All the Myriad Lays

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Mar 27, 2022


All the Myriad Lays Chapter Eight: Tableaux Evan Andrews 2022

This is a fan fiction.

The characters in this story are based on characters belonging to and trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. This story exists outside of any DC continuity I'm familiar with. The villainess, Glory Hole is based on AMG personality Glory Holden.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either the original characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

And by the way, if you have not read Larry Niven's All the Myriad Ways, read it.

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Duke Thomas, Signal, along with his comrade the Troy Wonder, once again rocked a classic Robin look (of a sort), and he hated it. Silly green boots covered their feet, and leaving-nothing-to-the-imagination green trunks fit tight over their round butts and prominent family jewels, of course. Instead of vests, though, they wore nothing more than red leather harnesses on their defined upper bodies. Oh, and red leather collars and a leash joined them, ostensibly keeping them from bolting.

Objectively, Signal thought, they must make a striking pair: Troy all blond muscle jock, and him svelte black street stud. Then he shook his head. How could he for a second be musing about how sexy he and his fellow captive looked? That was just sick. Signal wondered if it could be a result of his incarceration here in Glory's establishment.

Come on," Lobo said as he encourage the boys along with a hand firmly planted in the middle of their backs. "You can admire the effect later, if you have time. Right now, we're late. He'll already be there, waiting."

He?' Signal thought, Waiting?'

They were walking down a long hallway lined with blackened-out windows on the lefthand side. When Duke looked into any window, he saw nothing more than the reflection of his and Troy's barely-dressed bodies in the dark glass. Until...

Signal stopped short and stared through a window, dumbfounded. Troy, more focused on the destination than the journey, reached the end of the leash that connected their collars before being jerked to a stop.

"What the fuck, Signal?" the blond protested, "Why... Oh." His jaw hit the floor.

Lobo only smiled as his boys got an eyeful of today's tableau number one.


Beyond the glass, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin stood on the roof of some seedy older building in downtown Gotham City, or maybe it was Bludhaven. One dirty crowded stinking polluted town was much like another, after all. They might have been out on night patrol originally, but the three had clearly been at another game for a while now because their costumes were already half off, and Red Robin, on his knees, was busy slurping away on Nightwing's and Red Hood's man-candy.

"Fuck," Troy said, jealous that someone other than him was mouthing Nightwing's 9 inches. "Look at that slut go."

Slowly, sensually, Red Robin slid the rest of his brothers' costumes down their legs, leaving them naked, but for their boots. After a little more mouth-music Nightwing and Red Hood pulled Red Robin up to his feet and made short work of their youngest brother's entire costume even as they pulled their own tops off. Now that they were all naked (except for the boots) Red Hood took the action to the next level. Turning Red Robin towards a convenient brick wall, the antihero pushed his baby brother up against the bricks.

Red Hood growled in Tim's delicate ear, "Brace yourself, Red. You're in for a pounding."

Without further preamble, Red Hood fed his length into his junior partner's ass.

"Fuck!" Red Robin screamed, but his ass swallowed Red Hood's 8 ½ inches as if they were nothing.

"So.. fucking.. hot!" Red Hood barked in time to his thrusts as he started fucking. "Fucking.. tight.. Robin.. cunt!"

"Oh! Fuck me," Red Robin begged.

Nightwing watched the bro-on-bro action while stroking his own 9 inches before claiming his place in the action.

"You ready, Hood," the Titan asked Red Hood as he crowded up behind him.

"For that dick? Bro, I was born ready," Red Hood sighed. "Give me that Romany cock!"

And then Red Hood screamed, just as Red Robin had screamed, as Nightwing thrust into his ass and bottomed out in one fell swoop. Maybe Red Hood wasn't as ready as he had thought he was, cocky bastard.

"Dammit, Nightwing!" the antihero howled as the older sidekick began a deep insistent fuck. "Warn a guy when you're planning to do that!"

"You said you were ready," Nightwing smirked.

"Yeah, I know I did, but... Fuck! Ah! Do me, Nightwing! Fuck my punk ass!"

Okay' Signal thought, That has to be Gotham. Anywhere else that much screaming from a rooftop would at least bring the super out to find out what was going on.'

"Jeez, Signal, that is too fucking hot," Troy said. The blond's hard cock now distended the pouch of his Robin trunks. Signal was not surprised that his teammate didn't look beyond the admittedly hot sex. He had entirely missed the fact that their friends were involved in this hot scene without being forced to it. But as the three senior members of the Bat Frat fucked away at one another, Signal absently ran a couple of fingers over his own engorged meat—only to have his hand smacked away.

