All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 12, 2023


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

====================================== All I want is you...Come over here baby, All I want is you...You know you make me go crazy... All I want is you...Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line, I'm gonna love you like it's all I wanna do...

*** Copyright `Come On Over (Single Remix)' Christina Aguilera

All I Want Is You

Chapter -- 26 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Chris' House -- Late Saturday Night //

"What are we doing the rest of the day baby?" Lance asked, walking into Chris' game room.

"I don't know baby, what would you like to do?" Chris asked.

"I don't care what we do. I am free for the rest of the evening." Lance stated, sitting down in Chris' lap.

"Why don't we make some beautiful music together." Chris stated, kissing Lance passionately on the lips.

"Sounds like a good idea." Lance spoke, leaning up, pulling the shirt out of his pants and unbuttoning enough buttons to get it off. "Let's make love right here."

"Okay baby." Chris stated, starting to kiss Lance again as he started undoing Lance's pants and Lance did the same for him.

--- Lance's POV ---

Here I am sitting in Chris' lap as he undressed me. It has been a while since we actually made love, instead of just jumping around and having just sex. Since I found out what happened between him and Justin, I have been a little bit jealous of the things he and Justin did with each other. I don't know if I could actually give myself completely the way Justin did. I just can't see myself in a bondage situation. After finding out about all of this stuff, I got mad with Justin, once because he let Chris do him that way and two he didn't tell me about this beforehand. I have held my grudge long enough; it's time for me to put my petty jealousy behind me.

"Baby what are you doing?" I ask him, lying back on the sofa as Chris stood up in front of me and walked over to the closet in the room.

"Nothing baby, just getting some things that we need." He said, pulling something that looked like handcuffs from the closet.

"Baby what are those for?" I ask him, thinking some scary thoughts.

"These are for us." He says, walking across the room, to a part of the room that was closed off by one of those Japanese screens.

"What do you plan on doing with those?" I ask him, getting up now.

"Baby calm down. It's purely fun." He told me, pushing the screen out of the way to reveal some kind of hammock-like thing hanging from the ceiling.

"Chris what's that thing?" I ask him.

"It's a sex sling." He tells me.

"What's a sex sling and what do you plan on using it for?" I ask him.

"For us baby." He told me, walking over to me with the handcuffs.

"I don't know what you are planning to do with those things, but you are not putting them on me." I tell him, getting up.

"Baby don't you trust me?" He asked me.

"Yeah I trust you, but I don't want handcuffs on me." I tell him, grabbing my shirt and pulling it on, pulling my pants back up.

"Baby don't be this way. Come on, I want to show you some things that I like." He says to me, walking over to me and grabbing my hand. "Please baby, please share this with me."

"I don't want to share this with you." I tell him, tears forming in my eyes.

"Well I want you to, I want you to make love to me in the sling." He said, pulling me closer to him and pulling my shirt back off and letting my pants slide down my legs again.

"Baby are you sure that's what you want?" I ask him, helping him undress.

"Yes baby I am sure, I have been wanting to do this with you for a long time, but I thought you would object to doing this. I love giving, but I want to receive from you." He says kissing me on the lips, squeezing my manhood teasingly. "I want this inside of me."

"Okay baby, what do I do?" I say to him, kissing down his neck and helping him into the sling.

"What you would normally do while having sex baby." He says, as I lean over him still kissing, and massaging different parts of his anatomy. "Baby I don't care about the foreplay, I want you in me and now. I have been waiting for this moment for so long, we can do the romance thing another time, fuck me baby, fuck me."

"You don't have to ask me twice." I say to him, opening his legs and accepting the condom he handed me.

"Just go slow baby, this is my first time." He says, pulling me further into his love canal.

// Early Sunday Morning -- Justin and JC's House //

"Good morning baby." Justin says, sitting up in bed stretching and then leaning over to press a kiss to Christian's lips.

"Morning. How did you sleep? Are you feeling refreshed?" Christian asks, stretching too and sliding out of bed.

"Yeah I think so baby." Justin answers, standing up and walking around to where Christian stood, wrapping his arms around him. "I feel so much better now."

"I feel better too since you wrapped your arms around me like that." Christian answers, laying his head on Justin's shoulder.

"Well I am glad you feel better baby." Justin replies as the two men rock back and forth to the music of a symphony that they could only hear.

"Baby I think we better go get ready so that we can meet Tamia on time. We don't want to keep her waiting." Christian responds, turning the two of them around to face the clock. "It's almost seven baby. We have less than an hour to get to her."

"I know baby, I know. I want to just stay here with you, hold you in my arms." Justin says, kissing Christian and releasing him. "Come on, let's go shower."

"Do you think that's a good idea baby? Us showering together might make us late." Christian says smirking at Justin.

