All American


Published on Mar 13, 2004


This story contains homosexual themes. If you are offended by such topics or you are not of legal age to read such stories, please read no further. All the characters in the story are fictitious, any resemblance to actual individuals are purely coincidental. Comments are welcome at

Chapter 14

Hunter could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he and Jerric walked toward the bulletin board posted outside of the coach's office. There were already several other players looking over the list as they approached.

One of the seniors noticed them and yelled loudly "There's our newest rookie! Congratulations Hunter. Welcome to the team."

Immediately, the other members of the team, all apparently in agreement with the coach's decision, surrounded Hunter. He was on a high like none other. It was a dream that he was convinced would never come true. He was attending Duke, on a basketball scholarship. His head was swimming and he never noticed the coach open his office door.

"Mr. Paxson, could I see you in my office for a moment please?"

Hunter looked towards Jerric. "I'll wait for you" Jerric mouthed.

Hunter nodded, took a deep breath and entered the coach's office.

"I know you are in a hurry to go and celebrate, but I just wanted to take a minute to officially welcome you to the team."

"Thank you" Hunter said unable to wipe the wide smile off of his face. "You have no idea what this means to me."

"I'll be honest with you Hunter" the coach confided, "you came in here as the long shot. I really didn't expect you to make it past the first cut, but you worked your ass off and you're probably the smartest player on the team. You catch on quick, and when Mike graduates I'm gonna need a point guard that can step right in and work with Jerric in the back court."

"Look, I know I'm not the best player on the team, but I'll work hard for you. You have my word."

"I know you will Hunter. That's why you made this squad." He stood to shake Hunter's hand. "Congratulations son. Now why don't you go have some fun tonight, you've earned it."

"Thank you."

Chapter 15

Jerric looked at his watch as he and Hunter made their way quietly down the dorm hallway. It was almost 2:00 am, two hours past curfew. Thank God one of Jerric's close friends roomed on the bottom floor and could be easily awakened by the tapping sound on a window. He had let them in and now just a few more steps and they'd be safely in their room.

Jerric was turning the key in the door when the Resident Aid tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"Jesus Christ Jerric, the school term hasn't even started yet and you're already breaking curfew."

"Shit! Don't you ever sleep?" Jerric teased.

"Not when I'm assigned to your floor. I just set my alarm for 1:30 and then wait for you."

"Very funny. It's not like I always break curfew." Jerric said in his own defense.

The aid rolled his eyes. "Go to bed Jerric. I'm gonna pretend this didn't happen, but next time I won't have a choice. The second offense gets reported to the Dean, and I know how close you two are."

"Oh yeah, I'm his favorite."

The aid walked off and Jerric and Hunter chuckled as they entered their room.

"That was close" Hunter noted.

Jerric nodded. "Speaking of close, do you think we could kinda cuddle tonight?"

"Are you asking me to sleep with you?" Hunter asked grinning.

"Can we? Please?" Jerric pleaded.

Hunter nodded, "But I get to make the rules, okay?"


"Yeah rules. Pants stay on and hands stay above the waist."

"Pants? I can't sleep in my pants" Jerric argued. "Can't I sleep in my boxers?"

Hunter shook his head.

"Can't we compromise" Jerric pleaded. "What about sweat pants?"

"Yeah, sweatpants will work I guess."

"Okay, now how about compromising on the 'hands' thing?" Jerric asked teasingly knowing all to well what the answer would be.

"Nice try Jerric, but don't push your luck." Then his face turned serious. "I'm scared."

Jerric sat on the bed next to him and could feel his body tremble. "Hunter, nothing is gonna happen that you don't want to happen. I told you, I'm not the Jerric I was before I met you. I just want to wake up with you in my arms."

"I want that too." Hunter reached over and turned out the light on the desk. "Let's go to bed."

Once laying next to Jerric, Hunter fears subsided. He was laying on his side with Jerric curled up next to him with his strong arm draped around Hunter's waist.

"See, this isn't so bad now is it?" Jerric whispered softly.

"No, actually I could get use to this real easy."

Hunter rolled over and faced Jerric. "Will you kiss me Jerric?"

Jerric cupped Hunter's face in his hands and moved slowly towards his lips. When he allowed their lips to touch, he let them linger, waiting for Hunter to respond. Hunter's soft moans suggested that he was at ease and Jerric pressed his lips harder against Hunter's and finally allowed his tongue to find its way into Hunter's waiting mouth.

Hunter held Jerric tightly, swept away with feelings of passion that he had never felt before. His body trembled, but this time it was not from fear, but by the pure pleasure of Jerric's touch. Following Jerric's lead he allowed his tongue to explore the warmth of Jerric's mouth, investigating each crevice with a newfound excitement.

