All About Butt

By john rigg

Published on Jun 18, 2016


DISCLAIMER: If you are bellow the required legal age to read stories of this nature where you live. Or, it is illegal for you to do so, where you live. Then stop reading NOW!!

The themes in this story include: Sex between males. Domination. Humiliation. Scat, bondage and light bondage. If any of these themes offends you. Then, stop reading NOW!!


Hey guys. First off.....Sincere apologies that it's taken me so long to get around to writing this chapter! Time got away from me...sorry!

Many thanks for your emails. Always appreciated and great to receive!

As requested, I've made this chapter a lot longer and I've pushed it much further. Hope you enjoy it...As always. If you have any comments, suggestion or if you just like the story. Please feel free to email me...They're always encouraging to receive. I do have the next chapter rattling around in my head. So, I'll endeavour to get it written asap.

Happy reading......J

NB...Please excuse my spelling and grammar!!

ALL ABOUT BUTT..............STORY 4

I got in my car and drove to the mall. My usual Saturday evening excursion. It wasn't one of those big city ones but it served our town just fine. I wasn't going shopping. I had totally alternative motives. I was heading to the food court to grab something quick to eat. No, let's be completely honest. I was going to the mall to watch the local high school muscle jocks hangout.

The food court was the towns designated teenage meeting. Or more correctly. Pick up point. It was packed full of pussy hungry testosterone fuelled studs. And prim but eager to please sluts. I was so fucking jealous of those lucky bitches. Getting to hangout with these young muscle bound jocks. You know the ones. The popular, good looking, alpha male, football type. You see. I have a major thing for Prime A high school muscle. I knew it was stupid at my age. Pushing forty. But, I just couldn't help it. And, let me clarify one point. I didn't want to fuck them. I longed to be some muscled jocks asswipe. Literally !

I quickly parked up and went in. I was relieved. It was a little late. But, as it was summer. It was still busy. Crossing the floor. A few teenagers greeted me as I headed to the Burger bar at the far side. I liked it best. It was a little quieter. But more importantly. It gave me a birds-eye view of the entire place. As I got closer. I was grateful to see that there were only a handful waiting to be served. Then I saw him. And, my cock instantly jerked in my jeans.

At the back of the line stood a pure jock god. Muscular but not overly developed. I could only see his back but he seemed familiar. But who cared. I was in homo heaven.

Dressed in a short sleeved white shirt and dark blue pants. He stood, I guess, 5 foot 11'' tall. His tanned neck was thick and strong. His epic shoulders filling his cotton shirt. I noticed that his shirt had been intentionally altered. This was one stud who definitely enjoyed showing off his body. And, having it a admired. Rightly so. And, I was only too willing to oblige.

The upper half of his body was awesome. However, I was far more interested in the lower half. With his back to me. I had the perfect view of my favourite part of a jocks body. His butt.

I was totally obsessed with butt. Especially, young jock butt. I'd gladly live 24/7 with my face buried deep in a young Alpha Males ripe ass. And this kid couldn't be more than eighteen or nineteen. As I moved closer. My eyes worked their way down his well developed back. A wide black leather belt circled his trim waist. Then I spotted the radio clipped to the side of his belt. Handcuffs hanging opposite. He was a security guard. I had certainly never seen this particular guard before. Believe me. I'd remember this spunk fest!

Trembling with excitement. I discreetly lowered my eyes to his ass. His uniform pants were also intentionally tight. This stud definitely liked letting you see precisely what he had. He wanted his mouthwatering butt noticed. That was a definite. And, in those pants. His peachy muscle butt was unmissable!.

It was a glorious, young, Alpha Male ass. I couldn't remember when I had last seen a better butt. If in fact. I ever had. I licked my lips in marked appreciation. It was one gorgeous ass. I'd do anything. Really anything. To get to eat, kiss, lick. That outstanding example of straight man butt.

His fabric covered ass cheeks looked like two spray painted steel globes. To say it was a bubble butt would not do it justice. Pert, round, rock hard. It emitted an air of sheer power. I imagined him on top of some luck cunt. Fucking her hard. His delicious ass going up and down as he pounds his cock home. Sweat running down his broad back. Sweat working it's way into his asscrack. Gathering in his shithole. How I wished I could lick the sweat from that musky manhole. Lick it clean for him. Really clean....

He was standing only a few feet away. I couldn't help myself. I knew I was pushing my luck. But, I powerless to resist. I bent down. Pretending to tie my lace.

My mouth was going dry. I was so nervous. I was virtually on my knees. Behind this flawless specimen of jock perfection . I fiddled with my laces. My eyes focused in on his asscrack. It was deep. A deep valley flanked on either side by well worked mountains of muscle.

He just stood there. Seemingly, oblivious to me behind him. My eyes continued working over his tantalising butt. Then suddenly. He moved. Spreading his mammoth legs a little. The outline of his underwear became clearly visible. He was wearing traditional Y-Fronts. My heart pounded. My fucking favourites. It doesn't get much better than this. I could clearly see the line of his underwear under his pants. I could see where they crossed his meaty ass cheeks. Disappearing between his huge thighs.

My mind spun. How long had he been wearing them? Were they still white? Were they stained? Were there piss and cum stains? But more importantly... Where they had been rubbing up against his jock shithole. Were there any tasty traces of careless wiping?

Then he moved again. Slightly. Pulling his pants were right up between his ass cheeks. Giving me an even better view of his amazing crack. I stared at his deep trench. This ripped jocks ass and hole were just a few feet in front of me. Hidden by two thin layers of fabric. When had he showered last? Was his asshole sweaty? Was it dirty? Did it need cleaning? Licking clean?

