All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on Feb 9, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All Alone in Love -- Chapter 6 by JT Poole

// Jonathan Taylor Thomas' Apartment //

"Please understand that I still love Lance. I know that he hasn't been the boyfriend he should be, but the love is still there." Joey stated.

"You deserve more than what he's offering, you deserve this..." Jonathon stated as he leaned in and kissed Joey, wrapping his arms around him.

The two men sat there for what seemed like eternity kissing each other. Joey was enjoying the feelings he was experiencing with this guy, but in the back of his mind, Lance was still there. He didn't want to do this, but his body ached and yearned for some attention and this guy was giving it to him.

"Oh yeah, I like this." Joey stated as Jonathon eased away from him and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"I like this too. Should I turn on some music or something?" Jonathon asked.

"If you like, but I am not interested in music right now, just you." Joey stated as his cell phone started vibrating in his pocket. "Damn it, who would be calling me now?"

"I don't know, are you going to answer it?" Jonathan asked.

"No, I will let the voice mail get it. I won't let the phone ruin this for me." Joey stated, as he started unbuttoning his shirt too.

"I want you to have a happy experience Joseph, I want you to have and feel what you haven't been getting. I want you Joseph and I want you now." Jonathan stated as he started kissing Joey again and running his fingers through his hair.

// Chris' House //

"What the hell, who would be knocking on my dam door this late at night!" Chris stated as he walked from the kitchen to the front door to see who was there.

"Chris, I have looked everywhere, I can't find Joey anywhere and he isn't answering his cell at all." Lance stated standing in Chris' doorway.

"Damn it Lance, do you realize what time it is?" Chris asked, "I told you on the phone earlier that he went out with a friend, that's all you need to know."

"What do you mean, `All I need to know', you sound as if you know where he is. Where is he Chris?" Lance asked.

"He's gone out on a date. You should get a clue." Chris stated.

"He's gone on a what! With Who?!" Lance asked.

"With someone, why do you care? You have been ignoring him. From what he says, you have ignored him for the last month or so and you even refused to have sex with him. He said he couldn't take it anymore." Chris stated, "You brought this on yourself."

"No! Oh no, he's left me! What am I going to do now!?" Lance asked as he fell right there in Chris' doorway as he started crying.

"Lance get up from there and get in here, you are causing a scene. I don't want any of my neighbors calling the cops because the hear some blonde maniac crying on my doorsteps." Chris stated, directing Lance to the sofa. "You should have paid some attention to him, you should have realize this was going to happen. I am not gay or anything, but if my man ignored me like you ignored him, I would leave your ass too."

"Oh Chris, I don't believe this. He has gone and left me, well I guess that proves he didn't really love me." Lance stated. "I had reasons for everything that I did, but I guess it doesn't matter now."

"What possible reason could you have to stop paying attention to your boyfriend, your lover for God Sakes? Tell me Lance, what reasons do you have?" Chris asked.

"I was being blackmailed Chris! I was being blackmailed. Someone had proof of my relationship with Joey and the bastard also had proof of JC and Justin's marriage/" Lance spoke.

"What?" Chris stated.

"Yeah, he basically told me that if I didn't do what he wanted, he would send his proof to every tabloid and news show that he could. So I went along with what he wanted." Lance stated.

"Oh fuck! Why didn't you tell anyone?" Chris asked.

"I couldn't tell anyone. He told me that he would follow-through with his plans to publish the proof if I said anything to anyone about what was going on." Lance explained.

"How would have he known if you told?" Chris asked.

"He was having me watched. That's why I stopped showing affection to Joey. I didn't want to do anything else that could give him extra proof on us." Lance stated as he was still crying.

// New York -- Justin and JC's Hotel Room //

"Baby, baby the food is here." Justin stated, trying to wake JC up.

"Oh okay, I was just taking a small nap. That little sex session we had in the shower took it out of me." JC stated as he put his robe on as Justin wheeled the cart into the room.

"Oh I am so hungry, this looks so good, you sure that burger and fries is going to hold you until morning?" Justin asked, "You can have some of my food if you like baby."

"This should do me, but if not, I will help myself to what you have." JC stated as he removed the lid from his tray, as Justin's cell phone started ringing.

"Who would be calling me this time of night, hello?" Justin said into the phone.

"Justin, where are you and JC?" Chris asked, "I called your house and got no answer."

"We are in New York, why, what's up?" Justin asked.

"Well it seems there's a problem that involves you and your husband, you guys need to get home as soon as possible." Chris stated.

"What involves me and my husband, what's wrong Chris?" Justin asked.

"I don't want to talk about it over the phone. When you guys get back in to Orlando, come straight over here. Lance is here, he will fill you in on everything." Chris stated.

"Okay I guess. We should be on the next flight back then. Talk later Chris." Justin stated as he hung up his phone.

"What was that all about baby?" JC asked.

"Chris said that there is a problem that involves you and me back home so we have to leave." Justin explained.

"Did he tell you what was wrong?" JC asked.

"No, he just said that we need to get back as soon as possible and that Lance would fill us in on what was going on." Justin stated, "I guess we better call the airport and see when the next flight to Orlando is."

"I guess so, let me go gather our things together while you check flight information." JC stated getting off the bed.

"No Josh, you come back here and finish eating, you can do that when you are done. You need food." Justin stated as JC came back to continue eating.

// Orlando -- Jonathan Taylor Thomas' Apartment //

"Oh...this feels so good, please don't stop." Joey spoke as Jonathan was licking his nipples.

"Oh you like that, how about this..." Jonathan spoke, as he started pinching Joey's nipples, making him squirm around, "I guess you like that too."

"Oh I do. Now I know what I have been missing for the last couple of weeks. Jonathan make love to me." Joey stated moaning in pleasure.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 8

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