All Alone

Published on Sep 26, 2013


All Alone: Chapter 15

All Alone

Copyright © 2013 by JD

Authors Note: This story you are about to read is one of emotions. I have laughed, got angry, cried, and even depressed while writing this story! Most of all, I enjoyed writing it. I hope you the reader will enjoy it as much as I did. For those who would like to email me, you can reach me at Please remember that if you like the stories here on Nifty to donate whatever you can to help keep this wonderful site up and running.

Now on to my generic disclaimer!-

The story you are about to read contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. The following is evil, illegal, should be banned, and all that other blah, blah, blah. If reading a coming of age story of self-discovery about pre-adolescent and adolescent boys that wet their beds, wear diapers, and explore their awakening sexuality with each other does not tickle your pickle (or if the law in your area says that pickle tickling is illegal) then don't read it.

Chapter 15: Monday November 18th, 2013 – 7:30am

Like Sunday morning, I was awakened by Jessie. But unlike the day before, she didn't wake up until a few minutes before her mother would be up here. Because of this, she didn't waste time being polite about it. She just yanked me out of bed.

"Jamie, I'm sorry but I need you to hurry and take off that wet GoodNite. My mom will be upstairs any minute and you know you don't want her to see you in that." She pointed toward my waist which looked pretty puffy around my middle.

I grumbled due to being awoken in this manner. She of course wouldn't hear any of it. As she continued to urgently get me to move, I found myself wondering what she was talking about. Of course her constant pointing towards my waist area made me look down at it again.

As I looked down at myself and the fog of sleep drifted away, I realized that I once again wet my bed... well the GoodNite that is. Like yesterday, it was soaked. The thing that really bothered me though, was, I didn't even remember wetting it.

"I wet again!" I said in dejection of myself.

"I am sorry Jamie; we don't have time for this, this morning." She urged me.

I was about to say something else but Jessie gave me a look that I interpreted as, "Shut up and get moving, now!" Of course it could have meant something else but I didn't bother to confirm it. Instead, I rubbed my eyes and did as she asked.

While pulling down my pajama bottoms, I once again felt the weird feeling about the wet GoodNite. More awake this time, I was almost sure that I actually liked the feeling of the sodden bulk between my legs. Something about the feel of it... well... just felt good. Of course I felt perplexed as to why I would have this feeling about a wet GoodNite. I didn't have a lot of time to think about it though as I heard movement downstairs. I quickly ripped the wet bulk off my waist, pulled back up my pajama bottoms, and quickly got back in bed. Jessie had no sooner left and went back to her room, when I heard Mrs. Jackson coming up the stairs.

Because of being woke up late, I didn't get a chance to clean the pee off my waist where the GoodNite protected my PJ's and bed. I was afraid when Mrs. Jackson came into my room to get me up for school, that she would be able to smell it on me. Boy was I relieved that once I got out of bed, she moved on. It wasn't until after she left that I even checked the bed or my pajamas for any signs of wetness. Once again, the GoodNite kept my bed dry. As I headed towards the bathroom, a thought occurred to me. For the 2nd morning in a row, Jessie seemed to know that I was wet before she even got me out of bed. I couldn't help wondering if she was checking the GoodNite for wetness before waking me. As I thought about this, I decided that I would rather not know the answer. Just the thought alone was embarrassing enough!

I decided to not take any chances that morning and washed myself thoroughly. This meant taking a quick shower before getting ready for school. Luckily I was able to get into the bathroom first so that I had first shot at the shower. As I got ready that morning, I found myself dreading a possible question from Adam. I was almost sure he was going to ask me if I wet last night, but surprisingly he never said a word.

Because today would be my first day at a new school, and because I would go to a different school then Jessie or even Adam, Mrs. Jackson personally drove me there. It turns out that the middle school is only a few blocks away from the Jackson's home and therefore in walking distance, unlike Jessie's or Adam's school. But that morning Mrs. Jackson took me as she needed to sign a few papers to finish my enrollment. She also wanted to make sure I knew my way there. As I was expected to walk back home when school was over. Once the paperwork was done, Mrs. Jackson looked at me and then shocked me... She said goodbye to me. Again I found myself perplexed at the confusing attitude differences that Mrs. Jackson kept doing. I decided that when I got a chance that I would discuss it further with Jessie as she knew her mom better than I did. I just wanted to make sure that it was a sincere effort to be nice to me. For the time being, I decided to go with it. So, feeling that I owed her a return in the kindness, I also said goodbye. She then gave me a curt nod before she turned and left the office. Shortly after that, I was shown where my locker was and then once I deposited my coat, taken to my Special Ed classroom that I would be attending while at this school.

I would love to say that first school day was uneventful, but I would be lying. The morning went okay as I learned the classroom routine. My teacher's name was Mrs. Matthews and I found that she and her aid, seemed pretty nice. She did have one flaw though, like my old teachers, she loved to give plenty of homework. Mrs. Matthews also privately went over my schedule with me because it turned out that I did have 2 classes in the afternoon that would not be in the Special Ed room. One of course was Gym, and the other was an elective class, which was Home-Ec as it was the only elective that had room still in it.

