All I Have to Give

By shawn george

Published on Jul 28, 2008


Disclaimer : I do not Know The Backstreet Boys , *Nsync , Aaron Carter or any other Celebrity in this story. This story is pure fiction and does not imply on anyones sexual preferences. If you are underage DO NOT READ

Brian's P.O.V :

" Guys , your harmony needs to be a little tighter. So one more time from the top " Our vocal coach Tim said

" Show me the meaning of being lonely , Is this the feeling

I need to walk with. Tell me why I can't be there where you

are , There's something missing in my heart "

" Ok , that's much better you guys can go " Tim said

" Finally , we been here all day " I said tiredly as the guys looked at me like I was crazy

" Well that's because our tour starts tomorrow and we are always busy day befor a tour. You know that Bri " Kevin said

" I know and I'm sorry. It's just between reheresals and taking care of baylee by myself I've had little time for sleep " I said walking over and picking up my son who had fallen asleep

" Leighann isn't helping at all ? " Howie asked

" Our divorce was final yesterday and she gave up her parental rights. She doesn't even want him " I said sadly

" That Bitch " Nick said angrily

" Nicky , that's not nice " Kevin said wrapping his arms around Nick's waist

" Well I'm sorry but that's what she is. I mean how can she do this to Brian and Baylee " Nick asked

" Are you ok Bri " Kevin asked me

" Yeah I'm fine. Just focused on making sure Baylee is ok " I said

" Are you gonna hire someone to help out " AJ asked

" No. I wanna raise my son. Plus my Parents have been helping out and so has Justin " I said which got a snicker out of the guys

" What ? " I asked

" You've been hanging tough with Justin lately. Is there something you wanna tell us " AJ asked which got another snicker out of the guys

" Hahaha. we're just friends " I said but I couldn't stop smiling from the thought

" Ok. We'll accept that. For now " Howie said laughing

" Whatever. Besides I'm not the one who just came out. How's everything going Alex ? " I asked

" The last few days have been crazy. Reporters have been camped outside our house every night " AJ said

" How's Josh taking it ? " Nick asked

" He's handling it wonderfully. I was worried he'd be mad but he's been cool about it all " AJ answered

" Well how are you holding up ? " Kevin asked him

" I'm good. This is what we wanted to be able to live our lives in the open. The rest is just what comes with it " AJ said

" From experience I can tell you that you guys will be fine. This will all blow over " Kevin said

" Yeah in a couple weeks. It'll be old news " Nick added

" Good to know. Now where is *NSYNC AND Aaron ? Aren't we suppose to be going out tonight ? AJ asked

" *Nsync is running through their show on the main stage . Aaron I think is watching them " I said

" Alright let's go " Howie said

We walked out of our dressing room and down to the main stage and sat next to Aaron. The Guys were just finishing up their run through. When they spotted us they walked over

" Wassup , Ya'll ready to go ? " Josh asked as he walked over to AJ and kissed him. Tonguing him down. When they pulled apart AJ was breathless

" Damn ! " Aj muttered

" Sorry Baby , but I been waiting to do that all day " Josh said

" You don't hear me complaining " AJ said smiling dreamily

" And I thought we were bad " Kevin said kissing Nick's cheek as we all laughed

" Where are we going tonight ? " Lance asked

" There's a new club that just opened downtown we could check that out " Aaron said

" Is everybody cool with that ? " Joey asked as we all quickly agreed

" You guys go ahead. I need to get home with Baylee here " I said motioning toward my sleeping son

" Oh no you don't B. I got my Mom to babysit so you can come out and have fun with us tonight. I know how overprotective you can be but she she's great with kids. My little brothers will be there and he knows them so he'll have some company. Plus we can pick him up first thing in the morning " Justin said smiling at me

" You did that for me ? " I asked him smiling back

" Of course B. " He said still smiling at me

" Ok if you guys want us to buy this story your selling. Your gonna have to stop looking at each other like that " Chris said as the guys all laughed

" Whatever. Let's all go home get changed. B and I will drop Baylee off at my Mom's and we'll all meet up at La Pierre's so we can eat first cause I don't know about ya'll but I'm hungry " Justin said and we all again quickly agreed

Everyone grabed their stuff and left to go get changed. On my way driving home I kept stealing glances at Justin who had rode with me. Was There some truth to what the guys were saying ? Had I actually fallen for my Bestfriend ? And did he feel the same ?

End of P.O.V

Next: Chapter 6

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