching or were you just watching too?"

Mike shook his head causing his curly hair to swish about as he said, "No I was watching too this year."

David now pretended to notice Alistair, who was standing quietly listening to them sipping his glass of chilled beer, "Oh Mike who is your handsome young friend, I've not seen him with you before?"

Mike chuckled then introduced Alistair to David who took the lad's hand in his holding it and shaking it for much longer than was usual, he was relishing the feel of the lad's fine bones smooth soft hand in his larger fist. Alistair allowed him to hold his hand until he felt uncomfortable and gently pulled back causing David to reluctantly relinquish his grasp. David's eyes coursed over the lad's slender fit body then locked on Alistair's deep dark eyes as he smiled and said, "Very pleased to meet you Alistair, have you known Mike very long?"

Alistair shook his head; "No we just met a little while ago in the Catani Gardens."

David smiled, "Oh I thought you might have been old friends although I know most of Mike's friends I was puzzled that I'd not met you before. Mike's been coming to my parties since he was around 14 years old."

Alistair was shocked to hear this admission and he turned his head looking into Mike's twinkling blue eyes, Mike grinned and said, "Yes David throws the most amazing parties, the joint is filled with amazingly hot dudes and anything goes."

Alistair just gawped in stunned amazement as Mike reached down and groped himself, he couldn't help staring at the erotic sight of the big bulge squeezed in Mike's hand accentuating the blond's big package. He suddenly got the wish to grope Mike and feel that hot bulge in his own hand; Alistair unthinkingly licked his sweet lips running his glistening moist pink tongue across them. David watched the lad's reaction and felt a huge jolt in his groin at the thought of groping the slender lad's enticing bulge trapped inside those tight form fitting denim shorts.

The three chatted away and were joined by a second older man, Stuart, a friend of David and Mike, he was younger than David, probably in his early 40's and looked fitter. He was dressed in tight beige cargo shorts and a wife beater singlet that showed off his hirsute torso and lower legs, Alistair thought he was hot and felt a little jealous twinge when Stuart grasped Mike around the waist, pulled him close grinding their crotches together and planted a huge kiss on his lips. Alistair blushing turned his head to see if the people in the bar were taking notice but he realised nobody cared, in fact a few were watching and smiling. He felt more of his fears diminish under the circumstances and he realised his penis was growing hard in the cramped confines of his tight briefs and shorts.

Feeling embarrassed he put his glass down and he surreptitiously tried to untangle his achingly squashed almost completely hard cock with his fingers on the outside of his denims, unsuccessful he then had to slide his hand inside his shorts; his fine slender fingers slipping down his firm curved lower abdomen to grasp and adjust his raging rod. David's eagle eyes followed every move and his cock bulged achingly in his pants, he desperately wished it was him doing the adjustment and he could imagine how smooth, hot and hard this sweet lad's prick would be. Alistair pulled his hand out and picked up his glass his face red and glowing with embarrassment, David moved closer and turned to look at Stuart causing his wrist to brush across Alistair's crotch feeling the enticing hardness.

Alistair felt David's contact and involuntarily he gasped at the experience of another touching him down there, David heard the rapid inhalation and grinned to himself, the lad was ripe for plucking he was positive. He again brought his arm back resting it against the bulge feeling the heat and the pulsing of Alistair's aching erection, he gently rubbed on that area reducing the lad to a trembling excitement before pulling back leaving him almost panting and wanting more. Alistair was on fire, he couldn't stop quivering and his crazy cock was drooling heavily in his briefs, he was frantic and eager for more but with Mike not David.

David bent across and whispered into Mike's ear, "Alistair is rock hard and shivering with desire, just reach down and give him a fondle and I think he'll fill his jocks with sweet cum."

