Alpha Male Joe

By Viking Cub

Published on Jan 16, 2018


Please donate to nifty to help keep this site open and free to all. Also, as a point of reference, as this is a bisexual story, I'll be putting most of the male-female sex scenes in a .5 chapter to help people find it easier. So 5.5 is about Joe and Kim as seen by Bear.

Alpha Male Joe 5.5

I was out of commission for sex for seven days while my vasectomy healed. This meant that my husbands were not getting their needs met by me either. I had a sneaky suspicion that James and Jeriah messed around together on occasion so weren't hurting too badly, but had no idea what Joe was doing for his relief. I found out about mid week that he had plans on how to get his needs met.

I had just finished cleaning the last of the houses when I saw Joe coming across the yard towards me. I caught my breath as I watched his approach and marveled at his swagger. He was amazing. Tall, muscular, rugged and masculine. He had a great body and a massive cock with heavy balls that produced large amounts of cum...most of which I had been the recepient of prior to my vasectomy.

"Hey, Baby Bear, why don't we hop in the truck and drive over and get your girl. She hasn't seen the place, your new house or anything. She might have some ideas about what she'd like to do to set up a nursery or make your house more your home prior to your getting hitched."

I nodded. Kim had gotten pregnant and since we had been dating for years, our parents figured it was mine and like all small towns made plans to hush things up. Kim and I would be getting married before the baby started to show, but the baby wasn't mine. I hadn't had sex with Kim yet. Joe was the one who took her virginity and then taken her again a second time while I watched.

I called Kim and told her I wanted her to see the place and see if she had suggestions. She was excited and when I told her about maybe picking out a room and seeing about a nursery, she agreed to come over. Joe and I got in the truck and headed out to collect her.

I hadn't realised how much time had passed already. Kim's breasts were bigger than I remembered seeing and her blouse was tight. She was hiding her small belly bump with a skirt and not wearing pants. It was a sign that she was moving through her trimester with little difficulty, and my wedding day would be upon me soon. She blushed when she saw Joe, but climbed into the truck cab and sat between me and Joe.

"Nice tits. They're bigger and more than a mouthful now." Joe beamed.

Kim scooted closer to me and leaned her cheek against my shoulder.

"Now don't be shy there. We both know you like my cock inside your tight vagina." Joe reached out and slid his hand up her skirt high on her thigh.

Color rose in her cheeks and she moved Joe's hand away from her and placed it firmly back in his lap. I could have laughed, cause this is the same manuever I had done with Joe the first time we went for a truck ride and he kept sliding his hand high up on my thigh. I knew Joe wouldn't take that as a no and sure enough within a bit, he reached out to adjust the radio and afterwards slid his hand back on her thigh and way up under her skirt.

She attempted to move his hand but he quickly reached out with his spare hand and caught hers and pulled her to him, pulling her onto his lap. She struggled a bit but his massive muscles and strength easily contained her. He leaned down and kissed her lips. She kept struggling but then her body language changed and I realised that she had given in to him and was kissing him back.

I glanced down and found Kim's skirt had ridden up and Joe's hand had made it's way to her clit. Her panties had been pushed aside and his thumb rubbed up and down against her as two of his fingers plunged deep inside her. Joe let her go a moment and held her place with just his lips and the fingers inside her while he adjusted his pants and freed his cock. He took her panties with his hand, bunched them together and ripped them off her and pulled her into place with his cock against her wet opening.

The feel of his cock must have broken Kim's trance of desire and she began to move again, but Joe held her in place. I caught myself going over the line as I watched Joe lean Kim forward a bit and push his cock into her. Kim moaned out as his cock stretched her open and begin to snake into her body.

"Watch the road, Baby Bear." Joe cautioned and begin to thrust up into my girl. Kim for her part was leaning against the dash and moaning softly, grinding back against him. "You're marrying this one cause she's pregnant. I'm just making sure she's really pregnant." Joe grinned and flexed his hips pushing more of his cock into her.

Kim and I had once wanted to wait until we were married to have sex. Joe changed that for both of us. Watching my husband shoving his cock deep into her, I realised I missed his attentions. I knew how much pleasure his massive cock could bring and was glad my future wife would get to know it as well.

As I drove home, Joe kept pushing in and out of her and by the time I was in the homestretch, so was he. I pulled up at the house. Joe held Kim in the truck a minute more and groaned as his massive cock pushed more of his seed deep inside her. He held a moment and kissed her thoroughly as he waited for his cock to slide out of her as it softened.

He let her slide back to the center of the truck and opened the truck door and stepped out. He didn't pause to zip up or even tuck back in... Just stepped out with his cock out baring all his glory. He reached back and caught Kim's hand and helped her out. She wasn't steady on her feet a moment, but she quickly recovered. I got out, came around the truck and led her to the house. Joe followed behind us.

I let her into my house and showed her around. I showed her the main floor, then led her upstairs, showed her my room, and the extra bedrooms for children. She chose the smaller of the bedrooms for the nursery as it "had the most natural light." I then showed her the master bedroom where I hoped that we would be sharing together.

Joe who had been quiet up this point spoke up. "Make us a hearty dinner, Baby Bear. Kim and I will be working up an appetite." He then took Kim by the elbow and pulled her into the master bedroom and kicked the door shut leaving me in the hallway. I heard her squeal as he picked her up and tossed her onto the massive four poster bed that had bed that had been delivered. I had been waiting for my wedding my night to break it in, but Joe had other plans it appeared.

