All in a Days Work

By moc.loa@1TAEMDEEN

Published on Apr 25, 2002


Let me start off by saying thank you to everyone who e-mailed me about my story. It was good to hear from you all. Part 1 was sent from a friends computer. So if you choose to write, please make sure you send it to me at And I really want to hear from you all again.

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All in a Day's Work - 2

It's been a little over a week now since I have seen Zach, and I must say it's been the longest week I have ever had. I have wondered what would happen when we ran into each other next. I wished I would have seen him sooner. I had a lot of things going through my head. Let me jump back a little bit first though.

After we said goodbye, I got in my car to leave and I just couldn't believe what had happened. My mind was swimming. The images of his hot tanned body, the scent of his skin, and the taste of his manhood still fresh in my mouth. I was in heaven. This very hot, very beautiful stud was someone I had dreamt of for months and now I had a dream come true.

The next week seemed to go on forever. The next day, work was closed for Christmas, and I had taken a few days off after that. My first day back, Zach was off and I felt like I wouldn't see him soon enough. I wasn't really sure what to expect. New year's eve came, and I was so glad I was only working the day shift. I had planned on going to a party with some friends that night.

Finally the moment I had been waiting for was here. It was 4:00 and I was off, and Zach should have been showing up at any minute. I hurried up and said goodbye to everyone and went out to my car. As usual, Zach showed up a few minutes late. He saw me in my car and pulled up next to me. My heart was pounding, I didn't know what he would say. I figured he might have been freaked by what had happened and not want to talk at all. I tried to pretend like I didn't see him and was playing around in my glove box. He jumped out of his jeep and tapped on my window. I acted surprised to see him. He was very cool and asked me how Christmas was and if we had been busy during the day. We made small talk for a few minutes but never discussed what had happened. I was kind of surprised by it.

Just as he was about to run inside he asked, "Have you made any plans for later tonight"?

It was like time stood still. All I could say was, "Not really but thought about going to a party later, but not sure yet".

What happened next was almost to much to take, but he said, "I am supposed to go to a frat party but by the time I get out of work, I won't have enough time to make it there by midnight. I kind of hoped maybe we could hang out someplace local or just go to your place and drink because I have to work early tomorrow".

I didn't know I could be this happy. All my fears that he may have freaked out and not want to talk to me again were gone. I had prepared for the worse and been hoping for the best. As it turns out, I got better than the best. Zach wanted to hang out with me and spend new years together. I told Zach to hurry up and get inside work because he was already 10 minutes late, but make sure to call my cell phone when he was off.

At 10:41 my cell phone rang. As soon as I saw his cell phone number on the caller ID, I knew it was him. I picked up and he told me he was about to clock out and wanted to know if I still wanted to meet up. I played it off like I wasn't over anxious and told him to come on over. He kind of knew where I lived, just not which building.

Before I had got home, I stopped and picked up a case of Corona and the big bottle of Captain Morgan. I spent 3 hours cleaning and straightening up my place. I was more than ready for him to show up. After about 15 minutes, I heard him pull up out front. He looked so good. He was wearing one of those red visor's where his blond hair stuck out the top. He was looking so damn good.

He came up to the door and I pulled it open before he even got a chance to knock. He just stood there with that killer smile and laughed. We talked a little about how the night had went and he was glad to be out of work. Zach brought a bag with him so he could change. He was dirty and smelled like he had really worked hard. I gave him a tour of my place and told him if he wanted to clean up in the bathroom to just go ahead.

He asked if I had anything to drink and I told him I had Corona or Captain Morgan, and I was glad to hear him say he wanted the Captain. I fixed him a nice tall one and he sucked it down real quick. Made me think back to the other night when we were drinking at work. He pulled a bottle of Jose Cuervo out and said he brought it with him so we could do shots. I went to get shot glasses and he told me it's better straight out of the bottle. He took 3 huge gulps. I thought I would die if he thought I was going to do that. There was no way. I took it from his hand and pretended to be drinking more than I really was. After that, I told him he really needed to go get changed cause he smelled like work. (Anyone who has ever worked in a restaurant kitchen, knows what I am talking about)

He went to the bathroom and asked if he could take a quick shower. After a few minutes I heard the water running. He hadn't totally shut the bathroom door. I was puttering around in my room which was connected to the bathroom. He pushed the door the rest of the way open and asked if it would be cool if I would throw his dirty stuff in the washer since he had to be back in the morning at 10:00am. There he was, totally naked. My first look at his completely naked body. I couldn't hardly stand it. His body was golden and his muscles were well defined. His dick just looked so perfect. All I wanted to do was run in and drop to my knees and just suck it again. I wanted to just suck it all night long.

