All for Terry (A Long Wait

By Olando Reez

Published on Sep 12, 2018


This is something a little different than i normally write. It's a love story. My first.

I was going through some old boxes this week and found some of my old gay adult magazines. I hadn't seen them in years.

As I went through them I saw a wrapped paper bag and there were a few more in there. But these were covered in plastic. The guy in the cover of them, I had actually met a few times. Before I knew who he was of course. But I always thought he was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.

As I mentioned, I had actuallymet him a few times. It turns that we had worked in the same building. And it wasn't until sometime later that I found he was the guy in my magazines.

This story is for him. A kind of 'What if' story about a guy I wanted for many years, but fate never made that fantasy come true.

This is for Terry. Where ever he may be.



All for Terry (Chapter 3) ...Caught...

...... I was in top of the world after that day with Arnold. He was my first gay experience. And it was Arnold. The guy had the boys for. Afetr we had cleaned up and went back to work. Him on the car he was fixing and me the sign. I was picked up a few hours later by my brother. Then went home

"Think you will finish the sign soon" my brother had asked

"I should " I said

"Arnold is great"

I went to the bathroom after we got home and jerked off in the bathroom to the thoughts of the stud I wanted. It was such a great day. And i sure hoped it would happen again.

.. That day still is so clear in my memory. Like it was happening over again, each and every time I remembered it. Arnold was my first real crush and first experience. So he will always be there in my head. I sigh in adoration of the guy every time. I wonder where he is today, as I haven't seen him in so many years. Did he marry that girl he had been dating at the time. He seemed so smitten with her.

"Oh Arnold" I had said some years back as I remembered him.

But after finding Terry. All others were but a distant forgotten memory. I had even forgotten Arnold's face and features. Even though he and Terry had similar looks. Both were blonde and had great lips. But the man that would be 'the one' was taller and just so incredibly beautiful. No other man could ever come close.

"My Terry" I had said some time ago.

A time not long to just after my worlds had crumbled down. Before he was gone. Before I wished no next day to go on.

Terry was someone I never would have imagined ever meeting, let alone having a relationship with. He was beautiful, brilliant and in his younger days when he had started out, a model.

No not your regular runway model. But his images were on magazines. And not your generic every day fashion or standard on the supermarket rack magazine.

This perfect and beautiful man was in and in the cover of several adult magazines. 'Gay' adult magazines. No, not porn. But those gay magz that were just about homo erotic posing and nakedness.

I was just 20 when I saw him for the first time in one. I had already had a few gay experiences in my youth. But no relationship. I was still living with mom. Surprisingly after they had found out I was gay. But that's something for later.

"Look at him" I said as I stepped into the adult book shop I frequented

There before me on the shelf of new magazines was 'Honcho'. This was my favorite, because it showed real men. Not twinks or pretty boys. And there in the cover was his face, smiling back at me.

I was drawn to the magazine. Like a mouth to a flame. I grabbed it and just stared at the cover. There he was, this utterly perfect specimen of maleness. Tall blonde and with a furry body. And what a body it was.

"This is mine" I said as I grabbed it as my only purchase that day

Like a kid at a candy store, I almost rushed to the counter and bought it. Taking it home to look at later. I placed it in my lockable chest at the foot of my bed.

Then went about the rest of my evening.

"See you later handsome" I had said to the image on the cover

But throughout the evening I kept seeing the face on that magazine. I went to bed early so I could lock myself in my room. I then pulled out the magazine with that man on it.

I opened the chest and there on top of a small stack of other adult magazines was the new one. The one with the beautiful man on it. I crawled up in bed and just looked at the cover picture for a bit.

"Wow!" I said as I lay there in bed

"Who the heck are you gorgeous?"


Again I just stared at the cover for some time. Not even opening the magazine yet. I was just instantly smitten by this model. His beautiful smile that seemed to light up the page. How there seemed a gleam in his soft hazel coloured eyes. And then there was that body.

My eyes lingering on his naturally muscular physique. The dirty blonde hair in his chest and belly arched around his pectorals perfectly. How perfectly proportioned his chest was.

Then I cast my gaze on his muscular arms. Biceps seeming to flex as he stood there in the mazagine as still as stone.

"Wow!" I said in awe

"You are stunning mister"

It took me several minutes of just staring at the cover image before I moved on to the rest. And inside I was not disappointed either. I forgoed. The other models and just pulled to his page and the centerfold that was this simply beautiful man.

Needless to say I did start to play with my self, and blow a nut sometime later. I then placed my mpnew magazine with my 'new' desire. Into its home in the chest at the foot of my bed.

"Good night handsome" I said as I closed the chest

I say 'New' desire as I figured this one would be like all the other infatuations I had for men on magazines. Once there was a new one. The last was forgotten.

I smiled at my silliness. ..

... Yes that first look on such a godlike beauty was a far cry from my first infatuation, Arnold. And the infatuation with Arnold came to an abrubt ending because of our indescretions.

I didn't finish the sign that first weekend for him. Another blowjob for him the following day stunted my progress. It was better than the first as I seemed to try and make it better than my clumbsy first attempt.

"You can finish next week" he said as I was picked up again

"Damn this is taking you a long time" my brother said

"It's just a sign"

"I want it perfect" I said to him

"Besides. Arnold was showing me some car stuff too"

He just looked at me and sighed with a huff. Then we went home. I was so excited for next week. I was hoping that we would go further, Arnold and me. I wanted him to take me. To be my first.