Yes please...Yes, please!........ I was in a butt daze!

''What can I get you, Sir?'' A young female voice quickly brought me back to reality. I started to get up. Then, I heard him speak.

I shook. I instantly recognised the voice. It was Deiter Schneider. I had taught him in high school a few years ago. Holy shit. I was in trouble. I could feel my face flush.

''I'll be right with you, Miss. I just need to speak to his nice gentleman for a moment'' He replied, courteously.

Standing up. I tried to regain my composure. He spun around. Starring me straight in the eye.

''Hey, faggot! Hope you enjoyed that!'' He smirked.''Think I didn't realise you were there? Just like old times, huh..... Just like high school. Perving on my fucking butt'' he sniggered. I couldn't summon up the courage to answer. I stood in shocked silence. But, he continued talking.

''First off, I thought I'd beat the shit out of you'' But then I though... what the heck. Why not give the pathetic old queer a real fucking treat. So, I left you there. Bet you enjoyed the view. Bet it made that faggot tongue of your fucking twitch. You're one sad fucking faggot, boy'' He sneered.

Still shocked. I just remained standing there. Speechless.

''But seriously, homo'' he said. Putting his manly hand on my shoulder. ''You can't be going around doing shit like that. Another fucking guy would have worked you over hard. Me...I'm open minded. See. Since going to the city. I've met a lot of fucking fags. I've learned that you cunts aren't all bad. Actually, sorry, that came out wrong, let me rephrase it'' he grinned. ''I've learned that you dirty brown noser's do serve a purpose. And you're definitely a fucking brown noser'' he smirked.

He began to squeeze my shoulder, hard. '' Now, butt sniffer. Open that fag hole for me. Open up that queer mouth. Do as your told. Or, I WILL, have to beat the fucking crap out of you'' He squeezed even harder. I grimaced. Terrified. I wasn't exactly sure what he had just said.

''I won't fucking tell you again, boy. Open up that fag mouth, NOW!'' he snarled. Increasing the pressure on the shoulder. I couldn't take much more.

Complying. I opened my mouth.

''Good, fucking fag'' And, he spat in my mouth.''Now swallow, cunt'' he ordered, sternly. With some reluctance. I swallowed his spit down. He eased his grip a little.

''Fucking nice'' he grinned. ''But.... you want fucking more. Don't you. Dirty old homo. You know with the correct inducement and some respect. You might just get it, faggot'' He smiled. ''You're willing to flash to get some fucking more. Aren't you, asswipe?'' he demanded harshly. I had never heard him talk like this. His language was coarse. But it sure was having an effect on my cock!.

Completely confused, I nodded.

''Good, cunt. Now...You do fucking understand precisely what I'm talking about. Don't you boy? Again, I nodded. ''Wait there, cunt'' he commanded. Pointing to the side. Then, he turned and went to the counter. Shaking, I did what I was told. Still unable to fully take in what had just happened.

He chitchatted with the girl behind the counter. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I was about to leave. But, he raised his voice.

''Two super meals, please'' he said, smiling. ''And he'll pay'' he added. Pointing at me. ''You'll be fucking paying for everything. Won't you, faggot'' he laughed. I just nodded in embarrassed agreement.

''Coming right up'' The waitress cooed. Almost, creaming her panties. Another one under his spell, I thought. But who could blame the poor cunt. He was your all American, handsome, square jawed, blond, blue eyed boy. But supersized!

His order came. Grabbing his tray. He went and sat.

Luckily. Nobody had seen the incident. Except the girl. I wasn't going to argue about paying. I didn't want any trouble. Having paid. I went to leave. Creeping nervously away. I hoped that he wouldn't notice or care. Wrong!

''Where the fuck are you going faggot'' he shouted.'' We have a fucking arrangement''. He stated sternly.

''Home'' I answered, meekly.

''I don't fucking think so. Not just yet, anyway'' He grinned, authoritatively. ''Remember. We've got some fucking business to attend to. Now get yourself a drink from the nice young lady and sit the fuck down'' Signalling to a table a few away from his.

I didn't know what to do for the best. He made me extremely nervous. This jock could really hurt me. I got a drink and sat down quickly.

''Good obedient homo. I like a queer boy that does exactly as its fucking told'' He smiled, satisfied.

He didn't say anything else. He just concentrated on the food. As he ate. I glimpsed at him when he wasn't looking. I didn't want to annoy him any further.

He'd been out of high school a couple of years. But, I remembered it as if it was yesterday. He was an arrogant, dominating, extremely self-confident bully. However, the kid was not only gorgeous looking. He was incredibly bright. And, a football star. He made my life hell when he was in my class.

You see. He'd caught me checking him out several times. It was impossible not to. I used every ounce of available will power but I couldn't stop myself. Whenever, wherever, I was. I did whatever necessary just to get a quick look at his magnificent Levi covered bubble butt. On one occasion. When he caught me starring at his ass. I was licking my lips. It didn't take a genius to work out what was running through my mind. The kid figured it straight off. He knew I was an ass licking fag. After that. He took great pleasure in humiliating me in front of the entire class. Whenever he could. Snide remarks, put downs. He did it all.

He'd purposefully sit in the front row. Legs spread wide. His bulging basket fully on display. ''Kiss my ass, fag''. Became his favourite phrase. And, he'd use it whenever possible. Then, he'd smile at me, knowingly. He knew that was exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to kiss his jock ass.

I found it impossible to concentrate properly. He intimidated me. Both physically and mentally. And, he knew it. The effect he on me. Amused him. He loved messing with peoples heads.

