Always Forever and Ever

By moc.loa@nitsuJ4lriGylriG

Published on Feb 13, 2001


I Don't know Nsync. But Justin and Lance are on my kitchen table getting freaky. No, I don't know Nsync. So, I can't tell ya if their gay or not. If they were, That's cool. Whatever floats your boat.

~~~~~~~ I wanna say thank you to everyone who is reading my story and has e-mailed me. I give very special thank you to : Lynn, J, Metra, Matt, Carol, Meg and anyone else who has e-mailed me. Thank you all of you. ~~~~~~~ And now.......

"Alway's Forever and Ever" Chapter 3

Lance and Sarah got into the truck. Lance buckled Sarah into the seat.

"You ready to go see the guys?" Lance asked.

"Yeah." Sarah replied.

The ride took no more than ten minute. Lance got Sarah and himself out. Lance grabbed Sarah's hand.

"Are dey here?"

"No honey, but well go see them later. Okay?"


Lance opened the door and walked in with Sarah in tote. When Lance got Sarah settled on the couch watching 'Veggie Tales' the phone started to ring.


"Hey Lance. It's Justin. Everyone's over and I was wondering if you were coming. I called earlier but you didn't answer."

"Yeah, I had an errand to run. I also got a suprise for you guys."

"Ohh, what is it?" Justin asked.

"I'm coming now. I'll bring it with me."

"Okay, see you in a few. Bye."

"Bye." Lance hung up the phone and turned to Sarah.

"Honey, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah." Sarah said excitedly.

Lance got him and Sarah into the car. A few minutes later they came to Justin's house. They got out of the car. Lance walked up to Justin's door with Sarah holding his hand. Sarah was behind Lance when he rung the door bell. Justin answered it.

"Where's our suprise?" Jsutin asked.

"Right here." With that he pulled Sarah out from behind him.

"Uncle Justin!!" Sarah ran up to Jusitn and jumped into his arms.

"Sarah!!" Justin lifted Sarah into his arms and carried her into the room. "Guess who's here?" Justin put Sarah on the ground. She ran over to Chris and jumped onto his lap.

"Uncle Chris." Sarah gave hm a big kiss on the cheak and got off his lap and jumped onto Josh's lap who was sitting next to him.

"Uncle Josh."

"Hey Sarah." Sarah gave him a kiss ont he cheak too before runnign over to Joey who had his hands open for her.

"Uncle Joey."

"How's my girl?" Joey asked.

"Fine. I miss you."

"I missed you too." Joeu gave her a kiss on the forehead. Sarah got off his lap and ran over to Justin.

"Can we go pay now?" Sarah asked.

"Okay. Guys were gonna go play house. Wanna come?" Justin asked reciving no's from everyone but Lance.

"I'll go." Lance said. With that they went into the spare bedroom. Justin pulled out the box of barbies from the closet. Justin put the box on the ground and opened it. He reached in and pulled out five barbies.

"Who want's to be who?"

"I wanna be barbie." Sarah said.

"I don't care." Lance replied. Justin looked at Lance them handed him Stacey.

"You're Stacey because your blonde." Justin said while taking Krissy.

They played barbies for awhile. It was time for bed. Sarah was yawing.

"I'm gonna put Sarah to bed. You put the Barbies away." Lance said while picking Sarah up in his arms. Lance walked into the other spare room with the bed that was used for Justin's younger brother's when they spent the night. Lance laid Sarah on the bed and covered her up. He was standing there looking at the now sleeping Sarah and didn't hear Justin walk in. Justin walked over to Lance, put his chin on his shoulder and his arms around him.

"Precious isn't it?" Justin asked softly into Lance's ear as to not wake Sarah.

"Yeah, I hope I have this some day." Lance replied.

"Me too."

They stood there for a couple minutes before deciding to go to bed.

"I'm going to bed. You can have the spare." Justin said taking his arms from around Lance.

"Okay, I'm gonna go sleep too. I'll see you in the morning."


"G'Night." With that, they went to their respective room and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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