All About Butt

By john rigg

Published on Sep 24, 2015


DISCLAIMER. If it is illegal for you to read stories of this nature where you live or you are bellow the required legal age to do so, then stop reading now.

The themes contained in this story include sex between males, domination and humiliation. If you are offended by these then stop reading now.

This story is a complete work of fiction.


A sincere thank you to those that have taken the time to email me and for your positive comments. It is really much appreciated and helps keep me motivated, so thanks again!!

This story forms part of a collection dedicated to the glorious straight male butt. If you like it, have comments or suggestions as always, please feel free to contact me. All are gratefully received.

Hope you enjoy it!!


I sat on the sideline watching, salivating, while two modern day gladiators battled it out in front of me. Their sweaty bodies glistened in the morning sun. Muscle bound, these were two straight alpha males in their prime. They took immense pride in their awesome bodies. That was easy to see. Bodies like theirs didn't just happen. It had taken years of hard work to build muscle like that.

A group of admiring females had also gathered to watch them fight it out. I knew that the spectacle wasn't affecting just my mouth. Looking at those prim bitches, I knew for certain that there wasn't one among them who didn't have a moist pussy. The look in their lustful eyes said it all and reading their minds was, all too easy. Everyone of them was thinking about the same wonderful thing. About how wonderful it would be force-ably held down and roughly fucked by one or both of these magnificent earthly gods.

Each time one of them hit the ball, it was followed by an loud animal like grunt. As they ran, reached and stretched to return the ball, their hard bodies were superbly displayed. Both dressed in the correct attire, their tight fitting white T shirts and shorts left little to the imagination. Shirts clung to their impressive chests and backs, however, it was their shorts that were the real crowd pleaser's. And, both were endowed with more than the required equipment to perfectly to fill them out. Tree trunk like legs emerged from bellow tightly pulled short legs and mouth watering crotches bulged, almost obscenely, between their killer legs. The sheer size of their fuckmeat and balls, impossible to hide, was proudly on show. However, it was the rear view that got my tongue really twitching.

They both processed simply amazing butts. Skin tight shorts fought to contain their delicious muscular asses. These were two real men with real men's butts. Several times I caught one of those bitches openly staring at one of their powerful rears. I stared too. Transfixed. I knew cunts liked to look at beefy bubble butts but were the same thoughts filling our minds? I doubted it but then again, maybe I was wrong.

I gazed at their butts. Fuck, my teenage cock was rock hard. The outline of their underwear was clearly visible through the stretched short fabric. Every time they reached up to hit the ball, both of their T shirts would ride up allowing me to glimpse the waist band of their underwear. My little cock jerked as I thought about their underwear, sticking to their solid ass cheeks. Maybe it was being pushed up into their sweaty asscracks, luckily rubbing up against their moist hairy assholes. Oh, how I wished that my tongue was that cotton. I longed to taste their asses. I longed to totally worship both of these superior men's butts. I had been shown my correct position in life and I clearly knew now that was where I belonged. On my knees behind them, my tongue lapping at their divine alpha male muscle butts.

I wasn't particularly watching you was winning, when suddenly, the small crowd cheered. The game was over. The two players went to the net and cordially shook hands. Then they slowly walked towards were I was sitting, chatting. They exchanged glances, smiles and polite hellos with the gathered females. Now close to me, I heard that all too familiar word.

''Boy'' he barked. ''Yes sir'' I quickly replied '' Bring our bags'' he commanded and casually throwing their tennis rackets onto their sports bags, they walked off. I gathered up their things quickly and running a little, I caught up to them. I knew better than to walk beside them. He had taught me to always show respect so I remained a couple of steps behind. I liked walking behind, it gave me the ideal vantage point.

My eyes moved over their fiercely worked bodies, watching in admiration as they walked in front of me. However, their sheer size, was truly intimidating. At 5'6'', I was small for my age and my body, well, to say that it was underdeveloped and lacking definition, is being polite. They were both tall, one 6'2'' and the other younger, maybe mid thirties, was 5'11'' or so. Their physical appearance from behind, apart from their height and hair color, was very similar. Both had military style hair cuts, short, no messing. The shorter of the two was blond, the other ginger blond. Broad shoulders, lead down to narrow waists. They both had that much sought after muscular V shape. With their T shirts sticking to their backs, every muscle was clearly shown. This man and his visiting colleague, could easily do sever damage to me. I had regularly felt the wrath of his anger and when I annoyed him, my body had shown the results. But, I couldn't help it. I needed to worship him. I was nothing and he was everything and that was the way it was. I was simply there to serve, he'd tell me regularly.