With his attitude and that body. His sexual conquests with the cheerleaders, amongst many others. Were legendary. He knew precisely how handsome he was. He knew people looked longingly at his muscled body. He worn your typical teenage boy clothes. Tight white T-shirts and tight faded 501's. But, boy. Did this kid fill them out. He bulged in all the right places. And, he knew it. Chest, arms, legs and thighs. But, his crotch and that ass were the real stars of the Deiter show!.

Every girl, fag and most of the female teaching staff wanted to either suck and ride on his infamous breeding pole. Or, lick his muscular football playing ass. There were several rumours that he allowed certain teachers to blow him. Even rim him. In exchange for straight A's.

As for me. I furiously wanked off countless nights. Thinking about how wonderful it would be to tongue out his moist butthole. Especially, right after he'd played a long sweaty game. I dreamed about licking his manly asshole clean for him. And, for some reason. I knew that was my fucking place. I'd willingly have given him a ''Straight A''. I'd have done anything in exchange for being allowed to get my tongue anywhere near his tight pink shithole. Unfortunately for me. Business studies was one of his best subject. He was already was a ''Straight A'' student. So, I stood no chance of ever tasting that sweaty musky teenage butthole.

I heard through the grapevine that he'd got a scholarship to a state college not that far away. His parents were German immigrants. They weren't very well off. So, he must be doing the security guard thing for some extra bucks during the summer.

The place had now cleared out. Except for a small group at the other side of the food court. The young girl came to inform us that the place was now closed. And, that she was leaving. He winked. Telling her her that that he'd catch her another night. You could almost see the poor bitches cunt go moist at the thought.

He shouts to the last few remaining that it was time to leave. His tone left them in no doubt that he meant it. They promptly did as ordered. We were now alone.

I nervously glimpsed at him again. He was still eating. He'd definitely been working out. His body was even more developed. His shirt was pulled tight across his pumped chest. Making the outline of his epic pecks and nipples unmissable. Under the table, I could see that familiar basket bulge proudly between those tree trunk legs. Then, I notice his boots. Black leather combat boots. My dick jerks again. I felt like sliding off the chair. Crawling to him. Begging him to allow me to lick his boots. The kid owned me. He'd got right back inside my head.

He catches me looking and stops eating. He stares at me with total disgust. Like something nasty stuck to the sole of his boot that needs to deal with. Then, he stretches. Putting his arms behind his head. His biceps fill his short sleeves. Then, he flexes. Pulling them to breaking point. His guns are massive. He kicks a side chair out. Landing his booted foot up on it. He grins knowingly. Fully aware of the power he has over me.

''I've known for a long time how much you love my fucking muscle butt, homo. You've just very publicly demonstrated that'' He smirks. ''You're just fucking desperate to get that ugly faggot face of yours anywhere near my straight rear. Filthy little queer boy'' he laughed. '' You really are a are a typical example of fucking lowlife faggot trash. You like these big boots of mine too. Don't you boy? You're a nasty fucking boot pig. Aren't you cunt! Just looking at these boots gets that tiny faggot cock hard. Doesn't it, queer boy? he growled.

I remained quite. The tone of his voice was one of absolute superiority. I just didn't know what to say.

''I asked you a fucking question, fag boy'' he shouted angrily. You get turned on just looking at my boots. Don't you, cunt. Now answer me. You dirty old homo! he demanded.

''Yes'' I blushed. '' Looking at your boots turns me on'' I nervously replied.

''Yes, WHAT? Yes, fucking WHAT'' he demand. ''Show some respect for your superiors, faggot!'' He glared.

''Yes, Sir'' I answered, shaking. '' Looking at your boots turns me on, Sir''.

''That's better, cunt. Another pathetic boot loving faggot'' he retorted. ''See. I've learned a lot about homo's, living in the city. And, exactly what they're good for. And, I know. You do have your fucking uses'' he chuckled arrogantly.

'' Right cunt, I'm nearly done here. Then we can get down to business. And, once that's sorted. I might... just might.....allow you to fucking lick my boots clean. That would really make that shrivelled little dick of yours drip. Wouldn't it. Filthy boot licking fag? He smiled confidently.

''Yes Sir, it would, Sir'' I answered humbly.

He smiled. ''I know it would homo. And, I've discovered. Faggot tongues give my boots a particularly nice shine'' He sneered.

''But you've got to be a good little homo. And, do as you're told. You understand me, asswipe? '' He demanded, patronizingly.

''Yes Sir, I understand, Sir'' I stuttered.

'Good, queer boy. Now, look at my fucking boots, faggot'' he commanded. Pointing at his boot, resting on the chair. He began slowly waving the sole of his boot at me.

''So, cunt. You want to lick my boots clean, huh, boy. Now, those city faggots pay real well to lick these boots clean for me. But, you were my old teacher'' he said in faked sincerity. ''And you're nothing but a fucking small town faggot teacher. So, I'll cut you a deal. Put two hundred bucks on the table for starters. And, then we'll discuss that your pig tongue of yours getting to work on my boots'' He smirked, wickedly.

''I don't understand, Sir'' I blurted out. ''I have to pay you, Sir?'' I trembled. I truly didn't realise what was going on.

''Of course you have to fucking pay'' he shouted at me. His voice was filled with contempt. ''Why else would I allow queer trash like you to lick my boots. You didn't think that I'd allow you do it for the fucking fun of it!''

In almost one motion. He was out of his chair and standing in front of me. He was furious. His handsome young face was filled with anger. He back handed me hard. ''You are one seriously retarded fucking homo'' he yelled. ''You must be thicker than shit''. Grabbing my hair. He pulled my head back violently.