I deliberated on what to do. I struggled internally, but eventually Joe's command to go make dinner won and I turned and went downstairs. I had been saving some steaks for a special occasion, but Joe wanted a hearty dinner so I pulled them out seasoned them with some salt and pepper and let them age a bit. I'd throw them on the grill a bit later. I cut some vegetables and made some kabobs of peppers, onions, tomatoe. I grilled some pineapple cause I liked it and the coals were hot. I peeled some potatoes and put them on to boil for mashed potatoes. Finally, I had learned the men liked bread with every meal so made some biscuits. I had everything but a dessert. I made some Jello brand butterscotch pudding and added some whipped cream to it. Dinner was ready.

I sat the table. Jeriah and James arrived for dinner and asked about the extra plate. I told them Kim was over. When asked, a bit ashamed, I admitted Joe was with her in the bedroom working up a hearty appetite. James and Jeriah chuckled but didn't tease me or say anything.

Jeriah offered, "Nothing to be ashamed of Bear. We already told you, that we will all probably be tasting your future bride's charms at one point or another. If you're lucky, one of your children might be mine. You'll know he's mine by his awesome good looks and charm." Jeriah winked at me. He looked at the clock. "We're a bit early, we don't usually eat for about another twenty minutes. You up for an appetizer?"

He moved towards me and unzipped his pants fishing out his cock. I looked in his eye and leaned forward and took him in my hand. I weighed his growing member with my hand then bent down and licked the head gently, sliding my tongue along the sensitive underside. I caught James watching us, his hand unconsciously going to his own cock and rubbing it. I liked the effect I was having on James and grew bolder in my performing on Jeriah.

I slowly took Jeriah in my mouth without using my hands. I sucked him gently. I swallowed him down until his balls rested on my chin. Jeriah's hand came up to cup my head and he began to thrust, fucking my mouth. His cock kept getting more firm and larger. He soon was pushing at the back of my throat. The angle was wrong though and he was stimulating my gag reflex. Jeriah just cupped the back of my head and kept pulling me onto his cock and then he pushed forward and I felt him pop deep into my throat. I struggled a moment as I wasn't expecting it, and it must have given him a sense of power and dominance cause he growled and kept me pressing against him gagging me with his cock.

He finally pulled out. I caught a gulp of air and then his cock once more shoved deep into my throat plugging me. He did this several times and when he came, his load was larger than it had been on our wedding day. This could have been cause he hadn't had sex in a bit, but I was thinking it had more to do with his taking and being in control of me. He had liked it.

Jeriah had just finished giving me my appetizer and put his cock away when I heard Joe and Kim on the stairs. Joe hadn't bothered to get dressed and the sight of his body and semi-erect cock caused me to stare hungrily at him. Kim looked exhausted and she didn't have any clothing on either. Her hair was mussed up and her lips a bit puffy. She looked like Joe had used her thoroughly. Joe sat Kim next to him at the table. I served dinner.

After dinner, we moved to the living room and Joe turned on the television. There was a Colts vs. Titans game; we watched it a bit. Joe continued to keep Kim next to him. His hand would wander over her thigh and up to her groin while he talked with his brothers. Jeriah and Joe made a wager on the football game. Joe wanted the Colts to win and Jeriah decided to pick the Titans. To make it even more interesting, they decided Kim would be the football.

Kim's eyes went big as they explained the rules. Whichever team had the football would determine who would get to fuck Kim. Neither male could climax unless his team made a touchdown or scored. The kickoff put the Colts as the receiving team and Joe picked Kim up and bent her over the couch and quickly slammed home inside her as his team tried to move the ball down the field. As the Titans took possession, the football was passed to Jeriah who took Joe's place between Kim's legs and pushed in deep and hard. Joe fucked hard, but Jeriah was slow and methodical. I had not doubt that Jeriah could maintain his fucking until his team scored. Both men had fun passing her around. Both of them tried to pace themselves so as not to climax until his team scored.

I started to intervene when I felt James hand on my shoulder holding me in place. I looked at him and he shook his head "No." He then pulled me into his arms and held me there ocassionally kissing my neck. I watched Kim being bounced on Joe's lap. Her large tits moving up and down as he impaled her, using her hips to lift her up off his massive cock and letting her slide back down. I watched her vagina stretch to accommodate his massive cock. Jeriah would occassionally stroke his cock to keep it hard for when she was passed back to him. I was staring at Kim and my cock was getting hard.

"I can't wait until you're the football." James whispered in my ear.

As I looked at the men in my life, I decided I definitely liked football and any sport where I got to be the ball. I felt James' hand slide around my waist and down my pants. He grabbed my cock and squeezed it. Joe fucked my ass and used it as his personal cock holder. Jeriah imitated his brother and wanted to be just like him so he also used me. James though tried to make me happy and he was the one that looked after my pleasure as well as his. I cuddled back into James and kissed his lips.

I continued to watch my husbands. I was confused. Kim excited me and had me hard as a rock in my pants. My husbands made me happy and I loved pleasing them, and I had gotten used to the sex. But watching Kim, I wanted my turn with her. I couldn't wait to get married to her. I wanted to bury my cock and face in her tight cunt and fuck her every night. I wanted to suck on those massive tits and hold her. I also wanted my husbands. I wanted both, but you weren't supposed to want both.

James caught me staring at Kim and squeezed my cock bringing my attention back to him. Joe and Jeriah were having a great time. I cuddled with James. If Kim hadn't been pregnant before, by the end of the night she'd have had enough cum to make sure that she would be.

Next: Chapter 7

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