As I said, the morning was okay and didn't bring about any problems for me. In fact, it wasn't until Lunch Time that my first real problem cropped up. I didn't even realize it until we were excused and everyone had left the classroom, but I wasn't given a lunch that morning, or the money to buy one. It didn't matter because I had no idea where the lunch room was anyway. Instead, I went outside and spent the whole lunch hour sitting on a bench near the main entrance.

I heard the bell ring, announcing the end of the lunch hour. As I went back inside the school, I decided that I would stop at the boys' room before heading back to class. No sooner had I made it through the front doors of the school when I guess I made a bad impression on a bigger kid. I accidently bumped into him and stepped on his foot. Now I have pretty small feet as I am a pretty small kid. This kid though was a behemoth, and there was no way when I stepped on his foot that I hurt him. Still, he got mad at me and offered to rearrange my face. I was lucky as a teacher came onto the scene before the bully could hit me. Of course the kid, in not so many words, kindly told me that he would be happy to reschedule my face pounding for later that day. Angry about the whole incident and not thinking, I of course politely told him... where to go.

I guess you can say that I allowed my anger and frustration to get the best of me. I would have never done something like this in front of a teacher any other time. Because I didn't think before engaging mouth, what I said was overheard by the teacher. For the second time on my first day of school, I found myself sitting in the office. This time though, I was going to be given the `Special' opportunity to meet the vice principal one on one. He was a `swell guy' and even was nice enough to sign an autograph for me! Of course the paper he signed, was my very first detention at this school. Boy do I hate school!

Because of my visit with the V.P. (which was what the Vice Principle referred to himself as), I was of course late to class. I also totally forgot about my need to pee. Of course I got a reminding twinge about 15 minutes after returning to class, from my bladder. Feeling like I wouldn't be able to hold it much longer, I held up my hand.

"Yes Jamie?" Mrs. Peterson asked. Mrs. Peterson was the teacher's aid that worked in my Special Ed class.

"Can I go to the bathroom please?" I asked as politely as I could, considering how desperate I was at that moment.

"I am sorry Jamie, but you should have gone during break." She replied. "It is school policy for the students to use the bathroom during breaks between classes on their own time." She added.

I was now starting to wonder, if my earlier feelings about Mrs. Peterson, were true or not.

Now I would have gone straight to Mrs. Matthews but she had stepped out about 5 minutes ago and had yet to return to the room. I knew that there would be no way I would be able to hold it until the next break time; so I decided that as soon as my teacher came back, that I would plead for her mercy.

As the minutes dragged on, the more desperate I became and still, Mrs. Matthews had not returned. I was on the verge of wetting myself when I knew I had no other choice. I got up and told the teacher's aid that I was going to the bathroom, with or without her permission. I didn't bother to wait for her response as I ran for the door.

I ran all the way to the bathroom and just right before I hit the bathroom door, my bladder gave into the extreme pressure it had been feeling. I felt myself flooding my pants and wanting to minimize the damage to them as much as possible; I ran to the wall of urinals and while still peeing, I fished myself out and finished in one of the urinals. It wasn't until I was done; that I took a moment to see how badly I wet my pants.

As I looked into the mirror, I could easily spot the very obvious wet patch on my crotch. I could also feel that my underwear were soaked. Not knowing what else to do, I tried un-tucking my shirt to hide the wet spot. Of course my shirt had gotten wet as well so this idea did not work at all. In fact the wet spot on my shirt went all the way above my belly button, and almost all the way down on one thigh of my jeans.

I stood there in the bathroom and debated on what I was going to do, tears came to my eyes. I didn't know what to do and I felt ashamed for wetting my pants in school! For the next several minutes I cried while standing at the bathroom sink. When I did finally get control over my tears back, I decided there was only one thing I could do. Without putting too much thought in it, I decided to cut the rest of the school day. I knew that this act would most likely end with me once again getting the V.P.'s autograph, but it was far more preferable over my other option, which was to go back to class and be humiliated back to tears. So, for the first time since coming to the Jacksons, I ended up exploring the area around my new and hopefully temporary home. Afraid of getting seen, I didn't bother going back to my locker for my coat. I just walked out the front door. Luckily it was unusually warm for that time of year and with my heavy long sleeve shirt, I wasn't too cold. The only slight chill I had was when the wind kicked up and came into contact with my wet shirt and pants. Luckily there was no one walking at this time and I soon forgot all about worrying being seen with that huge wet spot on the front of my clothing.

I wandered the streets for the next hour or so and eventually came upon a small park. Tired and not sure what else to do, I walked over to a swing and took a seat. I am not sure how long I sat there swinging lazily. It wasn't until I noticed several kids enter the park that I realized it must have been after school by now.

I looked down at myself and was satisfied that I was now dry. Not wanting to get Mrs. Jackson upset, I decided to make my way back. Unfortunately there was a slight problem... I wasn't sure how to get to the Jacksons' house from where I was. In fact, because I was not paying attention when I left the school, I was completely lost.