''Fucking look at me. Look at this face. Look at this awesome body. I am a God. To homo's like you. I am fucking God! So, why.....why the fuck would someone like me permit an inferior piece of shit like you to gets its pig tongue anywhere near me. Unless the cunt is paying for the privilege. That is'' He paused. ''A dirty fag like you. Getting to lick my boots for free... Well, it's never going to happen, homo. Believe me'' he snapped. My heart sank.

''But I have money, Sir'' I blurted out. Unable to stop myself.

''How much, cunt?'' he demanded. ''I don't know, Sir. Maybe a hundred bucks, Sir'' I replied. ''That's it. A fucking measly hundred bucks. That's nowhere near enough to get your tongue on these boots, cunt. Give me your wallet now, asswipe''. He hollerred.

I quickly gave him my wallet. Emptying it onto the table. He quickly counted it.

''That's it. Eighty bucks. Stupid queer. Coming out without enough money. And, no cards'' he barked angrily. ''Eighty bucks. That wouldn't buy you the fucking steam off my piss, faggot''

Then he went suddenly quiet. He was thinking. Appearing to be somewhat calmer. He went back. Sat down. Folding his arms again.

''Right, you stupid degenerate cunt'' he said. Stuffing my money into his pocket. ''For old time sake. I might just allow you lick them. But, if I do. You'd better do a fucking thorough job. Now. My fag rate for boot licking is twenty bucks a minute. So....That means that you've got'' And, he stopped short. Looking me right in the eye.

''Four minutes, Sir'' I answered, rapidly. I was going to get to lick his boots for four whole minutes. I was ecstatic.

''Good, cunt. Maybe you're not so stupid after all'' He sniggered. ''Just so we're crystal fucking clear. Eighty bucks buys you exactly four minutes of my time. Nothing else. Unless, I decide otherwise. So, don't go getting all excited, homo'' He said. As if reading my mind. ''It doesn't mean that you will actually get to lick my boots for four minutes'' My heart sank, again. He noticed my expression change.

''There, there. Poor old homo. Don't get upset'' He said with faked sincerity. '' You obviously must realise that it couldn't be that fucking easy. And, especially not for eighty bucks. Stupid faggot'' he growled.

''As I said. There are filthy fucking queers everywhere. Ready to pay fucking good money to lick my boots clean. But, getting to lick my boots is obviously a fucking total privilege. So, I need to be sure that queer cunts....cunts like you. Are truly worthy of licking my boots. And, that they truly know their place. So, first off. I like to hear you fucking homo's beg'' He smirked, condescendingly. I just sat still in my chair. Obediently, listening to this jock god.

''You'll have to fucking convince me that you're worthy. And that you know that you're nothing....Nothing but lowlife boot licking scum'' he laughed, egotistically. A look of sheer superiority filled his handsome teenage face.

''And, you've only got four minutes in total, asswipe. So, you're going to have to work extra hard, faggot. You're going to need to convince me rapido. Otherwise, queer boy. You'll never get to taste this leather!'' He grinned. Masterfully.

Then he kicked an adjacent chair into the middle of the floor. ''Right. You piece of fucking shit. Sit there. Where I can see you properly'' he ordered. I did as I was told. Quickly swapping chairs.

''Now, I want to hear you fucking beg. My old teacher paying tribute and begging to fucking lick my boots clean. I'm liking this already'' He smirked, evilly. I'll tell you when your four minutes starts, boy''.

Making himself comfortable. He relaxed back. Putting his other foot up on the chair. Crossing his strong athletic legs. Hands behind his head.

''Ok, pig boy. It's nearly show time. Give me a really convincing demonstration of your fucking begging skills, faggot. Make it good. Put some real effort into it. Prove to me that you're worthy, faggot'' he grinned. He looked at his watch.

''Your four minutes starts..... NOW, fag pig. Start fucking begging'' he barked.

''Please Sir, please, I beg you, Sir. Please allow me to lick your boots clean'' I pleaded.

''Keeping going, faggot'' he interjected. ''But you're going to have to do a lot better than that. ''Tick, tock, tick,tock, faggot''...he chuckled.

''Please Sir. I beg you. I implore you. Please allow me the honour of getting to taste your boots and lick them clean for you''. I didn't know what to say. My mouth was dry. I stumbled over the words. I so wanted to please him. He quickly grew impatient.

''Fucking stop, faggot. This is just pathetic''. His tone was one of utter disdain. ''What a fucking joke. A faggot who doesn't know how to beg properly. We'll have to sort that out. Right, now'' he glared. ''All homo's should naturally know how to fucking beg properly'' he stated, dismissively.

''Maybe'' he said, folding his arms ...''Maybe some gentle physical stimulation is what's required. Fucking talk about having to teach old dogs new tricks '' he sighed.

''Ok, cunt. Get down on your hands and knees. Crawl to me. Quickly, cunt. Tick, tock, tick, fucking tock, faggot''. I had lost any remaining dignity. I got down. And, I crawled. I crawled across the floor to my teenage tormentor.

''Hands behind your back. Get your fucking ugly faggot face down on the floor''. The tiles were cold against my face. I remained in place for a few moments. Waiting for his next order. Then....Suddenly. My head felt like it was going to split open. The pain was horrific. I was in agony. He'd brutally stomped down on my head.

''Now, that's a bit more realistic, cunt. This isn't a fucking game'' he hollerred. ''Want another. You useless piece of shit?''.

I was barely able to talk. I was stunned but I somehow managed.

''No Sir, please no, Sir, I beg you. No more, please''.