He threw his stuff out and I took it to the washing machine. I put it in and started the washer. The next thing I heard was him yelling. The water went from a nice hot shower to ice cold water. I didn't think about turning on the washing machine would make the temperature of the shower change. I went to the bathroom door and he wanted to know what the hell happened to the water. I played stupid and told him that sometimes my water really sucks, but you just have to know how to adjust the water. He said he turned the knobs in every direction and it was either freezing cold or burning hot.

Zach said, "Can you just fix it, I am dying".

So I went in and pulled the front of the shower curtain back a little. I reached my hand in and felt the water. It was so cold. It took me a minute but I got it adjusted. He turned back around and inched forward to feel the water. It was perfect. I was amazed at how good he looked naked with warm water running all over his body. I just wanted to take him than and there. About ten minutes later he finished up, got dressed, and came back to the living room.

We sat there and chatted and bullshitted about work. It was 11:30 and we were just having a great time getting drunk and getting ready for the ball to drop. At midnight I wished we would be doing more than talking, but no such luck. The ball dropped and Dick Clark's New Year's party was over on TV. A few hours later, we were both pretty tired and VERY drunk. It was time to hit the sack.

I didn't know where he was going to sleep. I figured he would just crash on the couch. I went in my room and threw on some boxers and a t-shirt. He took off his jeans and sweatshirt, and was wearing basically the same. His Tommy boxers were very hot on him. I came back to the living room and told him I needed to get to bed and I could tell he was getting tired. It was 3:15am and he had to be up in 6 hours to start getting ready for work.

I went into my room to grab something, but he just kind of followed me in. I told him I would set the alarm for 9:15 and he would have a half hour to get ready and need 15 minutes to get there. I sat on the side of my bed and he sat on the other side. I was really nervous. I asked if he wanted some blankets to crash in the living room, or a sleeping bag to crash on my floor, or just sleep in my bed. I have a king sized bed, so he said he could just sleep in here. I was so happy. He pulled his t-shirt off and jumped into the bed.

I hit the lights and climbed in. It was actually pretty cool. I was very nervous about what would happen or how weird it seemed, but we ended up talking about how drunk we both were and shit that we had done on other New Year's past. We both discovered that with all the Y2K stuff they were predicting two years ago, we were both actually having sex at midnight with people we now both couldn't stand anymore.

I told him as much fun as I had tonight, that would have made it perfect. He just was laughing and agreeing with me the whole time. Completely out of the blue, he hit me with his pillow. I busted out laughing. I didn't see it coming because the room was pitch black. I hit him back and for a few minutes we had a pillow fight. It was so funny. I went to smack him with it and ended up elbowing him in the head. I thought I had hurt him and felt really bad. But instead he was laughing. He told me it was cool but if I felt like wrestling instead that was fine too.

He reached over and wrapped his arms around me and started to wrestle. He was trying to flip me over him. His powerful arms were all over me and I was loving it. I could completely feel the power he had over me. I was absolutely no match for his physical strength. We wrestled around for almost 5 minutes till we were both out of breathe. He had somehow pinned me down to where he was on top of me and just laying there. We were both laughing and he said this was the most fun he had had since he was a little kid.

His face was right at the side of my head. I could feel his breathe on my neck. I figured he would roll off of me and just go to sleep. The way I was laying there, I had both my hands above my head and he reached up and grabbed them with one of his hands. I am not that weak that I couldn't have broken free, but I decided it was time to play along. I acted as if I was struggling to get free. I knew he was playing.

What Zach said next shocked me the most. He said, "You better realize who is stronger".

I just laughed and responded, "It doesn't mean anything, if didn't drink so much I would kick your ass".

Zach laughed harder and said, "You can try but right now you look like you're my bitch".

I could feel his body pressing harder into mine. The way he had me pinned he had only the top half of his body on mine. But he maneuvered over and had his whole body pressed into me. I could feel his hard dick. I almost died I was so happy. What he did next made my whole body quiver. While he held my hands above my head and body pressed really hard into me, he leaned forward and kissed me. It was so erotic.