"Yeah baby I guess you are right. You go shower and I will use the other shower." Justin says, kissing Christian again and leaving the room.

// Downstairs in the Kitchen //

"So there you are. I thought I was dreaming when I awoke and you were

gone." Colin says, walking into the dinning room behind JC. "Good morning."

"Good morning Colin. How did you sleep?" JC asks, patting the chair next to him.

"Better than normal." Colin responds, sitting down next to JC.

"Coffee?" JC asks, holding up a cup.

"Sure, thanks handsome." Colin replies taking the cup from JC and taking a sip. "Mmmmmm, Italian Toffee. I like."

"I am glad you do, it's one of my favorite blends." JC says, smiling up at Colin. "Do you want something to eat?"

"Naw, coffee is okay with me." Colin answers, caressing JC's fast. "Thank you for a wonderful evening and for allowing me to stay over.

"No problem Colin. I enjoyed having you here with me." JC says as Christian and Justin walk into the room.

"Baby why don't we..." Justin says, seeing Colin sitting next to JC as the two of them drank coffee. "Ah good morning."

"Good morning Curly." JC speaks, looking up at Justin and Christian. "Colin this is my friend Justin and his husband to be Christian."

"Hello there." Colin says, getting up and shaking Justin and then Christian 's hand.

"Hi." Justin and Christian say at the same time.

"Hi." Colin says, sitting back down next to JC.

"Well we are just going to grab something and we are going to meet Tamia to talk about the wedding plans. Do you want to join us?"

"Well...ah...I don't know." JC answers, looking at Colin.

"If you want, go with your friends." Colin states smiling at JC. "I will just get my things and go home."

"No you won't, you will be coming with us." JC states, looking at Justin and Christian.

"Is that okay with you two? It's not like you know me and..." Colin says as Justin cuts him off.

"It's okay man. You are a friend of Josh's you are welcome to hang out with us." Justin says, hugging Christian to his side.

"Are you sure?" Colin asks.

"We are sure." Christian answers, smiling at the man, assuring him that they didn't mind him coming along.

"Well I guess that's a `yes' then." JC states, standing up, grabbing Colin' s hand.

"Well you two make it quick, we have to meet Tamia in twenty minutes." Justin says, sitting down at the table as JC and Colin runs up the stairs.

"They are a cute couple baby." Christian says.

"Yeah they are. I just hope that guy doesn't do anything to hurt Josh." Justin replies, grabbing a cup and filling it with coffee oddly.

// Twenty Minutes Later -- Miller's Park //

"Good morning fellas." Tamia James, Justin and Christian's wedding planner says, walking over to the picnic table where the guys were sitting.

"Good morning Tamia." Justin says, standing up and shaking the woman's hand.

"Hello Mr. Timberlake to be." Tamia says, shaking Christian's hand now.

"Hello Tamia." Christian says smiling at the woman. "It's nice to put a face to the nice voice I've talked to on the phone."

"Likewise." Tamia says, sitting down at the corner of the table. "Who do we have here?"

"I'm sorry about that. Tamia this is my best friend Josh Chasez and his friend Colin..." Justin says, being cut off by Colin.

"Colin Farrell ma'am." Colin says, standing up along with JC to shake the woman's hand.

"Nice to meet you two." Tamia says as JC and Colin sat back down. "Are you two making any plans?"

"Us? No, not right now." JC says, smiling weakly towards Justin.

"Well if you need a wedding planner for the future, here's my card." Tamia says, handing a card to JC then one to Colin.

"Thank you." JC says, placing the card in his wallet.

"Thanks." Colin says as well, still holding the card looking at JC as he continues to look at Justin.

"Alright let's get down to business." Tamia says, pulling out a folder from her bag. "I have someone ready and evil to reside over the ceremony on Saturday. I have also purchased all the items you requested."

"Before we get into that, I would like to know rather or not all the invitations went out?" Justin asks, opening his notebook and pulling a pen from his pocket.

"Yes all the invitations went out. So far none have been returned...wait, there was one that was returned. One from a Joseph Fatone was returned." Tamia answered.

"Oh." Justin states, looking down at the notebook.

"I sent another one out just to be on the safe side and it was returned

too." Tamia states, pulling the invitation out of her briefcase and sliding it over to Justin and Christian.

"Oh well, I guess there will be one less person at the wedding." Justin says, turning the page in his notebook, scribbling some words. "How about the food and the location?"

"Well I did as you two requested and got permission along with all the required paperwork completed for you to have the wedding and the reception at Miller's Crossing. Per your requests, the wedding will be held outside on the hilltop and the reception will be held inside of the recreation center there."

"That sounds great." Christian replies, looking over at what Justin was writing.

"So how many people will actually be there?" Justin asks, looking up at Tamia.