"Save it," Lobo said. "You too, Troy. You can adjust yourselves, if you want, but other than that it's hands off. For now."

"What're they doing in there, Lobo?" Signal said, forcing his hands to his sides, "And don't say fucking, because you know what I mean."

"They're putting on a show," Lobo said, "That's what these rooms are for. You fuck and people watch. We call them tableaux."

"Watch? You mean for a fee, right?" Signal said. "Like when we sucked cock in that glory hole scene? Each of those men paid to have us blow them, didn't they?"

"Duh. Did Glory for one second strike you as an altruistic soul? And did you think that she'd be satisfied with your making just one visit to glory hole central? Dream on; she's mercenary to the core."

"But," Troy said, "What if people see it? See us?"

"That's the whole idea, Goldie," Lobo said, "People seeing it. Or, more importantly, people paying to see it."

"No, I mean what if people back home saw it? What if my friends? Muh.. muh.. my parents...?"

Troy was really upset about this, Signal realized. The big blond might have accepted all the sucking and fucking, but being seen getting fucked up the ass and sucking cock terrified the jock, especially the idea that his parents might see it. Signal understood. Troy's parents (he'd met them just once) were too fucking straight-laced to be real, and if Troy's jock buddies ever saw him fucking guys this stud's macho credentials would go straight down the shitter. There'd be no going home.

"Not a problem," Lobo said, maybe a tad too quickly. "We don't have any subscribers from 69-Lambda."

`And we never will,' the bounty-hunter thought.

Lobo's hands took hold of the young heroes' shoulders again, and he said, "Time to get along to your show. Whatever you do, just remember `Don't fuck it up'."

"Fuck it up?" Troy whispered to Signal.

"Yeah, fuck it up, with emphasis on the fuck," Lobo said, "I'm right here, you know, bitch. I can hear everything you say."


"You're going into a tableaux of your own, and you will have a hot session of man-sex. As I said, don't fuck it up."

The idea of walking into a sex fantasy of their own clearly excited Troy. Signal looked down at the unmistakable erection that the blond's trunks were barely concealing and noticed the wet patch that now stained Troy's trunks where his cockhead pressed against the fabric. Lobo noticed it too and said, "That's the spirit, blondie."

They walked but a little further before stopping before another window. Beyond, it was all blackness, but it appeared to be the place

Lobo gave them both swats on their barely covered asses and said, "Here we are, boys. Just remember your lessons and play it by ear. If you do that, you'll be fine. Ta!"

And with that, the burly Czarnian pushed them through the window. They expected it to break like glass, but instead they popped through like it was a bubble. Signal looked back over his shoulder at Lobo as he turned on his heel and left them.

"What do we do now?" Troy said.

"What you do is get you asses in here," a familiar voice said, "You're late."

The lights came on, and their eyes took in what had to be the Batcave.

"Batman," Signal said.


The Dark Knight sat in a padded chair, with his back towards them.

"Boys," Batman said impatiently, "You kept Daddy waiting."

Signal shrugged and stepped forward, Troy only a step behind him. The Batcave was enormous, the perfect retreat for a detective vigilante crimefighter with so many years of legend behind him and so many enemies keen to take him out. The Caped Crusader, in full kit except for the cape, turned round to face them. His legs were spread wide, which did nothing but center attention on the massive bulge in his trunks.

"You like what you see?" Batman asked as he rubbed along the shaft pushing his trunks almost to their breaking point.

Not knowing if Batman meant the setting or his junk, Signal decided on a neutral answer.

"Yeah," the young black man said simply.

Troy said nothing, but he gulped audibly. The scene with Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin may have been hot, but now he was clearly about to have sex with the Dark Knight himself. Fuckin' A! The stain in Troy's trunks got even larger.

"Either take a picture, or else get your asses over here," Batman said. "Daddy's ready to put your bodies to good use."

At something between and stagger and a rush, Troy and Signal approached the Caped Crusader and stood hesitantly before him.

"Such pretty boys," Batman said as he reached out and cupped the full pouches of green spandex. With two handfuls of family jewels, one in each gloved hand, Batman ran a thumb over his sidekicks' hidden erections.

"Oh, Batman, what are you doing?!" Troy sighed.

`That's Troy, trite as always,' Signal thought, but he had to admit that Batman's hands were working wonders on his own cock and balls too.