Difficult as it was, Jerric conformed to Hunter's rules and allowed his hands to roam freely only on Hunter's chest, while never allowing their lips to part. He was breathing heavily when he finally pulled away from Hunter's embrace.

"Damn Hunter, we've got to stop." Jerric managed to say while trying to catch his breath.

"Why?" Hunter asked innocently. "I kinda got the impression you were enjoying it."

"Because, in case you haven't noticed, I'm as hard as a rock and willpower is not my strong suite."

Hunter's shy smile was barely visible by the moonlight filtering in the room through the blinds. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a tease."

" I didn't mean to imply that, I just know my limits." He kissed Hunter lightly on the forehead.

They laid down and found a comfortable position in each other's arms. Within a few minutes Hunter could hear Jerric's gentle, rhythmic breathing and knew he had drifted off to sleep. He kissed Jerric one last time, feeling the burning sensation on his lips once again. He snuggled close and allowed Jerric's intoxicating scent to fill his nostrils. With thoughts of Jerric filling his mind, he too succumbed to sleep.

Chapter 16

With no alarm to disturb them, Jerric and Hunter remained in their blissful slumber until nearly noon, when Hunter finally stirred. As he opened his eyes, he could feel Jerric's arm still draped around him and the heat of Jerric's breath against his neck. It took him a moment to shake the cobwebs and comprehend what had transpired in the past 24 hours. He was now a member of Duke University's basketball team. A team that was expected to be in the 'final four' at the end of the season, if not the eventual winners. He had a full ride that would allow him pursue his studies in law, and he woke up this morning in the arms of one of the most handsome men he had ever laid his eyes on. It had been one hell of a 24 hours. He reluctantly removed himself from Jerric's embrace and quietly headed to the shower. He was grateful they had been assigned to this dorm. He and Jerric hoped they could keep this room when the permanent assignments came out. It was one of the few semi-private rooms allowing them no other roommates and the luxury of sharing the bathroom with only the guys in the room adjoining theirs. The bathroom was set up so that the door to the adjoining room could be locked from the inside allowing privacy for both rooms. Hunter stepped into the steamy cubicle and allowed the hot water to flow over his body.

"Mind if I join you?" he heard a voice ask from outside of the shower.

Surprising himself even more than Jerric, Hunter softy replied "Only if you promise to kiss me like you did last night."

Jerric quickly removed his sweatpants and boxers. "Oh, I think that can be arranged."

He opened the shower door and joined a smiling Hunter. "Ya know, I really don't have anything to compare it to, but you are one helluva kisser."

"You're not so bad yourself" Jerric whispered as he took Hunter in his arms. He looked deeply into Hunter's eyes and the innocence he saw made him want Hunter even more, but not for the reasons he had wanted men before. Until now, Jerric had only been with men that he felt could please him. Holding Hunter in his arms, his only thought was how to best pleasure Hunter.

With the water pouring over the two of them Jerric started kissing Hunter's neck, while running his hands along his back. Hunter moaned softly, never making any attempt to impede his progress. As Jerric allowed his lips to move lower and tease each nipple, he could feel Hunter's hardness against him and it sent shock waves of excitement through his body.

Hunter leaned his body back against the wall of the shower as his legs weakened. Jerric's mouth was now below Hunter's navel, nuzzling the well-defined love trial leading to Hunter's nine-inch throbbing cock. His fears had vanished and the anticipation of Jerric's mouth around him consumed his thoughts.

Jerric lowered himself to his knees on the hard tile of the shower floor and held tightly to Hunter's ass as his tongue ran the length of his cock. Pre-cum was now flowing freely and it's salty taste only excited Jerric further. He allowed his lips to gently kiss the head of Hunter's dick as he stroked his own, and Jerric could not remember ever have such a feeling of passion.

Jerric's experienced touch had brought Hunter to an edge from which there was no return.

Through his labored breathing Hunter begged Jerric to finish.

"Oh my God Jerric, please. I can't stand it any more!"

Without hesitation Jerric took all he could of Hunter into his mouth and moved slowly up and down its length as he held tightly to his lover's ass.

It took only moment before Hunter exploded in his mouth, shooting stream after stream of hot fluid against the back of Jerric's throat.

Jerric's quickened pace on his own dick, combined with Hunter's violent orgasm allowed them to climax simultaneously as they both held tightly to each other.

Moments later, they allowed their bodies to collapse on the shower floor as they tired desperately to catch their breath.

Jerric pulled Hunter into his arms, realizing the impact, both physical and emotional, of last few minutes.

"You okay?" he whispered tenderly.

With a sincere smile and tears flowing freely down his cheeks, Hunter stared into Jerric's eyes. "Never been better."

Next: Chapter 7: All American 17 19

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