"Let's see." Tamia says, pulling out another manila folder from her briefcase. "So far there will be 485 people in attendance that have already RSVP'd a for a spot."

"Wow, that's a lot of people." JC states, looking at Tamia.

"Yes it is." Christian responds. "Will there be enough food?"

"Yes there will be plenty of food to go around honey." Justin answers him, placing a kiss to his cheek.

"How much is all of this costing baby?" Christian asks, looking at Tamia.

"As an estimate, right now you have put thirteen thousand seven hundred eighty one dollars ($13,781) into this shindig so far." Tamia replies as Christian. JC and Colin does a double take.

"Calm down baby. Don't worry about it, it's all been taken care of." Justin replies, holding Christian's hand.

"How?" Christian asks.

"Don't worry about it baby, it's already been taken care of." Justin answers, turning his attention back to Tamia. "What else has to be taken care of Tamia?"

"Well the only thing that is left is for Christian to get fitted for his tuxedo." Tamia responds, flipping a page and writing something down.

"So everything is set for next Saturday?" Justin asks.

"Everything will be in place before the end of the week." Tamia answers. "And now, I hope you didn't eat too much breakfast, but I need you to try this out."

"What is it?" Justin asks as Tamia places some containers on the table.

"This is what the caterer sent over. These are the three selections the both of you chose." Tamia states, opening the container as the smell of food overtook them all. "This is the steak selection."

"Mmmmm that smells good." Justin states.

"This is the Chicken selection." Tamia states, placing a tray in front of the guys with a chicken meal laid out on it. "And this is the vegetarian plate."

"Okay with the vegetarian plate what all is given?" Justin asks, taking a piece of meat off the tray.

"Well anyone that chose the vegetarian plate will have the choice of having Vegetarian Lasagna or Baked Ravioli in Mushroom Alfredo Sauce." Tamia says, pulling out a menu from the briefcase. "Both meals will include Roasted Vegetables with Fresh Lemon and Mustard Vinaigrette and Fiesta Cornbread."

"Will that be enough?" Justin asks.

"I am quite sure it is." Christian answers. "I love all of that."

"Tamia you can approve that. How about the Steak and Chicken entries, what will be included?" Justin asks.

"The steak menu includes steamed vegetable medley, a baked potato, and garlic bread." Tamia answers, pulling out another menu. "The chicken menu includes the baked chicken with an apricot glaze, steamed green beans or steamed corn, rice pilaf and garlic rolls."

"That sounds good too. Sound good to you baby?" Justin asks.

"Sure does. We'll take it." Christian answers, smiling as his cell phone starts beeping. "Excuse me. Hello?"

"Hello big brother, what's going on?" Neve, Christian sister asks.

"Hi sis. Me and Justy are making the final arrangements for our wedding." Christian replies, turning around and smiling at Justin, noticing that JC was watching his man.

"Ah cool. I got my invitation today and I was calling to let you know that me and Jeff will be there." Neve says as Christian turns around again to look at Justin and notices that JC is still watching his man.

"Alright Neve I guess I will see you then. Listen Neve I got to run. I will call you back later." Christian states, pressing the `END' button on his phone, not even waiting for Neve to say her goodbye.

"Alright is there anything else you would like included in the wedding ceremony?" Tamia asks as Christian sits back down.

"I think that takes care of everything." Justin says, kissing Christian on the cheek as Christian wraps his arms around Justin, turning and looking at JC as he looks down at the table.

"Well gentlemen that concludes our meeting. Do you have any questions?" Tamia asks, pulling out a legal pad.

"I think we are good." Justin answers her, smiling as she writes something down.

"Alright guys, I will see you on Thursday." Tamia says, patting Christian on the shoulder. "Don't forget you have to be fitted for your tux."

"I won't let him forget Tamia." Justin says, tickling Christian, making the man squirm around in his arms. "Thank you Tamia."

"Your Welcome Mr. Timberlake." Tamia says, preparing to leave.

"Tamia are you busy the rest of the day?" Justin asks.

"No, no I'm not. Why?" Tamia asks.

"Would you like to hang out with us the rest of the day?" Justin asks.

"I don't want to impose or anything." Tamia answers as Justin grabs her hand.

"You wouldn't be imposing. Hang out with us. I will make sure you have a great time." Justin replies, smiling as she puts the briefcase on the table.

"I guess I could." Tamia says, sitting back down at the picnic table.

"Good choice." Justin says. "You can put your life in our hands for one day since we are putting the future of our lives in yours."

"You have a point." Tamia replies smiling.

"What do you think about Universal Studios?" Justin asks.

"What about it?" Tamia asks.

"That's where we are going. Let's roll." Justin says, pulling Christian up and kissing him on the cheek as JC turns away and walks towards their cars.


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