So I was playing with my butt for the next few days. Pushing a finger up inside me. Each day playing more with my butt. It felt good. A bit weird at first but good. And if Arnold was to fuck me. I would have a nice ready hole

"Hey Arnold" my brother said to his friend as he dropped me off again

They tapped shoulders like buds do. Then my brother got in his car and left us there again.

"So you think you will finish today" Arnold asked

"Yeah I guess so"

"Not much left."

"Okay then man"

"I got some work on a car that has to get done today too"

He smiled and then left me to the work at hand. I figured I would at least finish the sign. So I did get to work. Watching Arnold at any chance I got. I wanted him again. I wanted to suck his dick again. And more.

Lunch came and he got us sandwiches again. We sat down and for the most part it was quiet. And even though I wanted to talk about last week, I stayed silent about it. Thinking maybe he didn't want it again.

" I should be finished shortly " I said

"Yeah. Looks great man." He said back

"You should call your brother so he can pick you up"

"Yeah. Right!" Said to him.

So after lunch I called my mom. Telling her I was done as she could get in touch with him.

"I'll be done a a couple of hours" I said to her.

Well I did finish soon after. Standing back to look at my work. So I called to Arnold to let him know I was done. He came over and smiled. He had his sign for his place.

"That's great man" he then said.

"Here, let me pay you like I promised"

I followed him inside and he went to the register he had there. Popped it opened and gave me the $75 bucks promised to me for doing the job. I looked at the money like Daffy duck. Greed filling my eyes.

Arnold stepped over to me and squeezed my shoulder. Thanking me again for doing such a good job.

"This is super man" he said to me

"You are good"

"Thanks Arnold" I said back with a big smile

"Appreciate you letting me do this for you"

"It was fun"

"The whole time was fun"

I looked at his handsome face as I said that last part. Cocking my eyebrow up at him. He smiled normal at first. But then he must have read into what I really meant. Then he kinda backed off.

"Well gotta get back to work" he said

"Um. Ohh yeah" I replied

"I'll just hang here til my brother comes"

I sat in the office for about 40 minutes. Just kinda twiddling my thumbs. I whistled a bit too. I would look out occasional to see Arnold move around a car or something. I sighed as I realized that he may have just done that thing the week before out of horniness or something.

"Hmmm" I huffed out

Then I saw my brothers car pull up. He and Arnold talked a bit. He looked up at the sign as he called for me. I came out and he smiled as he saw my work.

"Looks good little bro" he said

"Let's go home man"

"Okies" I said back.

We got in the car and pulled out of the place. I looked out of the window at Arnold as he waved us off. I sighed as I looked at him.

'Such a hot guy' I said to myself.

.. It was a few months later that I found myself back at Arnold's. My mom said that he had someone who liked my sigh and wanted to meet with me to possibly do another sign. I was ecstatic that my work was liked. But as my brother was at work this day I told my mom I could go on my bike.

"It's not that far" I said to her.

"I'll be back in no time"

"Alright. Just be careful"

So I got on my bike and rode over to Arnold's place. When I got there the guy had already left I guess. Arnold was sitting in the office and drinking a beer. I stepped in and said hi.

"You just missed him" Arnold said

"But he said he has a sigh he wants you to do for him"

"And he'll pay you $80 bucks"

"Here's the address an phone number"

"Cool!" I shouted out

"Thanks Arnold."

I was about to get on my bike when Arnold stood up. He had a hard on. It was obvious in his work pants. My eyes got big fast.

"I see you are in your bike" he said

"Yup" I replied

"Brother out and it wasn't far"

"I see"

Then Arnold reached down and groped himself. Then he looked at me learingly.

"So buddy" he then started to say

"Why don't you stick around and give me a hand with something"

I pulled down spit as he groped at his growing crotch. My eyes glued to the tent his dick made in his pants. And I knew what he was going to say. His hard on said it for him anyways.

"Help me with this" he then said as he pulled at it

"It felt pretty nice last time"

"And since I will be closing in a bit"

"And you have no immediate rush..."

"Yess!" I almost screamed back

I practically jumped at his crotch. I was on my knees and pulling at his pants. Trying to yank them off him. My eyes filled with lust for the guy I wanted. I had his dick our in moments and was immediately going down on Arnold. Slurping on his stem like some cheap whore.

Arnold moaned softly as he felt me sucking greedily on his dick. And I was apparently doing a much better job this time. I felt his hand on my head and he was now starting to gently thrust at my face.

"Yeah man" he sighed

"That is sooo good buddy"

"Just like that. Awee fuck"

I was really getting into it now. Stroking the shaft as I blew on the head. Liking at the tip and down a few inches of him. Arnold was moaning heavier now. I started to undo my pants. I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted him to take me. To be my first. But then all the glorious sucking and groaning was shattered.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Came a loud shout from behind me.

Arnold froze, I froze and then he pushed me off his cock. I looked around to sees my brother standing back there. And he looked pissed.

"What the Hell are you doing to my brother!" He yelled at Arnold

"He wanted it man!" Came the cry back

But then my brother rushed him and they fell over. Then fists flew and then me trying to pull them apart. I was hit in the face and went down. Needless to say that was the end of their friendship. And my brother never looked at me the same again.............


More to cum

Next: Chapter 4

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