''Ok then, faggot. Back up on your knees. Hands behind your back. And, this time. Fucking beg properly for permission to lick my boots. Or, you'll get another. And enough with the Sir shit. It's Master to you. You piece of shit. Master fucking Deiter! And, remember, cunt. Tick, tock.....''

Back on my knees. I was frightened. Really frightened. I had dreamed about this. But, in reality. I was terrified. But, my rock hard cock told a different story. Maybe this was what I truly needed. I wanted to please him. I wanted to lick his boots. So badly, it hurt.

''Please Master, please Master Deiter, I beg you. Please allow this worthless old faggot the honour of licking your boots clean. I know that I'm only scum and not worthy but I plead with you Master Deiter. Please, please permit my faggot dog tongue to lick the dirty off your boots. I implore you Master Dieter. You are a god and I'm nothing but an inferior faggot. But, I beg you Master Deiter. Please show this worthless pig some mercy. Please, Please, I beg you. Put this homo out of it's misery. And, allow it the privilege of licking the dirt off your boots''.

I was almost crying. I couldn't believe what I had just said. But, I meant every single word of it!

He smiled triumphally down at me. He knew he owned me.

''Now, that wasn't to difficult. Was it, boy? That's was more like it, cunt. See, you can be a fucking well behaved homo. There's still a lot of room for improvement. But we can work more on that later'' he said haughty.

His tone sounded like he was talking to a child.

''Now faggot. Looks like you have a minute left. Now, I've always been a firm believer in rewarding effort, boy'' He said, flashing his perfect teeth . ''So, I am going to allow you lick my boots. Just once. You can lick the threads of each boot. Just fucking once. Now, I want to see a nice long doggy licks. And, make sure you get right in between those threads. Lick all that dirt out of there. I want to see that faggot tongue work from the heal right to the fucking toe, faggot''.

I didn't wait. I was in pig heaven. I leant forward. Tongue out. And slowly licked the soles of his boots as instructed. I worked my tongue into every ridge and grove. Lifting his foot. He rubbed his boots over my face. I licked every grain of dirt off them. I SO wanted to impress him. I desperately sough his approval. Just as I was finishing up on the toe area. He kicked me away. Looking down. He uttered two words. ''Manners, pig''.

''Thank you Master Deiter. Thank you for allowing this faggot trash that honour. Thank you for permitting me to lick the dirty off the bottom of your boots. I know I'm nothing but lowlife scum. So, thank you so much Master Deiter. Thank you '' I enthused.

Then with all the power locked with his strong leg. He kicked the side of my head. I went spinning across the food court floor. Landing by a trash bin. Getting up. He sauntered over. Grabbing me by the hair. He pulled me back into the center of the floor. I was was sobbing.

''Shut up, cunt. You're really starting to annoy me. You're mine now, faggot. So get fucking used to it. You're just a piece of queer shit. That, I can do whatever I want to. And, I'm intending on having myself some fucking fun'' he bellowed.

''This is going to be really interesting. Putting my old faggot teacher through its paces. Showing a fucking dirty homo it's correct station in life. Is going to be seriously amusing'' The tone of his voice left me in not doubt that he was deadly serious.

Grabbing my arms. He force-ably pulled them behind my back. I felt the metal on my wrists. Followed by, a sharp...Click, click. He'd cuffed me. I felt like I was going to piss my pants. Then he kicked me over onto my back. Towering over me. A look of sheer and total condescension filled his handsome face. How could someone who looked like that be so evil. Terror rushed through my battered body.

''That's better. I like my fucking faggot slaves restrained. Don't want you touching me with those filthy homo hands'' he snarled.

''Now. Lets get started, faggot. Bet you can't fucking wait'' he laughed, sadistically. ''Playing with a dumb homo might just help pass the time quicker'' he grinned. ''You know. I've got to do this stupid job to stop the rents getting suspicions'' he frowned. ''Can't exactly tell them that I get my cash from allowing fucking faggot scum to lick my stinking hairy shithole clean. Can I?'' he chuckled.

''Fucking rich ass licking faggot scum. Sure are helping make college life easier. Way easier. And, far more interesting'' He laughed. ''Ass licking scum just like you, boy. Because that's precisely that you are. That's what you really want to do. Isn't it, boy? You want to really worship this quarter-back ass with your fucking faggot tongue and mouth. Want to be a slave to my superior quarter-back ass. Total fucking slave. You want to clean out my jock shithole out with that queer tongue?'' He grinned.''Bet, you wish your were my fucking toilet paper. Don't you, faggot? Getting to wipe my dirty jock butthole clean. That's what you want to do. Isn't it. You filthy homo? He demanded.

At this point. I had gone well passed caring. I whimpered.

''Oh, yes Master Deiter. Yes please Master Deiter, I beg you Master. Please, please use my fag tongue as your''. He cut me off. ''Shut the fuck up, cunt. I've heard enough of that fucking whiny voice'' he commanded.

Then, he moved. Putting one booted foot either side of my head. Standing over me. His mesmerising butt was directly above my face. Starring down. He began to gently rub his manly hands over his muscular butt cheeks.

''You want to lick this sweaty muscle butt. Don't you? You've fucking emptied your midget nuts for years. Thinking about tonguing out this straight muscle jock's ripe ass''. Then, he began to run his middle two fingers up and down his crack. Pushing his uniform pants right in between his muscular teenage butt cheeks.

''Imagine if you had more cash, fag. That could be your fucking pig tongue. Doing that!'' He teased. Crouching down a little. He pushed the fabric deeper.

''Look, cunt. That's my fucking jock shithole. Just there'' he taunted. Looking up. I instinctively licked my lips. Opening my mouth. My tongue automatically slid out.

