Always You

By Candy Girl

Published on Oct 15, 2000


Disclaimer: Don't know them, not mine. Don't know if they are gay and I'm not Implying it either. This is NOT REAL!!!

-------------------------- Always you: I've Loved You From Afar (pt 5) By Candy ---------------------------- Lance stared in shock.


Joey heard his name and turned to see Lance, eyes wide, gawking.

"Lance??" Joey said imitating Lance.

"I thought...." Lance looked to the wall and back to Joey. "How did... who is...."

"Lance?" Joey's voice concerned. He turned off the TV and stood up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I just... Who were you talking too?"

"Wha.... OHH!!! I was yelling at Nick Carter." At the questioning look on Lance's face Joey explained. "They.. the BSB, has a video game. He got his ass kicked by some space alien guy.... what's wrong?"

"Nothing I was just..." Lance paused. "Were are the other guys?"

Joey shrugged. "I haven seen Chris in 3 hours and JC left her about 1 hour ago.. they didn't tell me where they were going."


"Hey!!!" came a scream from the hallway. "I'm going to get some pizza, anyone need anything?" It was JC.

The two poked their head out to see the other 3 members of their band standing outside of Justin's door.

"Naw... Joey said, just be sure to not get mushrooms, I don't want to see Lance throw another fit over it.."

"Hey!" Lance elbowed Joey. "...... garlic... breath." He finally said after not thinking of a good comeback (even if Joey hadn't insulted him).

"Whatever, PooFu."

They all watched as JC walked with House over to the elevator.

Lance's mind was running a thousand miles an hour. WHO WAS WITH JUSTIN!?!?! Joey was out of the picture. Joey was with him....

It had to be Chris. It had to be!!!!

He ran his head through his hair as he watched JC leave and Chris walk into his own room. Lance took a closer look at Justin. His lips were swollen and his clothes looked as if the had been put on in a rush.

Joey and him walked back into JC's room.

Okay, maybe JC knocked on Justin's door, interrupted Chris and Justin to ask them what they wanted. They were all standing out in front of Justin's door. That would explain why Justin's clothes were put on in a rush.

Damn it! He didn't see Chris's clothes nor JC's.

Joey looked over at Lance. Lance looked like a mix of emotions between confusion, anger, and frustration played on his face.

"Lance, bud, what's up?" He said concerned.


"You know you can talk to me."

"Yea...." but Lance didn't sound convinced.

Joey waked over to were he was sitting. "Please, Lance." He didn't mean to sound like a begging child, but he hated it when Lance go all melancholy.

Jade-green eyes looked into pleading brown ones. Lance closed his eyes and shook his head. [Damn-it Joey, you have no idea what you do to me with those eyes.] "I wish I could, Joe, but...... i just..."

"No secrets, remember? We made that deal when we first started out."

"You have your own secrets, Joey. I don't pry into them..." Lance let himself fall back onto the bed.

"But if you asked, I would tell you."

Lance looked deeply at Joey. "What's your secrets, Joey?" he asked, wanting Joey to prove it.

"You." The word came out slowly, yet in a way that showed Joey knew what he was saying. "Your my secret."

Lance slowly raised up. "What?"

"You didn't think I ever forgot that night I kissed you, did you?" Joey said, a short laugh at the end.

"You were drunk... I tasted the...."

"I drank to get the courage to tell you... I loved you.... but I couldn't find the words, I never could find the words.... I'll sit down and try to write you a letter, but I can never get past your name. That night I kissed you to show you... then the next day you never said anything about it... I assumed you were avoiding it. So I tried to forget you, but Lance, I could NEVER forget that night."

Lance swallowed hard. He didn't know what to say. He had thought Joey was with Justin... but he had really went placid because he was in love with him.

"Oh-mi-gode!" was all he could say.

Joey jumped up. "But I know you could never love me like that.. more than a friend, more than a brother..... I understand you don't! That's okay. I just need you in my life, even if it is as just a friend..."

Lance stood up. "No, Joey.... I just.. I never knew you.. we just... I thought you..." What he was saying made sense to Lance but to others it was just mumbling.

"I'm so so sorry if I made you....... I know you don't love me like I love you and I don't expect that you ever will...." Joey had more to say but his lips were stopped by Lance's.

Lance didn't have a clue what he was doing, suddenly hormones and instinct took over and cause Lance to kiss Joey. He kissed him deeply and passionately, the way they had kissed before.

After breathing became a major issue, the two parted.

"Joey... I thought you were with Justin. I didn't know.. God I have loved you for years."

Joey smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah, really."

Joey kissed Lance and pulled him into a tight embrace. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that."

"I forgot how much I wanted to say it..."

Suddenly Joey pulled back and looked at Lance confused.

"What did you mean ou thought I was with Justin?"

Ohh no!

Next: Chapter 7

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