All for Terry (A Long Wait

By Olando Reez

Published on Oct 13, 2021


This is a new tale with the gorgeous character from the 'All for Terry' story. Its a different tale about thus stunningly beautiful man that passed through my life ever so briefly some years back. And different story with the same people meeting under different circumstances. Again its only fiction as this beautiful man and i never did anything but meet. 'Two ships passing in the night' as it were. But never docking together.

This is for Terry. Where ever he may be.

Enjoy.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

All for Terry (My Cop, My Hero (9)

... I was lifted up. Floating on a cloud is seemed as I stood there on the beach with Terry. Terry, the fantastically gorgeous cop that I had met sometime back when I was assaulted by my ex. This strong perfect man that had come to my aide when I felt no one would. I was there with him after a lovely dinner and walk on the beach. There where he turned to me and pulled me to him. There where the beautiful man kissed me passionately for the first time. How could I not be lifted up to the heavens as I felt his powerful body against me, his strong arms holding me. And those fantastic lips that were pressed to mine. Soft and wet on mine. Then his tongue pushed at my mouth, wanting access to me. So I opened up just enough so he could slip it in. Now it was tongue, but it wasn't rough or forced. It was almost loving and tender and his tongue gently passed through the opened space. Then his lips purse over mine and he kissed me. Then he would pull back and just place a tender wet kiss to my lips alone. Just so i could feel the wet suppleness of his delicious mouth on me.

"Hmm. Very nice" he said as he pulled from me "Good kisser" "You too" I declared "Tour lips are so nice against mine."

I looked at his mouth. It was almost dewy wet from our kissing. Shining in this dimmest of lights out here on the beach. There was a tiny spittle string hanging from his lower lip. And it clung to his beard below. I wanted it, more I reached for his gorgeous face and caressed his cheek. Telling him how utterly handsome he was.

"You are the most handsome man I have ever seen" I blurted out "This night and this time with you.. Hmm"

I sighed in my contentment of this evening. It had been one of the best nights of my life so far. And I wanted it not to end

"Thank you" I then said "I have needed this night, this time with you" "Let's me know this world is actually a good place"

He smiled down at me. Then I pulled his face back down to mine and i kissed him again. Pulling softly at his delicious lips as I did. I felt his hands move around me again and pull me into his chest. His delicious manly cologne waifed over me. And I gave into him and his kiss and smell and taste. How I wanted him to just take me right there on the beach. But I knew it would not happen. He was too much a gentleman to cause such a ruckus out here. And I don't think I would feel comfortable in the end at doing something so taudry.

"Walk a little more with me?" He then suggested

I nodded at him and he took my hand. I swear it felt like my heart wanted to bust from my chest (but in a good way). I think I was quickly falling for my cop hero. He walked to the waters edge. He took off his shoes and then kicked his feet in the water splashing it about. Saying it felt warmer than he expected. But that I should try it.

"Come here and join me" he said as he reached for my hand

I took it and he pulled me towards the water. I too pulled off my shoes and did the same. Standing in the wetness at my feet now. The water was warmer than I thought to. I guess it was the very warm day before. A hot summers days that warmed up the oceans water. At least at the surface. We then walked a ways more along the waters edge. Letting the incoming waves splash on our feet. It felt nice and fun. And I was happy. Very happy at that moment. We walked a bit more before deciding to head back towards the pier where there was more light. I wanted to see his face better. So we turned back and headed back. Then he suggested that he take me home. That it was getting late and he had an early day. 'Life of a cop'. I nodded and we walked back to his car. Then Terry drove me home. It sucked that the night had to end. I was really loving its progression. And how i wanted us to go further. But I understood. He wanted to get some sleep. I wanted to suggest he stay at my place the night. So I brought it up on the way back. But he declined.

"Maybe next time" he said "I don't have my things. Uniform and such" "But next time. Okay?"

He grabbed my hand as he drove and lightly squeezed it. Letting me know it was alright. Then he promised that there would be a next time. As if he could read the negative thought in my mind.

"Don't worry" he said "We will do this again"

Then we got to my building. We stopped in front and he looked over at me in the car.

"I hope you had a nice time" he said "I did." I replied

Then I reiterated that he could stay if he wanted. That I would like him to do so. But he shushed me again. Reiterating that it was best. That he needed to go home. And that he wanted to take things slowly with me. For my sake. He wanted me to be sure that he was what I wanted. That he was not just some rebound for this last relationship. Reminding me of Ed and what I went through with him. And that calmed me down from whatever freak thoughts were elevating my fear. So I sighed and then nodded. Understanding what he was trying to say. He too would need to be sure I was what he wanted.

"Okay" I finally agreed "Next time" "Next time" he repeated

Then Terry reached for my cheek. His hand gently stroked it. His thumb mooning to caress it alone. Then it grazed the edge of my mouth. He smiled softly at me. Then Terry leaned over and he brought his lips to mine. I saw him coming towards me. Leaning closer for that kiss. I felt a soft tug at my face as he to him. I then closed my eyes and let him kiss me. It was a soft and tender kiss. His moist lips pressing to mine. Slightly opened to accept my mouth. I then tasted his mouth. There was a lingering taste of the wine from before. But mostly it was just his soft lips and spit. My head seem to lift up and float as this one soft singular kiss seemed to pass in slow motion. Our lips pressed together for just a few seconds, but the whole moment seemed to just hang there wonderfully in time.yhe kiss I had wanted from him. The kiss I longed for since The first moment I started to have feelings for him. Then he pulled from my lips. His leaving mine as our eyes reopened. I looked at his lips first. Those beautiful lips, still moist from our kiss. And all i wanted to do was to kiss those lips again. To feel them pressed to mine. To taste them again. But then he spoke again. Pulling me from the cloud I was floating upon.

"There." He said "Wanted to at least kiss you goodnight"

I looked up to his eyes. They seemed to glimmer as the dim light in the car found them. He smiled again. His hand still holding my cheek. His thumb gently rubbing around my mouth again. Then it passed iver my lower lip. I felt myself swoon at his touch and my eyes closed. But then he stopped it. Stopped the soft touching. And then he took his hand from my face.

"I will call you later. Okay?" He then said. "No go on and get to bed"

I just nodded. I looked back at his gorgeous face. Wanting to kiss him again, but not wanting to push it. He had kissed me tenderly just moments before. And it was perfect. He was perfect. And I adored him for it. I then turned and opened the door. Then I got out and closed the door. I stepped back so he could pull out. His hand came up in a wave/goodbye motion. I did the same. Then Terry pulled away and drove off. I stood there just outside my building. A half smile on my face. And I waited until his car totally disappeared from sight. The red tail lights on as he turned out from the complex. And then he was gone. I took a breath and sighed. And there was a deep ache in my chest. Like a bit of heartburn deep inside. But I knew it was not medical. It was my heart itself. It ached for him. It ached for Terry. How I wanted him to stay. But he didn't, and I ached for it. For him. And I knew at that moment. I was in love....


To be continued

Next: Chapter 53

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