''Poor little cunt'' he teased, pitilessly. ''You're just fucking desperate to get those fucking pig lips right on my butthole. And, give it a nice big fucking wet kiss. Imagine what that would be like for a piece of fag scum like you. Imagine, what a fucking rush it would be to kiss my superior straight shithole. But, getting to kiss my hole costs a lot more than twenty bucks a minute!'' he stated, bluntly. ''But, the poor little homo doesn't have any money. So, your faggot lips are getting nowhere near this sweaty smelly hole'' He sneered, patronizingly. Over excited. My breathing was rapid. I was beginning to sweat. In vain, I stuck my tongue out further. Whining, like a hurt animal..

He brought his face closer. Talking in nothing more than a low whisper. He continued torturing me, relentlessly....

''I know, I know. Poor fucking queer scum. I know you want to lick my fucking shithole. You want to lick my jock butthole really clean for me. You SO want to fucking get your tongue in there and taste it. I know'' he grinned, wickedly.

''But you've got no fucking cash. So, what can I do'' He said, mockingly. ''And, its such a pity because my fucking hole is a bit itchy. Right up inside. Think I might have fucking worms or something'' He chuckled. Almost boyishly.

''Sure could do with a faggot tongue to fucking sorting that out for me. You'd have fucking loved to do that. Wouldn't you. You filthy fag. You'd have loved getting your fucking pig tongue inside my ripe hole. Lapping around the sides of my fucking shit chute. Sorting out that fucking annoying itch for me. Saving me the bother of having to scratch my jock ass'' he scoffed.

I felt like my cock was going to explode. Showing no mercy. He continued...

''If only you weren't such a dumb poor cunt and you carried a decent fucking wedge of cash. You could have fucking done it. We could have seen how far you could get that faggot tongue up inside my shit tunnel. But, that's not going to fucking happen, now'' he smirked. He moved, again. Spreading his well developed quads.....

''Never mind, faggot. Shit fucking happens. But, let's see that tongue anyway, faggot. Stick that queer tongue right out'' he ordered. I stuck my tongue out as far as I possibly could. ''Fucking A. That sure is one seriously long queer tongue'' he chuckled. ''That tongue was just made to go right up inside superior straight guys dirty buttholes. Wasn't it?''

I nodded shamefully.

''Yep. With that tongue, homo. You'd sure be able to get way in there. And, clean it right out,'' Reaching down. Grabbing the tip of my extended tongue. He pulled it hard. ''So sad'' he almost sounded sincere. ''Just think how good that would have been. How fucking unbelievable that would have been for a piece of faggot trash like you. To get that long queer tongue buried right up inside my jock shit chute. Think about just how good that would have tasted on your faggot tongue'' He grinned, self-righteously.

''You know. There's a couple of queers in the city with exceptionally long tongues. Just like yours, pig'' He grinned. ''I've always had to insisted that they have to handover a lot extra. A lot fucking extra. See, they can get their long pig tongues way up inside my asshole. Deep up in there. And, the deeper the tongue can go. The more they have to pay. Its just simple maths'' He chuckled. ''There's this one fucking long tongued fag. It happily pays way, way more to be allowed to give me a real deep clean. If you how what I fucking mean'' He laughed. '' I swear. That cunt's tongue can nearly reach my guts. It gets so deep in there. That it nearly makes me want to fucking cough''

My cock was now leaking a serious amount of precum into my jeans. They felt damp. I couldn't take much more. He smiled, contentedly. He was enjoying playing with me.

''It's suck a fucking shame. That, you're just a lowly paid homo. If you had the readies. I know you pay whatever I said to be allowed to lick my dirty jock shithole clean. Wouldn't you, queer boy? I know the fucking dirtier it is. The more you'd be willing to fucking pay'' he sneered. '' And, I know you'd pay anything to get to truly worship this ass. And, all it fucking offers'' He chuckles, suggestively.

I opened my mouth to talk. '' Shush, fucking shush, fag'' he ordered.

''You'd don't need to fucking say anything, homo. You see, I know exactly what's going on inside that filthy homo mind of yours. See, I already know that you're a total fucking butt pig. Its fucking written all over your faggot face'' he smirked. '' I meet a lot of lowlife cunts like you.'' And, he lowered his ass further.

''You fucking love being in that position. Your fag face right under this Alpha male butt of mine. Pig mouth fucking open. Like a fucking toilet or something'' He stated sadistically. He was now squatting. His amazing jock ass hoovering just above my face.

''I know exactly, what you're fucking after. You little dirty homo. I can instantly recognise that pitiful look in a pig eyes! You're a hungry little faggot. Aren't you cunt!'' he snarled. ''Desperate to get your pig tongue up inside my jock asshole and dig for fucking buried jock treasure. Again, I went to answer. '' Shut up, faggot. I've already told you. He slapped me across my face.

''I think you're very hungry indeed. Are you fucking hungry, pig boy?'' He demanded. I nodded, humbly.

''I fucking knew you were. You're REALLY REALLY hungry, faggot?'' He taunted me. ''And, that faggot hole of yours sure looks like a toilet to me. You want to be my little fucking fag toilet. Don't you, cunt''

I nodded. This time frantically.

''Just as I fucking thought. You're nothing but a fucking filthy queer toilet. Fucking hungry for a taste of my fucking divine jock shit. You want to chow down on my fucking tasty butt candy. Don't you, boy. But, that would seriously fucking set you back you, cunt! Getting to eat my genuine quarter-back jock shit is the fucking ultimate privilege for faggot scum like you'' he snapped. Back handing me again.