Mike grinned in anticipation and slowly reached across with his left hand groping Alistair's denim covered erection, a few squeezes and a rub caused the lad to gurgle and gasp as his taut body tensed up and his tool erupted spewing sperm in gushes into his undies. Alistair's nearly empty glass dropped to the carpet as he lost control his legs wobbling causing him to sway and David wrapped a steadying arm about his slender trim waist as he held the lad upright. Alistair took a minute or two to regain his composure and steady himself as he breathed fast his face glowing like a red stop light, Mike continued holding the now semi hard dick feeling the dampness seeping through the denim cargoes. He bent down and whispered in Alistair's ear, "We'd better go to the mens so we can clean you up mate."

Alistair felt terribly embarrassed but thought Mike, being more experienced, knew what to do so he allowed the older lad to lead him to the toilet, entering the dingy odiferous room Mike led him to one of the cubicles and closed the door locking it. He then undid Alistair's top button and unzipped the lad's fly exposing the soggy white briefs, the aroma of sperm filled the air making Mike's mouth water as he squatted on his haunches and studied the lad's cute genitals. he nuzzled his nose into the damp material nudging the limp dick before he began to lick and suck the sweet juice from the sodden cotton.

Alistair stared down in amazement as Mike slurped and suckled on his spermy briefs, his penis throbbed and began to stir again at the erotic sight and feel of Mike's mouth and agile tongue as he cleaned up the slimy spoog. Alistair's trembling hands clutched Mike's curly haired head as he began grinding his crotch onto his new friend's handsome face, the lad was totally aroused and his heart was pounding while he fell head over heel in love. Mike lowered the wet briefs stretching the waist band to clear the steely spike jutting from Alistair's lightly pubed crotch, he dived on the throbbing tool like a gannet on a fish and swallowed Alistair to the hilt in his gulping gullet. Alistair yelped in pleasure as he felt his hot rod being caressed by Mike's silky moist throat as he bobbed and slurped, going for a second draining of those delectable balls.

Alistair's moans filled the room making blokes smile and wish it was them getting their rocks off in that closed cubicle, in no time the lad's balls crawled up into his crotch and his penis swelled throbbing and jerking before it erupted pumping hot lava into Mike's gobbling gob. Blowing like a grampus Alistair's legs gave way and he collapsed on the toilet, legs splayed out limply his still oozing cock throbbing and smearing pearly jism against his tanned heaving smooth belly. Mike licked his lips revelling in the sweet load he'd eaten and watched the awesome Alistair spread out before him.

Mike then stood up his jeans tented by his own arousal, he unzipped and pulled out his long hard horn stroking it slowly squeezing out bubbles of slippery pre cum, Alistair's dazed eyes refocused on the big pink knob almost touching his nose. He inhaled deeply, smelling Mike's muskiness as a string of juice dangled jiggling from the red-lipped glistening slit, the scent made Alistair quiver and he licked his lips. Mike watched the lad's tongue dance slowly across those inviting pink lips, he knew Alistair desired to taste him and he arched his hips pushing his seeping cock head against those perfect virginal lips.

Alistair steeled himself then opened his mouth his tongue timidly crept out, like a bunny from it's warren, his tongue touched the long string licking it up and tasting it. The bland flavour wasn't repugnant so he slid his open lips over and around the big soft spongy knob, Mike groaned his pleasure his muscular buttocks clenched tight, deep dimples flexing under his smooth unblemished skin. He grasped Alistair's handsome head holding him gently as he slowly moved in pushing his long log deeper until Alistair gurgled in discomfort, back and forward he moved his powerful hips filling and emptying the moaning lad's mouth feeling the agile tongue laving his hot excited hard on. It wasn't long before Mike felt that glorious feeling, his balls wanted to burst; he spoke his voice straining, "I'm going to blow, do you want to eat my juice Alistair?"

