American Gladiators 2008

Published on Dec 6, 2023


American Gladiators 2008 1

Hey guys.

As usual this story is thought out by me and it has no real relation to any celebs mentioned in this story. It is not real, its fiction.

Please be so kind as to drop me a little note and let me know what you think about the story.


"Hey Dan, you got everything there?"

"Yeah man, don't worry. You should know me by now!" I laughed and went about packing away the costly camera equipment. I took great care in using them so I could just as well do a good job in returning it.

I suppose I would have to introduce myself at some point. My name is Daniel, but in the industry that I work in it really saves time just calling me Dan. Im 26 years of age, I have brown hair that I personally liked to keep spiked and I would like to think that I have a good body since lots of people have told me so in the past. I like to keep in shape by swimming at least five times a week or running a couple of miles or so. Im a professional camera man and video editor and responcible for publicity covering for events here in America. Right now I was hired to cover the interviews with some of the American Gladiators aswell as the contenders as the show was given a make over and started again in 2008, bigger and better than ever before. I cold remember being a little boy and never missing one episode at home, I was desperate to be a Gladiator but as you know that were only the dreams of a cute, eleven year old boy. Once I was told that I would cover the publicity of the season's running I nearly kissed my boss. Finally I would get a chance to be there, in the arena and meeting all the gladiators. It was really a dream come true.

Once everything had been put back it its rightfull place the producer came over to me and told me that I would make a great contender because of my fitness mentality. I laughed it off before leaving the building.

As everytime that I prepare the cameras and the recording equipment I was really enjoying every moment of doing so. Me and my crew were really good friends and had a good team spirit going. Once that was done I had an hour to conduct four quick interviews with the contestants of the episode that was about to be filmed. I quickly did the ladies, made sure that I had enough recording space left in my cassette tape and then moved on to the guys. As I entered I walked over to the bench and sat up my video camera. I heard somebody enter and I looked up. I nearly dropped my microphone.

Before me was the most beaufiful, georgeous, sexy guy that you could possibly imagine. He was blond and had blue eyes. His smile is what capivated me the most...he was stunning...

"Hey. You must be the interview guy?"

God, even his voice reeked testosterone and I knew that he was pumped up for the episode but quite frankly I was speechless at his beauty. Suddenly I realised just how this must look, me staring up at a complete stranger and not saying anything. I quickly composed myself.

"Yeah, my name is Dan. Im here to conduct your post recording interview. Take a seat; I'll be back in a moment."

I walked out of the room because I simply had to get some air in my lungs. I leaned against the wall and took deep breaths. Firstly, im not gay. I have a girlfriend, whom I keep very satisfied each and every night. Secondly, I have never, ever had any gay thoughts in my life. I know that young boys usually experiment their sexual urges with one another but that was just something that I never did. I just never wanted to do that. I had nothing against gay people but seriously, some of the things gay people, especially men did, freaked me out beyond belief. And now this had to cross my path. A male contender on American Gladiators was turning me on and making my cock so fucking the hell am I going to cope with this?

Turns out this contender's name were Evan Dollard and he was a serious contender for the winner of the series. In his first episode he stormed through the events and even beat the eliminator in record time to qualify for the semi finals. After he won, I quickly roped him in for another interview, this time for the local newspaper. He looked so fucking sexy in his tight fitting red outfit and wet hair...I had to stop this! I WASN'T GAY!

That night after my girlfriend went to sleep I still stayed up and watched the footage that I had of Evan over and over because I couldn't get enough of his sexy facial features. He was so attractive, it was driving me nuts. But through the course of the episode tonight it dawned on me that he was hopelessly straight and there was no chance that he would have anything to do with me on a personal level.

I was in Chicago covering a story for a friend of mine when I stopped at a local diner to get me a coffee. I was dead on my feet. Crime wasn't usually my idea of photographing but what can I say...a guy has to eat and pay his bills. Once I sat at my table I heard guy speaking behind me on what sounded like a cellphone. I turned around and saw Evan sitting at the table behind me. Instantly my cock became rock hard as I stared at him. He was wearing a green t- shirt and faded blue jeans. He blond hair was sticking up at the front and that made my cock throb even harder. He was beautiful. Before I could look away, he saw me. I heard him say goodbye to the person that he was talking to and then I felt a hand on my back. I turned around and gazed into those blue eyes.