''But, the dumb fag has no fucking cash. But, maybe I could be really really nice to you. Allow you to just suck on my ripe jock hole. Just suck and lick. No dinner. But, you never know. There might just be a tasty starter for you to lick up. Bound to be'' He chuckled. '' I'm a real lazy wiper! After all. You were my fucking teacher and everything. And, since I've been home. I've had lots of fucking nice tight pussy. They virtually formed an orderly queue'' he laughed. ''But not one of those sluts could give a fucking proper ass suck. He shook his head. Just...Un-fucking-believable!.

''Sure could go a decent ass suck right now. Hmm'' He paused. He was thinking. ''What do you think, Faggot? Maybe, I could be really nice. And, allow you to do an I owe you or something'' he mused.

''Yes please Master, Yes please'' I pleaded. He laughed, right in my sweating face. He back handed me again.

''Dumb fucking cunt. Don't be fucking stupid, faggot. I was only joking. Business is business. And, there's no credit line here, faggot'' He grinned ''Its all about. Demand and supply. Isn't that what you fucking taught me. And, I've got something. Right up here inside my muscle butt. And, you fucking want it. Badly. I know'' he smirked.

''You always said that in business. Cash is fucking king. See, I listened, cunt. So, I always demand cash up front. Its strictly. Pay then eat. Cash in my pocket before a queer cunt like you gets one mouthful of my fucking jock shit. You dumb, cunt. You should really fucking know better!'' he growled. Hitting me in the face again. He remained quite for a minute.

''Now, if I remember correctly'' He grinned.'' You were a fucking stickler about getting all the finer details right'' he smirked.

''Dot your fucking i's and cross your fucking t's. And you won't go wrong. Wasn't that it, faggot?'' He demanded.

''Yes Master Deiter.'' I answered submissively. I used that phrase regularly when teaching

''So, cunt. I'll explain in fucking detail how this goes down. Just so you understand. Never know, you might just win the lottery or something!'' he smirked. ''Then you'd be able to dine out on Master Deiters quarter-back jock shit every fucking day.

He lowered his butt right down. It was now only ten or twelve inches above my face. I moaned. Swiping wildly with my tongue. He ignored me. Continuing with my total degradation.

''So. Here's what happens, faggot. After the fucking queer scum has turned over the fuck green. I allow it under my big naked muscle butt. Picture that, cunt. My jock butt right where it is now. But naked'' He chuckled.

''Then. After, its properly begged to have it's queer mouth and stomach filled with my jock shit. And, listen up cunt'' He barked domineeringly. ''The next piece is really important. Only after it's persuaded me that its a fucking faggot worthy of eating my shit. And only, then. Will I fucking proceed.'' He stated, in a business like tone.

''I order it to open its fucking queer mouth wide. So, why don't you do that for me now, boy. Open your toilet mouth, pig'' I did as my teenage Master ordered. ''Wider, cunt. Show your jock master just how wide you can open that filthy mouth, boy. Come on. Show me that fucking toilet mouth of yours. Come on. Stick than toilet paper tongue out as far as you can, toilet boy''. I willingly did as he ordered. Mouth opened as wide as I possibly could. Tongue stretched.

''That's nice. Really nice'' He grinned ''Now, you know. In a fucking filthy homo's life. There's no such thing as a fucking easy meal, cunt! Fag scum will always have to work hard for it. Fucking hard, shiteater'' he growled. I moved my head up towards his luscious butt. I was just so desperate to get my face in it. Grabbing my hair. He slammed my head hard against the tiles. Holding my head down on the floor. He continued....

''Keep that fucking ugly head away from my butt'' He commanded. ''Now, I'm being nice enough to take time out. And, give you this little practical tutorial, cunt. So, don't piss me off, faggot. Keep that queer head of yours on the floor, cunt''. Understand? Butt muncher''.

''Yes Master Deiter. Yes Master. I understand''. Shit scared. I didn't move.

''Now, where was I before I was so annoyingly interrupted'' He scolded.

''Ah, yes'' He continued. ''Then, I gradually lower my muscle jock butt onto the pigs face. Positioning it just right. My fucking delicious tight asshole right on the pig mouth. And, I expect to feel the faggots lips instantly glued to my asshole. Kissing. Licking. Fucking sucking. Its tongue fighting to get inside my shithole. Desperately trying to work its dinner out. Feels good. The faggots tongue trying to work it's way inside. So, I let it struggle for a while. Let the cunt wait. See, I've got one seriously tight muscle ring. Really tight'' He grins. ''So, only when I'm good and ready will I relax my hole. And, allow the faggot scum the honour of getting its pig tongue inside my tasty jock hole. You understand everything clearly so far, queer boy?

''Yes Master Deiter. I totally understand. I totally understand Master'' I grovelled.

''Good fucking cunt boy. See, fag. A queer is nothing to me but my personal paying toilet'' he glared. ''With his eyes locked on mine he continued. '' It's nothing but a toilet. A fucking lowlife toilet to be used by superior straight guys like me. It's the ultimate display of my awesome jock superiority''. He glowed in total supremacy. Still holding my eye, he continued teasing me.

'' And just so you fucking know, cunt. Just in case you ever fucking rob a bank or something'' He laughed. '' I don't like to have to work too hard. Why the fuck should I? Master Deiter help some pathetic lowlife fag? I don't fucking think so'' He snapped. ''So, the cunt has to work for it. Those are the fucking rules, boy. I just grind my shithole right on the dumb homo's mouth. Let the dirty homo do it's thing. I just relax. Enjoying the ride. Sometimes, I like to knock back a beer or two. Why fucking not. Enjoy a nice cold Bud while the queer does it's job'' He growls, nastily.

