All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on Feb 1, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All I Want Is You -- Chapter 4 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Chris Kirkpatrick's House //

"Chris. What's taking you so long?" Lance called out.

"Just give me another moment, I wanted to make sure I got everything before I left the kitchen, I don't want to get up again." Chris stated.

"Well hurry up dude, the credits are almost finished and the movie is actually starting." Lance spoke.

"Coming..." Chris stated, walking into the living room carrying a tray of drinks and food.

"Dang, did you bring the whole kitchen?" Lance stated, looking at all the things Chris had placed on the tray.

"No, just the things I know you like to eat and some things I like to eat." Chris stated as he sat down in a chair across from Lance, who was sitting on the sofa by himself.

"Chris, why are you sitting over there? You would have a better view of the television over here." Lance stated.

"I am okay right here, this is a comfy chair." Chris stated.

"If you say so, but I believe you would enjoy the movie better if you could fully see it." Lance stated as he slid back onto the sofa and stretched out.

Chris sat there in his "comfy chair" just gazing at Lance. He so badly wanted to sit next to Lance on the sofa, but he was afraid of what he might do. He thought about the phone call between he and Lance earlier that day when he had called Lance handsome, he wondered why Lance didn't mention anything about it.

// The Studio //

"What up fool." Pharrell spoke, as he and Justin walked into the sound booth in the recording room that they were using.

"It's about damn time. I thought you guys had decided against finishing up tracks for today." Harold, one of the sound engineers spoke.

"I over slept this morning, sorry." Justin spoke.

"And your excuse is what Pharrell?" Harold asked.

"It's Timberlake fault that I am late." Pharrell stated, causing Justin to stare at him in shock. "I came down here earlier looking for him, when I didn't see his car in the lot, I noticed he wasn't here, so I waited outside for him to get here."

"Oh...okay, well Justin, don't cause other people to be late on your behalf." Harold stated, as he directed both of them into the next room.

// Chris' House -- 2 Hours Later //

"That was a good movie. I really enjoyed that. Go ahead and start the next movie, I have to run to the bathroom." Lance stated, as he got up off the sofa and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

Passing by Chris, Lance didn't notice that Chris had tears in his eyes. One could say that he was crying for the things that happened in the movie they had just seen, but that wouldn't be the case. Chris had been staring at Lance during the movie, just sitting there in the darkened room watching Lance. Chris was crying because he had the man that he had feelings for in his home, in his proximity and he couldn't, and wouldn't do anything about it.

"Chris, Chris are you okay?" Lance asked as he came back from the bathroom and knelt down in front of the crying Chris.

"I am fine." Chris stated.

"If you are fine, then why are you crying? The movie wasn't that sad." Lance stated.

"Yes it was, you know how emotional I get with movies like that." Chris stated.

"If that's the case then, I don't think we should be watching the next movie then." Lance stated, "If we watch `Get Over It', you might flip out and we have to have you committed or something."

"I am okay Lance, it was just a touching movie." Chris stated.

"Okay, this is just too crazy. I don't think `Eraser' was a touching movie. Arnold did a lot of shooting and Vanessa Williams fell in love with him..." Lance stated.

"Lance, I have something to say to you." Chris stated.

"No Chris, I have something to say to you first." Lance stated, as Chris got up out of the chair.

"No Lance, please let me speak first.' Christ stated, as Lance put his fingers to his lips to shut him up.

"No Chris, I have been holding this in for a long time now and I need to say it. I know it's a long shot, but...Chris I am in love with you." Lance stated as Chris fainted. "Oh God, I killed him."

// Justin's House //

"So when is JC coming back home?" Pharrell asked.

"He won't be back for hours, his plane won't be here until 11 tonight." Justin stated.

"Cool, how about we start right here and end up in your bedroom?" Pharrell stated, with a smirk on his face.

"You want to start on the table and move to the stairs?" Justin stated, as he started stepping out of his clothing.

"Yeah, you know what to do." Pharrell stated, as Justin started removing his clothing.

// Johnny Wright's Office //

"Samantha, I need you to call Chris Kirkpatrick and make an appointment for him to meet with me sometime this week. Make sure whatever day you set for him to come, you clear my calendar for that day." Johnny stated.

"Okay sir, is there any specific time or day you want for this appointment?" Samantha asked.

"Call him and see what day he is able to get here and set things up according to that." Johnny stated as he went back into his office and closed the door.

"Okay mister boss man." Samantha stated, as she pulled up Chris' information in the computer and gave him a call.

// Chris' House //

"Chris, Chris wake up. Come on, you are starting to scare me." Lance stated, holding Chris in his arms. "I love you, I don't want you dying on me."

"Oh Lance, I am so happy to hear you say those words. I was upset earlier about rather or not I should tell you about how I felt." Chris stated, as his cell phone rang. "Hello."

"May I speak to Chris Kirkpatrick please?" Samantha asked.

"This is he, may I help you?" Chris asked.

"Yes sir. Mr. Wright has requested a meeting with you and he would like to know when you are available for this meeting?" Samantha explained.

"Is he available now?" Chris asked.

"Hold on sir, let me check." Samantha stated and placed Chris on hold.

"Lance, why don't we get out of this place and celebrate a bit?" Chris asked.

"Sure why not. Who's on the phone?" Lance asked.

"The receptionist at Jive, she's setting up a meeting between me and Johnny. I guess he wants to talk to me about me wanting to come out." Chris stated.

"Hello Mr. Kirkpatrick, he's available today if you are available within the hour." Samantha stated as she returned to the line.

"I will be there. Would you also inform Johnny that I am bringing Lance with me." Chris stated as Lance stared at him strangely.

"I certainly will Mr. Kirkpatrick. I will see you shortly." Samantha stated as she hung up the phone.

"What was that all about Chris?" Lance asked.

"Well I walked into Johnny's office this week ready to come out to the world, but he stopped me. I told him that I had my eye on someone, which is you, and that I wanted to come out so that I could get that person's attention and show that person my true feelings." Chris explained. "So now I have to go back to his office for a meeting and hopefully we can tell him we are a couple."

"I guess we can since I want to spend every moment that I can with you." Lance stated as he walked over to Chris and kissed him passionately. "I have waited a long time to do that Christopher."

"Oh I am so glad that you did it. I wanted so much to sit with you on the couch and hold you, cuddle you and kiss you." Chris stated as the two of them separated and walked towards the front door.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 5

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