All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on Jan 17, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All Alone in Love -- Chapter 4 by JT Poole

  • New York - Hyatt-Regency -- Justin and JC's Room *

"Justin calm down! Let's be rational about all of this." JC stated.

"Fuck you Josh! No need to be rational! You wanted to leave me, fine leave me, go to Carson I don't care, I am going home." Justin screamed as he started crying, shocking JC, since he hadn't seen Justin cry in a very long time.

"Justin, please, wait, don't go!" JC screamed.

"Just let him go Joshua, we can be alone together now. If he wants to leave let him go. If he really did act the way you said he did, you don't need him anyway, let him go. Let me show you the love and attention he wasn't." Carson stated.

"No Carson, didn't I tell you to fucking leave! Justin please, baby don't go, let's talk about this." JC stated walking into the main bedroom.

"Josh I loved you, I still love you, how could you do this to me? Why didn't you talk to me sooner before you started feeling like you wanted to leave me?" Justin asked.

"I tried giving you hints, but you didn't pick up on any of them. I didn't want to just come out and say how I felt; I thought you would have noticed. " JC stated, sitting down besides Justin on the bed.

"Well you should have done something besides making plans with Carson. I feel so betrayed, I just don't believe this is happening." Justin stated still crying.

"Baby please, can we just not talk about Carson right now, I would rather talk about us." JC stated.

"Maybe we should get our marriage annulled. If all of this is happening, maybe we aren't meant to be together." Justin stated as he got up and pulled off his wedding ring.

"Justin No! Please baby, put your ring back on." JC pleaded.

"Just look at us, sitting in a hotel room doing this. This is so tacky. Why don't we go back home and handle this, better yet, why don't we go ahead and fly to Vermont and end this." Justin stated.

  • Orlando, FL -- Lance and Joey's House *

"Well he had that coming to him. Maybe now he will understand how I felt for the last couple of weeks that he has done nothing but ignored my every move. I am going to have fun tonight. So Chris what are you going to do tonight?" Joey asked walking into the bedroom to pick out something to wear for his date later.

"I am going home. I have no plans for tonight, I am just going to sit around and watch television." Chris stated. "Oh and Joey you are going to have to listen to him sometime, maybe he has a good excuse for the way he's been acting lately."

"Whatever, I am going out and I am not going to think about Lance once. I am going to see what happens with this guy and if he wants to have fun tonight, I am going to give it to him, you know a gurl has needs." Joey stated as he held up a shirt for Chris to give an opinion on.

"Yeah I know you gurlz have needs, but I don't want you getting into any trouble. I am your friend and his friend too. I don't want to be in the middle of what might happen between the two of you, if you go out on this date and do what you plan on doing. You know there are going to be some aftershocks." Chris stated.

"Chris, I haven't had sex in almost a month. I haven't been this dry since I was a kid. Do you know how it feels to lie in bed with your boyfriend inches away and he won't do his duty?" Joey asked. "I need to be fucked and fucked good. I need a good fucking so bad that I can imagine myself lying in bed with this guy and he is ramming it to me good."

"Okay that was a little bit more information than I needed. You could have kept all of that to yourself. Since I don't have a boyfriend, I don't know the feeling, but I understand the point you are making." Chris stated. "Just be careful Joey, don't do anything you are not sure about doing."

"I won't alright, just help me pick out something to wear so I can look good." Joey stated.

  • New York -- Hyatt-Regency -- Justin and JC's Room *

"Baby, please, how many times do I have to apologize for something I haven't done?" JC asked.

"Excuse me! You have done it Carson was here! You had plans with another man, a date for God's sake!" Justin screamed. "He had flowers and wine. That wasn't just a social visit. He was here for you, for you Josh, there is no way around that at all!"

"I didn't go anywhere with him and I didn't do anything with him or to him." JC explained.

"No you didn't because I was here, but what if I wasn't here? Were you two going to sleep together or something?" Justin asked.

"No Justin, I have more respect for myself than that! I don't walk around stick my dick in everything that moves!" JC screamed.

"Well you know and I know that Carson Daly is the biggest slut around! He's the reason why Nick Carter and Kevin Richardson broke up!" Justin shouted. "I bet he was just waiting to step in and get me out of the way like he did Kevin!"

"He hasn't got you out of the way, you are still here and I want you to stay here! You are my husband damn it! You need to start acting like one and get over it!" JC screamed. "I don't even know why I am sitting in here arguing with you about this. The reason why we are here because you couldn't be the husband you were supposed to be! You were the one that was ignoring me, overlooking me, making me feel forgotten and now that all of this happened, you get mad and upset, you should be mad and upset, maybe now you will act like my husband, the man I married and stop overlooking me and show me some love and affection." JC stated as he got up and walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.

Justin sat there thinking to himself and he realized that JC was right. It had been his entire fault. Every thing that was going on was his fault. If he had shown JC the love and affection he needed and craved, they wouldn't be there in the position they are in now. Getting up, Justin walks over to the bathroom door and opens it.

"Baby I am so sorry, could you please forgive?" Justin asked. "I know I have been a jerk for the last couple of weeks just forgive me baby."

