American English

By Blake Hotchin

Published on Jul 1, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is in no way a suggestion of the sexuality of the characters involved. Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling and Warner Brothers. I am in no way connected to the cast of the Harry Potter movies and/or Matchbox 20. This story contains a FICTIONAL character from Matchbox 20, and involves a homosexual relationship. If this is in any way illegal where you live, or if you are underage, please do not continue reading.

American English Part III We Have All The Time In The World

It was the end of our tour. I was tired. We were flying back to America. I realised I was going to miss my friends, as I sat drumming on the tray table in front of me. We had made a pledge to each other, that when we had the time we would try and see each other. But it wasn't likely to be soon. The newest Potter film was just beginning to film - and we had another album to write and produce. The rest of my summer looked interesting.

Pulling out my notebook, I turned to the math problem my tutor had set me. Blanking out I attempted to answer the question, the plane flew on towards New York.

Three weeks later I'd had enough. Songs for the new album were being dropped like flies, and the record label weren't happy. I didn't care, I was bored anyway. I was working on some stuff for an album of my own, and my faith in the band was dropping. I didn't want us to be a One-Album-Wonder. On top of that, Tom had stopped e-mailing me. The others were apologetic about it, and kept saying that they would tell him to, but they never came. They told me he had been broody and grumpy since I had left for home, and I was upset that my friend was unhappy.

I decided to ring him. Waiting on the line, I thought of what I could say.

It rang out.

I hadn't had a break in 9 months. What with the tour and the new album, my work was more important. Summer was over, and I'd spoken to Tom just twice since my departure from England. I felt like crap. I needed a break.

One afternoon, I went over to Tommy's house. I had decided to ask if I could take time out, to write new songs and to get away from it all. As I told him what I was planning, he didn't look impressed.

"So, you're leaving the band??" were his first words. "Nah," I replied, "I'm having a holiday - I've had enough." "Oh," he said, "I get it. You're too damn lazy to be bothered to work!" "Fine," I shouted angrily, "if that's what you think!" "Well it is!" "I'm leaving." "Leave then, you arrogant little snot!" He wasn't one for good insults, Tommy. "I am leaving... and I probably won't see you again!"

I stormed out of the house, and raced home, planning my next move. As I arrived, the phone was ringing. I let the machine get it.

Hello, Olly?? Olly, I know you're there... Fine, don't talk. I just wanted you to know... that I'm... sorry... I don't want you to leave, and I think that if you need a break then you should take it... I'll see you soon, hopefully. If you need anything, then just call me... Enjoy your break... Bye.

I fumed. Grovelling piece of crap. I would take my holiday, and enjoy it. And I knew exactly where I would go.

So I went.

A week later, and I was shivering back in my aunt's house in London, England. I had tried to contact Emma and the others, to let them know I was back in the country for a while.

My aunt had been so nice putting me up for a few nights until I sorted the hotel arrangements out.

First thing, I called Emma to see how she was. I missed my friends, but after those rocky few months without a call I was beginning to wonder if they even remembered me. Hmmm...

The phone rang and rang at the other end. She can't have heard it I thought. Damn. Suddenly, a flustered and out of breath voice shouted 'Hello?' down the line. I nearly died of shock. Regaining my composure I replied.

'Hey, it's Olly...' It was more of a question. 'Oh... Olly! Hey... God it's been months! It's great to hear from you!' 'Oh, cool..' 'Anyway,' she interrupted, ' We're in London, so we'll meet up, yeah?' 'OK... Hey, wait up, how d'ya know I'm even near London?' 'Duh? You're in England! Everywhere is about 2 hours flight!' 'OK...' 'Right, so, how about Claridge's in two hours?' 'OK, see ya there!'

I began to get ready for what I didn't know was to be an... interesting night.

To be continued...

Sorry, but I had to put in a "to be continued.."! Hope you're enjoying the story, it took me a while to pluck up the courage to write it at all, but I'd been sitting on something like it for a while, and just needed the right characters to fit it. It's not really very long, but I decided on using it as a bit of a taster, to test the water, rather than leaping into it full blast. Sorry that there isn't any sex yet, but there will be!

Comments and suggestions are always welcome - just don't be mean! It would be nice to hear from at least one person - just to know someone has read it!

Contact me at:

Next: Chapter 4

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