Alistair was afraid yet eager, confusion reigned in his mind, could he take Mike's sperm and actually swallow it? This was a huge leap for him, yet he loved the big tall handsome blond and wanted to make him happy. He shuddered and steeled himself nodding on Mike's pulsating prick, Mike's face contorted with lust as he began ramming his prong in and out of the stretched pink saliva drooling lips. His climax raged through his muscular body as his big low hanging balls tightened and swelled up, sperm pumping out in huge excited gushes raced up his throbbing ramming rod. Cum spurted in huge gouts flooding Alistair's plundered orifice, the lad breat hissing through his flared nostrils, struggled to swallow the deluge, saliva and sperm dribbled from the aching stretched corners of his mouth. Mike's ejaculation eased as his gonads drained and he slowly pulled his dick from the tight mouth a wet popping sounded as the gleaming knob exited.

Alistair coughed and sperm oozed from his nasal openings, his aching jaw pained him and the flavour of Mike's sperm dominated his taste buds, he felt both vanquished yet proud to have had his lover nut in his inexperienced mouth. The feel of that proud prong moving back and forth was a real turn on and the taste of Mike's juice was quite tasty. Mike bent down took Alistair's head in his hands tilting it upwards as he kissed those wet cum stained lips, Alistair responded eagerly as their tongues danced together in a sexual tango sharing Mike's tasty ejaculate remnants. Alistair's head was spinning with emotions and crazy thoughts, his whole being was totally involved in the sexy act he'd accomplished and his innocent mind was certain Mike was his life time love.

Mike was smirking to himself at just how easy this newby had succumbed to his sexual desires and he was proud to have been able to get this cute twink to suck him and eat his cum. The sight of his awesomely innocent sweet face, his pink lips puffy from sucking and seeing the cum staining his face where it had oozed from his nostrils was a huge turn on. He now hoped David would allow him the opportunity to pluck Alistair's cherry before his mentor lunged his big fat pole in between those tender tight buttocks ravaging the kid's innards. Mike helped Alistair to his feet steadying him till he regained his equilibrium before pulling up his tiny damp briefs and denim shorts then gently leading him out through the crowded toilet where the guys were all smirking at the sight of the two absolute spunks who had obviously just had sex in the cubical.

Back in the public bar Mike steered the still mind boggled lad to the table where David and Stuart waited their return, both men took in the sight of the dazed lad and the grinning Mike and both winked and grinned as the lads joined them. David noticed the remnants of drying cum on Alistair's top lip and he had the urge to kiss those pink puffy lips licking the sperm off the lad's smooth skin. Unable to resist the desire he bent across and did just that, pressing his mouth to Alistair's, the lad tried to rear back but Mike had his arm around his neck holding him steady, the lad felt David's wet tongue swab back and forth across his upper lip then the man withdrew leaving Alistair trembling and blushing deeply.

A couple more beers and Alistair was totally relaxed as the alcohol surged through his youthful body dulling his brain and relaxing his inhibitions, David placed his empty glass on the table and said, "Time to make a move mates let's go back to my place, its less noisy and we can relax and get to know each other better."

Mike gave Alistair a hug and slipped his arm around the lad's taut slender waist, "Yeah that's a great idea, let's go."

The two men began to walk off and Mike gently urged the reluctant Alistair to follow, he wasn't at all sure he wanted to go back to the man's home, he didn't feel the man was trustworthy and he'd rather go with Mike alone. Mike's urging set him walking reluctantly and they followed the two men outside onto the footpath and past the crowded exterior area filled with drinking revellers and up Fitzroy Street. Alistair's brain took a huge hit as the fresh air reacted with the alcohol and he stumbled as they moved past many tables filled with people enjoying food outside the multitude of restaurants. Mike's steadying arm held him upright as they walked on and eventually stopped beside a classic 1988 Jaguar XJ6 sedan. David opened the rear door and Mike helped the now tipsy Alistair inside then sat beside him on the luxuriously soft cream leather seat as David and Stuart climbed into the front.