As I tried to find my way back home, I was mentally kicking myself. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I berated myself out loud.

Now as an afterthought, I realized that I of course didn't put much thought in this plan. I never even considered what the Jacksons would say, if and/or when, they found out about me skipping school.

I tried my best to backtrack to the school but as it started to get dark outside, the temperature started to steadily drop. It was now becoming downright chilly! As I tried my best to keep warm, I feared that I would never find my way. I knew that it had to now be past 6pm and I had officially broke curfew. But that didn't matter to me that much right then and there.

As I walked down one street after another, I felt like all I was doing was getting more and more lost. All the streets seemed to look alike and now dark; it was even harder to find my way. I guess I could have stopped and knocked on someone's door, and asked for directions back to the school; but I didn't, and I am not even sure why! Maybe a part of me wanted to stay lost rather than go back to the Jackson's. Sure, Jessie was great, and Adam seemed like he might be okay. But Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were for the most part... well... let's just say, Jerks!

I was walking in a dark neighborhood when a pair of slowly moving bright headlights lit me from behind. The way I was lit up made me instantly think of my 1st nightmare and those lights from the mysterious vehicle that came up behind my mom. This of course led to me panicking. I didn't wait around long enough to find out who the headlights belonged too.

I took off in a flash across somebody's yard and while out of sight doubled back through several back yards, moving from shadow to shadow. I must have been 3 or 4 blocks away when I decided that I lost whoever it was that drove up behind me... I was wrong!

I was walking along what looked like a familiar street (Of course it could have been one I gone down an hour ago.), when I once again saw a very slow moving set of bright headlights, this time from a vehicle in front of me. With the brights shining in my eyes, like the last time, I wasn't able to make out what kind of vehicle it was.

I was sure I had once again been spotted, so I again took off. Somehow I managed to evade the driver once again. Now if I hadn't been so spooked by my nightmare, I may have just asked the driver for directions. Then again, it seemed weird how the vehicle was driving slowly with its brights on. It almost seemed if the headlights of the car was stalking me.

I finally came to the conclusion that maybe the best idea was for me to find a hiding spot for the night and decide what to do in the morning. It didn't take long for me to find the perfect spot.

I had been walking through a back yard (I hadn't bothered trying to go back out to the street since the last time I was spotted.), when I noticed what looked like a rope ladder. There was enough light coming from the back porch light, that I was able to not only see the ladder, but also what it led to... A fort!

I didn't debate my decision for long and began to climb up to the fort. As I entered, I could tell the kid that it belonged to was very proud of it. It was completely enclosed and all four walls contained small trinkets and treasures. I was able to see these as I had found a small flashlight right inside the doorway. With the flashlight I was able to clearly see the whole inside of the fort. It was the fort that every young kid like me would envy. As I already said, it was completely enclosed in with 4 walls and a roof. It also came complete with a door that latched from the inside, and a couple windows with shutters that were currently closed and locked. Feeling tired and hungry, I looked for anything that would be edible.

I first spotted the green army blanket lying in a corner, but with bigger concerns, I continued to look for something to eat. With the flashlight, I found a small cupboard hanging on one wall. Boy I was happy when I opened it to find an assortment of snacks. Hungry because I hadn't eaten since breakfast; I quickly devoured 2 single serving bags of chips and 3 candy bars, 1 Snickers and 2 butterfingers.

My hunger now slightly diminished, I found I had a new need... I had to pee and badly!

While I was out wandering around earlier that day, I used a tree or other hiding spot when the need to pee arose. It had been a while since the last time I peed though, so I was pretty desperate now! The thing was, I didn't want to take the chance of possibly being spotted going back down the ladder, and I didn't want to wet myself in my sleep again. So after again looking around for a solution, I decided to open one of the window shutters and pee from it. Boy did I feel relieved as I let my stream go. I could barely make out the noise of it splattering the ground below.

Now that my stomach was full and my bladder empty, I decided that I needed to try and get some sleep. The problem was, the floor was made of wood and there was only one blanket. If I had another one, I would have used one as padding underneath me. But the fact was, that it was now the time of the year when it was darn right cold! Because of this, I needed the one to keep me warm by covering me.

With no other choice than the wooden floor, I tried my best to get comfortable. It was about now that I wish I had taken the time to get my coat from my locker before I left. If I had, I could have at least wadded it up and used it as a pillow. Instead I folded my arms behind my head and laid back, staring up into the dark celling of the fort. As I lied there, I considered all my options for the morning.

I knew that I couldn't hide here indefinitely as it looked like the owner of this fort used it regularly. I debated trying to look for the school again in the morning and somehow finding my way back to the Jacksons. Of course I only thought about this for a few minutes before shooting the idea down. I knew more than ever that I didn't want to go back to the Jacksons. I didn't care even if Mrs. Jackson now wanted to be my friend. I was sure that if I thought they didn't like me before, they were sure to hate me now! Tired, I decided to wait until morning and just wing it; for now, I tried my best to sleep. So I laid there in the cold dark ... All Alone!

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Next: Chapter 16

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