Alone in LA

By moc.loa@46dleifyaB

Published on May 19, 2005



This story is for all of you who have found yourself in a strange place, not knowing what to do next. Fortunately, for me...there was someone who did...

"Alone In LA"

Imagine being 17 years old and finding yourself alone in downtown Los Angles at 12:00 midnight. How did I get there you ask? The answer is that I had enlisted in the navy with a friend of mine on, what they called, the buddy system at that time. This was 1964. Vietnam was heating up more and more all the time. Lyndon B. Johnson, our illustrious President at the time, was escalating the amount of troops being sent to fight for the "just cause." Which was a crock since it seemed that the majority of the good citizens of South Vietnam really didn't want us there fighting for them. But I digress.

I had just finished up boot training in San Diego and, after taking two weeks leave, was headed for Long Beach where the naval facility known as Terminal Island was located. I had drawn an aircraft carrier out of boot camp that was home-based there. The plane I flew in on from Colorado landed at the airport in Los Angeles. After picking up my seabag from the baggage claim, I boarded a bus that I thought was headed for Long Beach. It ended up dropping me off in downtown LA. Not the downtown LA you think of whenever you conjure a picture of LA in your mind. No, this was a small park, some kind of center, and, believe it or not, there was very little traffic. I asked the bus driver where I could catch a bus to Long Beach. As he was closing the door he shouted out, not till tomorrow morning, then left. I think that I was in so much shock that I really wasn't comprehending the predicament I now found myself in.

While I was standing there trying to think of what I should do next, a car, with a young black man, pulled up by me. I was younger than he was but I don't think it was by much. He asked me what the heck I was doing out here in the middle of the night and didn't I know that it could be dangerous. I guess he didn't realize that he was talking to small town boy, a hick so to speak, who had no clue about the ways of a big city. I tried to explain to him what had happened to me. I was so naive that I trusted everyone I met. He must have sensed that he had a real greenhorn on his hands. He asked me to get in and he would see if he could help me. Like I said, I was very naive so I didn't think twice about getting in his car.

He explained that because of the late hour, he really didn't want to drive to Long Beach so, if I wanted, he would get a hotel room for the evening and drive me to Long Beach in the morning. I felt like I really didn't have much choice, and I was tired from the long day, so I said sure. We checked into a hotel that, while it was very old, was surprisingly clean and well kept. We got to our room and the first thing I noticed was that there was only one bed. I still hadn't put two and two together yet if that tells you anything about my state of mind. To me, the whole thing was perfectly normal. Here I was with a stranger, in a city that I knew nothing about, alone with him in a hotel room with one bed. No problem!

He got undressed to his underwear and tee shirt and suggested I do the same, which I did. We sat on a couple of chairs by the window looking out towards the city and he begin to point out all kinds of landmarks to me. I was in awe of this city. At some point, during his history of LA, I felt his hand on my leg. For some reason I didn't recoil. His hand felt good on my thigh. As he continued his story, he began rubbing my leg ever so gently. I was definitely enjoying his touch and was focusing less and less on his history lesson and more on his slow movement on my leg towards my crotch. Surprisingly, I felt my cock getting hard. In the navy you wear loose boxer shorts so he had ready access to my cock. He didn't rush it though. He continued his talk and moved ever closer to his obvious destination. Soon, I felt his warm hand close around my cock and he gently begin to masturbate me. At this point, I was not hearing anything he said. I was only feeling the wonderful surges of pleasure with every stroke of his hand. He suggested we retire to the bed. I think I would have followed him anywhere at that point. As we got to the bed he kneeled down and took off my shorts. I removed my tee-shirt at the same time and stood completely naked in front of him. He quickly removed his shorts and shirt and then pulled me onto the bed. His kisses were rough with the stubble of his beard accentuating them. He moved down my chest and across my belly and took my cock in his mouth. I had never felt anything like this before. Yes, I had made love to a couple of women and really enjoyed it but this was different. His mouth was soft and held my cock in a warm, moist environment. I almost came in mouth right there but he was good and knew how to control the sensations that were threatening to engulf my entire body. He squeezed hard at the base of my cock for a bit and when the urge to climax subsided, he quickly took my cock deep into his mouth. Expertly, he moved up and down on my cock. A feeling of ecstasy begin deep within my body and quickly spread all over my entire being. This time, he didn't stop me and I came hard in his mouth while he greedily swallowed every drop. Over and over the waves of delight swept through me until I thought I might pass out. Finally, the torrent subsided and I lay back, spent, my breathing coming in gasps.

He crawled up beside me and took me in his arms, pulling me close to him. I did not return the favor, nor did he want me too. He was perfectly content to bring as much pleasure to me as he could and he did, over and over that night. I have always felt bad that I didn't return the favor and have no idea why I didn't at least try.

The next morning, we showered, dressed, and had a great breakfast. True to his word, he took me right to Terminal Island and seemed to know exactly where to drop me off. I gathered he had done this a time or two. I thanked him for a wonderful night and he drove off into the day. I had no idea at the time just how lucky I had been. I could have just as easily ended up on a statistics list. Just one more unfortunate young man who met the wrong person at the wrong time. Instead, I met a very sensitive, and good man, who had a taste for cock.

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