Then, with my heart racing, my eyes stopped, resting on the muscles that I truly adored. The muscles that I knew I was born to worship.

My stepfathers beautifully sculpted muscle ass.

However, now my viewing pleasure was doubled and I was in fucking heaven. Their juicy rears were nearly identical. My fathers colleague's was, perhaps, slightly meatier. They both looked amazing, encased in their white tennis shorts. As they walked, both butts moved up and down, almost simultaneously. Hypnotized, I was virtually drooling.

Not alone were both their T's soaked in perspiration but a substantial amount of sweat had also gathered at the top of their shorts and it appeared to be working its way down between their butt cheeks. Instinctively, I licked my lips.

'' I think the faggot, it is fucking liking the view back there'' my fathers colleague said. His command of English was only okay. He could make himself understood, even with his strong German accent. ''I bet the filthy homo's tongue is hanging out'' I heard my stepfather answer and they both laughed.

My stepfather had spotted me coming out of a known gay bar several months before. As I had not come out yet and hating queers, he told me, that he was going to show me '' My correct station in life''. My mother had died a few years ago and I now lived at home with him and my older stepbrother, who was currently away at college. So this left us on our own, most of the time and left me at his mercy. However, before he had a chance to do anything, he was called to an emergency business meeting in Germany. There, on a drunken night out, he had confided in a colleague. The one who was now walking in front of me.

'' Do not worry my friend'' the like minded German had smiled. '' This filthy homo, it is the son of your dead wife, yes? '' he asked. My stepfather nodded. '' So, there'' he paused, before resuming. '' Not to worry'' and he smiled. ''Now, all real men, they like to have their asshole licked, yes? He asked my father, matter of factly. Again, he nodded. This time enthusiastically.

'' The bitches, they lick the rear hole but'' he chuckled ''Not with'' he stopped. ''How do you say? ''Ah, yes, I remember. Not with the correct effort'' he grinned at my stepfather. '' But queers'' he winked, slapping my stepfather on the back. '' Queers, believe me, my friend, queers make the excellent fucking ass licker's. You must use it, my buddy'' he suggested.

'' Fucking A'' my stepfather answered, excitedly. '' I think that I might try it out. Fucking love an obedient tongue on my hole. That little homo's tongue might just be fucking busy when I get home''.

''As it is meant to be'' came the Germans response and they both laughed and clinking their glasses, ordered two more drinks.

Returning home, he bluntly informed me about my new position in his household. Holding me against the kitchen wall, he backhanded me hard and spat in my face. He told me that he hated disgusting homo's and that they were nothing but scum and there for the amusement of real men. Chuckling, he said that he'd heard that faggots were fucking excellent asslickers and that he intended to find out. As I was living under his roof, he said he was going to take full advantage of having a faggot's tongue to use. He ordered me to stick my tongue out and show it to him. Inspecting it, he grinned and said that it was nice and fucking long. Pulling my tongue by the tip, he said that this would be getting every well acquainted with his fucking ripe hole and he punched me. I collapsed, crying, onto my knees. He looked down at me, pitifully, telling me that faggot should always be on their fucking knees in the presence of a real man.

''But, cunt'' he sniggered.'' I fucking think that you're going to spend most of your time on your fucking knees behind me''.

He told me that a lot of cunts had licked his asshole during sex. He said that he really liked the sensation of a tongue working on his hole but he felt that it had been poorly done and knew there was fucking room for improvement. So, he decided, that I'd probably need training. Over the following months, my daily training, was intense. First thing in the morning and when he got home from a long day at the office, he'd sit in his favourite armchair. Relaxed, he'd bring his huge legs up and with my face pushed into his sweaty musky ass trench, I was instructed on how to lick his shithole exactly to his liking. Gradually though, as time passed, he became more and more demanding and more and more sadistic. If I didn't perform satisfactorily, he used his leather belt on my bare ass.

'' I said fucking just lick around my shithole faggot. I fucking felt your pig tongue touch my hole'' and I'd hear the whoosh and feel the sting of his belt. '' Now cunt, do it fucking right'' he'd holler. ''Just use that queer tongue to fucking lick around my hole first, cunt. How many fucking times do I have to tell you how to do it properly!!'' he'd shout.

