All I Have to Give

By shawn george

Published on Feb 19, 2012


Disclaimer : I do Not know The Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, Aaron Carter or Ashley Parker Angel. This story is pure fiction and is not meant to imply as to anyone's sexual preferences. If you are underage DO NOT READ !!!!

Kevin's P.O.V :

I haven't been this irritated in a long time. A call came in to our room that Nick answered. I soon found out it was Aaron there was an emergency and we needed to round up the guys and get to his room fast. Which is fine If there is a problem I want to know about it. I like taking care of things especially my family and friends. It took us about 15 minutes to round up all ten guys and get to Aaron's room.That's where things turned sour. We walk in and who is there in the sitting room ? none other than Ashley Parker "Mother Fuc****" Angel ! WTF !!!

"What the fuck is he doing here !?!?" I turned around and asked Nick "I have NO IDEA ! Aaron what the hell is going on !" Nick yelled at his brother "Nicky, Kev, I know this looks bad but he's here because he needs to tell you guys something and it's important" Aaron said "I don't want to hear shit that comes out of his mouth" I said cutting Aaron off "Kev please" Aaron pleaded "It's okay Aaron you don't need to to defend me. Kevin I know you probably hate me and I don't blame you but I need to explain myself to you.To all of you and after that I'll be out of your hair for good. Just give me ten minutes that's all I ask" Ashley said. I looked at Nick who nodded his head at me "Clocks ticking dude !"

For the next 15 minutes or so Ashley proceeded to tell us the full story of what really happened. To say I was godsmaked would be and understatement. I mean I knew Kristin was a Vendictive person if what this dude is saying she was a complete and utter BITCH !!!

