Alpha Male Joe

By Viking Cub

Published on Jan 29, 2018


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Alpha Male Joe 7 – Life Changes

I was suddenly pulled out of bed by Joe. "Come on, you're going to be late for your wedding."

I got up and stumbled into the bathroom. I pulled my cock out and aimed for the toilet. When finished, I stepped into the shower, washed and got out. I wrapped a towel about my waist, brushed my teeth, and then quickly shaved. I wiped my chin with the hand towel and ran a comb through my hair. I moved into my bedroom and started to dress.

Joe was in the middle of my bed and had made himself comfortable. He watched me dress and offered suggestions on what I should wear. When he thought I looked presentable, he crawled out of my bed. He pulled me to him and kissed me. Then he headed to get his truck.

Joe drove a monster of a 4x4 pick up truck with an extended cab that could easily sit 4. I sat in the front passanger seat as he drove me to the courthouse. He took me inside and had me wait for Kim to arrive. Since it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, he offered to wait outside and to bring her in when she arrived.

About 45 minutes later, Kim and Joe arrived. Since we had both turned eighteen, a parent didn't have to sign for us. We could legally get married on our own.

While we waited our turn, Joe leaned down and whispered in my ear. "While you're saying your vows and getting married, my cum is leaking out of her cunt. I primed her for your wedding night."

I looked up at him and frowned, but he was grinning cheekily. The ceremony was simple and quick. A couple of "I do" and a sign on the dotted line and I was married to Kim. Joe drove us home, and carried Kim over the threshhold of my house. I followed in behind them and shut the door.

Joe stripped Kim naked and ran his hands over her stomach that swelled slightly with his child. "You still have nice tits." She blushed. He pulled her to him and continued, "We have agreed that everything on this farm belongs to all four us. That whatever one of us owns, we all own. That includes you sweatheart. You belong to Baby Bear, which means you belong to us all."

Kim shook her head no, but Joes hand had slid down her body and his finger was sliding in and out of her cunt while his thumb played with her clit. I saw her bite her lower lip, and knew that she wouldn't hold out long. "Besides, it's not like you haven't had our cocks inside your body several times already." He drew her to the bedroom with his fingers insider her and she walked with him as she was led to my bed. He pushed her down on the bed and undid his pants, letting them fall to his knees. He stroked his cock to erection, placed it at her opening and pushed deep inside driving in fully in one long, powerful thrust.

"Watch, Baby Bear. I want you to know how to pleasure your wife."

He pulled out nearly all the way and slammed back into her, her breasts jiggling with the force of his entry. Kim bit her lower lip and moaned softly.

"She likes it a bit rough." He pulled her legs up and about his waist, then began to fuck. He looked at me and I realised this fucking my new bride in front of me wasn't about his pleasure or hers, but that he was dominate and powerful enough to cuckold me on my first day of marriage. I didn't move to stop him, but let him continue to ride my wife.

"If this child has a dimple, it's cause I'm pounding him in the head." He laughed at his joke and pulled me closer. "She loves it deep, Baby Bear. You'll never hit this deep but do your best."

He grabbed me by the back of the neck, pulled me close and kissed me hard as he groaned and pumped his seed into my wife. He stepped back and away from Kim. She was close to having her own orgasm. She looked disappointed.

"Your turn now, Baby Bear." He watched my strip and move toward my wife. He picked Kim up and tossed her into the center of the bed and had me crawl up beside her. "Kiss her hard and deep. Work your way down..."

"That's it, Baby Bear." He encouraged me as I kissed Kim. Kim kissed me back, but not like she kissed Joe. I kissed down her neck, and then with some more urging down to her breasts. I licked and suckled at her nipples. I hadn't kept count of the months but I could taste her bodies milk on my tongue. It wasn't full milk, but traces of leakage that teased my taste buds. The baby was further along than I had thought or sucking on the breasts had caused the leakage.

He encouraged me to slide lower and to give my wife oral. I looked at him. He had just shot his load inside her. "It's okay, you've had my cum in your mouth before." He continued. I did as he asked and moved lower, my mouth coming down on her vaginal opening. My tongue sliding up inside her and tasting her juices as well as joe's cum. I licked and slurped and suckled on her clit. I used my hands to slide along the outer side her thighs and to either side of her clit avoiding it directly except with my tongue or mouth.

She cupped my head and bucked her hips against my mouth. She cried out her orgasm as my tongue kept sliding in and out of her.