The car oozed away from the gutter its engine purring as it surged along with the traffic flow; Alistair closed his blurred eyes and snuggled against Mike's strong muscular body enjoying the closeness and security. Mike's right hand reached across the lad's shoulder pulling him closer while his left hand moved to rest on Alistair's lap, covering his crotch while fingering his genitals. Alistair sighed and opened his slim thighs allowing his lover to play unrestricted with his fast rising penis. Stuart sat twisted in the front passenger seat watching Mike messing with the extraordinarily cute innocent lad, his cock rigid in his pants as he imagined himself carrying out the act.

Stuart stretched his arm back and rested his sweaty hand on Alistair's bare knee; he gently felt the bony joint and marvelled at the smoothness of the lad's taut flesh. Alistair was unaware of the man's actions as he and Mike began pashing on, tongues caressing and sliding about in their saliva saturated mouths. Soft moans could be heard over the purring engine as the lads lost themselves in their erotic lovemaking, both men began to harden at the sounds of lust filling the interior of the luxury sedan. Stuart pulled his hand back and reached to David's crotch groping his mate's hard on as his other hand toyed with his own excited erection. David, reaching their destination, turned the car off the road entering the self-opening gates of his Toorak mansion and drove up the semi-circular drive to stop at the arched portico. He and Stuart climbed out their pants tented by their aroused cocks as the opened the rear doors, Mike slid out causing the drunken Alistair to collapse onto the wide seat his uncoordinated body limp except for the bulging crotch of his tight denim cargo shorts.

David bent inside the car and slipped his arms under the giggling lad's body lifting him up and out of the Jaguar cradling him in his arms as he bent his head down to kiss those glistening saliva coated soft pink lips. Alistair with eyes closed kissed back not knowing it wasn't Mike, David's urgent tongue dived into the lad's slack mouth feeling and caressing the sweet tongue, one hand under Alistair's tight buns squeezing those delicious firm buttocks through the taut stretched denim. Alistair moaned deliriously into the man's mouth as he was carried inside the mansion and upstairs into a massive bedroom covered in mirrors and brightly lit by movement triggered concealed lighting.

He was dumped unceremoniously onto the huge bed and lay there limply still dazed and confused by the alcohol fuming in his brain, the three men stood looking down at his spreadeagled body admiring his smooth tanned face and limbs as he flopped there almost out to it. David, Stuart and Mike all had raging rods tenting their midsections as they looked down on the recumbent lad. Alistair's unfocused slightly glazed eyes registered the huge tents and his facial expression changed from drunken confusion to mirth as he giggled like a girl. David chuckled and looked at Mike, "I think he's ripe to lose his cherry don't you Mike?"

Mike nodded his eyes glowing with lust, David groped the teen's bulging boner giving it a squeeze, "Ok Mike strip off and get down and dirty, Stuart and I will watch then we'll have our way with him once you've broken him in for us."

Mike began ripping off his clothing while David stripped the still giggling Alistair tugging his polo shirt off baring his totally smooth torso before undoing the incapacitated lad's shorts leaving him lying there in his tiny tight white briefs that contrasted sexily against Alistair's deep bronzed tan. They all feasted their eyes on the lad's respectable bulge where his limp uncircumcised penis was folded down at rest on top of his full tight roundish bulging scrotum. David's eyes gleamed intensely as he eyed that wonderful young weapon, he reached down and gently ran his fingers over the slack sausage feeling it's girth and length and causing it to jerk in that warm soft cotton pouch. Alistair's giggling slowed and stopped as his ready rod began to respond to the man's touch growing in size and hardness as the cute lad began to squirm on the bed. Mike was now naked and stood ready to take Alistair's virginity but waited while his mentor toyed with the lad's fast erecting testicles, Mike was stroking his pole urging pre cum from his long, slim, hot pink flushed tool till the knob was wet and shining. David then grasped Alistair's briefs lifting the tight waistband up and over the lad's stiffy tugging them from under his taut buns and down his smooth legs raising them and allowing them to flop back onto the bed as they flipped off his feet. Alistair giggled drunkenly and grabbed his erection wanking it as he ogled Mike's naked body.

