All for Terry (A Long Wait

By Olando Reez

Published on Nov 26, 2024


This is a new tale with the gorgeous character from the 'All for Terry' story. Its a different tale about this stunningly beautiful man that passed through my life ever so briefly some years back. And different story with the same people meeting under different circumstances. Again its only fiction as this beautiful man and i never did anything but meet. 'Two ships passing in the night' as it were. But never docking together.

This is for Terry. Where ever he may be.

Enjoy.... +++++++++++++++++++++++*

All for Terry (My Cop, My Hero (22)

... My life had been good. I was feeling the best I have ever felt. I was with someone who adored me. And I him. Terry had been the best thing in my life. This man I called my lover , my partner and my hero. He always made me feel safe. And that I had nothing my to worry about. So if course the guard had been let down. A few years had passed and we were considering making our relationship permanent. Terry asked me if I wanted to marry him. I was if course overjoyed and quickly said yes to this perfect man. The thought of an eternity with him was the greatest gift I could ever get.

"Yes, yes. Oh God yes!" I shouted out "I will marry you my love. Yess"

So yes I was giddy and happy and full of light. So that day I answered the door when there was a knock, I had no idea it would be one of the most fucked up days I would ever know.

I was home from work. I was getting a nice meal prepared for Terry would be home soon. I was moving about in the kitchen when I heard the knock. I grabbed a towel to wipe off my hands and headed for the door. Not even thinking to ask whom was there. I then opened the door to a face I dreaded. Eric.

"What the..?" I shouted.

Then he rushed the door before I could Soo anything. Knocking me down before he slammed it shut and jumped at me. Then he just started walking punches at me. Shouting at me that he was gonna kill me

"I told you j wotl could me back!" he growled "I told you, you little fuck!" "Now I am gonna fuck you up good"

I tried to defend myself. But he was like a man possessed. the attack was hard and brutal. I ended up out from the assault. Figuring I was dead. But I was soon awakened by him. He splashed some water on me. I was seated in a chair from the dinning table and in the middle of the room. And when I looked at him I saw he had a gun. One of Terry's guns we had in the house. They were there for my protection. And I really didn't remember where they were but Eric had somehow found it. And he was holding it to my head. I could not speak as he had stuffed something in my mouth, and my hands were bound.

"If you move I will shoot you." He said plainly "But I don't wanna have to do that. Just yet"

What did he mean? What was his plan? And why was I sitting in the middle of the room? Then it hit me. Terry would be home soon. And somehow Eric knew this. He was gonna kill Terry. He would shoot him with his own gun. And then kill me. And later figure out somehow that he was not involved. Lovers quarrel or something sinister. I started to cry and beg for him through the sock. My words caught and strangled out by the item stuffed in my mouth. Today I would watch his shoot my Terry dead and then he would end me shortly after. Tears poured from my eyes. And I continued to try and plead with him.

"Shut the fuck up bitch!" He growled as he slapped my face "I told you not to fuck with me boy" "Did I not?" "Did I not tell you I would get you?" "Well here I am fucker"

He came back and place the gun at my head again. I felt the hard steel of the barrel against me. And hoped he would just shoot me already. Get it over and done. But he just stood there almost taunting me. Looking back at the door in wait.

"Oh God please" I begged "Please don't let him do this"

I would rather he kill me and leave the man I loved alone. So I kept telling him so. But he didn't listen. He just kept saying I needed to suffer first. That he wanted to see my pain. As he turned though I started to saw at the rope around my wrist. Eric had no idea that the chair I was seated in had a frayed piece on the frame. Ai I was sawing away at the rope to hopefully get free. I had to stop u m from shooting Terry. And point blank he would easily kill him.

"Please, please, please, please" I begged the heavens "Help me stop him. Please"

I had to stop every time he looked back at me. And worried that I would not get free in time as Terry was due home at any time. So I kept taking the rope against the stairs sharp edge. Faster as I could. Then I heard the keys outside the door. Terry was home and I couldn't call out to warn him. But I still screamed into the thing stuffed in my face. Hoping it would be loud enough. Meanwhile scraping the chair and tugging at the same time. He glanced back at me for a moment. He could see my eyes and he smiled. Then he prepared to take him to fire.

"Baby. I am ho.." came Terry's voice at the door as it opened

I pulled with all my strength at the bindings feeling the pain in my wrists as I tugged. But they also ripped. And then the chair buckled and broke under me from my violent motions. The scraping against the chair doing just enough. I then Screamed again and lunged forward at Eric. Still bound at the legs. I hit him in the small of the back just as he fired.

"Fuckk!" He shouted

I looked up to see Terry was still hit by the bullet. As he stepped in. I screamed again as I saw him fall to the floor. Terry was shot. And for all I knew the bullet was fatal. I grew enraged at the moment. I saw Eric had fallen back and over. The gun flying from his hand.

"Mother fucker!" I screamed as I yanked the thing from my mouth. "I will kill you fucker"

I turned and grabbed a large broken piece of the chair. Then I lunged at him again. Aiming the sharp jagged edge at him. Ty Jen I stabbed Eric with the broken wood. His eyes grew wide as I drove the thing into his belly. And I threw my body onto him and the shard. Grinding into his stomach. He screamed in the pain I caused him. Surprised by my violence. U then pulled the now bloody shard from him. Then thrust again and gain into him. Hitting all the soft areas to drive the weapon into his body. I was like a man possessed as I kept stabbing him to kill him. Screaming at him to die. And making sure my face was the last he saw.

"Die, die, die!" I shrieked

Blood was all over me and on the rug. But I didn't care anymore. He probably killed the man I loved and he was gonna pay. But then I heard Terry call to me. It was a groggy low groan. But his voice was all I heard. I turned to see him in the floor. His hand at his side. I crawled over to him. First grabbing at the gym to make sure I shit Eric if he got up again.

"Terry. Tarry" I cried as I moved over to him. "I am here baby. I am here"

My eyes were flooded with tears as I came to his side. I touched his arm and then his face. Rubbing his cheek as I looked at him

"Oh God baby. I am sorry" I huffed "It's okay. Hmm fuckk" he grumbled "It's okay. " "Call an ambulance"

I was lost at what to do, but knew I had to. But that was when that neighbor rushed in. She looked at the scene and carnage. I looked up a at her and begged her to get in the phone and call 911. She had her cell with her and she did. I stayed next to Terry, holding him to me. Begging God and heaven to save him. I didn't know how bad his injury was but could see there was quite a bit of blood and he was in a lot of pain. He said to call his partner now. He needed to get over here to the scene. I got up after untying myself. Then grabbed the phone, asking the neighbor to stay with Terry for a moment. I dialed fast to get him. Thankfully he answered.

"I'll be right over.dony do anything until I get there" he said "Thanks. Please hurry" I said back "Please" "Don't worry. Everything will be okay"

He paused when he didn't hear me acknowledge his words

"I promise" he added "Okay. Thanks" I said back

I started to cry as ai came back to Terry's side. I held to his side to stave off the bleeding. I kissed his cheek with tears in my eyes. Caressed his face as he turned to smile at me... +++++++++++++++++++++++

To be continued Next: the last chapter

Next: Chapter 89: My Cop My Hero 23

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