"It's your wedding day, Baby Bear. Don't you want to mount your wife? Consumate your marriage. She's more than ready."

I moved up and lay between her legs. I kissed her lips, but I had never been with a girl and here Joe was practically pushing me on my wife. The pressure of performing and having Joe present and messing with both of us, kept me from achieving an erection.

Joe laughed and then said, "You must have gotten used to having a cock in your ass to achieve your pleasure." I was mortified I couldn't achieve an erection in front of Joe and he was laughing at me. He continued to chuckle, swatted my ass, and climbed up behind me.

Without waiting or warning, he shoved his cock deep inside my ass. I howled as he impaled me. His hands coming about my waist and grabbing my cock and stroking it. To my horror, my cock was getting hard while Joe played with me and his cock bumped my prostate. He repositioned me and guided my cock to Kim's opening and then as he pressed into me, my cock pressed deep into Kim.

Kim groaned as I entered her for the first time. I loved the way her body opened to me and the warm, wetness gripped my cock. Joe began to pull out and took me with him and then as he began to push forward again, my cock once more dipped into Kim's honey pot. Joe fucked me slowly, pushing and pulling me in and out of Kim's body.

The mixture of Kim's body, Joe's cock and my own pleasure caused me to shoot my load quickly. When I was finished, Joe pulled out of me, and took my place between Kim's legs and shoved his cock deep and hard into her. He powered in and out of her and soon added his second load of cum to mine. I thought with his orgasm, Joe would leave, but he instead climbed deeper into the bed.

"Go make dinner, Baby Bear."

I nodded. I saw him pull Kim's face to his cock and balls and I heard him tell her to suck his balls. I made my way towards the kitchen when I heard a holler from Joe. Rushing back I saw Kim by the wall and Joe standing on the bed.

"She bit my nuts." Joe said.

Joe was red in the face as he struggled to control himself. I saw him come towards me.

"Go make dinner, Baby Bear." He pushed me out of the room and turned towards Kim. I saw his predatory gaze sliding over her body. He looked at me, "Do not open this door." He shut the door and I heard him cross the room and Kim catch her breath. I went to make dinner.

When Jeriah came into the kitchen and didn't move but went straight to the bedroom taking off his clothing I knew Joe had called for reinforcements. It was a couple of hourse before they emerged and made their way for dinner. Joe gave Kim orders and Kim performed them without question or pause. I watched her walking and realized her ginger movements were the same I had when my ass was first taken.

James arrived and gave Kim and myself a congrats on our wedding. Joe, Jeriah and James ate dinner. Kim pushed things about her plate and I served. When the boys had finished dinner, Joe told Kim to get ready for bed. Joe and Jeriah followed her back to the bedroom. James helped me clear dishes and then took me into my living room to watch some television. When their was no sign that my husbands planned on leaving my wife alone on my wedding night, James led me back to his house and I slept cuddled up with him.

The next morning while I woke up cuddling with James I was asked if I had fucked my wife yet. I indicated I had and James asked me, "Which do you like more? Men or Women?"

"I haven't really had alone time with Kim to find out. Joe's cock was in my ass when I was with her."

"Fair enough." James said. "For the record, I prefer sex with you. For better or worse, you're my husband and I'm content with you."

This admission caused me to turn to look at James. He was looking down on me and smiling. A small tear was in his eye and I realised how much it had cost him to admit this to me. I did the only thing I could do. I kissed him.

I kissed him deeply and let him know how much I enjoyed being with him. I put everything I could feel into that kiss. When we parted, he smiled at me and nodded, then climbed out of bed and started getting dressed. I ran back to my cabin and ran in to get my clothing. Kim was sleeping in bed alone. The brothers up and already back to work on the farm.

I quickly changed clothing and ran to the office. I made coffee and started to make steak and eggs for the guys. I was just starting to make some fresh biscuits for my men when they and my brother, Thor, came through the door. Thor looked haggared and drawn and I knew it was not going to be good news.

I looked at them and Joe said quietly, "Your pa and sister were in town trying to get some things for her wedding. On the way back, a big rig tried to pass some slower traffic and pulled into their lane. They're gone, Baby Bear."

I couldn't believe it. I thought perhaps, I had heard him wrong. I looked at Thor and realized his hurt and pain was very real. I went to him and gave him a hug. Thor held me and I felt his body shake as he gave way to his grief and cried silently in my arms. I let him hold me as long as he needed and didn't pull away. When he was done, I turned and saw Joe pale.