Mike dropped onto the bed beside Alistair and began to lick his fit smooth body; he tongued the soft pouty nipples and grasped one in his teeth pulling up stretching the so sensitive bud. Alistair's moans filled the mens' ears as Mike made oral love to his flexing squirming torso, muscles rippling tensing then relaxing, moving seductively under the smooth bronzed flesh as Alistair became more and more aroused. His now totally rampant rod bounced and jerked against his neat bush and sexily sloping lower abdomen, David fondled the hard spasming muscle and gently felt those full young balls in their tight velvet pouch.

Alistair was utterly lost in a blinding haze of sensuality as his beautiful virginal body was being stimulated to the max, his mind was out of control as he flexed and squirmed his mouth mumbling and uttering words he'd never uttered in his 18 years, "Fuck me! Take me! Stuff that big hard cock up my arse."

The three men all sweating and crazily aroused by the lad's responses were all licking and fingering the feverish lad's hot sweaty flesh, Mike had his 7 inches probing up and down Alistair's tight cleft between those delectable muscular buttocks. Alistair was clenching his arse cheeks gripping the hot horn enjoying the feeling as the wet slippery knob grazed back and forth across his crazily twitching sphincter. His inexperienced arse was burning and tingling; demanding that Mike prong him, his sex crazed hoarse voice begged Mike to complete the act. Mike lifted the lad's legs up ankles on his shoulders and groaning with lust grasped the base of his prick squeezing the long slender muscle to harden it for the final act; the breeching of Alistair's tight arse.

He pulled back and looked at David, David saw the unspoken request and immediately grasped the sweaty panting lad's tight arse cheeks pulling them apart opening the deep valley between them and exposing Alistair's almost hairless pink lipped pussy. Three pairs of eyes were riveted on that tight wrinkled rosebud that glistened with mike's pre cum as it twitched and pulsed in excitement. Mike forced his knob into the tiny centre and began to penetrate the guardian muscle, Alistair automatically and unintentionally tensed up to stop the invader and Mike grunted as his long slim dick bent under the strain. Stuart seeing the problem grasped Alistair's tight balls squeezing them hard, the sudden pain took the lad's mind off his rectum allowing Mike to ram his fiery red cock head through the pink convoluted muscle and inside the molten hot chute. Alistair's wail of pain echoed round the room as his cherry was popped well and truly, he tried to push the invading log out of his anus but this only facilitated Mike's entry and the older teen's rod rocketed deep inside his spasming colon until his hips ground against Alistair's taut stretched buttocks.

Alistair lay there shaking in shock, his aching arse spasming about Mike's throbbing tool, the lad was panting and sweating profusely as his body took the punishing penetration; his tanned body glistening like burnished copper while his muscles tensed from the indescribable pain mounding beneath his smooth glistening flesh. The sight of the two glorious teens locked in this erotic embrace, Mike's lighter golden tan contrasting to Alistair's deep bronzed body had both David and Stuart beginning to pound their pricks in unison. Mike undulated his supple hips moving his cock back and forth in small movements stroking Alistair's excited prostate with the flared edge of his knob as it slid back and forward. Each movement sent a tingling charge through Alistair's groin into his semi hard penis, the initial pain of entry had caused his dick to lose it's early rigidity.

Alistair was adjusting to the feeling of fullness and the pain diminished at each slow sensuous movement, Mike knew what he was doing as this wasn't the first virgin he'd broken in for David since he'd become his mentor and lover. Mike loved the experience of taking the young lad's virginity and introducing them to anal sex, he loved how incredibly tight their arses were and the way they reacted to his first penetration. Alistair was soon moaning and squirming on Mike's long dong as it sawed back and forth stimulating the myriad nerves in that tight ring and sent incredible pleasure rushes from his swollen prostate gland.