He was thoroughly enjoying himself and I quickly went from being his ass licking faggot to being his ass cleaning faggot. Now, after he has his morning dump, it is my responsibility to clean his tight shithole for him. Initially, this had started with me kneeling between his legs, cleaning his hole with toilet paper but he rapidly grew tired of this. He told me that he was going to do ''His fucking bit for for the environment and so was I. He said that he didn't see the point of wasting paper when my fucking pig tongue was readily available''. Anyway'' he snarrled ''Getting to lick his shit from his alpha asshole was'', he'd decided, ''A fucking honour for a dirty little queer cunt like me''.

Now, I know that he is right. My true inner pig has surfaced. He is a god among men and for a faggot like me, it is an honour. So, after his morning shit, I now kneel behind him and grovel to be allowed to lick any remaining shit out of his hairy ginger asshole, while he taunts me. '' Beg harder, cunt. Beg to tongue Daddy's shithole clean, cunt''. Over time, his tone has swiftly becoming more degrading but beg, I do!

So, now, I spend all my time thinking about his magnificent man ass and his luscious hole and servicing it, whenever he permits me. Now, as I continue to walk behind them, I stared at the butt feast in front of me. My cock is still hard in my cargo shorts. I knew it was leaking, but somehow I didn't care if it was noticeable.

I followed them into the clubhouse. It was fairly quite. There was an empty seating section and my stepfather pointed at it. '' Stay faggot'' was his simple command. They went to the bar and ordered a couple of drinks from the young female bartender. She openly flirted with them both. They had another couple of drinks and before finishing, I saw her pass my father a piece of paper, which I presumed contained her cell number. Judging by the amount of missing nights, I knew he never went short of pussy to fuck. With me still following behind, still carrying their bags, they headed for the car park. Reaching the car, my father unlocked the trunk and I put the bags in.

''Good fucking faggot boy'' my stepfather said as he patted my head like a dog. I closed the trunk and was about move to get in the car when a German voice growled '' Fucking wait, cunt''. I did as ordered and stopped. We stood there for a moment before he spoke again. I was looking down and putting one finger under my chin, he brought my head up. Looking me straight in the eye, he continued.

'' So buddy, this is the little dirty homo ass eater, you tell me about?''.

I blushed, brightly.

'' Yep, this is it''. He referred to me as an '' it''. Then, still standing beside the car, they continued to talk like I wasn't there.

''Now Buddy, last time we talk you are still fucking training it, yes? How it goes?''. His accent alone made my cock jerk.

''Its going fucking well. Still got a little way to go but its shaping up to be one fucking good ass sucking pig'' my stepfather replied. The German then looking back at me. With his finger still beneath my chin, he praised my head higher. Then he spoke to me again.

''So, you know you're place, fucking queer scum, yes?''

''Yes Sir'' I humbly answered. ''Yes Sir, I know my place''.

''Excellent'' he grinned. '' I like it when dirty queers know clearly their function. And your fucking function is too eat out your far superior straight men's shitholes and to provide excellent ass sucking. And, yes'' he looked right into my frightened eyes, smiling ''It is also, to keep the rear hole fucking clean, at all times, using your pig tongue, yes?''

My mouth had gone dry with nerves. I could barely speak except to utter a '' Yes Sir''.

''This is good to hear and it is obedient, yes?'' he asked my father.

''Yes, its obedient. It does as its fucking told, otherwise, it fucking feels my belt'' he father chuckled.

''Good to use the belt. Can I try it now'' he asked my father. '' Can it made a display for me?'' he grinned, authoritatively.

''Feel free, my friend, be my guest'' my father smiled.

Looking my straight in the eye again, this German God spoke in broken English.

''Right, faggot cunt'' he barked. ''Get fucking down, boy. Lay like the animal with its face in the dirt in front of me. You are like the animal . Then beg to me, like the lowlife dog, beg to me to permit to you to lick the fucking bottom of my superior German Nikes. Beg to me, cunt, to be permit to lick them clean''.

Frightened, I looked at my stepfather. Here in a carpark, out in the open, they couldn't want to possibly use me here. But my stepfather just looked back, coldly.

''You fucking heard Mr Schade, faggot. Now get fucking down and start begging'' he snarled.

Between two parked cars, I slowly began to get on my knees. Then Mr Schade kicked me hard in the side. I cried out. ''Move quick, you filthy homo, we have not all day'' he shouted. My father and he exchanged looks of approval and patted each other on the back. Shocked, I quickly got into position. My face was on the gravel, directly in front of his size 12 Nikes.

''Now, filthy ass licker, start to begging and be fucking good, boy. Beg to me to permit you to lick my fucking shoe bottoms clean''.