It hadn't been spoken, but Joe had lost a baby with my sister and it bothered him. I went to Joe and hugged him as well. "I'm sorry." He nodded and leaned into me.

Thor pulled himself together, "Since Joe isn't marrying your sister, he and his brothers don't really have any claim to the land. Pa bought it and they were going to pay for it out of the profits of their farming it. It's part of his estate and can be divided among the surviving members. Without Sis, there six of us brothers."

He took a deep breath, "If you want to stay here, we can give you your share but you'll loose a chunk of your land. It was designed that two of the family would be on this property in order to make things even. Your share would increase without Sis, but you'd still lose a portion since she's not here. If you don't want to stay here, the farm will be sold at auction and you'll get a percentage of the sale value to do with as you wish. Joe and them don't really have much of a say, since they don't really own any of the land."

I tried to take it all in. I looked at them. I had made them my family. We had built the farm with a dream in mind, and while I didn't have their knowledge and expertise, I was still a part of the team. I thought of their tattoo's on my body where they claimed me as their husband. I tried to think everything through and still process my grief and make a sound decision.

"Thor," I started. I looked at my men again. "They're my family now. I don't want to lose them in addition to Pa and Sis. I don't want to lose anyone else if I can help it." I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I struggled to hold them back as the situation became suddenly more real to me.

He nodded. "I thougth you might say that. If you're willing to consider it. I have a proposition."

Joe nodded and nudged him and I realised he'd already spoken to them about it. "I'm willing to move to the farm and that would give you two family members and keep your land intact and we'd gain a smaller farm down the road as well as my share. Plus some additional farm equipment. But I'd want my own house and one of you would have to give up your home for me. I would want to be a full partner and all that it entails. What would you think about that?"

His eyes bore into mine and I realised that he was saying that if he came on as a full partner, that he'd be using my ass as well. I could still feel where he stretched me out with massive hammer. He laughed as he saw me processing everything. "You're right, your ass would get used once in a while, but I really like having a girl. I wouldn't mind having Kim move in with me and help take care of the house and me."

I didn't have to think much about it. "You're my brother and I love you. I'd love having you here with me." I went back to him and hugged him tight. "I always love having you with me."

He nodded and it was settled. Thor would be coming to live on our farm. Jeriah moved in with James. Thor took over Jeriah's home. For appearances sake, Kim and I would keep our house. Kim would keep our house up. In reality, Kim actually was moved into Thor's new home and took over his household. I did the housework on the twin's home and Joe's. This left my house and bed basically open for whichever of the men wanted to use it for the evening either in groups or one on one.

Thor spent that first evening in my bed. He had me lick his nuts as he stroked himself off and I got to actually see his massive hammer for myself. It was a thick, heavy battering ram. When he was close, he asked me to put the head in my mouth and he stroked his load out while I swallowed it. He then pulled me into his arms and held me. He lay there silent and just enjoyed the warmth and closeness of having me with him.

He asked me about the tattoos on my body. I told him, I was branded with my "husbands" marks and that they were as binding as any wedding ring. They each had a small bear paw mark on their bodies in easily concealed locations as well. He nodded. The next day he took me into to town and had a massive steel hammer added to my tattoos and he had a bear tribal band put about his bicep.

On the way back to the farm he said, "I told you if I came on I wanted to be a full partner in everything. I didn't see any reason, I shouldn't marry you too. I know they don't want siblings marrying cause the kids get messed up, but I can't get you pregnant." I nodded happily and took off my seatbelt to cuddle up to him. He placed his arm about my shoulders. I put my hand on his thigh and could feel him snaking down his pant leg, his cock large even soft. I grinned and rubbed it and could feel it swelling.

I undid his belt buckle, pant and zipper and then fished his massive rod out of his pants. As he tried to concentrate on the road, I stroked him to erection and then took him into my mouth. My hand played with his balls and stroked him while my lips and tongues swirled about his massive head. I tried to swallow his cock, but it was too large at this angle so I masterbated him and licked and sucked what I could get into mouth until he climaxed. I swallowed his seed and then licked his nuts until we got to the farm.

He got out of the truck and tucked himself away and zipped up, put his belt and clothing back in place.

"That was great Bear, but I don't think we should do that while I'm driving."

I laughed at him and leaned against the hood of the truck. "Don't worry, Thor. I'm just glad you're a part of my family and one of my husbands. I love you, you know." I left him at the truck and headed towards the barn to finish my chores.

Next: Chapter 9

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