This blond haired god, was probing my mouth with his tongue and there was something so different about two guys kissing. Something that I can't explain. The feeling of his muscled body on top of me, his holding my hands in place, his hips thrusting ever so softly on me while his hard dick just rubbed me through our boxers. It was a moment in time that I just wished I could have lived in forever.

We laid there and kissed for almost 15 minutes. I didn't think I would be able to take it anymore. It was so intense. Something in me took over, it was an animalistic urge that just came out. I flipped him over in one quick move. He was almost in the same position that I was. I had his hands pinned over his head with one hand and ran my other hand down his body. I kissed him for a moment and moved around to his neck. His body tasted like honey. It was just perfect. I licked and sucked gently on his neck, moving to each ear. I slid down very slowly, releasing his arms and using both of my hands to massage his body everywhere. It was an electrical touch flowing from my hands through his body. I used my mouth and found his nipples. I flicked them with my tongue working my way down. I found his belly button in his six pack. I ran my tongue around it and was rubbing his dick and balls right through his boxers. He was totally moaning with such pleasures. He had to have felt like his body was orgasming the entire time I was doing things to him.

When I got to the boxers I thought it was time to have a little fun. Zach was thrusting his hips wildly. I left his boxers on and took my mouth and ran it over the head of his dick. Just sucking through the material. Working my mouth down his length and playing with his balls. I didn't think I could take it anymore and needed to have him in my mouth, when I was the one who got a surprise.

Zach flipped me back over. He told me he had been waiting for this since Christmas eve when we left. He practically ripped my boxers off me. I was so hard and leaking pre-cum like crazy. He grabbed my dick and just started stroking with a steady rythem that was driving me crazy. He kept telling me how he needed me now and couldn't wait anymore. He slid us down further on the bed. He grabbed a pillow and put it under my head. He sat up on my chest, high enough that his dick was right there at my lips. He asked if this is what I have wanted and started rubbing the head of his dick on my mouth and face. I parted my lips slightly and he entered my mouth.

He had so much pre-cum on his dick it was almost a mouthful. He got into a push-up position and just started gently fucking my mouth. I was sucking so hard it was driving him nuts. He pulled out and I thought he was going to cum. Instead he moved down and started playing with my dick. I loved it so much. He had never given head before but did it so well. After about 5 minutes, I had to make him stop or I would have cum.

He moved up and was pumping his dick on mine. The feeling of his body on mine and his dick rubbing on me was putting me over the edge. I slid up so his dick was poking me just under my balls but above my ass. He slid down some and was rubbing it all over my ass. He told me he wanted to try something and started rubbing his dick all over my ass. He was fucking my ass without actually being inside me. I knew at that moment, I needed to have it.

Anal sex was something that I had never tried. It scared the hell out of me. But with Zach, it wasn't a matter of being scared or afraid it would hurt. It was almost as if his dick was made to be inside of me. He was rubbing his dick around and I knew what he wanted to do. But I knew it was a step he wouldn't take unless I told him to. With my free hand I reached over to the nigthstand and knew EXACTLY where to find a condom. I had it in my hand now. I told Zach to sit up for a minute, and I think I really confused him.

When he did, I unrolled a rubbed down his dick. He knew exactly what I wanted. He started to kiss me again, this time very hard and deeply. Sucking each others tongue and feeling all over each other. He pulled back and lowered himself down. I kicked my legs up and he held them in his hands. I could feel his dick sliding around on ass. It was awesome. The head of his tool found its way to the target. He asked me if I was sure and I told him I was never more sure of anything. I asked him to take it slow because I had never done it and knew it would probally hurt some.

He entered me slowly. Just a little at a time. Working in and out of me. Inch by inch he went in. By the time he bottomed out inside of me, he just held it there and kissed me. He asked if I was ok, and started to get a steady rythem. His fucking was so intense. I loved it and loved him more than I can tell you. It was so hot. He fucked me for almost 10 minutes till he pulled out and started jerking me off. With his other hand he pulled off his rubber and jerked himself. Like something out of a love story, we both came at the same time. It was completely intense. We layed there and kissed and talked. It was great. We passed out in each others arms. The next thing I know, the alarm was going off.

Zach got up, took a shower, and off he went. He called from his cell phone and told me that he didn't know what to say other than he had more fun than he ever thought possible. Than he told me he would see me at work when I came in at 3:00 and try to get some sleep before I get there.

More to come...

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