"So Kris has been blackmailing you for years and all because she found out I was bi ?" I asked him "Yes" he answered "And Leighanne is planning to help her get back at Kevin and me by ruining his and Nicks wedding ?" Brian asked "Yes, but I'm not sure what they are planning to do. I do know they're meeting someone right now but she doesn't tell me details" Ashley said back "And let's not forget the most important part of all Kevin has a 6 year old kid he never knew ?" JC said. I looked at him and it finally hit me what he meant "OH-MY-GOD Where is he ? What's his name ? " I asked all at once "His name is Mason he was born July 3. He's with Dan and Trevor right now. I wasn't sure how you guys would react to me coming here and I didn't want to put him in a harsh environment. Lord know he gets enough of that at home with Kris" Ashley said. "You seem very protective of him" Chris said "Well of course he is. He's been raising him for the last six years" Aaron said. I looked at him and realized he was right. I missed out on so much and as far as Mason was probably concerned Ashley was his dad and I a stranger. Ashley must have read my thoughts "Don't worry Kev he knows who you are. I made sure of it know matter what Kristin said to him. I made sure he knew that you loved him even if you couldn't be around. He does call me Dad but he calls you Daddy " Ashley said and I felt my heart swell "I can't wait to meet him" I said and Ashley smiled "I'm sorry when did we decide this douche bag could be TRUSTED !?" Nick said. It wasn't untill then that I realized he had been completely silent "Baby-" I started but was cut off "NO Kev ! Need I remind you of what this asshole has done to you, to us and now he walks in here with his sad sob story and we're all suppose to just trust him ? OH HELL TO THE NO !" Nick yelled. I wrapped my arms around Nick's waist turning his head so he looked me in the eyes. "Nicky, baby please calm down, Calm down. You don't need to remind me of anything. I know all that and I don't completely trust him yet either but I'm choosing to believe him because he didn't have to come here and warn us about Kristin and Leighanne let alone tell us about Mason and right now if he can help us save our wedding and OUR son what other choice do we have" I said to my love "Kev, I just don't want you getting hurt again. They put you in a dark place baby and It took me awhile to get you out. I don't want that to happen again. I can't live without you now Kev. You have to know that" Nick pleaded with me. It hurt me to know that he somehow thought they would succeed in ruining our relationship "Baby listen to me okay. We are fine. We are gonna be fine. Your crazy if you think I would ever allow anyone or anything to come between us. We'll get through all this the same way we got through everything else. Together" I told him "Promise ?" he asked with that cute little adorable pout "I promise baby. You won't get rid of me that easily" I said with a laugh before I kissed his lips "Guys I hate to break up this moment but what are we gonna do about Kristin and Leighanne ? Justin asked "I don't think their is much we can do untill we get more information and find out who they are working with" AJ added "I think I might have an Idea who it is" Lance said. We all turned to look at him "Who ?" I asked him "Reichen" he answered "Reichen as in your ex-boyfriend Reichen ? Why would he help Kris and Leigh ? Hell how does he even know them ?"Justin asked "Yes and I don't know why or how he knows them but I got an email this morning of a dead pig with the caption 'Pigs who squeal get turned into bacon'" "WHAT ! That bastard threatened you ? Why didn't you tell me ? I'm gonna kill him !" Joey exclaimed "Calm down Joe. I didn't say anything cause I didn't wanna ruin our morning together. You were really looking forward to it and at the time I wasn't really sure it was him. The more I thought about it though the only people who know what happened are me, you and him. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't fuck with me like that so it had to be him." Lance said "Lance wanting to spend time with is NOT more important than keeping you safe from that sick fuck. God, do you have any idea what it would do to me if something happened to you ?" Joey said with tears in his eyes "Okay, I know I'm normally a little slow on the uptake but am I missing something here ? What's the story with Reichen ? Chris asked "It's noth-" lance started but was cut off "Lance, you need to tell them especially if this is all tied in together" Joey told him "Okay, Um guys when Reic and I were together it wasn't the best of relationship at all. He was emotionally and physically abusive and he-" "He hit you !?" Justin broke in outraged ''Yeah, Jup and he raped me too as often as he could." Lance said starting to cry. Joey was quick to wrap him up in his arms "You should've told us Lance. Why didn't you say anything ?" JC asked starting to cry as well "I know I should have Jace but I was so embarrassed. I let him beat and rape me for almost two years before I finally got away. I didn't want you guys thinking less of me " Lance sobbed out "We would not have thought that and It isn't your fault. People like him prey on other people because of their own insecurities Lance"Chris said walking over to Lance and Joey and hugging them as well. One by one we all did the same untill we were all just one big pile of hugging, sobbing boyband mess. Once Lance calmed down a bit we broke apart. "So he emailed you today. If only you and Joey know what happened how did he find out ? Brian asked "I'm not sure. I was thinking it was an inside job or maybe someone over heard us talking but I don't know for sure" Lance answered "So basically we need to watch our backs around everyone we work around outside of each other cause someone is a snitch" AJ said "Okay guys here's what we need to do. AJ, Jace & Chris you guys go talk to Q & Mike about hiring more security and make sure it's tight. Aaron, Ashley, Justin & Brian go get Mason from Dan and Trevor's. Sorry Ash but weather you like it or not you just joined our tour for awhile. Nick and I will get Johnny on the phone. Lance and Joey call our attorneys because no one is stopping my wedding and their is no way in hell that freak is getting close to Lance again. We are family now and NO ONE fucks with my family ! Kris wants a war she's got one" I said pissed off "Did I ever tell you how hot you are when you take charge like that " Nick said shooting me a smoldering look " Even in the face of epic drama all you can think about is sex ! " Howie said to him. Nick pouted . "Sorry Nicky but that pout only works on Kev" D said smirking.We all laughed "You guys suck" Nick said stomping out of the room pulling me along with him.


Author's Note : I know this is kinda short but I couldn't write any more. This whole Whitney Houston Funeral has me so emotional today. I'm not even sure I really like this chapter but I didn't wanna make you guys wait any longer for a new one. Drop me a line and let me know what you think of it at Oh I also know how I always say in the disclaimer That I don't know BSB and while that's kinda true I have met them a few times and taken pics with them. The latest being with Nick last Sunday. They are really great guys. I have also talked to Aaron a few times on twitter. Adore him.

P.S - In light of Whitney's untimely death I wanna dedicate this chapter to her for always inspiring me through her music. I also would like to dedicate this chapter to Leslie Carter who is Nick's sister who recently passed. May their souls finally find peace. R.I.P !!!

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