Batman ignored the question and kept working over his Robins' junk. When Troy's 7 inches and Duke's 8 ½ were ready to bust through the fabric, the Dark Knight pulled his hands back, leaving the desperate erections obvious in their barely adequate green trunks. Troy moaned, and in response Batman reached up and, grabbing their harnesses, pulled the young heroes down onto their knees between his spread legs. With deliberation, the Dark Knight stroked each boy's outside cheek and then toyed with their nipples.

"So very, very pretty," the Dark Knight said, "Boys, we're about to have the first of many great adventures together."

`Adventures?' Signal thought, but it was an automatic response. The young hero knew exactly what Batman meant.

"You two keep staring at my dick," Batman said, "Maybe you should get your faces down there and get a better view."

With a hand on the back of each boy's head, the Dark Knight pulled them both towards his bulging trunks. The boys closed their eyes and opened their lips as their faces made contact with the throbbing mass of Batman's sex. Immediately they began to mouth whatever part of the bulge was most convenient. Signal got a mouthful of bat-balls while Troy found himself kissing his way up the Dark Knight's hidden cudgel.

"Good Troy," Batman said encouragingly as Troy worshipped the hidden fuck-meat, "Work that dick. Use your lips. And tongue. And teeth."

Troy had never before been good at following orders, but Batman's approval and the steely allure of the Dark Knight's hard cock made the boy focus like never before.

"Bat-cock" the adoring blond whispered against shaft.

Signal, feeling left out, abandoned Batman's heavy balls and pressed close to Troy's face to share in the phallic worship.

Batman grinned, watching the two hot young studs vying to determine who could work his cock over best.

"Boys," he said, "There's no reason to fight. There's enough Bat-cock to go around."

Pressing them back, the Dark Knight wrangled his meat and potatoes out the leg of his trunks.

"You want my cum, right, bitches?"

Both young heroes nodded, hypnotized by the 10 inches of male glory waving in their faces. Cum, yeah, after a shitload of sucking. And maybe a quick bit of anal in-and-out.

"I suppose you could prove that by licking and sucking my naked balls. To begin with, that is."

The two junior Robins pressed forward, and each claimed one testicle to lavish worship upon.

Looking down past the bat-pole, Batman smiled as the two hot fetish boys pigged out on his heavy nuts. Rolling his head back, he glanced over at one of the screens above the computer console. There, where he could see but the boys could not, scrolled suggestions from their audience about where to take this scene next. Glory had explained it to him earlier (jerking him off while she did so).

"The customers can advise you, sweet cheeks," she said as she ran a thumb over Batman's squelchy frenulum, "But the final decision is yours to make. You're in charge of all the sex in this tableau."

As she said that, Batman felt his sap rise, and he moaned as a flood of cum welled out his piss-slit and ran down the bat-pole.

"Yes," Glory said as she held up her hand for Batman to lick clean of his own juices, "Before you ask the obvious question, I am trusting you here, darling. Read the crowd but do what you know is right for the scene. The hotter the sex, the better."

Well, that's what the Dark Knight would do.

"Boys, you can worship my dick now," Batman said magnanimously. "Both of you."

One on each side, the boys ran their lips up and down the Dark Knight's shaft, and once his precum began to flow, they licked it off the pole with obvious delight.

"Kiss each other," Batman said, "I want to watch you sharing the taste of my cock-snot."

Signal looked at Troy and was surprised to see desperate sexual hunger on the blond's face.

"I've always wanted to kiss you, Duke," Troy admitted, and he leaned in towards Signal's face.

Lips made contact, and Signal found himself enjoying the sensation. Mmm. Even if it was a guy kissing him, it was a hot stud of a guy, a friend, and a partner in this descent into a world of sensual overload. Fuck, and Troy really knew how to kiss. Someone had taught him well. Lips parted, tongues met, and the taste of salty sweet bat-lube passed back and forth between them.

"Enough of that," Batman said after a few minutes, "Back to work on my cock. Trade off sucking me silly, but don't let me cum until I tell you to. Think you're up to that challenge?"

Both boys, their faces again pressed hard against the bat-pole nodded. They wouldn't let their mentor down. The two worked Batman's shaft for what seemed like hours, trading off and varying who was sucking cock and who was working shaft and balls. All through this they kept the Dark Knight on edge of ultimate satisfaction.

`Glory's hand-job had nothing on these novice whores!' Batman thought.

"Yeah, boys," Batman gasped, "I want to cum so bad, but you haven't earned my load yet. Tease me, fuck your faces on my dick, just keep sucking me like the pig-sluts you are!"

