All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on Feb 7, 2023


All I want is you...Come over here baby, All I want is you...You know you make me go crazy... All I want is you...Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line, I'm gonna love you like it's all I wanna do...

*** Copyright `Come On Over (Single Remix)' Christina Aguilera

All I Want Is You

Chapter -- by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL - Universal Studios - Sunday Afternoon //

"Josh! Josh come back here!" Justin shouts, running after JC.

"What just happened here?" Tamia asks, looking at Colin and then at Christian.

"I thought he liked me. I'm such a fool." Colin says, sitting down at the table wiping his eyes. "I'm the biggest fool around. How could I think a hot guy like JC Chasez would be interested in me."

"Oh Colin..." Tamia says as Christian interrupts her.

"Colin come with me." Christian says, patting Colin on the back. "We are going to find your man and ask him what his problem is."

"Where are we going Christian?" Colin asks, wiping his eyes again. "If you're taking me to find JC, I don't wanna."

"What? Why not?" Christian asks, stopping and turning around. "I thought you were in love with JC?"

"I am in love with him, but it's apparent that he still has a thing for Justin." Colin says, not looking up to see the expression on Christian's face. "He can't let go of Justin. Why is it that he's still in love with Justin? Justin has moved on, why can't he?"

"Colin maybe you are not understanding something." Christian says, laying his hand on Colin's shoulder.

"What am I not understanding Christian?" Colin asks sarcastically.

"This thing with JC and Justin is one-sided." Christian replies as Colin turns around and looks at him strangely.

"What do you mean one-sided?" Colin asks.

"This is all on JC Colin. I asked Justin did he and JC ever have a relationship and he said no, that they had never been together, they are only friends." Christian replies, sitting down in front of Colin.

"Yeah okay. They might not have had a normal relationship, but there's something there. They might have slept together or something." Colin says, looking away from Christian.

"No Colin that's not true. I believe Justin when he says that he and JC never slept together." Christian says, placing his hand on Colin's leg. "I don't think that JC and Justin ever did anything, I think it's JC that wants Justin."

"I'm just a fool." Colin says to himself, getting up and looking around as Tamia approaches them. "I have to go now. I have followed behind him like a lap dog for too long. It was really nice meeting you. I hope things between you and Justin go well."

"Colin you are not going anywhere." Christian says standing up too as he spots Justin and JC. "If you love JC like you say you do, get him to see that, not run from him."

"Why should I try to fight a loosing battle?" Colin asks, noticing Justin and JC too. "I'm going home now."

"Don't go." JC says, walking up behind Colin and touching his shoulder. "I 'm really sorry about...about the way I've acted today."

"Sorry? Sorry doesn't cut it Josh. You made a fool out of me." Colin says, pulling away from JC's touch. "How could you do that to me?"

"Colin please...please let me explain." JC says, turning around and sitting down at the table. "Just let me explain to you what was going on in my head."

"You don't have to explain anything to me Josh. I will just chalk this up as a fuck up on my part." Colin says, walking towards the park exit.

"Colin wait." Tamia says, running behind Colin. "Colin I know you are upset with JC right now, but...but let him explain."

"Lady you seem nice and all, but I don't need you interfering in this." Colin says, turning to face Tamia. "I don't even know why I'm even here. I should have seen this coming."

"Colin please let me explain." JC says, walking up to Colin. "Please believe me when I say I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to upset you about this."

"What were you trying to do Josh?" Colin asks not even turning around to face JC.

"I...I don't know what I was doing." JC says, looking down at the ground.

"You were making eyes at Justin is what you were doing. I already know that." Colin says, closing his eyes as his tears escaped the corner of his eyes. "I'm leaving now."

"I'm going with you." JC says, grabbing Colin's arm. "I know I hurt you Colin..."

"Damn right you hurt me and you are not going anywhere with me." Colin says, walking past the gate attendant.

"This is turning out to be a wonderful day." Justin says sarcastically.

"You telling me." Tamia says, sitting down next to Justin. "Here I thought I was going to pick up another client."

"Tamia!" Justin and Christian both say in unison.

"Well they are a cute couple when they are together, just look at them over there." Tamia says pointing at JC and Colin standing in front of a taxi.

"What actually happened with you and Josh baby?" Christian asks, sitting down next to Justin.

"He told me that he always had feelings for me Cris. He also said that he was mad with me because he never got the chance to act on those feelings with me." Justin explains, holding Christian's hand. "He wasn't eyeing me so to speak, he was just...just glaring at me because he had no idea that I was gay."

"So wait a minute Justin. Are you saying that your best friend for over ten years didn't know his best bud was gay?" Tamia asks.

"That's right Tamia he didn't know. I am good at hiding things, just ask Mr. Timberlake to be here." Justin says leaning in and kissing Christian on the cheek.

"I guess so then. So what do you think is going to happen with him and Colin?" Tamia asks, turning around to see that JC and Colin were gone.

"I hope they get passed this little obstacle." Justin replies, standing up. "It's getting late. I think we should call this a day."

"I think so too." Tamia says, picking up her purse. "Guys I have had a really good time. Thank you for all of this."

"You are welcome Tamia. It's our pleasure." Justin says, hugging her as the three of them passed through the exit gate.

// Colin's Hotel -- 15 Minutes Later //

"Now that we are alone are you going to explain it to me?" Colin asks, opening the door to his hotel suite.

"Why can't we just forget about all of that Colin? I don't want to dwell on that any longer." JC says, walking into the room past Colin.

"No we can't forget that Josh. This is hurting me, hell it's making a fool out of me as we speak." Colin says, slamming the door, scaring JC a little bit.

"Colin please..." JC starts, but Colin interrupts him.

"No Josh! You really hurt me back there. I love you and here you are stealing glances at Justin. How could you do this to me?" Colin asks, walking over to the mini bar in the room and pouring himself a drink. "I thought we had something going, but I guess I was wrong."

"No Colin you weren't wrong. We do have something. Just...just give me a chance please." JC pleads, walking over to where Colin stood sipping his drink.

"No Josh, I can't do that." Colin responds, knocking his drink back and pouring himself another one.

"Why can't you?" JC asks, tears falling from his eyes.

"Because if you hurt me once, you'll probably do it again. I know not a sucker Josh. I am not going to let this happen to me again..." Colin says, moving away from JC, taking the Vodka bottle with him as he starts crying harder.

"Colin...Colin let me...let me show you." JC says, as Colin holds his hand up.

"No Josh, I think you should just leave." Colin says, not looking up to see JC's expression.

"No Colin, I won't." JC says, grabbing Colin's hand and pulling him over to the couch. "You are going to sit here with me."

"Josh..." Colin says as JC kisses him.

"No Colin, be quiet." JC says, wrapping his arms around Colin. "I made the mistake of letting my hatred of Justin marrying Christian cause problems for the two of us, I am not going to let it drive us apart. I'm sorry Colin, I really am."

"It's too late for sorry Josh! Let me go!" Colin shouts, pulling away from JC.

"No Colin!" JC shouts, jumping up and grabbing Colin. "I ain't letting you go."

"You have no choice but to let me go Josh!" Colin shouts, turning away from JC. "If you loved me, hell even liked me, you wouldn't have done what you did damnit!"

"Screw that Colin! Screw what happened earlier. If I didn't have feelings for you, do you think I would be here with you know? Don't you think I would have said `fuck it' and moved on?" JC asks, turning Colin to face him.

"I don't care what you think Josh. I'm done, now get the hell out!" Colin says, pulling JC up by his arm and pushing him towards the door. "I don't want to lay eyes on you again."


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Story Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

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