I thought I was going to shoot my load at any minute. I'd never felt like this before. He owned me. Body and soul.

''Kicking back. Having a Bud. Some lowlife shit hungry faggot beneath me. Sucking on my stinking jock hole. Submitting to me. Submitting to total domination. Its just awesome. Fucking awesome!! It's some fucking power trip'' he chuckles.

''Now, you know I'm a thoughtfully caring kind of guy. And I understand that faggots need to be told exactly what to do. So, I like to oblige. As best I can. With some verbal encouragement. And, the occasional fucking slap when required.'' He sneers. ''I'm just all heart''. He puts his face right in mine.

''Suck, faggot. Fucking suck. Suck the shit right out of my jock hole. Work for it cunt. Work for Master Deiters shit logs. Fucking work, faggot. Suck hard on my quater-back shithole. Let me feel that pig tongue deep inside my shit chute.'' He whispers'' That normally does the trick'' He chuckles, moving back.

''So, the dumb cunt does as its told. And sucks hard. Feels fucking good. Every guy likes having his hole sucked'' He says smugly. ''And, you fucking queers were just born to suck ass. Are we still fucking clear, asswipe? He sneers.

''Yes, Master Deiter. Yes Master Deiter'' I gasp.

''Now'' he smirked. ''Now, we're getting to the good fucking bit, boy. The really fucking good bit. The real reason why god put fucking nasty homo's on the face of the planet. You fucking understand, homo. You fucking understand that it's my god given right to have my superior straight jock shit adored, worshipped and consumed by lowlife faggot scum. That's fucking right. Isn't it, boy? He demands, aggressively.

I nod but he's not happy with my me. Grabbing my hair he bangs my head up and down against the floor. I cry. Shaking my head furiously.

''That's better, shiteater'' He barks. ''Lets making sure you've got that right now. The only fucking reason you exist is to pay for the privilege of eating my jock shit. Right cunt?'' he growls. I nod, fast. Several times.

''Good fucking shit slave'' he says, quietly. ''Now back to the tutorial, cunt'' He snaps. Sharply.

''When I'm fucking totally satisfied with the level of fucking sucking and tongue work. I'll push down a little. Push my jock turd further down my shit tunnel. All that lowlife faggot's sucking has made me really feel that I need to take a good dump. A big fucking jock dump. And, you'll be glad to hear. I've got a very healthy digestive system, boy. My turds are really really thick and hard. Big, long straight jock monsters. But, fuck, sometimes, faggot'' He grimace. ''They can be a real fucking bitch to shit out. My Mom keeps telling me that I need more roughage in my diet'' he smiles. Bending right down, he whispers right in my ear again.

''Nice long thick college jock steaming turds, cunt. Real man fucking turds. Fresh from the oven. The fucking type you fags dream about sliding down inside your faggot throat'' Pulling back. He spits in my face.

''But I'm digressing, again, boy''. He sniggers. '' And, just at the best bit too. Apologies, cunt. Anyway......The fag. It's sucking like fucking hell on my jock hole. Feels like the cunt is trying to suck my insides out. It's one talented shit hoover'' he giggles, unashamedly.

''I push a little harder. Now, those delicious jock turds are heading right towards the fucking fags toilet mouth. Its nearly within reach. Its going wild under my asshole. Sucking. Shoving its fucking faggot tongue deep inside my hole. Then, the tip of its tongue touches the tip of that jock turd. It groans. Its in fucking pig heaven. I push really hard. I'm straining. I grunt. The fucking fag scum knows dinner is coming. It sucks even harder. I get off on how desperate it is. It's nearly there. One last big push. That lucky fucking pig is about to sample just how delicious Master Deiter's home cooking is!''. His speech quickens.

''The lips of my jock shithole push out. Right inside the pigs mouth. Then, it fucking happens. My Prime A jock shit begins to fill it's toilet mouth! The cunts greatest dream has come true. It's biting off chunks. Chewing it fucking up. Gratefully gobbling down my Alpha male jock shit! I stop pushing. Allowing it to finish one tasty mouthful. Before giving it another. I want every bit of my jock shit in that queer scum's stomach. I watch it eat. Watch it's throat muscles work. Swallowing down mouthful after mouthful of my quarter-back shit. Right fucking on!

''Obviously. When I'm finished. It fucking thanks me. Over and over again. Thanks me for the honour of being allowed to eat Master Deiters Alpha Male shit. Then, I piss in its toilet mouth. Need to wash its dirty mouth out with jock beer piss. It's tongue needs cleaning before it gets back to work. My dirty shithole needs attention again. Yep, its back for the pig boy. Now, lick my fucking hole clean. Lick faggot, lick. Tongue that jock shithole. And, don't forget those butt hairs, faggot. Suck those shitty fucking hairs clean, faggot. But gently. Don't go getting those hairs stuck between your pig teeth. That wouldn't be wise, faggot. Come on, work that pig tongue. Work that mouth. I fucking want my shithole shinning like a new penny'' he sniggers.

'' But, poor cunt. You've got no cash. So none of that for you, cunt! No fucking dinner for you tonight , faggot'' He says, patting my head like a dog.

Suddenly, he get up. Quickly removing the cuffs.

''Now faggot. I'm done with you for now. So, fucking skip off home! I've got stuff to do. I get off at 6am tomorrow. I have my morning dump at about 7am. So, I'll be expecting to see you waiting outside. Cash in fucking hand. Beers chilling. And, if you've brought enough cash. You might just get to gobble down those fucking burgers you just bought me. Recycled quarter back burger shit for breakfast. Yum fucking yum, filthy homo'' he sniggered. ''Now, get lost, shiteater''

And so it began................


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