"It's not a question of forgiving you. Are you going to love me, show me the affection you use to show me?" JC asked.

"Josh you know I love you, I just got caught up in everything that was going on, I am so sorry baby, I will never do that again, I promise." Justin stated as he wrapped his arms around JC and started kissing him passionately.

The two men stood there kissing in the bathroom like there was no tomorrow. Justin kissed JC so zealously that it looked like he was trying to devour JC's face. They stood there continuing to kiss each other while they removed each other's clothes.

  • 9 hours later -- Downtown Orlando, The Harlan Theatre *

"Did you enjoy the show Joseph?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes I did, I enjoyed it very much." Joey stated.

"There's a little coffee shop down the street, would you like to go and have some coffee and talk?" Jonathan asked.

"Sure, why not. I have nothing else to do tonight. I don't feel like going to that big lonely house." Joey stated, "Be nice to just be out."

"Cool, it's right down the street, would you like to walk to the shop?" Jonathan asked.

"Sure why not, it's a pretty night for walking. Sounds cool to me." Joey stated, as the two of them started walking down the street.

"So where is your friend Lance, I haven't seen him at rehearsals with you lately, did he move?" Jonathan asked.

"No, he still lives in the house with me, he's just away on business. When he's gone it gets quite boring around there." Joey stated.

"I bet it does. I know my house gets boring too, when my friends are not over with me I feel like I am going to go out of my head or something because it's so boring at times." Jonathan stated.

"I know the feeling." Joey laughed.

"Here's the shop, let's go in." Jonathan stated, opening and holding the door for Joey as he entered the small coffee shop.

"Hi Jesse how's it going?" Jonathan asked.

"Nothing much man, been a slow night. What can I get for ya?" Jesse asked.

"Give me a Mocha, and Joey what would you like?" Jonathan asked.

"A Mocha would be fine for me too." Joey stated.

"Would you guys like something to snack on? We have some fresh Apple Pie, Donuts, Danishes and my mother just brought some homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies in." Jesse stated.

"I will have a slice of the pie." Joey stated.

"I'll have one of your mom's cookies, you know how much I like her cooking." Jonathan spoke.

"Yeah I know, sometimes it's hard to get you to stop eating at our house." Jesse joked.

"Ha ha ha, I wouldn't eat there if your mother didn't invite me over so much, now would I?" Jonathan laughed.

"Yeah, but we still love ya anyway. Give me a sec and I will have you guys order in just a minute." Jesse stated as he walked away.

"So you two are close?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, almost like brothers. We have been friends since the third grade. He's my very best friend in the world. In our type of business it's hard to find and keep those and Jesse's been around before and after I got famous so I am thankful I have him." Jonathan stated.

"Yeah I have a friend like that. He's in Australia right now with his parents. He should be back in about a month. He will be back when we get ready to take `Rent' to another town." Joey stated.

"Oh, I didn't know you guys were going to be traveling with your play." Jonathan stated.

"Yeah we are. We are going to have a couple of shows here for the remainder of this month and then next month we will do some shows in DC and some in New York." Joey stated.

"OH, I wish I should have asked you out earlier then. Seems I won't be able to get to know you like I wanted to." Jonathan stated, as he sat there with a frown on his face.

"Here ya go guys, here's your Mocha's and your pie and your cookies. Do you guys need anything else?" Jesse asked.

"No, I am fine, just give me a bullet and a gun." Jonathan said.

"What for?" Jesse laughed, "If you wanted to die, I could have killed you that night you left me in that gay bar alone, all by myself."

"Well just kill me now. My world has been shattered." Jonathan stated.

"Why? Why has your world been shattered?" Joey asked.

"Because you are leaving. I wanted to get to know you better and hopefully, hopefully be your boyfriend." Jonathan explained.

"Be my boyfriend, you can't be my boyfriend. I already have a boyfriend." Joey stated.

"I know you have a boyfriend, Lance isn't it?" Jonathan stated, "But he doesn't treat you right."

"How do you know how he treats me?" Joey asked.

"I overheard your conversation with Candy one day about how he ignores you and how he doesn't pay you any attention." Jonathan stated, "When I heard that, my heart broke. I wanted to show you the attention you needed, I wouldn't ignore you."

"Jonathan, I am sorry. If this was to have happened before I met Lance I would jump at the chance to be your boyfriend, but I love him. I know he has not shown me the love and affection that I want, but that's because he's been putting all of his time and energy into his company. Since `N Sync decided to take a break while Justin and JC work on solo projects, he started catching up on stuff with his company." Joey explained.

"But you are more important than work. If he really loved you, he would not ignore you. He would do what he could to make sure that you were happy." Jonathan stated.

"Well his company is his baby. While we were on tour he kind of neglected doing some things and now he's just trying to catch up. I am quite sure that once he has taken care of all the loose ends, he will be right back to loving me." Joey stated.

"Joey I don't believe that. I would never put my work or anything like that before my lover. My lover would come first." Jonathan stated, "I know you miss the touch of love, why don't you let me show you what it's like to have someone love you and cherish you."

"Jonathan, I...I..." Joey trailed off as Jonathan leaned over and kissed him passionately right there in the middle of the coffee shop.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 6

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