Suddenly a loud wail issued from Alistair's contorted lips, his eyes rolled back in his head and his sphincter tightened incredibly as his now rigid rod spurted his hot pearly white seed into the gap between the two teens sweaty rutting bodies as he blew a huge load of sperm that spattered over both lad's steamy bodies. The feel of the climax caused Alistair to clench tight and his anal muscles grasped Mike's cock increasing the already incredible sensations and dragging Mike along with him and both lad's erupted. Mike's hot steamy load pumped up inside that hot furnace as they both united in their final frantic ecstasy.

David and Stuart both stood transfixed at the sight of the two incredibly handsome and sensuous teens locked together dripping with Alistair's sperm, their harsh gasps for breath filled their ears as they watched both lads quivering and jerking in their lustful finale. Stuart tore his eyes away turning to David whispering in a strangled voice as he gripped his bloated boner, "Struth mate that was totally indescribably awesome, I've never seen two lads anywhere near as hot as these two."

David still gawping at the sweaty cummy duo on his bed just groaned and began to shake as his big balls let go and a gusher of goo spurted from his crimson cock head to spatter in hot gouts onto the still lost lads. Stuart watched his mate climax and he too began to feel that sensational tingling in his nuts and even though his fist tightened about his throbbing tool he couldn't halt the deluge and with a strangled cry he too bathed the glistening sweaty lads in steaming sperm. Both lads looked as though an insane cake decorator had gone berserk with vanilla icing and covered their bodies in crazy patterns.

Mike slowly came down from orbit and rolled off Alistair withdrawing his semi hard horn from that tight moist ring with a moist popping sound, Alistair whimpered and squirmed lifting his haunches as if searching for that impaling penis then collapsed back onto the goo spattered bed his gaping battered inflamed ring drooling pearly essence. Alistair's overloaded mind was abuzz with emotions and crazy needs, his once virginal vent now burning with an unrequited need that only a male organ could fulfil. Mike lay back still breathing hard and his left hand gently kneaded Alistair's limp sweaty thigh.

David and Stuart stood swaying holding onto each other as their dicks drooled onto the polished parquet floor, David shook his head trying to clear his mind then stood upright and looked down at the two teens sprawled on the black satin sheets. Both lads' breathing had returned to normal and Mike was now sitting up his hand still resting on Alistair's thigh, David moved closer and sat on the other side of the supine lad as he gently ran his fingers through the cum puddles gleaming on Alistair's firm bronzed abdomen. The motion sent a zap of pleasure through his body and the lad moaned, his eyelids fluttered then opened, his eyes still glazed from the effects of the mind blowing sex he'd just experienced.

David motioned with his head and Mike pushed up from the bed and he stepped away, David bent down and licked Alistair's left nipple tasting sperm on the hard little nubbin, he closed his lips about the tit and sucked hard tonguing the nub. Alistair's eyes closed, he moaned and pushed up into the man's tantalising mouth, his body responding to the stimulation. His desires increased as his penis responded to the new sensation, he no longer was put off by David's age, he just needed sex. The lad had gone from a total virgin newcomer to a sex hound in a very short time, David felt an overwhelming affection for the stunning youth and was eager to go further, he stopped sucking and lifted his head. His blue eyes looked into Alistair's deep dark bottomless orbs and he almost felt himself falling into those incredible eyes.

David then slipped his moist tongue out and across the lad's soft pink lips, Alistair moaned and opened his mouth sucking on the moist member as if it was a lollypop, David was surprised at the lad's eagerness but certainly was enjoying the French kiss. The lad's hands were wandering across the man's back, fingers stroking his flesh and becoming more excited as his nails scratched skin, David arched his back flexing his muscles and his hand moved in and grasped Alistair's sticky semi turgid tool. The lad breath hissed through clenched teeth as his dick jumped excitedly in David's hand, David stroked the hot throbbing cock and Alistair's urges leapt in response, his sphincter twitched and more of Mike's load oozed from the quivering eager muscle.