"Hey Dan, right? Remember me?"

"Hey man who can forget you? You blazed through that eliminator like a rocket, dude! What are you doing here?"

"Just hanging out. Im really looking forward to the next round. I can't wait."

"You wanna join me? I hate eating alone."


While his back was turned to me I shifted my cock so that it was in a comfortible position. That afternoon we really got to know eachother and became really good friends. We had the same common interests, we both liked being out doors and working out. This one time we agreed to meet at the gym and there I took a good look at his stunning six pack body while he was doing some situps. That afternoon as we were driving to my house, I really had a chance to sit back and think about what I was feeling. I really liked Evan and I really liked spending time with him. I took a couple of peeks at him while we were talking. God, all I wanted to do was run my fingers through that blond hair of him. I so badly wanted to be in his arms. I sighed as I knew that would never happen. My girlfriend was forgotten, my only thought was Evan.

Eventually it was time for the semi finals to be covered. I already had my camera set up as Evan and the other contender entered the room. Evan and I high fived each other as he sat down for me to conduct the interview. He was georgeous. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. Once the interview was over I started to pack up my stuff and made sure the video material was saved and secured. I felt a presence and Evan came up behind me.

"Hey man. Good luck out there. Make me proud, buddy," I said with a smile.

He looked into my eyes and opened his arms. He grabbed me in a budddy sort of hug and I closed my eyes and sighed silently as he held me. My arms went around him and I felt his strong muscles. When he released me I almost fell to the ground as I couldn't control these damn emotions that were going through me.

As he left me there I felt so fucking pathetic. How the hell was I supposed to tell him that...

Evan was incredible once more as he won himself a place in the Final and even bettered his record in the eliminator. I was so happy for him. That night he spent with his family in celebration and the day after that I invited him for a barbeque at my house. My girlfriend had finally had enough of me not paying enough attention to her and sent me packing. When he arrived we first played a little XBOX before I fired up the grill and put the steaks on while Evan got us some beers. That night we had a feast of steaks, potato salad, beans and cheese grillers. We couldn't stop talking. At last we washed the dishes and plugged ourselves infront of the TV. We talked a little more until I noticed that he was silent. I looked over at him worringly and saw that he had fallen asleep. I stood up and saw that it was already past midnight. I really didn't want to wake him up at this hour to drive home but above all he was my guest so I couldn't leave him to sleep on the couch. I tried to pick him up, although he was a bit heavier than what I had expected. I carried him to my room and layed him down gently on the bed, before putting a cover over him. He was sleeping soundly and while I watched him I couldn't help myself. I really wanted to kiss him. I reached down and ran my fingers through his blond hair, reaching his neck. I nervously leaned in and kissed him softly on his forehead. I got up and left the room as quickly as I could, but when I reached the door it was like something stopped me. I turned around and looked at him again.

"Oh Evan. How can I ever tell you that I have fallen hopelessly in love with you?" I whispered and closed the door. I entered the spare room, undressed and got into the bed. I stared at the ceiling in the dark and wondered how on Earth I was going to get out of this.

I was jolted awake in the middle of the night by someone moving beside me. I opened my eyes and fought against the sleep to look beside me. I gasped as I looked into the eyes of Evan, the sexy, beautiful man that I had fallen in love with. He reached out and caressed my face.

"What did you want to tell me?" he whispered.

"Don't tell me..." I started to stutter but he stopped me by placing his finger on my lips.

"You talk too much buddy. I've wanted this since I first saw you. You drive me crazy..."

And with that Evan kissed me so passionately and gently that I started to cry. I reached behind him and pulled his head closer to me. I wanted to tell him that I loved him and that I always wanted to be in his arms...feel his lips on mine...feel his fingers roaming over my body. I placed my hands on his chest, right there where I knew his heart must be. I could feel his heartbeat as he kissed me. I released the kiss and pulled him to me, placing his head on my chest. He sighed and put his arm across my stomach. I kissed his hair that drove me crazy and quietly whispered in his ear:

"I love you very own gladiator."

Should I continue the story? I want to write at least another chapter. Please mail me and tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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