All for Terry (A Long Wait

By Olando Reez

Published on Sep 11, 2021


This is the continuing story of the utterly beautiful Terry.

I was going through some old boxes of things and found some adult magazines I used to have. I hadn't seen them in years. As I went through them I saw a wrapped package and there were a few more in there. But these were covered in plastic. The guy in the cover of them, I had actually met a few times. Before I knew who he was of course. But I always thought he was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.

As I mentioned, I had actually met him a few times. It turns that we had worked in the same building. And it wasn't until sometime later that I found he was the guy in my magazines. This story is for him. A kind of 'What if' story about a guy I wanted for many years, but fate never made that fantasy come true.

This is for Terry. Where ever he may be.

Enjoy.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All for Terry (Chapter 43) Highest High...

... Yes things in my life had been going very well. And I was the happiest person I could ever be. I was with the man I adored. I loved him and he loved me. We had trips to distant locations and enjoyed one another. Emotionally and physically. I would lay to be each night and we would kiss each other to sleep. Then I would awake laying in him. My head on his wonderful chest. Nuzzled in it and the fur on him. Those hairs tickling at my nose. But I stay there drinking in the scent that was always on his perfect body. The scent that had lingered on hus clothes and on me afterwards. Kissing hus mouth each morning and. We were just lost in the love shared between us. Oh my yes was I happy. The joy in my face was the greatest joy anyone could wish for. So I had that which I always wanted. Something I never imagined would have. The perfect man and home life. Even work was great. Everything seemed to be all candy and roses. And it was very very good, for a few years at least. So as it was, and I stopped the worry that had been in my earlier life. I let my guard down.

So as with the change of the seasons, something changed with him. It was then as I was seemingly at my happiest that things started to change. Terry became increasingly jealous when I was with other men. Even though there was nothing he needed to worry about. He was so. Always questioning where I was, and whom I was with.

"Where were you today?" He would ask "Why were you late getting home?"

Silly little questions that by thought were unnecessary because I would never ever consider something to hurt the man I loved. But it was there. At first I thought it was cute that he was jealous. It made me almost adore him more. But again it started to get more intense after a while. Especially when I made a new friend. A make friend. Serge was his name. Serge was a UPS guy that came to our offices on a regular basis. Serge was a handsome average height guy with an obviously incredible body under his uniform. I had seen the thick meaty arms and great legs in the shorts he came in when the summer was here. He had soft brown eyes and a beard, and was always very nice when he came in to make a delivery. He had a bit if an accent that suggested he was if European decent. And I did find the man attractive. I mean who wouldn't? But, Terry was the love of my life. This was for sure. And any though of adultery that possibly crossed my mind was squashed quickly. As I would never cheat on the man I loved more than life itself. That was something that was truer than true for me. There could be no one I could live more than my Terry.

And besides his weirdness was a long slow building thing that seemed to evolve through many years.and at first I had barely noticed it. At first I found it almost romantic in a way that he wanted me all to himself.

"You are my only" I would tell him "Good" he would say back "Because you are mine as well"

And just like that the awkward moment would pass. Then it would seem back to normal again. So I mostly ignored the signs of his changes. And every day we would exchange 'i love yous'. It was just a way of letting one another know that we still did. And I did. I knew I did. I would just look at him and my heart still had that ache for him I always had. That tingle that was always there in my gut and chest when ever I looked upon his face. And he always the same love I gave back to him. Cute surprises on just random days. And grandeur gestures of love on special occasions. It was all there. So I never doubted his love for me.

"Hi baby" he would each day after a long drive home "Missed you. Always do when you are gone"

And I would say the same. Wrapping my arms around the man I loved as we kissed. His lips always the softest as he pressed them to mine. His taste always somehow fresh and almost sweet. Like he would always make sure his breath and mouth were clean for me. He would touch my face in a gentle caress as he held on to me. Pulling me into his strong embrace and locking me into it.

Then as we were to celebrate 8 years and we were out to a wonderful dinner at a surfside restaurant that looked over the lights of the bay I received his greatest surprise. I was a place we had been to before. I loved it because it overlooked the bay. To on side was the lights of homes on the hill and the other the crashing waves of the ocean. It had great food and view. The ocean breeze light as we sat at the table next to the open doors to the deck that had seating for cocktails that looked down to the water below. The one solitary candle on the table and the one hanging light fixture above giving out a soft glow. The flickering candle lighting up his perfect face as we sat there enjoying the atmosphere of the place.

"How was.your day?" He asked "Fine" i replied "Not to busy" "Was actually pleasant with the low volume" "And you?"