''They're called soles, my friend'' my stepfather interjected.

''Ah, my English, it must improve'' he chuckled.'' And, yes'' he paused, spreading his muscular German legs wide, ''And, fucking look to me while you beg cunt'' he commanded. '' I like to look the faggot in the eye, when it begs to me to lick my shoe soles clean'' and he smiled contently with his use to the new word.''

As commanded, I looked up, straining my neck backwards. There he stood, this pure German Adonis towering over me. A few beads of sweat still clung to his massive tights and his bulging crotch looked even more pronounced in his shorts. He began to slowly rub his basket as I submissively began to grovel and beg like the worm, I had become.

Then, after several intense minutes of pure degradation, he appeared satisfied with my performance.

''Good cunt'' he smiled, still rubbing his growing cock beneath his shorts. ''Ok, now, I permit to lick the fucking soles clean. Now put the fucking pig tongue working. Be rapid, perhaps, before my mind, it changes''. He then tilted his left foot, allowing my tongue access to his dirty sneaker sole. Instantly, I started lapping.

''And show to me your tongue, faggot'' he ordered. I willingly did as I was told and sticking my tongue out, as far as possible, I took long slow laps at his dirty trainer soles. I dreaded to think what I was actually licking up but I couldn't have cared less. I just want to please this German alpha male. ''It's fucking pig tongue, it works well, my friend'' he said, looking to my stepfather. '' If impressed with tongue, cunt, perhaps'' he paused and I instinctively look straight up. He moved his hand from his cock and spreading his legs even further, he began to rub in between his legs, heading towards his asscrack. Squatting down slightly, he then gave me a perfect view right up between his solid legs. I could now clearly see him rubbing his asshole through his shorts. Staring at me, using three fingers, he gently patted his concealed butthole.

''Perhaps I permit to you the honour to be licking this fucking sweat and shitty German asshole clean. All the filthy faggots do anything to be licking my dirty hole and clean it for me. You also dirty homo, I know you do anything to lick my dirty hole clean, queer boy'' he stated, masterfully.

''Oh yes, Sir, oh yes, Master Schade'' I moaned, tongue out. '' I'll willingly do anything to be allowed to lick your beautiful asshole clean, Sir''.

''To fucking die, wouldn't you not cunt. To die to just get some taste of the Masters superior Arian shithole'' he growled. ''To taste my Arian shit and I know this look you have, faggot. It is the fucking look of hunger'' he snarled. Now keep licking, be sure to fucking clean right''.

Never losing eye contact, I lapped while he stared down disdainfully, watching my humble efforts. He was still rubbing his hand between the enormous legs. I could see that his shorts were now pushed deep into his asscrack. ''Good, cunt''. Then, he squatted down even closer. Now his powerful butt was just a few feet above my face. Then he said it again, smiling evilly. ''Look to here boy'' and he pointed at his hidden hole. I did as he ordered and I looked right at his asscrack. ''Its the look of hungry, fucking queer boy. You need to eat, filthy faggot. You need to fucking eat from here'' and he patted his hole again. Then he corrected himself. ''No'' he smirked.''You live to eat from to eat shit, my shit. My pure Arian shit. That is fucking right cunt, is it not'' he barked.

'' Yes Master, yes Master'' I hollerred, not caring if I could be heard. ''Please, I beg you Master, please allow me to eat your superior Arian German shit'' I pleaded.

Looking at my stepfather, he smiled, contently. '' Buddy, you forget to tell he this faggot, it eats shit''. I had never gone this fucking far with my stepfather. He remained quite, but a smile spread across his handsome face. Accessing the situation, my new German Master smiled, arrogantly.

''Buddy, I am to think that this fucking homo has to yet eat his fathers shit'' he asked my stepfather. Although, slightly embarrassed, my stepfather was still smiling. Then he just nodded. Then the Arian god continued.

''Now to worry my friend, when not fucking tight young American pussy, together, we both will learn him how to be first class fucking faggot shit eater. I have train many such queers, I will show to you''. We will begin to start now. Turning his face, he stared back into my eyes. Still squatting, he began to rub his hand harder, deep between his legs again.

''Now tell to me filthy homo, why to think you deserve to eat my shit. You, lowlife fucking scum and me Arian superior Master. Tell to me, why to fuck I permit you to eat my shit. My shit is more than you. Tell to me, beg to me to feed my German shit to you. Beg to me, lowlife faggot fucking pig'' he grinned.

And so it began....

Next: Chapter 4

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