Alistair moaned deliriously, "Ooooh yessss! Give it to me, I need to feel your big hot cock inside me."

David kissed the raving sweaty lad harder, their tongues flailing about each other like demented snakes as their fever burnt hotter, the man's erection jerked and dribbled while his large cum choked balls ached for relief. David growled like a rabid dog as he hunched his broad back and forced his knees between the hot teen's legs spreading those smooth tanned thighs apart and opening that sweet arse up. He broke the kiss to peer down and his eyes dwelt in the moist puffy ring still oozing some of Mike's huge sperm load. David moved his pelvis nudging his fat red drooling cock head into the centre of Alistair's abused ring, he shuddered as that defensive muscle twitched and flexed against his sensitive knob.

The sensation of hot swollen ring on his spongy super sensitive nerve filled knob made David shudder from head to toes as he groaned in ecstasy before his body lunged in driving his tool deep inside the gorgeous twink's molten hot twat. Alistair's wail of shock filled the room causing Stuart and Mike to look across at the imposing sight of David impaling the slim fit lad's arse. David's breath hissed through his clenched teeth as he felt the lad's internals riot about his lunging log, the fluttering ripples and tight clenches nearly drove the man insane with pleasure. Alistair's sweet body was working its magic on David's invader, both men were groaning and gasping with delight, David slowly withdrew up that hot clinging colon till he felt the tight inner muscle clench about the flange edge of his knob.

He shuddered in delight before pushing back into that hot silken chute and the rolling muscles palpitating around his thick rod, Stuart turned from Mike and approached the pair. He gently manoeuvred himself into a sixty nine position before stretching in and wrapping his sucking lips about Alistair's dripping dick head, each thrust in by David drove out a spurt of delicious dick juice onto Stuart's eager tongue. Alistair's body was no longer his to control he was a quivering mass of bone, flesh and muscles; his arse was on fire while his penis was more alive than he could ever remember it was as if it had taken on a life of its own. His whole pelvic area was tingling and straining for relief, he desperately desired to cum, while his furnace of an arse was moving back against David's thrusts trying to take more and more of that battering ram inside his body.

That big cock head stroked and rammed back and forth stimulating his prostate, his love button was sending huge jolts of delight throughout his whole being causing his brain to explode in blinding flashes of colour like fire works. His chest seemed unable to suck air as his head rocked and rolled on the pillow, sweat glistened on his fevered brow and his pink tongue ran riot back and forth over his moist red lips, "Oh! Oh! I'm going to cum. Oh Gees I'm going to blow!"

With that his hips jerked his bloated boner spat and spurted gout after gout of incredibly sweet sperm into Stuart's gobbling gullet as he deep throated the lad's log, Alistair's climax raged through his slim body causing his tight arse to begin sucking David's dick inside him as he ground his taut buttocks against the man's pelvis. David shouted loudly and his cock began to unload that huge reserve he'd built up, cum gushed out flooding the lad's fiery guts hosing down his colon with hot sperm. Alistair took the lot as his own balls were drained down Stuart's throat. The sensation of unloading while being filled sent his crazy, his eyes rolled back into his head as he swooned away his body went limp and flopped on the damp sheets.

The three men lay there gasping heavily as their cocks lost rigidity, Alistair moaned and came out of his trance. David kissed his puffy lips as Stuart moved back and lay on his back licking his lips. Alistair cleared his throat then croaked, "Well I guess I'm no longer a virgin and can I say that was utterly awesome and a mind blowing experience. I want to do this again and again if you all want me."

David gently grasped the lad's limp moist penis and replied, "Anytime you want to come and play you are welcome sweet one."

Alistair ran his fingers down David's cheek and smiled cheekily, "How about I stay the night with you three? I'll just have to ring home and tell them I'm staying over with a friend."

David grinned squeezing the lad's cock, "That sounds like a plan."

The End

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