Signal was surprised at just how long he and Troy were able to service their mentor without tiring, and he was surprised at how much he was enjoying slurping on Batman's dick too. He hoped the pervs watching thought they were getting their money's worth, because he certainly was. The boys were so engrossed in Batman's 10 inches of cock that they utterly missed the Dark Knight's pleading glances at the cameras.

Please let me cum!' his face begged the audience. Please!'

Finally, their loyal viewers decided Batman had suffered enough, and the stream gave him permission to shoot his load.

"Boys," Batman said, "Get up on your feet."

Troy and Signal stood up, revealing for all to see that they had worked their own smaller dicks out of their trunks and had been jacking off on the sly.

"Beat your meat," Batman commanded as he stroked his own shaft. "Shoot your loads on my cock."

As if they were in a trance, Troy and Signal's hands went to their dicks and began to jerk off in earnest. It took a few minutes, but soon they were ready to blow.

"Batman," Troy gasped, "I'm..."

Unable to finish the sentence, Troy's cock pulsed, and a heavy load of jock sperm deposited itself on Batman's glistening shaft. Only a few seconds later, Signal pushed his buddy aside and lay down his own line of sperm. They leaned against one another and looked down at the Dark Knight's cum-painted shaft.

"Now, watch," Batman said.

Using the boys' sperm as lube, the Caped Crusader proceeded to beat out his own load. After hours of expert cocksucking, Batman blew almost immediately. To the audience, though, it might easily seem that taking his boys' loads was what had pushed him over the edge.

"Fuck!" Batman screamed as loudly as he had when he'd lost his anal cherry to the demon phallus in an abandoned Gotham City mansion. He didn't cover his belly with jizz entirely, but the volume of his orgasm was certain to satisfy even the most jaded audience. The young heroes, without waiting for permission, dove right in and erotically lapped up every last drop of salty evidence of their triple orgasms.

The crowd went wild, and the suggestion stream kept on scrolling.

"What now, boss?" Signal said.

The Batman pointed up to the monitor.

"Fuck Batman" read the burning letters on the screen over and over. "Fuck Batman."

"The Hell?" Signal said, but Batman simply slumped down in his chair and pushing his ass into a more fuckable position. Then, spreading his legs, the Dark Knight said, "Take me, boys. Give the nice people at home the show they deserve. Fuck me!"

Once upon a time, they might have hesitated. But that was once upon a time, and this was now. After ripping the seat out of the famous black trunks, the two Robins proceeded to tag team the Bat-ass, fucking their mentor missionary style until his balls gave it up again. Audiences on hundreds of worlds then cheered as Troy tore the seat out of Signal's green trunks, bent him over top of the drained Batman, and pounded 7 inches of inspired fuck-meat up his buddy's guts. Batman held Signal by his head and kissed the young black man deeply as he got bred. Eventually the boys traded positions, and Troy got the benefit of Batman's kissing experience-- garnered from his secret identity as a randy hot to trot playboy—while black cock reamed him out. Orgasms later, an announcement came through that the tableau was about to go off the air, and were there any final requests.

There were, many, but one was inspired, and Batman decided to run with it.

The Dark Knight slid down onto the floor and spread his legs.

"Troy, sit on my dick," he said.

The big blond straddled his mentor and, facing him, lowered hot jock ass down on the Dark Knight's 10 inch weapon.

"Fuck!" the jock sighed as he bottomed out.

"Now," Batman gasped (Troy's tight hole was already working on the Dark Knight's ramrod), "Signal, ride Troy's dick."

Signal impaled himself on Troy's dick, facing Batman as well, and began to bounce up and down on the blond stud's party toy. While the three sat there, vocally fucking away at one another, the tableau ran out of time, and the cameras fell dark. Not that any of the Bat-fucking-Family noticed. They kept grinding away, kept thrusting, kept pushing themselves towards a truly cinematic finale, a triple simultaneous orgasm.

Out in the corridor, Lobo glanced at Warrior and Gun and said, "You want I should stop it?"

"Nah," Gun said, "Let them bond."

"And," Warrior added, "When they're done we can lay a mean fuck into them before we take them to their next assignment.

"That, bro," Lobo said as he released his heavy shaft from his leather pants, "Is one inspired idea." After all, the cameras were still rolling, and they could put the footage up later as a bonus extra.

When the triple orgasm eventually made its appearance (not simultaneous, but at least the performers gave it the old superhero try), Batman and his two fuckbuddies found themselves slammed down over the Bat-computer's console and fucked by horny Czarnian guards until their balls painted the set with one final coat of hero sex-slave cum for the day. The Czarnians dosed their captives' insides and then hauled them out of the tableau set and back into darkness.

Next: Chapter 9

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