I looked at his eyes. The candle flame lighting of the flecks of color in his eyes. Little dances of light as it moved over the hazel green in hus beautiful eyes. It was like his eyes were alive all there own. Making little dances of changing color in them. And I was lost in that dance. And the mirror image of the candle bouncing off the black center. Stared back at me as he gazed at me. His lips glistened with the moisture on them as he spoke. How I wished to kiss them right there at that moment. To.lean over and place another soft loving kiss to those luscious lips of his. Then I had remembered he had a busy week. Some important clients he had to sway. And I wanted to let him know I remembered it and wished him well on getting the client hooked in.

"Didn't you have some.big contract you were working on this week baby?" I asked of him. "Some big deal?" "Yes" he replied "It has taken several meetings. But they signed off this morning"

I smiled joyfully and reach over and grasped his hand. Giving it a gentle squeeze. Holding it in mine as I congratulated him in his success in the matter

"Oh my God. That is wonderful baby" I crowed "I am so happy for you"

He smiled and then started interjected how good a deal it was.

"Pretty commission" he said "Maybe we can go somewhere nice with it" "Some fancy exotic local for like a honeymoon"

Then hus eye brow cocked up as he saud this. I then looked at him as the words that spilled from his mouth registered. And as I smiled lovingly at him I got what he was inferring with hus comment. Then my eyes grew wide as my mouth just hung there opened stupidly. Had he just started a conversation. About something even more permanent than we had? A conversation about a lifetime commitment with each other

"Huh?. What?" Slipped from my lips.

I was gonna ask again at what he was getting at. But then he reached into his pocket. And that was when Terry pulled out a small black box. He smiled as he looked at the stupor in my face. Then he placed it down before him in the table. 'Oh my god' my head screamed. He is suggesting it. He is! And then he now leaned back over the table and Terry grasped both my hands. He geld them tightly to his as he started him proposal. Yes a proposal.

"Its been 8 years my love" he stared "I know before that it was a bit rough" "And to this day I still feel shitty for what you went through. Because of me" "But the last 8 years have been the best of my life" "And you are everything to me" "So..."

He paused as he looked at my face. Tears were quickly welling up in my eyes. But the best tears. Tears for the joy that was quickly filling up my heart, filling up my chest. Terry wanted me to marry him. And yes that brought tears. For I never believed I would be here like this with anyone. Let alone the most perfect man alive. With all the heartache in my earlier life I never believed that I would even have anyone so wonderful in my life, let aline have him want to be with me for always. So yes I cried. My tears of joy just started to soil eyes as he spoke to me. The love I was feeling at that moment more intoxicating than if I poured down a whole bottle of wine into my belly.

"Awe. Hey." He said as he saw me start to cry "Don't do that" "You will make me cry"

I tried to compose myself as I waited for him to speak it out to official say what he wanted form me. The proposal he was laying on me here in one of my favorite restaurants.

"So.." He started up again "My love. I have been wanting to do this for some time now" "And as our anniversary approached. I thought what better time"

He again squeezed my hand his other grabbing the box and with it popping open the case. I looked to the side as a straight couple looked on over at us . the woman smiling from ear to ear as she was witnessing this event. She smiled at me and almost giggled to herself as she waited too to hear what Terry was to say. He gentleman friend. Only half smiling. But he seemed approving of what was taking place. Okay with this whole new world where men were allowed to show their affection for another man.

"I have loved you since I first met you" Terry started "And I know all that weirdness that followed was not what either of us was wanting." "I am ever so glad that the fates found a way of pulling us back together" "Because you are the live of my life" "And I would be the happiest guy in the world if you would walk down the aisle with me"

Then the slight pause as he opened the case. I glanced ever so briefly at the band of what appeared to a silvery shining ring shown out to me. I knew it was not good as I had mentioned to him I did not like gold sometime back. So I knew what type of ring it was. But the ring was but the smallest piece of this.moment in my life. All seemed to go deathly quiet. Like time stopped so that I could feel that moment, to relish in that briefest of moments. The waves seemed far and distant and the din of the restaurant a quiet muffled thrum. The woman sitting there near me, eyes a gleam at what she was to behold. And then he said the words

"Marty me" he finally said "I want us to be forever" "So marry me"

I looked at the woman. Her face aglow with the delight she was feeling in my behalf. The her face blurring some as the tears poured from my eyes. And then the words just jettisoned out of my mouth. The affirmation of my love for him as he told he much he loved me. How this token of his love made me feel more in love with him than ever before.

"Yess!" I blurted out "Ohh God yes!"

He smiled at my response. I could see moisture in hus eyes as well. And there was a hardy yelp of joy from the neighboring table. The woman quickly apologizing for her outburst. And there it was. What was the happiest moment in my life had arrived. A day I never expected, yet it was here before me. And I was happy at who it was with. My beloved Terry... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 52: My Cop My Hero 9

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