All for Terry (A Long Wait

By Olando Reez

Published on Dec 21, 2023


This is a new tale with the gorgeous character from the 'All for Terry' story. Its a different tale about thus stunningly beautiful man that passed through my life ever so briefly some years back. And different story with the same people meeting under different circumstances. Again its only fiction as this beautiful man and i never did anything but meet. 'Two ships passing in the night' as it were. But never docking together.

This is for Terry. Where ever he may be.

Enjoy.... +++++++++++++++++++*

All for Terry (A Long Wait (6)

... I found myself thinking more about men as the days went on. Looking at men in a dearer way. Finding the beauty in them. How they looked and just how they were near to me. And I do say men, Because I certainly had little interest in anyone my age. I was starting to realize I may just be gay, because I found myself turned on white a bit when I was around hot men. Terry was the primary image that came up in my thoughts. This perfect man that I had always lingering about in the back of my head. Then came the day that I was brought to those lips. The lips that I knew I wanted to kiss. just like those romance movies I wanted to kiss this mans lips. I was out and about in my neighborhood. Tommy was unfortunately away with his family in a family trip. We were off school for vacations and I had to do stuff on my own. But it was then here with no back up that Oscar showed up again. That fusk and one of his flunkie friends jumped me in the park. I was there just hanging out. On my bike and just wheeling about. I found myself there and near the racquetball courts again. I stopped there because Terry was there again at the courts. Him and that Jack guy. There were playing the game like always. I stopped to watch the two go at this competition. The ball striking the wall with ferocity as one of them swung.

"Terry" I huffed softly as I looked at him.

I was so entranced by what I was seeing that I didn't see Oscar and his buddy come up until it was too late. I was shoved hard and fell forward to the ground. Then Oscar bellowed out his expletives.

"Look man. The queer boy is staring at those dudes" he crowed "Fucking little homo fuck"

I tried to get up but he kicked me. And I fell back. His face angry from his hate of me. I was pissed. I then got up quickly to go at him. But it was then that his buddy grabbed me from behind. He held me there as Oscar grinned at me.

"Hold him man." He barked

And that was when Oscar went at me. Hitting me over and over. I helped as he struck. This brought the attention of Terry and his friend. Terry looked to see the scuffle and saw it was me. He rushed over, yelling for them to leave me alone. But not before is at slammed me a few more times. Then he grabbed my bike and he and his buddy ran off with it. I lay there in the ground bloodied form his assault. Tears already welling up in my eyes. I looked over and there again was Terry. He was at my side and holding me up.

"Shit. Are you okay?" He asked

Jack said that I would be taken to the hospital as I was bleeding. I shouted back 'no' that it was just my pride bloodied. Terry helped me to my feet. I looked around and saw my bike was gine.

"Neither fuck!" I shouted out "Don't worry about the bike" he said to me "Let me give you a lift."

He looked at Jack and then said he would have to take me home

Jack looked back at him with a frustrated glance. But Terry was insistent. "Okay. Whatever" Jack barked out

Terry said to him "I'll call you later" he chirped back as he walked off with a 'whatever' I looked at Terry and felt my situation had messed up his day with his friend. And protested. Saying I could get home in my own. That it wasn't that far.

"Not the way you look" he said "Come in. Let's go"

I followed him to his car and got in. It was the first time I was in his cool muscle car. He clicked out on and started it up. Then we headed off. My eyes looked at his. His body stuffed into his shirt, and the shirts that bunched up at his crotch, giving me and almost outline of his dick in them. I pulled my eyes from his packet and just looked at his legs. Muscular and covered in tiny blonde hairs. I had to pull up my eyes as I was staring to long at his body. I looked back up at his face and he was looking at me. I pondered whether he saw me staring at his legs and crotch. But he just smiled at me Terry dropped me off at my house. My brother was outside and he saw the drop off. He saw me step out of Terry's car and then head up the walk to the house. He looked at me and asked what happened

"What the hell happened to you?" He asked "Just got beat up near the park" "And they took my bike" "Who beat you up?"

I told him and he just seemed annoyed that I got beat up. Saying that I couldn't even defend myself against some guys. I shot back with that there were several against me alone.

"Well I hope you at least kicked one of their asses" he said

Then he asked why I came home with Terry. So I told him that Terry had been there at the park with a friend, and he had seen it all. He just replied that he didn't like Terry. That there was something weird about him.

"He is a nice guy" I shot back "At least 'he' has been nice to me" "Unlike some people"

I went inside and told my parents. Again my family seemed more disappointed with me getting beat than the fact that I was beat up. I went to my room and stayed there the rest of the evening. Not even coming down for dinner. I stayed in my room a lot after that. Just going to school and coming home, eating and then to my room. Utterly depressed with my family and their inability to support me.

It it was then when I found I had an unexpected ally on my side. Someone who would not judge me or treat me badly. This came in the form of my aunt Ramona. She is an eccentric aunt on my father's side. My mom can't stand her because she is so 'uncatholic' as mom would say. She did not go to church and was considered a heathen. She had come over one day before the holiday time. She was dropping off gifts and such. Saying hi to her brother and the family. And just to catch up. I hadn't seen her in a couple of years as my mom kept her from visiting somehow.

"You have grown so much" she said as she hugged me

It was awkward but she was refreshing. Especially when she was disagreeing with my parents in issues if the world. And even more so when somehow the subject of homosexuality seemed to pop up in the conversation. My mother calling it a sick sin, my aunt falling to the camp of the community had no choice that if there was a God he made them that way. It surely became heated at that point. My mother biting back that Ramona had no idea because she was not God fearing as she should be I was glad she was saying these things, especially now as I was in the midst of my discovery. Figuring out who and what I was. Then my asshole brother chimed in. Joining my mom in the retoric. Adding that I might be queer as I had no girlfriends as I should. I shouted back denying the thought. And my mom looking at me with burning eyes

"Well he certainly better not be" she barked "That will not be tolerated here." "Not in this house"

Then my aunt suggested that what if I was. Not inferring such. But what if I was gay. What would she do? Send me to shock therapy as many do to burn the gay out of people. And mom came back with a horrible 'whatever it took'. Looking at me with a hard scowl.

"Well are you?!" She almost shouted "No. I am not!" I shouted back "God. What is wrong with you mom?"

She screamed for me to go to my room and not come down for raising my voice to her. I stormed out of the room and into my room. My aunt looking at me with a sad face. I know she was feeling sorry for me. And I somehow appreciated that. Even if it was not directly felt. The arguing continued for a while. Then as the house fell silent I knew aunt Ramona had left. And I was left here with my hateful family. Alone with no one to catch the shit and deflect it away. The holidays passed and the gift from my aunt was the nicest one I got. An artists set because she remembered how I liked to draw. All my brother could say was artists were fags and freaks.

"You are such an ass hole" I shouted back at him

Months passed and I was back to the same shit. School was somehow becoming more and more intolerable. With what my ex girlfriend had started and the shit tard Oscar spreading rumors. I was constantly being assaulted with crap from kids at school. I was getting into more and more fights and I was always getting called into the principles pals office. Then came the incident that change my life forever. Me and the coach.... +++++++++++++++++++

To be continued

Next: Chapter 80: A Long Wait 7

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